blob: 34bfb614a40c6a8a959685a8e4145a479cf27842 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.bpel.ui.editparts.borders;
import org.eclipse.bpel.ui.BPELUIPlugin;
import org.eclipse.bpel.ui.IBPELUIConstants;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.IFigure;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Insets;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle;
import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ColorRegistry;
public class LeafBorder extends GradientBorder {
// The horizontal margin between the border and the image/text
private static final int leftMargin = 6;
private static final int rightMargin = 10;
// The vertical margin between the border and the image/text
private static final int topMargin = 4;
private static final int bottomMargin = 3;
// The width of the border and the drawer border.
private static final int borderWidth = 1;
private int faultImageWidth, faultImageHeight;
private int compensationImageWidth, compensationImageHeight;
private int eventImageWidth, eventImageHeight;
private Image compensationImage;
private Image faultImage;
private Image eventImage;
private boolean showFault;
private boolean showCompensation;
private boolean showEvent;
private Rectangle rectFault;
private Rectangle rectCompensation;
private Rectangle rectEvent;
private Rectangle bounds;
// Parent figure used for absolute bounds conversion
private IFigure parentFigure;
private Rectangle rectBounds;
public LeafBorder(IFigure parentFigure) {
super(false, IBPELUIConstants.ARC_WIDTH);
this.parentFigure = parentFigure;
// Initialize images for fault, compensation and event handler decorations
this.faultImage = BPELUIPlugin.getPlugin().getImage(IBPELUIConstants.ICON_FAULT_INDICATOR); r = faultImage.getBounds();
this.faultImageWidth = r.width;
this.faultImageHeight = r.height;
this.compensationImage = BPELUIPlugin.getPlugin().getImage(IBPELUIConstants.ICON_COMPENSATION_INDICATOR);
r = compensationImage.getBounds();
this.compensationImageWidth = r.width;
this.compensationImageHeight = r.height;
this.eventImage = BPELUIPlugin.getPlugin().getImage(IBPELUIConstants.ICON_EVENT_INDICATOR);
r = eventImage.getBounds();
this.eventImageWidth = r.width;
this.eventImageHeight = r.height;
public void paint(IFigure figure, Graphics graphics, Insets insets) {
this.bounds = figure.getBounds();
ColorRegistry registry = BPELUIPlugin.getPlugin().getColorRegistry();
int arcSize = IBPELUIConstants.ARC_WIDTH;
// Remember the clipping rectangle
Rectangle oldClip = new Rectangle();
oldClip = graphics.getClip(oldClip);
IMarker topMarker = getTopMarker();
IMarker bottomMarker = getBottomMarker();
if (topMarker != null || bottomMarker != null) {
// Draw the drawers
Rectangle clippingRect;
if (bottomMarker == null) {
clippingRect = new Rectangle(bounds.x, bounds.y, DRAWER_WIDTH, DRAWER_HALF_HEIGHT + 1);
} else if (topMarker == null) {
clippingRect = new Rectangle(bounds.x, bounds.y + DRAWER_HALF_HEIGHT, DRAWER_WIDTH, DRAWER_HALF_HEIGHT + 1);
} else {
clippingRect = new Rectangle(bounds.x, bounds.y, DRAWER_WIDTH, DRAWER_HEIGHT + 1);
// -1 due to GEF
graphics.drawRoundRectangle(new Rectangle(bounds.x + DRAWER_INSET, bounds.y, DRAWER_WIDTH * 2, DRAWER_HEIGHT - 1), IBPELUIConstants.ARC_WIDTH, IBPELUIConstants.ARC_WIDTH);
if (bottomMarker == null || topMarker == null) {
graphics.drawLine(bounds.x + DRAWER_INSET, bounds.y + DRAWER_HALF_HEIGHT, bounds.x + DRAWER_WIDTH, bounds.y + DRAWER_HALF_HEIGHT);
// Draw the actual breakpoints
Image topImage = getTopImage();
if (topImage != null) {
int x = bounds.x + DRAWER_INSET;
int y = bounds.y + DRAWER_INSET;
graphics.drawImage(topImage, x, y);
Image bottomImage = getBottomImage();
if (bottomImage != null) {
int x = bounds.x + DRAWER_INSET;
graphics.drawImage(bottomImage, x, y);
// Determine whether or not square corners are needed on the left edge.
