blob: 04e57053826abbe1af937c7a76e861a7be8f3460 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 Nokia and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Nokia - Initial API and implementation
* WinHWBkptMgr.cpp
* This class manages the use of the X86 Hardware Debug Registers
* to set Hardware Breakpoints and Hardware Watchpoints.
* Rules governing the use of X86 Debug registers:
* - there are four debug registers (DR0, DR1, DR2 & DR3)
* which can be set with an address in memory that will be
* monitored for access
* - there is a management debug register (DR7) that contains
* the bits governing which of the DR0-DR3 registers will be
* monitored, the type of access, and the size of the memory
* to be monitored.
* - eligible access modes are {execution, write, read+write}
* - eligible sizes are 1, 2, 4 and 8
* - monitoring is only legal for each size at proper alignment
* (i.e. a watchpoint of size 8 must have an address that is
* aligned on a 8-byte boundary; a watchpoint of size 2 can
* be on any 2-byte boundary; a watchpoint of size 1 can be
* at any address)
* This implementation currently allows watchpoints only, and
* will monitor memory regions of sizes from 1-32, depending
* upon alignment, by combining the use of available registers
* when necessary and available.
* The use of this manager thus restricts the caller to a
* maximum of 4 hardware watchpoints, and fewer if any user
* watchpoints are unaligned for size and/or greater in size
* than 8 bytes.
* The use of this manager also restricts watchpoints to being
* identified on a per-process basis. The thread accessing the
* watchpoint will be identified, but the caller cannot
* establish a watchpoint only for specific threads; all
* threads in a process will be established.
* This implementation does not currently allow hardware
* breakpoints for execution, nor does it manage debug registers
* in such a way as to optimize for overlapping watchpoint
* regions.
* Created on: Aug 17, 2011
* Author: bkirk
#include "WinHWBkptMgr.h"
#include "errors.h"
#include "BreakpointsService.h"
#include "WinProcess.h"
#include "WinThread.h"
WinHWBkptMgr::Mode WinHWBkptMgr::sDR7ModeBitsMap(unsigned char i) {
static const Mode map[9]
= { invalid, invalid, write, readwrite, execute,
invalid, invalid, invalid, invalid
return map[i];
// invalid bits in the following 2 masks
#define XFF 0xFF
* DR0 size bits are 18 & 19
* DR1 size bits are 22 & 23
* DR2 size bits are 26 & 27
* DR3 size bits are 30 & 31
* so, the following are the mask bits within each
* DR7 highword nibble for each debug-register that
* makes for the simplest masking later
#define SB1 0x00
#define SB2 0x04
#define SB4 0x0C
#define SB8 0x08
WinHWBkptMgr::SizeBits WinHWBkptMgr::sDR7SizeBitsMap(unsigned char i) {
static const WinHWBkptMgr::SizeBits map[9]
= {XFF, SB1, SB2, XFF, SB4, XFF, XFF, XFF, SB8};
return map[i];
* the following table represents a mapping of
* the number of registers necessary to set a
* hardware watchpoint of a given size at an
* address of a given alignment.
* e.g. for a watchpoint of size 8, the following
* number of DR registers would be required for each of
* the following addresses:
* 0x10: 1 (0x10 size 8)
* 0x11: 4 (0x11 size 1, 0x12 size 2, 0x14 size 4, 0x18 size 1)
* 0x12: 3 (0x12 size 2, 0x14 size 4, 0x18 size 2)
* 0x13: 4 (0x13 size 1, 0x14 size 4, 0x18 size 2, 0x1a size 1)
* 0x14: 2 (0x14 size 4, 0x14 size 4)
* 0x15: 4 (0x15 size 1, 0x16 size 2, 0x18 size 4, 0x1c size 1)
* 0x16: 3 (0x16 size 2, 0x18 size 4, 0x1c size 2)
* 0x17: 4 (0x17 size 1, 0x18 size 4, 0x1c size 2, 0x1e size 1)
* first index is size, second index is alignBits
static const unsigned char
