blob: fe65b9aed170d7cef98a80c7755fb60f7d361a81 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009, 2011 Nokia and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Nokia - Initial API and implementation
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.IAddress;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.breakpointactions.ILogActionEnabler;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.breakpointactions.IResumeActionEnabler;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.IAddressExpressionEvaluator;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.IJumpToAddress;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.JumpToAddress;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.disassembler.IDisassembledInstruction;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.disassembler.IDisassembler;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.disassembler.IDisassembler.IDisassemblerOptions;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.internal.EDCDebugger;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.internal.EDCTrace;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.internal.breakpointactions.EDCLogActionEnabler;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.internal.formatter.FormatExtensionManager;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.internal.snapshot.Album;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.internal.snapshot.SnapshotUtils;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.snapshot.IAlbum;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.snapshot.ISnapshotContributor;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.symbols.IEDCSymbolReader;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.symbols.IFunctionScope;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.symbols.ILineEntry;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.symbols.IModuleLineEntryProvider;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.tcf.extension.ProtocolConstants;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.tcf.extension.ProtocolConstants.IModuleProperty;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.concurrent.CountingRequestMonitor;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.concurrent.DataRequestMonitor;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.concurrent.Immutable;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.concurrent.RequestMonitor;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.concurrent.RequestMonitorWithProgress;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.datamodel.AbstractDMEvent;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.datamodel.DMContexts;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.datamodel.IDMContext;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.debug.service.IBreakpoints.IBreakpointsTargetDMContext;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.debug.service.ICachingService;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.debug.service.IDisassembly.IDisassemblyDMContext;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.debug.service.IExpressions.IExpressionDMContext;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.debug.service.IFormattedValues;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.debug.service.IMemory.IMemoryDMContext;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.debug.service.IModules.IModuleDMContext;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.debug.service.IModules.ISymbolDMContext;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.debug.service.IProcesses.IProcessDMContext;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.debug.service.IProcesses.IThreadDMContext;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.debug.service.IRegisters.IRegisterGroupDMContext;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.debug.service.IRunControl;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.debug.service.IRunControl2;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.debug.service.ISourceLookup.ISourceLookupDMContext;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.debug.service.IStack;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.debug.service.IStack.IFrameDMContext;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.debug.service.IStack.IVariableDMContext;
import org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.service.DsfSession;
import org.eclipse.cdt.utils.Addr64;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubMonitor;
import org.eclipse.debug.core.model.MemoryByte;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
public class RunControl extends AbstractEDCService implements IRunControl2, ICachingService, ISnapshotContributor,
IDSFServiceUsingTCF {
public static final String EXECUTION_CONTEXT = "execution_context";
public static final String EXECUTION_CONTEXT_REGISTERS = "execution_context_registers";
public static final String EXECUTION_CONTEXT_MODULES = "execution_context_modules";
public static final String EXECUTION_CONTEXT_FRAMES = "execution_context_frames";
* Context property names. Properties that are optional but have default
* implicit values are indicated below
public static final String
PROP_IS_CONTAINER = "IsContainer", // default = true
PROP_HAS_STATE = "HasState",
PROP_CAN_RESUME = "CanResume", // default = true
PROP_CAN_COUNT = "CanCount",
PROP_CAN_SUSPEND = "CanSuspend", // default = true
PROP_CAN_TERMINATE = "CanTerminate", // default = false
PROP_IS_SUSPENDED = "State", // default = false
PROP_MESSAGE = "Message",
PROP_DISABLE_STEPPING = "DisableStepping";
public static final String STEP_RETURN_NOT_SUPPORTED
= "the current Execution context does not support StepType.STEP_RETURN"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* See where this is used for more.
private static final int RESUME_NOTIFICATION_DELAY = 1000; // milliseconds
// Whether module is being loaded (if true) or unloaded (if false)
public abstract static class DMCSuspendedEvent extends AbstractDMEvent<IExecutionDMContext> {
private final StateChangeReason reason;
private final Map<String, Object> params;
