blob: 00689596532224fd4be90b9a92efb93b9c347372 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 Nokia and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Nokia - Initial API and implementation
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.IAddress;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.sourcelookup.ICSourceLocator;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.internal.EDCDebugger;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.internal.EDCTrace;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.internal.PathUtils;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.internal.snapshot.SnapshotUtils;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.internal.symbols.IRuntimeSection;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.internal.symbols.ISection;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.internal.symbols.RuntimeSection;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.internal.symbols.Section;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.internal.symbols.files.ExecutableSymbolicsReaderFactory;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.launch.EDCLaunch;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.snapshot.IAlbum;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.snapshot.ISnapshotContributor;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.symbols.IEDCSymbolReader;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.symbols.ILineEntryProvider.ILineAddresses;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.tcf.extension.ProtocolConstants.IModuleProperty;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.internal.core.sourcelookup.CSourceLookupDirector;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.concurrent.DataRequestMonitor;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.datamodel.AbstractDMEvent;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.datamodel.DMContexts;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.datamodel.IDMContext;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.debug.service.IBreakpoints.IBreakpointsTargetDMContext;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.debug.service.IModules;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.debug.service.IRunControl.IExecutionDMContext;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.service.DsfSession;
import org.eclipse.cdt.utils.Addr64;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubMonitor;
import org.eclipse.debug.core.model.ISourceLocator;
import org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.containers.LocalFileStorage;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
public class Modules extends AbstractEDCService implements IModules, IEDCModules {
public static final String MODULE = "module";
public static final String SECTION = "section";
private static final String ADDRESS_RANGE_CACHE = "_address_range";
private static final String LINE_ADDRESSES_CACHE = "_line_addresses";
private static final String NO_FILE_CACHE = "_no_file";
* Modules that are loaded for each ISymbolDMContext (process).
private final Map<String, List<ModuleDMC>> modules = Collections
.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, List<ModuleDMC>>());
private ISourceLocator sourceLocator;
private static int nextModuleID = 100;
public static class EDCAddressRange implements AddressRange, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6475152211053407789L;
private IAddress startAddr, endAddr;
public EDCAddressRange(IAddress start, IAddress end) {
startAddr = start;
endAddr = end;
public IAddress getEndAddress() {
return endAddr;
public void setEndAddress(IAddress address) {
endAddr = address;
public IAddress getStartAddress() {
return startAddr;
public void setStartAddress(IAddress address) {
startAddr = address;
public String toString() {
return MessageFormat.format("[{0},{1})", startAddr.toHexAddressString(), endAddr.toHexAddressString());
public boolean contains(IAddress address) {
return getStartAddress().compareTo(address) <= 0
&& getEndAddress().compareTo(address) > 0;
public static class EDCLineAddresses implements ILineAddresses, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3263812332106024057L;
private int lineNumber;
private List<IAddress> addresses;
public EDCLineAddresses(int lineNumber, IAddress addr) {
this.lineNumber = lineNumber;
addresses = new ArrayList<IAddress>();
public EDCLineAddresses(int lineNumber, List<IAddress> addrs) {
this.lineNumber = lineNumber;
addresses = new ArrayList<IAddress>(addrs);
public int getLineNumber() {
return lineNumber;
public IAddress[] getAddress() {
return addresses.toArray(new IAddress[addresses.size()]);
* add addresses mapped to the line.
* @param addr
public void addAddress(List<IAddress> addrs) {
* add addresses mapped to the line.
* @param addrs
public void addAddress(IAddress[] addrs) {
for (IAddress a : addrs)
public String toString() {
String addrs = "";
for (IAddress a : addresses) {
addrs += a.toHexAddressString() + " ";
return "EDCLineAddresses [lineNumber=" + lineNumber
+ ", addresses=(" + addrs + ")]";
public class ModuleDMC extends DMContext implements IEDCModuleDMContext, ISnapshotContributor,
// This means we'll install existing breakpoints
// for each newly loaded module
// This means calcAddressInfo() also applies to single module
// in addition to a process.
