blob: de109378e7d05719658203abc079b8596c03bd98 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.internal.symbols;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.IAddress;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.internal.PathUtils;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.internal.symbols.dwarf.DwarfCompileUnit;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.symbols.ICompileUnitScope;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.symbols.IFunctionScope;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.symbols.ILineEntry;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.symbols.ILineEntryProvider;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.symbols.IScope;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
* Manage line table entries of one source file (.c/.cpp/header) in one compile
* unit. <br>
* This is an internal class used by {@linkplain ModuleLineEntryProvider}.
class FileLineEntryProvider implements ILineEntryProvider {
private List<ILineEntry> lineEntries = new ArrayList<ILineEntry>();
private List<ILineEntry> cuEntries = null;
* Line entries sorted by line number. Line table entries mapped to the same
* source line are put together in one entry in this map.
* Just use TreeMap so line number keys are sorted in ascending order.
private TreeMap<Integer, List<ILineEntry>> lineEntriesByLine = new TreeMap<Integer, List<ILineEntry>>();
private TreeMap<IAddress, ILineEntry> lineEntriesByAddress = new TreeMap<IAddress, ILineEntry>();
private IPath filePath;
private final ICompileUnitScope compileUnitScope;
private boolean sorted;
public FileLineEntryProvider(ICompileUnitScope compileUnitScope, IPath path) {
this.compileUnitScope = compileUnitScope;
this.filePath = path;
this.sorted = true;
protected void setCULineEntries(Collection<ILineEntry> entries) {
cuEntries = new ArrayList<ILineEntry>(entries);
protected List<ILineEntry> getCULineEntries() {
if (cuEntries == null)
return cuEntries;
public ICompileUnitScope getCU() {
return compileUnitScope;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
// note: peeking into lowAddress to avoid dynamically parsing stuff while viewing #toString()
return filePath + " at " + ((CompileUnitScope)compileUnitScope).lowAddress + ": " + lineEntries.size() + " entries"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
* @param entry
public void addLineEntry(ILineEntry entry) {
//System.out.println("Adding " + entry + " for " + compileUnitScope);
List<ILineEntry> currentMappings = lineEntriesByLine.get(entry.getLineNumber());
if (currentMappings == null) {
currentMappings = new ArrayList<ILineEntry>();
lineEntriesByLine.put(entry.getLineNumber(), currentMappings);
ILineEntry currentByAddress = lineEntriesByAddress.get(entry.getLowAddress());
if ( currentByAddress == null
|| entry.getHighAddress().compareTo(currentByAddress.getHighAddress()) > 0) {
lineEntriesByAddress.put(entry.getLowAddress(), entry);
sorted = false;
public ILineEntry getLineEntryAtAddress(IAddress linkAddress) {
// NOTE: lineEntries can, and does, have multiple entries with the same low address
if (!sorted) {
// sort by start address for faster lookup by address
sorted = true;
int insertion = getLineEntryInsertionForAddress(linkAddress, lineEntries);
if (-1 != insertion)
return lineEntries.get(insertion);
return null;
private int getLineEntryInsertionForAddress(IAddress linkAddress,
final List<? extends ILineEntry> entriesToSearch) {
int insertion = Collections.binarySearch(entriesToSearch, linkAddress);
ILineEntry newEntry;
int newInsertion;
if (insertion >= 0) {
// line entry's low address exactly matches linkAddress, but if the line
// entry has an empty address range, see if a previous or subsequent
// line entry with the same start address has a nonempty range
ILineEntry entry = entriesToSearch.get(insertion);
if (entry.getHighAddress().compareTo(entry.getLowAddress()) != 0)
return insertion;
if (insertion > 0) {
newInsertion = insertion - 1;
newEntry = entriesToSearch.get(newInsertion);
while (newEntry.getLowAddress().compareTo(entry.getLowAddress()) == 0) {
if (newEntry.getHighAddress().compareTo(newEntry.getLowAddress()) != 0) {
return newInsertion;