public DMCSuspendedEvent(IExecutionDMContext dmc, StateChangeReason reason, Map<String, Object> params) {
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceEntry(null, EDCTrace.fixArgs(new Object[] { dmc, reason, params })); }
this.reason = reason;
this.params = params;
public StateChangeReason getReason() {
return reason;
public Map<String, Object> getParams() {
return params;
public static class SuspendedEvent extends DMCSuspendedEvent implements ISuspendedDMEvent {
public SuspendedEvent(IExecutionDMContext dmc,
StateChangeReason reason, Map<String, Object> params) {
super(dmc, reason, params);
public static class ContainerSuspendedEvent extends DMCSuspendedEvent implements IContainerSuspendedDMEvent {
public ContainerSuspendedEvent(IExecutionDMContext dmc,
StateChangeReason reason, Map<String, Object> params) {
super(dmc, reason, params);
public IExecutionDMContext[] getTriggeringContexts() {
return new IExecutionDMContext[]{getDMContext()};
public abstract static class DMCResumedEvent extends AbstractDMEvent<IExecutionDMContext> {
public DMCResumedEvent(IExecutionDMContext dmc) {
public StateChangeReason getReason() {
return StateChangeReason.USER_REQUEST;
public static class ResumedEvent extends DMCResumedEvent implements IResumedDMEvent {
public ResumedEvent(IExecutionDMContext dmc) {
public static class ContainerResumedEvent extends DMCResumedEvent implements IContainerResumedDMEvent {
public ContainerResumedEvent(IExecutionDMContext dmc) {
public IExecutionDMContext[] getTriggeringContexts() {
return new IExecutionDMContext[]{getDMContext()};
private static Map<String, StateChangeReason> reasons;
private static StateChangeReason toDsfStateChangeReason(String tcfReason) {
if (tcfReason == null)
return StateChangeReason.UNKNOWN;
if (reasons == null)
reasons = new HashMap<String, IRunControl.StateChangeReason>();
StateChangeReason reason = reasons.get(tcfReason);
if (reason == null) {
if (tcfReason.equals(
reason = StateChangeReason.USER_REQUEST;
else if (tcfReason.equals(
reason = StateChangeReason.STEP;
else if (tcfReason.equals(
reason = StateChangeReason.BREAKPOINT;
else if (tcfReason.equals(
reason = StateChangeReason.EXCEPTION;
else if (tcfReason.equals(
reason = StateChangeReason.CONTAINER;
else if (tcfReason.equals(
reason = StateChangeReason.WATCHPOINT;
else if (tcfReason.equals(
reason = StateChangeReason.SIGNAL;
else if (tcfReason.equals(
reason = StateChangeReason.SHAREDLIB;
else if (tcfReason.equals(
reason = StateChangeReason.ERROR;
reason = StateChangeReason.UNKNOWN;
reasons.put(tcfReason, reason);
return reason;
private static class ExecutionData implements IExecutionDMData2 {
private final StateChangeReason reason;
private final String details;
ExecutionData(StateChangeReason reason, String details) {
this.reason = reason;
this.details = details;
public StateChangeReason getStateChangeReason() {
return reason;
public String getDetails() {
return details;
public abstract class ExecutionDMC extends DMContext implements IExecutionDMContext,
ISnapshotContributor, IEDCExecutionDMC {
private final List<ExecutionDMC> children = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<ExecutionDMC>());
private StateChangeReason stateChangeReason = StateChangeReason.UNKNOWN;
private String stateChangeDetails = null;
private final RunControlContext tcfContext;
private final ExecutionDMC parentExecutionDMC;
* Hex string without "0x".
private String latestPC = null;
private RequestMonitor steppingRM = null;
private boolean isStepping = false;
private RequestMonitorWithProgress bpActionRM = null;
// See where this is used for more.
private int countOfScheduledNotifications = 0 ;
* Whether user chose to "terminate" or "disconnect" the context.
private boolean isTerminatingThanDisconnecting = false;
* Code ranges to step outside of.
* Certain source line may have two separate sections of
* . For instance, the following lines <pre>
* for (i=0; i<3; i++)
* k *= k;
* </pre>
* will have such code generated by MinGW GCC compiler:
* <pre>
184 for (i=0; i<3; i++)
00000000004017f7: movl $0x0,-0x8(%ebp)
00000000004017fe: jmp 0x40180d
185 k *= k;
0000000000401800: mov -0x10(%ebp),%eax
0000000000401803: imul -0x10(%ebp),%eax
0000000000401807: mov %eax,-0x10(%ebp)
184 for (i=0; i<3; i++)
000000000040180a: incl -0x8(%ebp)
000000000040180d: cmpl $0x2,-0x8(%ebp)
0000000000401811: setle %al
0000000000401814: test %al,%al
0000000000401816: jne 0x401800
* To step over the above "for()" statement, we need
* to make sure stepping does not stop in its second
* code section.
private List<EDCAddressRange> stepRanges = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<EDCAddressRange>());
private boolean suspendEventsEnabled = true;
private DMCSuspendedEvent cachedSuspendedEvent = null;
* All possible function call destination addresses when we perform a
* StepIn.<br>
* This is to help auto-step through glue code in a function call (e.g.
* the jmp instruction in a jump table for calling a Win32 DLL).
private List<IAddress> functionCallDestinations = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<IAddress>());
public ExecutionDMC(ExecutionDMC parent, Map<String, Object> props, RunControlContext tcfContext) {
super(RunControl.this, parent == null ? new IDMContext[0] : new IDMContext[] { parent }, props);
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceEntry(null, EDCTrace.fixArgs(new Object[] { parent, properties })); }
this.parentExecutionDMC = parent;
this.tcfContext = tcfContext;
if (props != null) {
dmcsByID.put(getID(), this);
if (parent != null)
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceExit(null); }
private void addChild(ExecutionDMC executionDMC) {
synchronized (children) {
private void removeChild(IEDCExecutionDMC executionDMC) {
synchronized (children) {
public ExecutionDMC[] getChildren() {
synchronized (children) {
return children.toArray(new ExecutionDMC[children.size()]);
public boolean wantFocusInUI() {
Boolean wantFocus = (Boolean)properties.get(ProtocolConstants.PROP_WANT_FOCUS_IN_UI);
if (wantFocus == null)
wantFocus = true; // default if unknown (not set by debug agent).