ISymbolDMContext {
private final ISymbolDMContext symbolContext;
private final IPath hostFilePath;
private IEDCSymbolReader symReader;
private final List<IRuntimeSection> runtimeSections = new ArrayList<IRuntimeSection>();
public ModuleDMC(ISymbolDMContext symbolContext, Map<String, Object> props) {
super(Modules.this, symbolContext == null ? new IDMContext[0] : new IDMContext[] { symbolContext }, Integer
.toString(getNextModuleID()), props);
this.symbolContext = symbolContext;
String filename = "";
if (props.containsKey(IModuleProperty.PROP_FILE))
filename = (String) props.get(IModuleProperty.PROP_FILE);
hostFilePath = locateModuleFileOnHost(filename);
public ISymbolDMContext getSymbolContext() {
return symbolContext;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
public IEDCSymbolReader getSymbolReader() {
return symReader;
public void loadSnapshot(Element element) throws Exception {
NodeList sectionElements = element.getElementsByTagName(SECTION);
int numSections = sectionElements.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < numSections; i++) {
Element sectionElement = (Element) sectionElements.item(i);
Element propElement = (Element) sectionElement.getElementsByTagName(SnapshotUtils.PROPERTIES).item(0);
HashMap<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
SnapshotUtils.initializeFromXML(propElement, properties);
IAddress linkAddress = new Addr64(sectionElement.getAttribute(ISection.PROPERTY_LINK_ADDRESS));
int sectionID = Integer.parseInt(sectionElement.getAttribute(ISection.PROPERTY_ID));
long size = Long.parseLong(sectionElement.getAttribute(ISection.PROPERTY_SIZE));
RuntimeSection section = new RuntimeSection(new Section(sectionID, size, linkAddress, properties));
section.relocate(new Addr64(sectionElement.getAttribute(IRuntimeSection.PROPERTY_RUNTIME_ADDRESS)));
public Element takeSnapshot(IAlbum album, Document document, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
SubMonitor progress = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, runtimeSections.size() + 1);
Element contextElement = document.createElement(MODULE);
contextElement.setAttribute(PROP_ID, this.getID());
Element propsElement = SnapshotUtils.makeXMLFromProperties(document, getProperties());
for (IRuntimeSection s : runtimeSections) {
Element sectionElement = document.createElement(SECTION);
sectionElement.setAttribute(ISection.PROPERTY_ID, Integer.toString(s.getId()));
sectionElement.setAttribute(ISection.PROPERTY_SIZE, Long.toString(s.getSize()));
sectionElement.setAttribute(ISection.PROPERTY_LINK_ADDRESS, s.getLinkAddress().toHexAddressString());
sectionElement.setAttribute(IRuntimeSection.PROPERTY_RUNTIME_ADDRESS, s.getRuntimeAddress()
propsElement = SnapshotUtils.makeXMLFromProperties(document, s.getProperties());
if (!hostFilePath.isEmpty()) {
IPath possibleSymFile = ExecutableSymbolicsReaderFactory.findSymbolicsFile(hostFilePath);
if (possibleSymFile != null) {
return contextElement;
* Relocate sections of the module. This should be called when the
* module is loaded.<br>
* <br>
* The relocation handling is target environment dependent.
* Implementation here has been tested for debug applications on
* Windows, Linux and Symbian. <br>
* @param props
* - runtime section properties from OS or from loader.
public void relocateSections(Map<String, Object> props) {
if (symReader != null) {
for (ISection section: symReader.getSections())
runtimeSections.add(new RuntimeSection(section));
if (props.containsKey(IModuleProperty.PROP_IMAGE_BASE_ADDRESS)) {
// Windows module (PE file)
Object base = props.get(IModuleProperty.PROP_IMAGE_BASE_ADDRESS);
IAddress imageBaseAddr = null;
if (base != null) {
if (base instanceof Integer)
imageBaseAddr = new Addr64(base.toString());
else if (base instanceof Long)
imageBaseAddr = new Addr64(base.toString());
else if (base instanceof String) // the string should be hex
// string
imageBaseAddr = new Addr64((String) base, 16);
MessageFormat.format("Module property PROP_ADDRESS has invalid format {0}.", base
.getClass()), null);
Number size = 0;
if (props.containsKey(IModuleProperty.PROP_CODE_SIZE))
size = (Number) props.get(IModuleProperty.PROP_CODE_SIZE);
if (symReader != null) {
// relocate
IAddress linkBase = symReader.getBaseLinkAddress();
if (linkBase != null && !linkBase.equals(imageBaseAddr)) {
BigInteger offset = linkBase.distanceTo(imageBaseAddr);
for (IRuntimeSection s : runtimeSections) {
IAddress runtimeB = s.getLinkAddress().add(offset);
} else { // fill in fake section data
Map<String, Object> pp = new HashMap<String, Object>();
pp.put(ISection.PROPERTY_NAME, ISection.NAME_TEXT);
runtimeSections.add(new RuntimeSection(new Section(0, size.longValue(), imageBaseAddr, pp)));
} else if (props.containsKey(IModuleProperty.PROP_CODE_ADDRESS)) {
// platforms other than Windows
Number codeAddr = null, dataAddr = null, bssAddr = null;
Number codeSize = null, dataSize = null, bssSize = null;
try {
codeAddr = (Number) props.get(IModuleProperty.PROP_CODE_ADDRESS);
dataAddr = (Number) props.get(IModuleProperty.PROP_DATA_ADDRESS);
bssAddr = (Number) props.get(IModuleProperty.PROP_BSS_ADDRESS);
codeSize = (Number) props.get(IModuleProperty.PROP_CODE_SIZE);
dataSize = (Number) props.get(IModuleProperty.PROP_DATA_SIZE);
bssSize = (Number) props.get(IModuleProperty.PROP_BSS_SIZE);
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
EDCDebugger.getMessageLogger().logError("Module property value has invalid format.", null);
if (symReader != null) {
// Relocate.
