blob: dbb223912a1efe1f59c8feda9302eab647e5417b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 Nokia and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Nokia - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.x86;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.MemoryUtils;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.internal.HostOS;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.service.DsfSession;
import org.eclipse.cdt.utils.Addr64;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.debug.core.model.MemoryByte;
public class X86Stack extends Stack {
static class X86PreservedRegisters {
// the values of registers stored in this frame
// note: only integer variables tracked
BigInteger registers[] = new BigInteger[8];
public Map<Integer, BigInteger> getPreservedRegisters() {
Map<Integer, BigInteger> map = new HashMap<Integer, BigInteger>();
for (int i = 0; i < registers.length; i++) {
if (registers[i] != null)
map.put(i, registers[i]);
return map;
public X86Stack(DsfSession session) {
super(session, new String[] { X86Stack.class.getName() });
* Analyze the stack frame and try to decide what the base address (EBP or ESP),
* return address, and preserved registers are.
* If we are at the beginning of a function, the PUSH %EBP / MOV %ESP,%EBP
* instructions are a clue as to where the return address and previous base address have
* been placed.
* We may also have a jump into a DLL (a jmp *0xNNNN address) which is not yet a new
* stack frame.
* Otherwise, we assume that the current value of EBP is the base
* address. (TODO: optimized code might use EBP as a variable, so if it is far enough
* out of range of ESP, we must quit here.)
* @throws CoreException
* @throws NumberFormatException
protected List<EdcStackFrame> computeStackFrames(IEDCExecutionDMC context, int startIndex, int endIndex) throws NumberFormatException, CoreException {
ArrayList<EdcStackFrame> frames = new ArrayList<EdcStackFrame>();
IEDCModules modules = getService(IEDCModules.class);
IEDCMemory memoryService = getService(IEDCMemory.class);
Registers registersService = getService(Registers.class);
long eipValue = Long.valueOf(registersService.getRegisterValue(context, "EIP"), 16);
long espValue = Long.valueOf(registersService.getRegisterValue(context, "ESP"), 16);
long ebpValue = Long.valueOf(registersService.getRegisterValue(context, "EBP"), 16);
long baseAddress = ebpValue;
long instructionAddress = eipValue;
long returnAddress = 0;
long previousBaseAddress = 0;
long previousPtrToBaseAddress = 0;
while (true) {
int level = frames.size();
HashMap<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
IEDCModuleDMContext module = modules.getModuleByAddress(context.getSymbolDMContext(), new Addr64(Long
boolean isFramePushed = true;
boolean detected = false;
X86PreservedRegisters preserved = new X86PreservedRegisters();
ArrayList<MemoryByte> memBuffer = new ArrayList<MemoryByte>();
IStatus memGetStatus = memoryService.getMemory(context, new Addr64(Long.toString(eipValue)), memBuffer, 4,
boolean validRead = memGetStatus.isOK();
if (validRead) {
// check each byte
for (int i = 0; i < memBuffer.size(); i++) {
if (memBuffer.get(i) == null || !memBuffer.get(i).isReadable()) {
validRead = false;
if (validRead) {
byte op1 = memBuffer.get(0).getValue();
byte op2 = memBuffer.size() > 1 ? memBuffer.get(1).getValue() : 0;
if (level == 0) {
// the current instruction is special because it may be
// before the frame has been established
if (op1 == 0x55) {
// push %ebp -- only return address is on stack; base address is still %ebp
detected = true;
isFramePushed = false;
previousBaseAddress = ebpValue;
returnAddress = readAddress(context, memoryService, espValue);
else if (op1 == (byte) 0x89 && op2 == (byte) 0xe5) {
// mov %esp, %ebp -- only return address and ebp are on stack; base address is still %ebp
detected = true;
isFramePushed = false;
previousBaseAddress = ebpValue;
returnAddress = readAddress(context, memoryService, espValue + 4);
else if (op1 == (byte) 0xff && op2 == (byte) 0x25) {
// jmp *0xNNNNN -- likely we're in an __imp_xxx thunk, and the new frame is not pushed
detected = true;
isFramePushed = false;
previousBaseAddress = ebpValue;
returnAddress = readAddress(context, memoryService, espValue);
if (!detected) {
// assume we're inside the function already
preserved.registers[X86Registers.EBP] = BigInteger.valueOf(level == 0 ? ebpValue : previousPtrToBaseAddress);
previousPtrToBaseAddress = baseAddress;
previousBaseAddress = readAddress(context, memoryService, baseAddress);
returnAddress = readAddress(context, memoryService, baseAddress + 4);
properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put(StackFrameDMC.LEVEL_INDEX, level);
properties.put(StackFrameDMC.BASE_ADDR, Long.valueOf(baseAddress));
properties.put(StackFrameDMC.INSTRUCTION_PTR_ADDR, Long.valueOf(instructionAddress));
if (module != null) properties.put(StackFrameDMC.MODULE_NAME, module.getName());
if (level == 0) properties.put(StackFrameDMC.IN_PROLOGUE, !isFramePushed);
properties.put(StackFrameDMC.PRESERVED_REGISTERS, preserved.getPreservedRegisters());
frames.add(new EdcStackFrame(properties));
// avoid recursive loop
if (level > 0 && baseAddress == previousBaseAddress) {
properties.put(StackFrameDMC.ROOT_FRAME, true);
baseAddress = previousBaseAddress;
instructionAddress = returnAddress;
// Bail out when we hit the top of the stack frame
// (but not always if a module is unrecognized; this can happen in Linux/gdbserver sometimes -- TODO)
if (baseAddress == 0 || (module == null && !HostOS.IS_UNIX)) {
properties.put(StackFrameDMC.ROOT_FRAME, true);
return frames;
private long readAddress(IEDCExecutionDMC context, IEDCMemory memoryService, long addr) {
ArrayList<MemoryByte> memBuffer = new ArrayList<MemoryByte>();
IStatus status = memoryService.getMemory(context, new Addr64(Long.toString(addr)), memBuffer, 4, 1);
if (!status.isOK())
return 0;
// check each byte
for (int i = 0; i < memBuffer.size(); i++) {
if (memBuffer.get(i) == null || !memBuffer.get(i).isReadable())
return 0;
return MemoryUtils.convertByteArrayToUnsignedLong(
memBuffer.subList(0, 4).toArray(new MemoryByte[4]), MemoryUtils.LITTLE_ENDIAN)