return wantFocus;
public abstract ExecutionDMC contextAdded(Map<String, Object> properties, RunControlContext tcfContext);
public abstract boolean canDetach();
public abstract boolean canStep();
public void loadSnapshot(Element element) throws Exception {
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceEntry(null, EDCTrace.fixArg(element)); }
NodeList ecElements = element.getElementsByTagName(EXECUTION_CONTEXT);
int numcontexts = ecElements.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < numcontexts; i++) {
Element contextElement = (Element) ecElements.item(i);
if (contextElement.getParentNode().equals(element)) {
try {
Element propElement = (Element) contextElement.getElementsByTagName(SnapshotUtils.PROPERTIES)
HashMap<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
SnapshotUtils.initializeFromXML(propElement, properties);
ExecutionDMC exeDMC = contextAdded(properties, null);
} catch (CoreException e) {
EDCDebugger.getMessageLogger().logError(null, e);
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceExit(null); }
public Element takeSnapshot(IAlbum album, Document document, IProgressMonitor monitor)throws Exception {
Element contextElement = document.createElement(EXECUTION_CONTEXT);
contextElement.setAttribute(PROP_ID, this.getID());
Element propsElement = SnapshotUtils.makeXMLFromProperties(document, getProperties());
ExecutionDMC[] dmcs = getChildren();
SubMonitor progress = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, dmcs.length * 1000);
for (ExecutionDMC executionDMC : dmcs) {
Element dmcElement = executionDMC.takeSnapshot(album, document, progress.newChild(1000));
return contextElement;
public boolean isSuspended() {
synchronized (properties) {
return RunControl.getProperty(properties, PROP_IS_SUSPENDED, false);
public StateChangeReason getStateChangeReason() {
return stateChangeReason;
protected void setStateChangeDetails(String newStateChangeDetails) {
stateChangeDetails = newStateChangeDetails;
public String getStateChangeDetails() {
return stateChangeDetails;
public void setIsSuspended(boolean isSuspended) {
synchronized (properties) {
properties.put(PROP_IS_SUSPENDED, isSuspended);
if (getParent() != null)
private void childIsSuspended(boolean isSuspended) {
if (isSuspended) {
} else {
boolean anySuspended = false;
for (ExecutionDMC childDMC : getChildren()) {
if (childDMC.isSuspended()) {
anySuspended = true;
if (!anySuspended)
protected void contextException(String msg) {
assert getExecutor().isInExecutorThread();
synchronized (properties) {
properties.put(PROP_MESSAGE, msg);
stateChangeReason = StateChangeReason.EXCEPTION;
createSuspendedEvent(StateChangeReason.EXCEPTION, new HashMap<String, Object>()),
protected void contextSuspended(String pc, String reason, final Map<String, Object> params) {
assert getExecutor().isInExecutorThread();
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceEntry(null, EDCTrace.fixArg(new Object[] { pc, reason, params })); }
if (pc != null) {
// the PC from TCF agent is decimal string.
// convert it to hex string.
pc = Long.toHexString(Long.parseLong(pc));
latestPC = pc;
synchronized (properties) {
properties.put(PROP_MESSAGE, reason);
properties.put(PROP_SUSPEND_PC, pc);
stateChangeReason = toDsfStateChangeReason(reason);
if (stateChangeReason == StateChangeReason.SHAREDLIB) {
handleModuleEvent(this, params);
} else {
properties.put(PROP_DISABLE_STEPPING, params.get(ProtocolConstants.PROP_DISABLE_STEPPING));
properties.put(ProtocolConstants.PROP_WANT_FOCUS_IN_UI, params.get(ProtocolConstants.PROP_WANT_FOCUS_IN_UI));
stateChangeDetails = (String) params.get(ProtocolConstants.PROP_SUSPEND_DETAIL);
// TODO This is not what the stateChangeDetails is for, we need an extended thread description
// and is "foreground" really the right term?
// Show the context is foreground one, if possible.
Boolean isForeground = (Boolean)params.get(ProtocolConstants.PROP_IS_FOREGROUND);
if (isForeground != null)
stateChangeDetails += isForeground ? " [foreground]" : "";
final ExecutionDMC dmc = this;
final DataRequestMonitor<Object> preprocessDrm = new DataRequestMonitor<Object>(getExecutor(), null) {
protected void handleCompleted() {
Boolean honorSuspend;
Breakpoints.BreakpointDMData bp;
Object drmData = getData();
if (drmData instanceof Breakpoints.BreakpointDMData) {
bp = (Breakpoints.BreakpointDMData)drmData;
honorSuspend = true;
} else {
bp = null;
honorSuspend = (drmData instanceof Boolean) ? (Boolean)getData() : true;
if (honorSuspend!=null && honorSuspend) { // do suspend
// All the following must be done in DSF dispatch
// thread to ensure data integrity.
// see if there are any actions, and perform them if so
if (bp != null && bp.hasActions()) {
bp.executeActions(ExecutionDMC.this, newBreakpointActionRM());
// Mark done of the single step RM, if any pending.
if (steppingRM != null) {
if (bp == null) {
stateChangeReason = StateChangeReason.STEP;
stateChangeDetails = null;
steppingRM = null;
// Mark any stepping as done.
// Remove temporary breakpoints set by stepping.
// Note we don't want to do this on a sharedLibrary
// event as otherwise
// stepping will be screwed up by that event.