for (IRuntimeSection s : runtimeSections) {
if (s.getProperties().get(ISection.PROPERTY_NAME).equals(ISection.NAME_TEXT)
&& codeAddr != null)
s.relocate(new Addr64(codeAddr.toString()));
else if (s.getProperties().get(ISection.PROPERTY_NAME).equals(ISection.NAME_DATA)
&& dataAddr != null)
s.relocate(new Addr64(dataAddr.toString()));
else if (s.getProperties().get(ISection.PROPERTY_NAME).equals(ISection.NAME_BSS)
&& bssAddr != null)
s.relocate(new Addr64(bssAddr.toString()));
} else {
// binary file not available.
// fill in our fake sections. If no section size available,
// don't bother.
Map<String, Object> pp = new HashMap<String, Object>();
if (codeAddr != null && codeSize != null) {
pp.put(ISection.PROPERTY_NAME, ISection.NAME_TEXT);
runtimeSections.add(new RuntimeSection(new Section(0, codeSize.intValue(), new Addr64(codeAddr.toString()), pp)));
if (dataAddr != null && dataSize != null) {
pp.put(ISection.PROPERTY_NAME, ISection.NAME_DATA);
runtimeSections.add(new RuntimeSection(new Section(0, dataSize.intValue(), new Addr64(dataAddr.toString()), pp)));
if (bssAddr != null && bssSize != null) {
pp.put(ISection.PROPERTY_NAME, ISection.NAME_BSS);
runtimeSections.add(new RuntimeSection(new Section(0, bssSize.intValue(), new Addr64(bssAddr.toString()), pp)));
} else {
// No runtime address info available from target environment.
// The runtime sections will just be the link-time sections.
// This works well for the case where no relocation is needed
// such as running the main executable (not DLLs nor shared
// libs)
// on Windows and Linux.
// However, this may also indicate an error that the debug agent
// (or even the target OS or loader) is not doing its job of
// telling us the runtime address info.
private void initializeSymbolReader() {
if (hostFilePath.toFile().exists()) {
symReader = Symbols.getSymbolReader(hostFilePath);
if (symReader == null)
MessageFormat.format("''{0}'' has no recognized file format.",
hostFilePath), null);
else if (! symReader.hasRecognizedDebugInformation()) {
// Log as INFO, not ERROR.
MessageFormat.format("''{0}'' has no recognized symbolics.",
hostFilePath), null);
} else {
// Binary file not on host. Do we want to prompt user for one ?
// TODO: report this differently for the main executable vs. DLLs
EDCDebugger.getMessageLogger().log(IStatus.WARNING, MessageFormat
.format("Cannot debug ''{0}''; no match found on disk, through source lookup, or in Executables view",
hostFilePath), null);
* Check if a given runtime address falls in this module
* @param absoluteAddr
* - absolute runtime address.