if (--newInsertion < 0)
newEntry = entriesToSearch.get(newInsertion);
if (insertion < entriesToSearch.size() - 1) {
newInsertion = insertion + 1;
newEntry = entriesToSearch.get(newInsertion);
while (newEntry.getLowAddress().compareTo(entry.getLowAddress()) == 0) {
if (newEntry.getHighAddress().compareTo(newEntry.getLowAddress()) != 0) {
return newInsertion;
if (++newInsertion == entriesToSearch.size())
newEntry = lineEntries.get(newInsertion);
return insertion;
if (insertion == -1) {
return -1;
// after a failed binary search, link address is > low address of -insertion-2
// so see if a previous entry with the same low address has a nonempty range
// that includes linkAddress
insertion = -insertion - 2;
ILineEntry entry = entriesToSearch.get(insertion);
// low address of entry at insertion cannot match linkAddress
if (insertion > 0 && entry.getHighAddress().compareTo(entry.getLowAddress()) == 0) {
newInsertion = insertion - 1;
newEntry = entriesToSearch.get(newInsertion);
while (newEntry.getLowAddress().compareTo(entry.getLowAddress()) == 0) {
if (newEntry.getHighAddress().compareTo(newEntry.getLowAddress()) != 0) {
if (linkAddress.compareTo(newEntry.getHighAddress()) < 0)
return newInsertion;
if (--newInsertion < 0)
newEntry = entriesToSearch.get(newInsertion);
if (linkAddress.compareTo(entry.getHighAddress()) < 0)
return insertion;
return -1;
public Collection<ILineEntry> getLineEntriesForLines(IPath path, int startLineNumber, int endLineNumber) {
// FIXME: ugly drive letter stuff
if (!filePath.setDevice(null).equals(path.setDevice(null)) )
if (!PathUtils.isCaseSensitive() && filePath.toOSString().compareToIgnoreCase(path.toOSString()) != 0)
return Collections.emptyList();
int lntSize = lineEntries.size();
// Note: this may not be the last line:
// lineEntries.get(lntSize-1).getLineNumber();
// as I've seen line table like this for a source file
// (illustrated by line #s):
// 7, 8, 25, 26, 12, 14
// where line (7, 8) forms one function, (25,26) one function,
// and (12, 14) one function.
int endLine = (endLineNumber != -1) ? endLineNumber :
List<ILineEntry> entries = new ArrayList<ILineEntry>(), startMappings;
/* in case the caller has requested something other than a single line,
* make certain this doesn't fail if the the caller passes a
* startLineNumber that doesn't have a direct mapping in the LNT
for (; null == (startMappings = lineEntriesByLine.get(startLineNumber))
&& startLineNumber < endLine
; ++startLineNumber) {}
if (startMappings != null) {
if (startLineNumber == endLineNumber) {
} else if (endLineNumber == -1) {
// return the entries for the rest of the file
entries = lineEntries.subList(lineEntries.indexOf(startMappings.get(0)), lntSize);
} else {
List<ILineEntry> endMappings = lineEntriesByLine.get(endLineNumber);
if (endMappings != null) {
entries = lineEntries.subList(lineEntries.indexOf(startMappings.get(0)), lineEntries
.indexOf(endMappings.get(endMappings.size() - 1)) + 1);
} else {
// no mapping for end line #. just go to the end of the file
entries = lineEntries.subList(lineEntries.indexOf(startMappings.get(0)), lntSize);
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(entries);
public ILineEntry getNextLineEntry(ILineEntry entry, boolean collapseInlineFunctions) {
if (entry == null || isLastEntryInCU(entry))
return null;
IFunctionScope entryFn = compileUnitScope.getFunctionAtAddress(entry.getLowAddress());
IFunctionScope container = ignoreInlineFunctions(entryFn);
if (container == null) // relies on ignoreInlineFunctions() to return null if func==null
return null;
do { // loop is for continue to retry the next entry in same function
// check if there's even a need to do further operations
IAddress desiredAddr = entry.getHighAddress();
if (desiredAddr.compareTo(container.getHighAddress()) > 0)
return null;
SortedMap<IAddress, ILineEntry> tailAddrs
= desiredAddr.equals(entry.getLowAddress()) // can be equal due to DWARF generation bug
? null : lineEntriesByAddress.tailMap(desiredAddr);
// no other lines in this provider; try the CU line entries
if (tailAddrs == null || tailAddrs.isEmpty()) {
// the following case is that we are at the first line of an inline
// that would otherwise be the last line of a function.