Breakpoints bpService = getService(Breakpoints.class);
bpService.removeAllTempBreakpoints(new RequestMonitor(getExecutor(), null));
* Don't report suspendedEvent to upper layer
* resulting from prepareToRun() to avoid
* unnecessary suspend-handling. But we need to
* fire the event if the stepping is finished after
* prepareToRun(). So remember it.
DMCSuspendedEvent e = dmc.createSuspendedEvent(stateChangeReason, params);
if (dmc.suspendEventsEnabled())
getSession().dispatchEvent(e, RunControl.this.getProperties());
} else {
// ignore suspend if, say, breakpoint condition is not met.
RunControl.this.resume(dmc, new RequestMonitor(getExecutor(), null));
preprocessOnSuspend(dmc, latestPC, preprocessDrm);
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceExit(null); }
void clearBreakpointActionRM() {
synchronized (this) {
if (bpActionRM != null) {
if (!bpActionRM.getSubmitted()) {
IProgressMonitor progress = bpActionRM.getProgressMonitor();
if (progress != null && !progress.isCanceled()) {
bpActionRM = null;
public RequestMonitorWithProgress getBreakpointActionRM() {
return bpActionRM;
RequestMonitorWithProgress newBreakpointActionRM() {
bpActionRM = new RequestMonitorWithProgress(getExecutor(), new NullProgressMonitor()) {
public void handleCompleted() {
return bpActionRM;
protected boolean suspendEventsEnabled() {
return suspendEventsEnabled ;
protected void setSuspendEventsEnabled(boolean enabled)
suspendEventsEnabled = enabled;
* handle module load event and unload event. A module is an executable file
* or a library (e.g. DLL or shared lib).
* @param dmc
* @param moduleProperties
private void handleModuleEvent(final IEDCExecutionDMC dmc, final Map<String, Object> moduleProperties) {
// The following needs be done in DSF dispatch thread.
getSession().getExecutor().execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// based on properties, either load or unload the module
boolean loaded = true;
Object loadedValue = moduleProperties.get(IModuleProperty.PROP_MODULE_LOADED);
if (loadedValue != null) {
if (loadedValue instanceof Boolean)
loaded = (Boolean) loadedValue;
if (loaded)
handleModuleLoadedEvent(dmc, moduleProperties);
handleModuleUnloadedEvent(dmc, moduleProperties);
public Boolean canTerminate() {
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceEntry(null); }
boolean result = false;
synchronized (properties) {
result = RunControl.getProperty(properties, PROP_CAN_TERMINATE, result);
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceExit(null, result); }
return result;
* Resume the context.
* @param rm
* this is marked done as long as the resume command
* succeeds.
public boolean supportsStepMode(StepType type) {
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceEntry(null, EDCTrace.fixArg(this)); }
int mode = 0;
switch (type) {
mode =;
mode =;
mode =;
mode =;
mode =;
if (hasTCFContext())
return getTCFContext().canResume(mode);
return false;
* Resume the context.
* @param rm
* this is marked done as long as the resume command
* succeeds.
public void resume(final RequestMonitor rm) {
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceEntry(null, EDCTrace.fixArg(this)); }
if (hasTCFContext()) {
Protocol.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
0, new DoneCommand() {
public void doneCommand(
IToken token,
final Exception error) {
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (error == null) {
EDCTrace.getTrace().trace(null, "Resume command succeeded.");
} else {
EDCTrace.getTrace().trace(null, "Resume command failed.");
rm.setStatus(new Status(
"Resume failed.",
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceExit(null); }
* Resume the context but the request monitor is only marked done when
* the context is suspended. (vs. regular resume()). <br>
* Note this method does not wait for suspended-event.
* @param rm
protected void resumeForStepping(final RequestMonitor rm) {
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceEntry(null, EDCTrace.fixArg(this)); }
if (hasTCFContext()) {
Protocol.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
getTCFContext().resume(, 0, new DoneCommand() {
public void doneCommand(IToken token, final Exception error) {
// do this in DSF executor thread.
getExecutor().execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceExit(null); }
private void handleTCFResumeDoneForStepping(String command, Exception tcfError, RequestMonitor rm) {
assert getExecutor().isInExecutorThread();
String msg = command;
if (tcfError == null) {
msg += " succeeded.";
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().trace(null, msg); }
// we'll mark it as done when we get next
// suspend event.
assert steppingRM == null;
steppingRM = rm;
} else {
msg += " failed.";
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().trace(null, msg); }
rm.setStatus(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, EDCDebugger.PLUGIN_ID, REQUEST_FAILED, msg, tcfError));
public void suspend(final RequestMonitor requestMonitor) {
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceEntry(null, EDCTrace.fixArg(this)); }
if (isSnapshot()) {
} else if (hasTCFContext()) {
Protocol.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
getTCFContext().suspend(new DoneCommand() {
public void doneCommand(IToken token,
Exception error) {
EDCTrace.getTrace().traceEntry(null, EDCTrace.fixArg(this));
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceExit(null); }
public void terminate(final RequestMonitor requestMonitor) {
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceEntry(null, EDCTrace.fixArg(this)); }
isTerminatingThanDisconnecting = true;
if (hasTCFContext()) {
Protocol.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
getTCFContext().terminate(new DoneCommand() {
public void doneCommand(IToken token, Exception error) {
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceEntry(null, EDCTrace.fixArg(this)); }
if (error != null) {
requestMonitor.setStatus(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, EDCDebugger.PLUGIN_ID,
"terminate() failed.", error));
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceExit(null); }
} else {
// Snapshots, for e.g., don't have a TCF RunControlContext, so just remove all the contexts recursively
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceExit(null); }
protected ExecutionDMC getParent() {
return parentExecutionDMC;
* get latest PC register value of the context.