* @return
public boolean containsAddress(IAddress runtimeAddress) {
for (IRuntimeSection s : runtimeSections) {
long offset = s.getRuntimeAddress().distanceTo(runtimeAddress).longValue();
if (offset >= 0 && offset < s.getSize())
return true;
return false;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
public IAddress toLinkAddress(IAddress runtimeAddress) {
IAddress ret = null;
for (IRuntimeSection s : runtimeSections) {
long offset = s.getRuntimeAddress().distanceTo(runtimeAddress).longValue();
if (offset >= 0 && offset < s.getSize()) {
return s.getLinkAddress().add(offset);
return ret;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
public IAddress toRuntimeAddress(IAddress linkAddress) {
IAddress ret = null;
for (IRuntimeSection s : runtimeSections) {
long offset = s.getLinkAddress().distanceTo(linkAddress).longValue();
if (offset >= 0 && offset < s.getSize()) {
return s.getRuntimeAddress().add(offset);
return ret;
* Get file name (without path) of the module.
* @return
public String getFile() {
return hostFilePath.lastSegment();
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("\nModuleDMC [");
if (hostFilePath != null) {
builder.append(", ");
if (symbolContext != null) {
for (IRuntimeSection s : runtimeSections) {
return builder.toString();
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = super.hashCode();
result = prime * result + getOuterType().hashCode();
result = prime * result + ((hostFilePath == null) ? 0 : hostFilePath.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((symbolContext == null) ? 0 : symbolContext.hashCode());
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (!super.equals(obj))
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
ModuleDMC other = (ModuleDMC) obj;
if (!getOuterType().equals(other.getOuterType()))
return false;
if (hostFilePath == null) {
if (other.hostFilePath != null)
return false;
} else if (!hostFilePath.equals(other.hostFilePath))
return false;
if (symbolContext == null) {
if (other.symbolContext != null)
return false;
} else if (!symbolContext.equals(other.symbolContext))
return false;
return true;
private IEDCModules getOuterType() {
return Modules.this;
static class ModuleDMData implements IModuleDMData {
private final Map<String, Object> properties;
public ModuleDMData(ModuleDMC dmc) {
properties = dmc.getProperties();
public String getFile() {
return (String) properties.get(IModuleProperty.PROP_FILE);
public String getName() {
return (String) properties.get(IEDCDMContext.PROP_NAME);
public long getTimeStamp() {
return 0;
// return (String) properties.get(IModuleProperty.PROP_TIME);
public String getBaseAddress() {
// return hex string representation.
Object baseAddress = properties.get(IModuleProperty.PROP_IMAGE_BASE_ADDRESS);
if (baseAddress == null)
baseAddress = properties.get(IModuleProperty.PROP_CODE_ADDRESS);
if (baseAddress != null)
return baseAddress.toString();
return "";
public String getToAddress() {
// TODO this should return the end address, e.g. base + size
return getBaseAddress();
public boolean isSymbolsLoaded() {
return false;
public long getSize() {
Number moduleSize = (Number) properties.get(IModuleProperty.PROP_CODE_SIZE);
if (moduleSize != null)
return moduleSize.longValue();
return 0;
public static class ModuleLoadedEvent extends AbstractDMEvent<ISymbolDMContext> implements ModuleLoadedDMEvent {
private final ModuleDMC module;
private final IExecutionDMContext executionDMC;
public ModuleLoadedEvent(ISymbolDMContext symbolContext, IExecutionDMContext executionDMC, ModuleDMC module) {
this.module = module;
this.executionDMC = executionDMC;
public IExecutionDMContext getExecutionDMC() {
return executionDMC;
public IModuleDMContext getLoadedModuleContext() {
return module;
public static class ModuleUnloadedEvent extends AbstractDMEvent<ISymbolDMContext> implements ModuleUnloadedDMEvent {
private final ModuleDMC module;
private final IExecutionDMContext executionDMC;
public ModuleUnloadedEvent(ISymbolDMContext symbolContext, IExecutionDMContext executionDMC, ModuleDMC module) {
this.module = module;
this.executionDMC = executionDMC;
public IExecutionDMContext getExecutionDMC() {
return executionDMC;
public IModuleDMContext getUnloadedModuleContext() {
return module;
public Modules(DsfSession session) {
super(session, new String[] { IModules.class.getName(), IEDCModules.class.getName(), Modules.class.getName() });
public void setSourceLocator(ISourceLocator sourceLocator) {
this.sourceLocator = sourceLocator;
public ISourceLocator getSourceLocator() {
return sourceLocator;
private void addModule(ModuleDMC module) {
ISymbolDMContext symContext = module.getSymbolContext();
if (symContext instanceof IEDCDMContext) {
String symContextID = ((IEDCDMContext) symContext).getID();
synchronized (modules) {
List<ModuleDMC> moduleList = modules.get(symContextID);
if (moduleList == null) {
moduleList = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<ModuleDMC>());
modules.put(symContextID, moduleList);
private void removeModule(ModuleDMC module) {
ISymbolDMContext symContext = module.getSymbolContext();
if (symContext instanceof IEDCDMContext) {
String symContextID = ((IEDCDMContext) symContext).getID();
synchronized (modules) {
List<ModuleDMC> moduleList = modules.get(symContextID);
if (moduleList != null) {
// other module attributes may not be passed during removal,
// so remove the module with the same name
for (ModuleDMC next : moduleList) {
if (next.getFile().equals(module.getFile())) {
* The result AddressRange[] will contain absolute runtime addresses. And
* the "symCtx" can be a process or a module.