sRequiredRegsMap[33][8] // size
= { {XFF,XFF,XFF,XFF,XFF,XFF,XFF,XFF}, // 0 - unused
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}, // 1
{ 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2}, // 2
{ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2}, // 3
{ 1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 3, 2, 3}, // 4
{ 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2}, // 5
{ 2, 4, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 3}, // 6
{ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3}, // 7
{ 1, 4, 3, 4, 2, 4, 3, 4}, // 8
{ 2, 4, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4, 2}, // 9
{ 2,XFF, 3, 4, 3,XFF, 2, 3}, // 10
{ 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3}, // 11
{ 2,XFF, 4,XFF, 2, 4, 3, 4}, // 12
{ 3,XFF,XFF, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3}, // 13
{ 3,XFF, 3, 4, 3,XFF, 3, 4}, // 14
{ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4}, // 15
{ 2,XFF, 4,XFF, 3,XFF, 4,XFF}, // 16
{ 3,XFF,XFF, 4, 4,XFF,XFF, 3}, // 17
{ 3,XFF, 4,XFF, 4,XFF, 3, 4}, // 18
{ 4,XFF,XFF,XFF,XFF, 4, 4, 4}, // 19
{ 3,XFF,XFF,XFF, 3,XFF, 4,XFF}, // 20
{ 4,XFF,XFF, 4, 4,XFF,XFF, 4}, // 21
{ 4,XFF, 4,XFF, 4,XFF, 4,XFF}, // 22
{ 3,XFF,XFF,XFF, 4,XFF,XFF,XFF}, // 24
{ 4,XFF,XFF,XFF,XFF,XFF,XFF, 4}, // 25
{ 4,XFF,XFF,XFF,XFF,XFF, 4,XFF}, // 26
{ 4,XFF,XFF,XFF, 4,XFF,XFF,XFF}, // 28
WinHWBkptMgr::WinHWBkptMgr() {
inUse = 0;
unsigned char WinHWBkptMgr::InUseCount() {
return (DR0 & inUse)
+ ((DR1 & inUse) >> 1)
+ ((DR2 & inUse) >> 2)
+ ((DR3 & inUse) >> 3);
unsigned char WinHWBkptMgr::UnusedCount() {
return MAX_HWBP - InUseCount();
WinHWBkptMgr::DRNum WinHWBkptMgr::UseUnusedRegister() {
if (!(DR0 & inUse)) { inUse |= DR0; return 0; }
if (!(DR1 & inUse)) { inUse |= DR1; return 1; }
if (!(DR2 & inUse)) { inUse |= DR2; return 2; }
if (!(DR3 & inUse)) { inUse |= DR3; return 3; }
return 0;
unsigned char WinHWBkptMgr::GetUnusedWatchpoint() {
for (int i = 0 ; i < MAX_HWBP; ++i) {
if (hwBkpt[i].inUse == 0)
return i;
return XFF;
int WinHWBkptMgr::SetHardwareBreak(TBreakpoint* bp) {
if (0xF == inUse) // all regs already being used
if (bp->accessMode == ACCESSMODE_EXECUTE) {
// support for hardware breakpoints for execution
// currently not yet implemented
if (bp->accessMode > ACCESSMODE_CHANGE)
Mode hwMode = sDR7ModeBitsMap(bp->accessMode);
if (hwMode == invalid)
unsigned char locSize = bp->size;
if (locSize > 32)
ContextAddress locAddr = bp->address;
unsigned char reqdRegs = sRequiredRegsMap[locSize][locAddr&7];
if (reqdRegs == XFF)
if (reqdRegs > UnusedCount())
unsigned char wp = GetUnusedWatchpoint();
if (wp == XFF) // shouldn't happen with inUse check above
hwBkpt[wp].tcfBp = bp;
hwBkpt[wp].accessMode = hwMode;
for (;reqdRegs > 0;--reqdRegs) {
DRNum dr = UseUnusedRegister();
hwBkpt[wp].inUse |= 1 << dr;
unsigned char drSz; // size to set in DR register
switch (locAddr & 7) {
// keep falling through cases until drSz is set
case 0: if (locSize >= 8) { drSz = 8; break; }
case 4: if (locSize >= 4) { drSz = 4; break; }
case 6:
case 2: if (locSize >= 2) { drSz = 2; break; }
default: drSz = 1;
// these are shifted inside based on the reg used
DRFlags dr7bits = sDR7SizeBitsMap(drSz) | hwBkpt[wp].accessMode;
hwBkpt[wp].dbgReg[dr].address = locAddr;
hwBkpt[wp].dbgReg[dr].flags = dr7bits;
bp->process->SetDebugRegister(dr, hwBkpt[wp].dbgReg[dr]);
locAddr += drSz;
locSize -= drSz;
bp->agentBreakID = wp;
return 0;
int WinHWBkptMgr::ClearHardwareBreak(TBreakpoint* bp) {
if (!bp->process)
AgentBreakID& wp = bp->agentBreakID;
DRMask& wpInUse = hwBkpt[wp].inUse;
inUse &= ~wpInUse;
wpInUse = 0;
hwBkpt[wp].tcfBp = NULL;
bp->process = NULL;
return 0;