* @return hex string of the PC value.
public String getPC() {
return latestPC;
* Change cached PC value.
* This is only supposed to be used for move-to-line & resume-from-line commands.
* @param pc
private void setPC(String pc) {
latestPC = pc;
* Detach debugger from this context and all its children.
public void detach(){
isTerminatingThanDisconnecting = false;
* agent side detaching is invoked by Processes service.
* Here we just purge the context.
* Purge this context and all its children and grand-children
* from debugger UI and internal data cache.
public void purgeFromDebugger(){
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceEntry(null); }
for (ExecutionDMC e : getChildren())
// recursively forget children first
ExecutionDMC parent = getParent();
if (parent != null)
getSession().dispatchEvent(new ExitedEvent(this, isTerminatingThanDisconnecting), RunControl.this.getProperties());
if (getRootDMC().getChildren().length == 0)
// no more contexts under debug, fire exitedEvent for the rootDMC which
// will trigger shutdown of the debug session.
// See EDCLaunch.eventDispatched(IExitedDMEvent e).
// Whether the root is terminated or disconnected depends on whether
// the last context is terminated or disconnected.
getSession().dispatchEvent(new ExitedEvent(getRootDMC(), isTerminatingThanDisconnecting), RunControl.this.getProperties());
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceExit(null); }
* Recursively marks all execution contexts as resumed
* @param dmc
public void resumeAll(){
for (ExecutionDMC e : getChildren()){
protected void contextResumed(boolean fireResumeEventNow) {
assert getExecutor().isInExecutorThread();
if (children.size() > 0) {
// If it has kids (e.g. a process has threads), only need
// to mark the kids as resumed.
for (ExecutionDMC e : children){
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceEntry(null, EDCTrace.fixArgs(new Object[] { this, fireResumeEventNow })); }
if (fireResumeEventNow)
getSession().dispatchEvent(this.createResumedEvent(), RunControl.this.getProperties());
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceExit(null); }
* Schedule a task to run after some time which will
* notify platform that the context is running.
private void scheduleResumeEvent() {
final ExecutionDMC dmc = this;
Runnable notifyPlatformTask = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
* Notify platform the context is running.
* But don't do that if another such task is scheduled
* (namely current stepping is done within the RESUME_NOTIFICATION_DELAY and
* another stepping/resume is underway).
if (countOfScheduledNotifications == 0 && !isSuspended())
getSession().dispatchEvent(dmc.createResumedEvent(), RunControl.this.getProperties());
getExecutor().schedule(notifyPlatformTask, RESUME_NOTIFICATION_DELAY, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
* Execute a single instruction. Note the "rm" is marked done() only
* when we get the suspend event, not when we successfully send the
* command to TCF agent.
* @param rm
protected void singleStep(final boolean stepInto, final RequestMonitor rm) {
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceEntry(null, EDCTrace.fixArg(this.getName())); }
if (hasTCFContext())
Protocol.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
int mode = stepInto ?
getTCFContext().resume(mode, 1, new DoneCommand() {
public void doneCommand(IToken token, final Exception error) {
// do this in DSF executor thread.
getExecutor().execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
handleTCFResumeDoneForStepping("SingleStep", error, rm);
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceExit(null); }
* Step out of the current function. Note the "rm" is marked done() only
* when we get the suspend event, not when we successfully send the
* command to TCF agent.
* @param rm
protected void stepOut(final RequestMonitor rm) {
assert supportsStepMode(StepType.STEP_RETURN) : STEP_RETURN_NOT_SUPPORTED;
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceEntry(null, EDCTrace.fixArg(this.getName())); }
if (hasTCFContext()) {
Protocol.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
0, new DoneCommand() {
public void doneCommand(
IToken token,
final Exception error) {
// do this in DSF executor thread.
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceExit(null); }
protected void stepRange(final boolean stepInto, final IAddress rangeStart, final IAddress rangeEnd,
final RequestMonitor rm) {
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceEntry(null, EDCTrace.fixArg(this.getName())); }
if (hasTCFContext()) {
Protocol.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
int mode = stepInto ?
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("RANGE_START", rangeStart.getValue());
params.put("RANGE_END", rangeEnd.getValue());
getTCFContext().resume(mode, 0, params, new DoneCommand() {
public void doneCommand(IToken token,
final Exception error) {
// do this in DSF executor thread.
getExecutor().execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
"StepRange", error, rm);
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceExit(null); }
* set whether debugger is stepping in the context.
* @param isStepping
public void setStepping(boolean isStepping) {
this.isStepping = isStepping;
* @return whether debugger is stepping the context.
public boolean isStepping() {
return isStepping;
private void addStepRange(IAddress lowAddress, IAddress highAddress) {
stepRanges.add(new EDCAddressRange(lowAddress, highAddress));
* Check if the give address is in current step ranges, if yes, return
* the range that contains it.