if (collapseInlineFunctions && entryFn != container
&& entry.getLowAddress().equals(entryFn.getLowAddress())
&& entryFn.getParent().equals(container))
return getDifferentLineEntryInCU(container, entry, entryFn.getHighAddress(),
return getDifferentLineEntryInCU(entryFn, entry, desiredAddr,
IAddress foundAddr = tailAddrs.firstKey();
ILineEntry next = tailAddrs.get(foundAddr);
IFunctionScope foundFn = compileUnitScope.getFunctionAtAddress(foundAddr);
// [1] if the function of our the current instr ptr entry and
// the function at the found addr are identical, then take it!!
// (i.e. we lucked out!! all lines in the gap
// in other providers are nested inlines.)
if (entryFn.equals(foundFn)) {
// ... ok, well, line number must be different, too.
if (next.getLineNumber() != entry.getLineNumber())
return next;
entry = next; // just pretend this was the entry ...
continue; // ... and try again
// [2]if the foundAddr is immediately after this entry ...
} else if (foundAddr.equals(desiredAddr) && foundFn != null) { // [2]
/// ... and it is
// [2a] an inline parent of this inline
// [2b] an inline and a direct sibling (i.e. not a cousin) of this inline
// then take it!!
if (entryFn.getParent().equals(foundFn) // [2a]
|| entryFn.getParent().equals(foundFn.getParent())) { // [2b]
return tailAddrs.get(foundAddr);
// ... or if it is
// [2c] the first line of an inline whose next line in the
// lineEntriesByLine table is identical to next
// then we'll call that good enough
// (you may be reading this if you have an inline function
// in the same file as the parent function invoking it and
// nothing in between; step over is probably broken for you.)
} else if (foundFn.getParent().equals(entryFn)
&& areEntriesAdjacentLines(entry, next)) {
return next;
// similar to [2a] & [2b], even if foundAddr shows a gap
// [3] if the current location is an inline, and entry
// adjacent to the one passed is identical to next
// again, call it good enough for now.
} else if (collapseInlineFunctions
&& (entryFn.getParent().equals(foundFn)
|| entryFn.getParent().equals(container))
&& areEntriesAdjacentLines(entry, next)) {
return next;
// getting here means 1 (or both) of 2 things (both slightly irrelevant)
// either:
// a] entryFn is an ancestor of foundFn
// b] there's a gap between the desiredAddr & the foundAddr
// in either case, the next entry will be found in
// this.compileUnitScope.lineEntries . so get it from there.