boolean needSquareCorners = (topImage != null) || (bottomImage != null);
// Calculate the bounding rectangle for the round rectangle
this.rectBounds = new Rectangle();
rectBounds.x = bounds.x + DRAWER_WIDTH;
rectBounds.y = bounds.y;
rectBounds.width = bounds.width - DRAWER_WIDTH * 2;
// -1 due to GEF
rectBounds.height = bounds.height - 1;
if (needSquareCorners) {
Rectangle clippingRect = new Rectangle(rectBounds.x + rectBounds.width / 2, rectBounds.y, rectBounds.width / 2 + 2, rectBounds.height + 1);
graphics.drawRoundRectangle(rectBounds, arcSize, arcSize);
clippingRect = new Rectangle(rectBounds.x, rectBounds.y, rectBounds.width / 2 + 1, rectBounds.height + 1);
} else {
graphics.drawRoundRectangle(rectBounds, arcSize, arcSize);
// Draw the fault image in the upper right hand corner of the round rectangle
if (showFault) {
this.rectFault = new Rectangle(bounds.x + bounds.width - faultImageWidth - DRAWER_WIDTH, bounds.y, faultImageWidth, faultImageHeight);
graphics.drawImage(faultImage, rectFault.x, rectFault.y);
// Draw the compensation image in the upper right hand corner of the round rectangle
if (showCompensation) {
int compensationImageOffset = bounds.y;
if (showFault) {
compensationImageOffset += faultImageHeight + 2;
this.rectCompensation = new Rectangle(bounds.x + bounds.width - compensationImageWidth - DRAWER_WIDTH, compensationImageOffset, compensationImageWidth, compensationImageHeight);
graphics.drawImage(compensationImage, rectCompensation.x, rectCompensation.y);
if (showEvent) {
int eventImageOffset = bounds.y;
if (showFault) {
eventImageOffset += faultImageHeight + 2;
if (showCompensation) {
eventImageOffset += compensationImageHeight + 2;
this.rectEvent = new Rectangle(bounds.x + bounds.width - eventImageWidth - DRAWER_WIDTH, eventImageOffset, eventImageWidth, eventImageHeight);
graphics.drawImage(eventImage, rectEvent.x, rectEvent.y);
public Insets getInsets(IFigure figure) {
return new Insets(borderWidth + topMargin, borderWidth + leftMargin + DRAWER_WIDTH, borderWidth + bottomMargin, borderWidth + rightMargin + DRAWER_WIDTH);
public void setFaultImage(Image faultImage) {
this.faultImage = faultImage; r = faultImage.getBounds();
this.faultImageWidth = r.width;
this.faultImageHeight = r.height;
public boolean isPointInFaultImage(int x, int y) {
if (showFault) {
Point p = new Point(x, y);
return rectFault.contains(p);
return false;
public void setShowFault(boolean showFault) {
this.showFault = showFault;
public void setCompensationImage(Image compensationImage) {
this.compensationImage = compensationImage; r = compensationImage.getBounds();
this.compensationImageWidth = r.width;
this.compensationImageHeight = r.height;
public boolean isPointInCompensationImage(int x, int y) {
if (showCompensation) {
Point p = new Point(x, y);
return rectCompensation.contains(p);
return false;
public void setShowCompensation(boolean showCompensation) {
this.showCompensation = showCompensation;
public void setEventImage(Image eventImage) {
this.eventImage = eventImage; r = eventImage.getBounds();
this.eventImageWidth = r.width;
this.eventImageHeight = r.height;
public boolean isPointInEventImage(int x, int y) {
if (showEvent) {
Point p = new Point(x, y);
return rectEvent.contains(p);
return false;
public void setShowEvent(boolean showEvent) {
this.showEvent = showEvent;
protected Rectangle getGradientRect() {
Rectangle bounds = parentFigure.getBounds();
this.rectBounds = new Rectangle();
rectBounds.x = bounds.x + DRAWER_WIDTH;
rectBounds.y = bounds.y;
rectBounds.width = bounds.width - DRAWER_WIDTH * 2;
rectBounds.height = bounds.height;
if (Platform.getWS().equals(Platform.WS_GTK)) {
rectBounds.height = rectBounds.height - 1;
return rectBounds;
public boolean isPointInTopDrawer(int x, int y) {
if (getTopMarker() == null) return false;
if (bounds == null) return false;
Point p = new Point(x, y);
Image image = getTopImage(); imageSize = image.getBounds();
int imageX = bounds.x + DRAWER_INSET;
int imageY = bounds.y + DRAWER_INSET + 2;
Rectangle imageBounds = new Rectangle(imageX, imageY, imageSize.width, imageSize.height);
return imageBounds.contains(p);
public boolean isPointInBottomDrawer(int x, int y) {
if (getBottomMarker() == null) return false;
if (bounds == null) return false;
Point p = new Point(x, y);
Image image = getBottomImage(); imageSize = image.getBounds();
int imageX = bounds.x + DRAWER_INSET;
int imageY = bounds.y + DRAWER_INSET + 2 + DRAWER_HALF_HEIGHT;
Rectangle imageBounds = new Rectangle(imageX, imageY, imageSize.width, imageSize.height);
return imageBounds.contains(p);