* @param address
* @return null if not found.
private EDCAddressRange findStepRange(IAddress address) {
for (EDCAddressRange r : stepRanges) {
if (r.contains(address))
return r;
return null;
private void clearStepRanges() {
protected DMCSuspendedEvent createSuspendedEvent(StateChangeReason reason, Map<String, Object> properties) {
return new SuspendedEvent(this, reason, properties);
* Cache a suspendedEvent for this context. Note only one
* event will be cached at a time.
* @param e
* The event to cache.
private void cacheSuspendedEvent(DMCSuspendedEvent e) {
cachedSuspendedEvent = e;
* The event should be used only once, thus this will clear
* the cache for that sake.
* @return
private DMCSuspendedEvent getCachedSuspendedEvent() {
DMCSuspendedEvent e = cachedSuspendedEvent;
cachedSuspendedEvent = null;
return e;
protected DMCResumedEvent createResumedEvent() {
return new ResumedEvent(this);
public RunControlContext getTCFContext() {
return tcfContext;
public boolean hasTCFContext() {
return tcfContext != null;
public Object getAdapter(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Class adapterType) {
if (adapterType.equals(ILogActionEnabler.class)) {
Stack stackService = getService(Stack.class);
IFrameDMContext[] frames;
try {
frames = stackService.getFramesForDMC(this, 0, 0);
Expressions exprService = getService(Expressions.class);
return new EDCLogActionEnabler(exprService, frames[0]);
} catch (CoreException e) {
return null;
if (adapterType.equals(IResumeActionEnabler.class)) {
RunControl.ThreadExecutionDMC threadDMC
= DMContexts.getAncestorOfType(this, RunControl.ThreadExecutionDMC.class);
return new ResumeActionEnabler(threadDMC);
if (adapterType.equals(AbstractEDCService.class)) {
return RunControl.this;
return super.getAdapter(adapterType);
private void addFunctionCallDestination(IAddress addr) {
private void clearFunctionCallDestinations() {
private boolean isFunctionCallDestination(IAddress addr) {
return functionCallDestinations.contains(addr);
public class ProcessExecutionDMC extends ExecutionDMC implements IContainerDMContext, IProcessDMContext,
ISymbolDMContext, IBreakpointsTargetDMContext, IDisassemblyDMContext {
public ProcessExecutionDMC(ExecutionDMC parent, Map<String, Object> properties, RunControlContext tcfContext) {
super(parent, properties, tcfContext);
public ExecutionDMC contextAdded(Map<String, Object> properties, RunControlContext tcfContext) {
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceEntry(null, EDCTrace.fixArg(properties)); }
ThreadExecutionDMC newDMC = new ThreadExecutionDMC(this, properties, tcfContext);
getSession().dispatchEvent(new StartedEvent(newDMC), RunControl.this.getProperties());
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceExit(null, EDCTrace.fixArg(newDMC)); }
return newDMC;
public ISymbolDMContext getSymbolDMContext() {
return this;
public void loadSnapshot(Element element) throws Exception {
// load modules first, since this loads a stack which must consult modules and symbolics
Modules modulesService = getService(Modules.class);
modulesService.loadModulesForContext(this, element);
public Element takeSnapshot(IAlbum album, Document document, IProgressMonitor monitor)throws Exception {
SubMonitor progress = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 1000);
Element contextElement = super.takeSnapshot(album, document, progress.newChild(500));
Element modulesElement = document.createElement(EXECUTION_CONTEXT_MODULES);
Modules modulesService = getService(Modules.class);
IModuleDMContext[] modules = modulesService.getModulesForContext(this.getID());
SubMonitor modulesMonitor = progress.newChild(500);
modulesMonitor.setWorkRemaining(modules.length * 1000);
for (IModuleDMContext moduleContext : modules) {
ModuleDMC moduleDMC = (ModuleDMC) moduleContext;
modulesElement.appendChild(moduleDMC.takeSnapshot(album, document, modulesMonitor.newChild(1000)));
return contextElement;
public boolean canDetach() {
// Can detach from a process unless we're part of a snapshot.
return hasTCFContext();
public boolean canStep() {
// can't step a process.