return getDifferentLineEntryInCU(entryFn, entry, desiredAddr,
} while (true);
* @param c the child to compare
* @param x the function we are seeking to call an ancestor
* @return true if there's a function in this linkage where <b>x</b> is an ancestor of <b>c</b>
private static boolean isAncestorFunction(IFunctionScope c, IFunctionScope x) {
if (c == null)
return false;
for (IScope p = c.getParent(); p != null; p = p.getParent())
if (p.equals(x))
return true;
return false;
static boolean isInlinedFunction(IFunctionScope function) {
return function != null && function.getParent() instanceof IFunctionScope;
private static IFunctionScope ignoreInlineFunctions(IFunctionScope function) {
if (function == null)
return null;
while (function.getParent() instanceof IFunctionScope) {
function = (IFunctionScope) function.getParent();
return function;
* @param entry
* @param next
private boolean areEntriesAdjacentLines(ILineEntry entry, ILineEntry next) {
if (entry.getLineNumber() == next.getLineNumber())
return false;
SortedMap<Integer, List<ILineEntry>> tailLines
= lineEntriesByLine.tailMap(entry.getLineNumber());
if (tailLines != null) {
List<ILineEntry> entries = tailLines.get(entry.getLineNumber());
if (entries != null) {
int entryIdx = entries.indexOf(entry);
if (-1 != entryIdx) {
if (entry.equals(entries.get(0))
&& ++entryIdx == entries.size()) {
entries = tailLines.get(next.getLineNumber());
if (entries != null && next.equals(entries.get(0))) {
return true;
} } } } }
return false;
* @param entryFn
* @param desiredAddr
* @return
private ILineEntry getDifferentLineEntryInCU(IFunctionScope entryFn,
ILineEntry origEntry, IAddress desiredAddr,
boolean collapseInlineFunctions) {
if (compileUnitScope instanceof DwarfCompileUnit) { // known to be a sorted list
if (getCULineEntries().isEmpty())
return null;
int insertion = getLineEntryInsertionForAddress(desiredAddr, cuEntries);
if (-1 != insertion)
for (; insertion < cuEntries.size(); ++insertion) {
ILineEntry next = cuEntries.get(insertion);
if (isGoodEntry(next, entryFn, origEntry, collapseInlineFunctions))
return next;
} else {
boolean firstFound = false;
for (ILineEntry next : getCULineEntries()) {
if (!firstFound
&& (desiredAddr.compareTo(next.getLowAddress()) < 0
|| desiredAddr.compareTo(next.getHighAddress()) >= 0))
firstFound = true;
if (isGoodEntry(next, entryFn, origEntry, collapseInlineFunctions))
return next;
// by deduction, if we don't hit any of those 3 cases and exhaust all
// entries in the compuleUnitScope, then every entry after the current
// one is some sort of inline nested to the current function (possibly
// even several different inlines nested separately, possibly even with
// code from the original function at the original line number).
// in simple terms, it means the step-over that led here
// will turn into a step out
return null;
private boolean isGoodEntry(ILineEntry e, IFunctionScope origFn,
ILineEntry origEntry, boolean collapseInlineFunctions) {
IFunctionScope nextFn
= compileUnitScope.getFunctionAtAddress(e.getLowAddress());
if (origFn.equals(nextFn) && e.getLineNumber() != origEntry.getLineNumber())
return true; // case [1] described in caller getNextLineEntry()
else if (!collapseInlineFunctions || !isAncestorFunction(nextFn, origFn))
return true; // case [2] or [3] described in caller getNextLineEntry()
return false;
private boolean isFirstEntryInCU(ILineEntry e) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (e == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("isFirstEntryInCU() called with null");
int cuEntriesSize = getCULineEntries().size();
return (cuEntriesSize > 0 && e.equals(cuEntries.get(0)));
private boolean isLastEntryInCU(ILineEntry e) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (e == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("isFirstEntryInCU() called with null");
int cuEntriesSize = getCULineEntries().size();
return (cuEntriesSize > 0 && e.equals(cuEntries.get(cuEntriesSize-1)));
public ILineEntry getPreviousLineEntry(ILineEntry entry, boolean collapseInlineFunctions) {