public void calcAddressInfo(ISymbolDMContext symCtx, String file, int line, int col,
DataRequestMonitor<AddressRange[]> rm) {
IModuleDMContext[] moduleList = null;
if (symCtx instanceof IEDCExecutionDMC) {
String symContextID = ((IEDCDMContext) symCtx).getID();
moduleList = getModulesForContext(symContextID);
} else if (symCtx instanceof IModuleDMContext) {
moduleList = new IModuleDMContext[1];
moduleList[0] = (IModuleDMContext) symCtx;
} else {
// should not happen
assert false : "Unknown ISymbolDMContext class.";
rm.setStatus(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, EDCDebugger.PLUGIN_ID, REQUEST_FAILED, MessageFormat.format(
"Unknown class implementing ISymbolDMContext : {0}", symCtx.getClass().getName()), null));
List<EDCAddressRange> addrRanges = new ArrayList<EDCAddressRange>(1);
for (IModuleDMContext module : moduleList) {
ModuleDMC mdmc = (ModuleDMC) module;
IEDCSymbolReader reader = mdmc.getSymbolReader();
if (reader != null) {
Collection<AddressRange> linkAddressRanges = null;
Map<String, Collection<AddressRange>> cachedRanges = new HashMap<String, Collection<AddressRange>>();
// Check the persistent cache
String cacheKey = reader.getSymbolFile().toOSString() + ADDRESS_RANGE_CACHE;
String noFileCacheKey = reader.getSymbolFile().toOSString() + NO_FILE_CACHE;
Set<String> noFileCachedData = EDCDebugger.getDefault().getCache().getCachedData(noFileCacheKey, Set.class, reader.getModificationDate());
if (noFileCachedData != null && noFileCachedData.contains(file))
continue; // We have already determined that this file is not used by this module, don't bother checking again.
Map<String, Collection<AddressRange>> cachedData = EDCDebugger.getDefault().getCache().getCachedData(cacheKey, Map.class, reader.getModificationDate());
if (cachedData != null)
cachedRanges = cachedData;
linkAddressRanges = cachedRanges.get(file + line);
if (linkAddressRanges == null)
linkAddressRanges = LineEntryMapper.getAddressRangesAtSource(
if (linkAddressRanges == null)
{ // If this file is not used by this module, cache it so we can avoid searching it again.
if (noFileCachedData == null)
noFileCachedData = new HashSet<String>();
EDCDebugger.getDefault().getCache().putCachedData(noFileCacheKey, (Serializable) noFileCachedData, reader.getModificationDate());
cachedRanges.put(file + line, linkAddressRanges);
EDCDebugger.getDefault().getCache().putCachedData(cacheKey, (Serializable) cachedRanges, reader.getModificationDate());
// convert addresses to runtime ones.
for (AddressRange linkAddressRange : linkAddressRanges) {
EDCAddressRange addrRange = new EDCAddressRange(
if (addrRanges.size() > 0) {
AddressRange[] ar = addrRanges.toArray(new AddressRange[addrRanges.size()]);
} else {
* we try to set the breakpoint for every module since we don't know
* which one the file is in. we report this error though if the file
* isn't in the module, and let the caller handle the error.
rm.setStatus(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, EDCDebugger.PLUGIN_ID, REQUEST_FAILED, MessageFormat.format(
"Fail to find address for source line {0}: line# {1}", file, line), null));
public void calcLineInfo(ISymbolDMContext symCtx, IAddress address, DataRequestMonitor<LineInfo[]> rm) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
* Given a source line (let's call it anchor), find the line closest to the
* anchor in the neighborhood (including the anchor itself) that has machine
* code. If the anchor itself has code, it's returned. Otherwise neighbor
* lines both above and below the anchor will be checked. If the closest
* line above the anchor and the closest line below the anchor have the same
* distance from the anchor, the one below will be selected.