return false;
public class ThreadExecutionDMC extends ExecutionDMC implements IThreadDMContext, IDisassemblyDMContext {
public ThreadExecutionDMC(ExecutionDMC parent, Map<String, Object> properties, RunControlContext tcfContext) {
super(parent, properties, tcfContext);
EDCTrace.getTrace().traceEntry(null, EDCTrace.fixArgs(new Object[] { parent, properties }));
public ISymbolDMContext getSymbolDMContext() {
return DMContexts.getAncestorOfType(this, ISymbolDMContext.class);
public void loadSnapshot(Element element) throws Exception {
Registers regService = getService(Registers.class);
regService.loadGroupsForContext(this, element);
Stack stackService = getService(Stack.class);
NodeList frameElements = element.getElementsByTagName(EXECUTION_CONTEXT_FRAMES);
for (int i = 0; i < frameElements.getLength(); i++) {
Element frameElement = (Element) frameElements.item(i);
stackService.loadFramesForContext(this, frameElement);
createSuspendedEvent(StateChangeReason.EXCEPTION, new HashMap<String, Object>()),
public Element takeSnapshot(IAlbum album, Document document, IProgressMonitor monitor)throws Exception {
SubMonitor progress = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 1000);
Element contextElement = super.takeSnapshot(album, document, progress.newChild(100));
Element registersElement = document.createElement(EXECUTION_CONTEXT_REGISTERS);
Registers regService = getService(Registers.class);
IRegisterGroupDMContext[] regGroups = regService.getGroupsForContext(this);
SubMonitor registerMonitor = progress.newChild(300);
registerMonitor.setWorkRemaining(regGroups.length * 1000);
for (IRegisterGroupDMContext registerGroupDMContext : regGroups) {
RegisterGroupDMC regDMC = (RegisterGroupDMC) registerGroupDMContext;
registersElement.appendChild(regDMC.takeSnapshot(album, document, registerMonitor.newChild(1000)));
Element framesElement = document.createElement(EXECUTION_CONTEXT_FRAMES);
Stack stackService = getService(Stack.class);
Expressions expressionsService = getService(Expressions.class);
IFrameDMContext[] frames = stackService.getFramesForDMC(this, 0, IStack.ALL_FRAMES);
SubMonitor framesMonitor = progress.newChild(600);
framesMonitor.setWorkRemaining(frames.length * 2000);
framesMonitor.subTask("Stack Frames");
for (IFrameDMContext frameDMContext : frames) {
StackFrameDMC frameDMC = (StackFrameDMC) frameDMContext;
// Get the local variables for each frame
IVariableDMContext[] variables = frameDMC.getLocals();
SubMonitor variablesMonitor = framesMonitor.newChild(1000);
variablesMonitor.setWorkRemaining(variables.length * 10);
for (IVariableDMContext iVariableDMContext : variables) {
VariableDMC varDMC = (VariableDMC) iVariableDMContext;
IExpressionDMContext expression = expressionsService.createExpression(frameDMContext, varDMC.getName());
boolean wasEnabled = FormatExtensionManager.instance().isEnabled();
expressionsService.loadExpressionValues(expression, Album.getVariableCaptureDepth());
variablesMonitor.subTask("Variables - " + varDMC.getName());
framesElement.appendChild(frameDMC.takeSnapshot(album, document, framesMonitor.newChild(1000)));
return contextElement;
public ExecutionDMC contextAdded(Map<String, Object> properties, RunControlContext tcfContext) {
assert (false);
return null;
public boolean canDetach() {
// Cannot detach from a thread.
return false;
public boolean canStep() {
if (isSuspended()) {
synchronized (properties) {
return !RunControl.getProperty(properties, PROP_DISABLE_STEPPING, false);
return false;
* Context representing a program running on a bare device without OS, which
* can also be the boot-up "process" of an OS.
* <p>
* It's like a thread context as it has its registers and stack frames, but
* also like a process as it has modules associated with it. Currently we
* set it as an IProcessDMContext so that it appears as a ContainerVMNode in
* debug view. See LaunchVMProvider for more. Also it's treated like a
* process in
* {@link Processes#getProcessesBeingDebugged(IDMContext, DataRequestMonitor)}
public class BareDeviceExecutionDMC extends ThreadExecutionDMC
implements IProcessDMContext, ISymbolDMContext, IBreakpointsTargetDMContext {
public BareDeviceExecutionDMC(ExecutionDMC parent,
Map<String, Object> properties, RunControlContext tcfContext) {
super(parent, properties, tcfContext);
assert !RunControl.getProperty(properties, PROP_IS_CONTAINER, true);
protected DMCSuspendedEvent createSuspendedEvent(StateChangeReason reason, Map<String, Object> properties) {
return new ContainerSuspendedEvent(this, reason, properties);
protected DMCResumedEvent createResumedEvent() {
return new ContainerResumedEvent(this);
public boolean canDetach() {
return true;
public class RootExecutionDMC extends ExecutionDMC implements ISourceLookupDMContext {
public RootExecutionDMC(Map<String, Object> props) {
super(null, props, null);
public ExecutionDMC contextAdded(Map<String, Object> properties, RunControlContext tcfContext) {
ExecutionDMC newDMC;
// If the new context being added under root is a container context,
// we treat it as a Process, otherwise a bare device program context.