if (entry == null || isFirstEntryInCU(entry))
return null;
IAddress entryAddr = entry.getLowAddress();
IFunctionScope func = compileUnitScope.getFunctionAtAddress(entryAddr);
IFunctionScope container = ignoreInlineFunctions(func);
if (container == null) // relies on ignoreInlineFunctions() to return null if func==null
return null;
SortedMap<IAddress, ILineEntry> headAddrs = lineEntriesByAddress.headMap(entryAddr);
if (headAddrs.isEmpty())
return null;
if (!collapseInlineFunctions)
return getPreviousLineEntryByAddress(entry, container.getLowAddress(), headAddrs);
IFunctionScope prevFunc = compileUnitScope.getFunctionAtAddress(entryAddr);
IFunctionScope prevContainer = ignoreInlineFunctions(prevFunc);
if (prevContainer == null || !prevContainer.equals(container)) {
return null; // relies on ignoreInlineFunctions() to return null if nextFunc==null
boolean inline = !func.equals(container);
boolean prevInline = !prevFunc.equals(prevContainer);
if (inline && prevInline) {
ILineEntry testPrev = headAddrs.get(headAddrs.lastKey());
// take the first head in tailAddrs if the function containing entry is
// [1] identical to the function containing the lastKey of headAddrs
// (i.e. in the same inline; skips nested inlines in other providers)
// [2] an inline parent of this the previous inline
// && the top addr of testPrev is immediately bottom addr of entry
// [3] an inline and a sibling of this previous inline
// && the top addr of testPrev is immediately bottom addr of entry
if (func.equals(prevFunc) // [1]
|| (testPrev.getHighAddress().equals(entryAddr)
&& (prevFunc.getParent().equals(func) // [2]
|| prevFunc.getParent().equals(func.getParent())))) { // [3]
return testPrev;
if (!filePath.equals(compileUnitScope.getFilePath()))
// fall out and force reliance on the provider mapped from the
// compileUnitScope's filePath (i.e. the parent to these inlines)
return null;
SortedMap<Integer, List<ILineEntry>> headLines
= inline
? lineEntriesByLine.headMap(headAddrs.get(headAddrs.lastKey()).getLineNumber()+1)
: lineEntriesByLine.headMap(entry.getLineNumber());
while (!headLines.isEmpty()) {
List<ILineEntry> entries = headLines.get(headLines.lastKey());
for (int i = entries.size()-1; i >= 0; --i) {
ILineEntry prev = entries.get(i);
if (!prev.equals(entry)
&& prev.getHighAddress().compareTo(entryAddr) <= 0
&& prev.getLowAddress().compareTo(container.getLowAddress()) >= 0
&& prev.getLineNumber() != entry.getLineNumber()) {
return prev;
headLines = headLines.headMap(headLines.lastKey());
return null;
* @param entry
* @param bottom
* @param addrEntries
* @return
private ILineEntry getPreviousLineEntryByAddress(ILineEntry entry, IAddress bottom,
SortedMap<IAddress, ILineEntry> addrEntries) {
while (!addrEntries.isEmpty()) {
ILineEntry prev = addrEntries.get(addrEntries.lastKey());
if (prev == null || prev.getLowAddress().compareTo(bottom) < 0)
if (prev.getLineNumber() != entry.getLineNumber())
return prev;
addrEntries = addrEntries.headMap(prev.getLowAddress());
return null;
public ILineEntry getLineEntryInFunction(IAddress linkAddress, IFunctionScope parentFunction) {
// get all line entries with low address <= linkAddress
SortedMap<IAddress, ILineEntry> subMap = lineEntriesByAddress.headMap(linkAddress.add(1));
if (subMap.isEmpty())
// if no line entries have a low address <= linkAddress, but the address is
// definitely in the function, use the first entry
if (parentFunction.getLowAddress().compareTo(linkAddress) >= 0
&& parentFunction.getHighAddress().compareTo(linkAddress) < 0)
return lineEntriesByAddress.values().iterator().next();
return null;
// look for an entry that includes linkAddress; if linkAddress is in the gap between
// two lineEntriesByAddress entries, assume the gap is due to inlined functions' code
ILineEntry entry = subMap.get(subMap.lastKey());
if ( entry.getHighAddress().compareTo(linkAddress) >= 0
|| subMap.size() < lineEntriesByAddress.size()) {
return entry;
return null;
* ONLY call when caller has 'collapseInlineFunctions == true' and the caller
* has failed to get the address in any other way.