* This is mainly used in setting breakpoint at anchor line.
* @param symCtx
* the symbol context in which to perform the lookup. It can be
* an execution context (e.g. a process), or a module (exe or
* dll) in a process.
* @param file
* the file that contains the source lines in question.
* @param anchor
* line number of the anchor source line.
* @param neighbor_limit
* specify the limit of the neighborhood: up to this number of
* lines above the anchor and up to this number of lines below
* the anchor will be checked if needed. But the check will never
* go beyond the source file. When the limit is zero, no neighbor
* lines will be checked. If the limit has value of -1, it means
* the actual limit is the source file.
* @param rm
* contains an object of {@link ILineAddresses} if the line with
* code is found. And addresses in it are runtime addresses. The
* RM will contain error status otherwise.
public void findClosestLineWithCode(ISymbolDMContext symCtx, String file, int anchor, int neighbor_limit,
DataRequestMonitor<ILineAddresses> rm) {
IModuleDMContext[] moduleList = null;
if (EDCTrace.BREAKPOINTS_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceEntry(null,
"Find closest line with code. context: " + EDCTrace.fixArg(symCtx) + " file: " + file + " anchor: " + anchor + " limit: " + neighbor_limit); }
if (symCtx instanceof IEDCExecutionDMC) {
String symContextID = ((IEDCDMContext) symCtx).getID();
moduleList = getModulesForContext(symContextID);
} else if (symCtx instanceof IModuleDMContext) {
moduleList = new IModuleDMContext[1];
moduleList[0] = (IModuleDMContext) symCtx;
} else {
// should not happen
rm.setStatus(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, EDCDebugger.PLUGIN_ID, REQUEST_FAILED, MessageFormat.format(
"Unknown class implementing ISymbolDMContext : {0}", symCtx.getClass().getName()), null));
if (EDCTrace.BREAKPOINTS_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceExit(null,
rm.getStatus()); }
EDCLineAddresses result = null;
for (IModuleDMContext module : moduleList) {
ModuleDMC mdmc = (ModuleDMC) module;
IEDCSymbolReader reader = mdmc.getSymbolReader();
if (EDCTrace.BREAKPOINTS_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().trace(null,
"module: " + mdmc + " reader: " + reader); }
if (reader == null)
List<ILineAddresses> codeLines = null;
Map<String, List<ILineAddresses>> cache = new HashMap<String, List<ILineAddresses>>();
// Check the persistent cache
String cacheKey = reader.getSymbolFile().toOSString() + LINE_ADDRESSES_CACHE;
String noFileCacheKey = reader.getSymbolFile().toOSString() + NO_FILE_CACHE;
Set<String> noFileCachedData = EDCDebugger.getDefault().getCache().getCachedData(noFileCacheKey, Set.class, reader.getModificationDate());
if (noFileCachedData != null && noFileCachedData.contains(file))
if (EDCTrace.BREAKPOINTS_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().trace(null,
"Persistent cache says file not used by module"); }
continue; // We have already determined that this file is not used by this module, don't bother checking again.
Map<String, List<ILineAddresses>> cachedData = EDCDebugger.getDefault().getCache().getCachedData(cacheKey, Map.class, reader.getModificationDate());
if (cachedData != null)
cache = cachedData;
codeLines = cachedData.get(file + anchor);
if (codeLines == null) // cache missed
if (! reader.getModuleScope().getModuleLineEntryProvider().hasSourceFile(PathUtils.createPath(file)))
{ // If this file is not used by this module, cache it so we can avoid searching it again.
if (noFileCachedData == null)
noFileCachedData = new HashSet<String>();
EDCDebugger.getDefault().getCache().putCachedData(noFileCacheKey, (Serializable) noFileCachedData, reader.getModificationDate());
if (EDCTrace.BREAKPOINTS_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().trace(null,
"File not used by module"); }
codeLines = reader.getModuleScope().getModuleLineEntryProvider().findClosestLineWithCode(
PathUtils.createPath(file), anchor, neighbor_limit);
if (codeLines == null)
if (EDCTrace.BREAKPOINTS_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().trace(null,
"codeLines == null"); }
continue; // should not happen
// Cache code lines (with their link addresses), whether we find it or not.
cache.put(file + anchor, codeLines);
EDCDebugger.getDefault().getCache().putCachedData(cacheKey, (Serializable) cache, reader.getModificationDate());
if (EDCTrace.BREAKPOINTS_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().trace(null,
"codeLines: " + codeLines); }
// convert addresses to runtime ones.