* @param cuScope the scope in which to search for the entry of interest
* @param entry the entry in hand, for which the preceding entry is desired
* @return a line-entry whose end address is exactly first address of the passed entry
protected ILineEntry getPreviousLineEntryInCU(ILineEntry entry) {
IAddress desiredEndAddress = entry.getLowAddress();
for (ILineEntry testEntry : getCULineEntries()) {
if (!desiredEndAddress.equals(testEntry.getHighAddress()))
IFunctionScope entryFn
= compileUnitScope.getFunctionAtAddress(entry.getLowAddress());
IScope entryParent = entryFn.getParent();
IFunctionScope prevFn
= compileUnitScope.getFunctionAtAddress(testEntry.getLowAddress());
if (isInlinedFunction(entryFn)
&& (isAncestorFunction(entryFn, prevFn)
|| entryParent != null && entryParent.equals(prevFn.getParent()))) {
return testEntry;
if (isAncestorFunction(prevFn, entryFn)) {
// TODO: add logic to get entry at start of testEntry
// something like:
// dp {
// desiredEndAddress = testEntry.getLowAddress();
// testEntry = getPreviousLineEntryInCU(cuScope, testEntry, null);
// get back to where the function for testEntry is a sibling or
// ancestor of entryFn
// } while (testEntry != null)
// but this is mostly here to help with step-out while standing
// on first instruction of inline coinciding with source, so fix later
break; // got the address of interest; just wasn't useful as we wanted
return null;
* Find code line for the anchor in one compile unit.
* The returned value should only contain one entry.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.symbols.ILineEntryProvider#findClosestLineWithCode(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath, int, int)
public List<ILineAddresses> findClosestLineWithCode(IPath sourceFile,
int anchorLine, int neighbor_limit) {
List<ILineAddresses> ret = new ArrayList<ILineAddresses>(1);
// FIXME: ugly drive letter stuff
if (!filePath.setDevice(null).equals(sourceFile.setDevice(null)) )
if (!PathUtils.isCaseSensitive() && filePath.toOSString().compareToIgnoreCase(sourceFile.toOSString()) != 0)
return ret;
EDCLineAddresses codeLine = null;
codeLine = getLineAddresses(anchorLine);
if (codeLine != null) {
// The anchor itself has code
return ret;
int limit;
// Anchor has no code, but there are code lines above the anchor.
// find the closest one.
EDCLineAddresses candidate_above = null;
if (anchorLine > lineEntriesByLine.firstKey()) {
if (neighbor_limit == -1)
limit = lineEntriesByLine.firstKey();
else {
limit = anchorLine - neighbor_limit;
if (limit < lineEntriesByLine.firstKey())
limit = lineEntriesByLine.firstKey();
for (int i = anchorLine-1; i >= limit; i--) {
candidate_above = getLineAddresses(i);
if (candidate_above != null)
// there are code lines below the anchor.
// find the closest one.
EDCLineAddresses candidate_below = null;
if (anchorLine < lineEntriesByLine.lastKey()) {
if (neighbor_limit == -1)
limit = lineEntriesByLine.lastKey();
else {
limit = anchorLine + neighbor_limit;
if (limit > lineEntriesByLine.lastKey())
limit = lineEntriesByLine.lastKey();
for (int i = anchorLine+1; i <= limit; i++) {
candidate_below = getLineAddresses(i);
if (candidate_below != null)
if (candidate_above == null)
codeLine = candidate_below;
else {
if (candidate_below == null)
codeLine = candidate_above;
else {
int distance_above = anchorLine - candidate_above.getLineNumber();
int distance_below = candidate_below.getLineNumber() - anchorLine;
if (distance_above == distance_below)
codeLine = candidate_below;
codeLine = (distance_above < distance_below)? candidate_above : candidate_below;
if (codeLine != null)
return ret;
* Create EDCLineAddresses object for a line if it has code.
* @param line
* @return null if the line has no code.
private EDCLineAddresses getLineAddresses(int line) {
if (! lineEntriesByLine.containsKey(line))
return null;
List<IAddress> line_addrs = new ArrayList<IAddress>();
int lastColumn = -2;
for (ILineEntry e : lineEntriesByLine.get(line)) {
* When there is more than one line mapping for the source line:
* If they are multiple logical code segments for the same source
* line, but in different columns, only remember address of the
* first entry.
* If they are templates or inline functions, the column will be the
* same, and we record addresses of all entries.
int entryColumn = e.getColumnNumber();
if (line_addrs.size() == 0 || lastColumn == entryColumn)
lastColumn = entryColumn;
return new EDCLineAddresses(line, line_addrs);