List<EDCLineAddresses> runtimeCLs = new ArrayList<Modules.EDCLineAddresses>(codeLines.size());
for (ILineAddresses cl : codeLines) {
List<IAddress> rt_addrs = new ArrayList<IAddress>(1);
for (IAddress a : cl.getAddress())
runtimeCLs.add(new EDCLineAddresses(cl.getLineNumber(), rt_addrs));
for (ILineAddresses l : runtimeCLs)
result = selectCodeLine(result, l, anchor);
if (result != null) {
} else {
* we try to set the breakpoint for every module since we don't know
* which one the file is in. we report this error though if the file
* isn't in the module, and let the caller handle the error.
rm.setStatus(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, EDCDebugger.PLUGIN_ID, REQUEST_FAILED, MessageFormat.format(
"Fail to find address sround source line {0}: line# {1}", file, anchor), null));
private EDCLineAddresses selectCodeLine(EDCLineAddresses prevChoice,
ILineAddresses newLine, int anchor) {
if (prevChoice == null)
prevChoice = (EDCLineAddresses)newLine;
else {
if (newLine.getLineNumber() == prevChoice.getLineNumber()) {
// merge the addresses. Same source line has different addresses in different module.
else {
// code line is different for the anchor in different module
if (newLine.getLineNumber() == anchor)
// always honor anchor itself
prevChoice = (EDCLineAddresses)newLine;
else if (prevChoice.getLineNumber() != anchor) {
* Two different code lines are found (from different
* modules or different CUs) and neither of them is anchor.
* Don't bother returning both of them as that would cause
* unnecessary complexity to breakpoint setting as it means
* moving breakpoint set on anchor line to two different
* lines. Just keep the one closer to anchor. And user will
* see the breakpoint works in one module (or CU) but not
* the other.
int new_distance = Math.abs(newLine.getLineNumber() - anchor);
int prev_distance = Math.abs(prevChoice.getLineNumber() - anchor);
if (new_distance < prev_distance)
prevChoice = (EDCLineAddresses)newLine;
else if (new_distance == prev_distance) {
// Same distance from anchor, choose the one below anchor
if (newLine.getLineNumber() > prevChoice.getLineNumber())
prevChoice = (EDCLineAddresses)newLine;
return prevChoice;
* Get runtime addresses mapped to given source line in given run context.
* @param context
* @param sourceFile
* @param lineNumber
* @param drm If no address found, holds an empty list.
public void getLineAddress(IExecutionDMContext context,
String sourceFile, int lineNumber, final DataRequestMonitor<List<IAddress>> drm) {
final List<IAddress> addrs = new ArrayList<IAddress>(1);
final ExecutionDMC dmc = (ExecutionDMC) context;
if (dmc == null) {
ISymbolDMContext symCtx = DMContexts.getAncestorOfType(context, ISymbolDMContext.class);
sourceFile = EDCLaunch.getLaunchForSession(getSession().getId()).getCompilationPath(sourceFile);
calcAddressInfo(symCtx, sourceFile, lineNumber, 0,
new DataRequestMonitor<AddressRange[]>(getExecutor(), drm) {
protected void handleCompleted() {
if (! isSuccess()) {
AddressRange[] addr_ranges = getData();
for (AddressRange range : addr_ranges) {
IAddress a = range.getStartAddress(); // this is runtime address
public void getModuleData(IModuleDMContext dmc, DataRequestMonitor<IModuleDMData> rm) {
rm.setData(new ModuleDMData((ModuleDMC) dmc));
public void getModules(ISymbolDMContext symCtx, DataRequestMonitor<IModuleDMContext[]> rm) {
String symContextID = ((IEDCDMContext) symCtx).getID();
IModuleDMContext[] moduleList = getModulesForContext(symContextID);
public IModuleDMContext[] getModulesForContext(String symContextID) {
synchronized (modules) {
List<ModuleDMC> moduleList = modules.get(symContextID);
if (moduleList == null)
return new IModuleDMContext[0];
return moduleList.toArray(new IModuleDMContext[moduleList.size()]);
private int getNextModuleID() {
return nextModuleID++;
public void moduleLoaded(ISymbolDMContext symbolContext, IExecutionDMContext executionDMC, Map<String, Object> moduleProps) {
ModuleDMC module = new ModuleDMC(symbolContext, moduleProps);
getSession().dispatchEvent(new ModuleLoadedEvent(symbolContext, executionDMC, module),
public void moduleUnloaded(ISymbolDMContext symbolContext, IExecutionDMContext executionDMC,
Map<String, Object> moduleProps) {
Object fileName = moduleProps.get(IEDCDMContext.PROP_NAME);
ModuleDMC module = getModuleByName(symbolContext, fileName);
if (module == null) {
EDCDebugger.getMessageLogger().logError("Unexpected unload of module: " + fileName, null);
Object requireResumeValue = moduleProps.get("RequireResume");
if (requireResumeValue != null && requireResumeValue instanceof Boolean)
module.setProperty("RequireResume", requireResumeValue);
getSession().dispatchEvent(new ModuleUnloadedEvent(symbolContext, executionDMC, module),
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see, org.eclipse.cdt.core.IAddress)
public ModuleDMC getModuleByAddress(ISymbolDMContext symCtx, IAddress instructionAddress) {
ModuleDMC bestMatch = null;
if (symCtx instanceof ModuleDMC) {
if (((ModuleDMC)symCtx).containsAddress(instructionAddress))
bestMatch = (ModuleDMC)symCtx;
else {
synchronized (modules) {
List<ModuleDMC> moduleList = modules.get(((IEDCDMContext) symCtx).getID());
if (moduleList != null) {
for (ModuleDMC moduleDMC : moduleList) {
if (moduleDMC.containsAddress(instructionAddress)) {
bestMatch = moduleDMC;
if (bestMatch == null) {
// TODO: add a bogus wrap-all module ?
return bestMatch;
* Find the host file that corresponds to a given module file whose name
* comes from target platform.
* @param originalPath
* path or filename from target platform.
* @return the path to an existing file on host, null otherwise.
public IPath locateModuleFileOnHost(String originalPath) {
if (originalPath == null || originalPath.length() == 0)
return Path.EMPTY;
// Canonicalize path for the host OS, in hopes of finding a match directly on the host,
// and for searching sources and executables below.
IPath path = PathUtils.findExistingPathIfCaseSensitive(PathUtils.createPath(originalPath));
// Try source locator, use the host-correct path.
Object sourceElement = null;
ISourceLocator locator = getSourceLocator();
if (locator != null) {
if (locator instanceof ICSourceLocator || locator instanceof CSourceLookupDirector) {
if (locator instanceof ICSourceLocator)
sourceElement = ((ICSourceLocator) locator).findSourceElement(path.toOSString());
sourceElement = ((CSourceLookupDirector) locator).getSourceElement(path.toOSString());
if (sourceElement != null) {
if (sourceElement instanceof LocalFileStorage) {
return new Path(((LocalFileStorage) sourceElement).getFile().getAbsolutePath());
return path;
public void loadModulesForContext(ISymbolDMContext context, Element element) throws Exception {
List<ModuleDMC> contextModules = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<ModuleDMC>());
NodeList moduleElements = element.getElementsByTagName(MODULE);
int numModules = moduleElements.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < numModules; i++) {
Element moduleElement = (Element) moduleElements.item(i);
Element propElement = (Element) moduleElement.getElementsByTagName(SnapshotUtils.PROPERTIES).item(0);
HashMap<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
SnapshotUtils.initializeFromXML(propElement, properties);
ModuleDMC module = new ModuleDMC(context, properties);
modules.put(((IEDCDMContext) context).getID(), contextModules);
* get module with given file name
* @param symCtx
* @param fileName
* executable name for module
* @return null if not found.
public ModuleDMC getModuleByName(ISymbolDMContext symCtx, Object fileName) {
ModuleDMC module = null;
synchronized (modules) {
List<ModuleDMC> moduleList = modules.get(((IEDCDMContext) symCtx).getID());
if (moduleList != null) {
for (ModuleDMC moduleDMC : moduleList) {
if ((moduleDMC.getName().compareToIgnoreCase((String) fileName)) == 0 ) {
module = moduleDMC;
return module;