if (RunControl.getProperty(properties, PROP_IS_CONTAINER, true))
newDMC = new ProcessExecutionDMC(this, properties, tcfContext);
newDMC = new BareDeviceExecutionDMC(this, properties, tcfContext);
getSession().dispatchEvent(new StartedEvent(newDMC), RunControl.this.getProperties());
return newDMC;
public ISymbolDMContext getSymbolDMContext() {
return null;
public boolean canDetach() {
return false;
public boolean canStep() {
return false;
public class ResumeActionEnabler implements IResumeActionEnabler {
ExecutionDMC executionDMC;
public ResumeActionEnabler(final ExecutionDMC exeDMC) {
executionDMC = exeDMC;
public void resume() throws Exception {
RunControl.this.resume(executionDMC, new RequestMonitor(getExecutor(), null));
private static final String EXECUTION_CONTEXTS = "execution_contexts";
private tcfRunService;
private RootExecutionDMC rootExecutionDMC;
private final Map<String, ExecutionDMC> dmcsByID = new HashMap<String, ExecutionDMC>();
public RunControl(DsfSession session) {
super(session, new String[] {
ISnapshotContributor.class.getName() });
private void initializeRootExecutionDMC() {
HashMap<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>();
props.put(IEDCDMContext.PROP_ID, "root");
rootExecutionDMC = new RootExecutionDMC(props);
public void canResume(IExecutionDMContext context, DataRequestMonitor<Boolean> rm) {
rm.setData(((ExecutionDMC) context).isSuspended() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);
public void canStep(IExecutionDMContext context, StepType stepType, DataRequestMonitor<Boolean> rm) {
rm.setData(((ExecutionDMC) context).canStep() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);
public void canSuspend(IExecutionDMContext context, DataRequestMonitor<Boolean> rm) {
if (isSnapshot())
rm.setData(((ExecutionDMC) context).isSuspended() ? Boolean.FALSE : Boolean.TRUE);
public void getExecutionContexts(IContainerDMContext c, DataRequestMonitor<IExecutionDMContext[]> rm) {
if (c instanceof ProcessExecutionDMC) {
ProcessExecutionDMC edmc = (ProcessExecutionDMC) c;
IEDCExecutionDMC[] threads = edmc.getChildren();
IExecutionDMContext[] threadArray = new IExecutionDMContext[threads.length];
System.arraycopy(threads, 0, threadArray, 0, threads.length);
public void getExecutionData(IExecutionDMContext dmc, DataRequestMonitor<IExecutionDMData> rm) {
if (dmc instanceof ExecutionDMC) {
ExecutionDMC exedmc = (ExecutionDMC) dmc;
if (exedmc.isSuspended()) {
rm.setData(new ExecutionData(exedmc.getStateChangeReason(), exedmc.getStateChangeDetails()));
} else {
rm.setData(new ExecutionData(StateChangeReason.UNKNOWN, null));
} else
rm.setStatus(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, EDCDebugger.PLUGIN_ID, INVALID_HANDLE,
"Given context: " + dmc + " is not a recognized execution context.", null)); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
public boolean isStepping(IExecutionDMContext context) {
if (context instanceof ExecutionDMC) {
ExecutionDMC exedmc = (ExecutionDMC) context;
return exedmc.isStepping();
return false;
public boolean isSuspended(IExecutionDMContext context) {
if (context instanceof ExecutionDMC) {
ExecutionDMC exedmc = (ExecutionDMC) context;
return exedmc.isSuspended();
return false;
* Preprocessing for suspend event. This is done before we broadcast the
* suspend event across the debugger. Here's what's done in the
* preprocessing by default: <br>
* 1. Adjust PC after control hits a software breakpoint where the PC
* points at the byte right after the breakpoint instruction. This is to
* move PC back to the address of the breakpoint instruction.<br>
* 2. If we stops at a breakpoint, evaluate condition of the breakpoint
* and determine if we should ignore the suspend event and resume or
* should honor the suspend event and sent it up the ladder.
* <p>
* Subclass can override this method to add their own special preprocessing,
* while calling super implementation to carry out the default common.
* <p>
* This must be called in DSF executor thread.
* @param pc
* program pointer value from the event, in the format of
* big-endian hex string. Can be null.
* @param drm
* DataRequestMonitor whose result indicates whether to honor
* the suspend.
protected void preprocessOnSuspend(final ExecutionDMC dmc, final String pc,
final DataRequestMonitor<Object> drm) {
assert getExecutor().isInExecutorThread();
asyncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
Breakpoints bpService = getService(Breakpoints.class);
Registers regService = getService(Registers.class);
String pcString = pc;
if (pc == null) {
// read PC register
pcString = regService.getRegisterValue(dmc, getTargetEnvironmentService().getPCRegisterID());
// This check is to speed up handling of suspend due to
// other reasons such as "step".
// The TCF agents should always report the
// "stateChangeReason" as BREAKPOINT when a breakpoint
// is hit.
StateChangeReason stateChangeReason = dmc.getStateChangeReason();
if (stateChangeReason != StateChangeReason.BREAKPOINT
&& stateChangeReason != StateChangeReason.WATCHPOINT) {
BreakpointDMData bp;
if (!bpService.usesTCFBreakpointService()) {
// generic software breakpoint is used.
// We need to move PC back to the breakpoint
// instruction.
long pcValue
= Long.valueOf(pcString, 16)
- getTargetEnvironmentService()
.getBreakpointInstruction(dmc, new Addr64(pcString, 16))
pcString = Long.toHexString(pcValue);
bp = bpService.findBreakpoint(new Addr64(pcString, 16));
// Stopped but not due to breakpoint set by debugger.
// For instance, some Windows DLL has "int 3"
// instructions in it.
if (bp != null) {
// Now adjust PC register.
regService.writeRegister(dmc, getTargetEnvironmentService().getPCRegisterID(), pcString);
} else {
if (stateChangeReason == StateChangeReason.BREAKPOINT)
bp = bpService.findUserBreakpoint(new Addr64(pcString, 16));
else {// condition above means this is a StateChangeReason.WATCHPOINT
bp = bpService.findUserBreakpoint(new Addr64(dmc.getStateChangeDetails(), 16));
if (bp != null)
dmc.setStateChangeDetails("[" + bp.getExpression() + "]");
// check if a conditional breakpoint (must be a user bp) is hit
if (bp != null) {
// evaluate the condition
bpService.evaluateBreakpointCondition(dmc, bp, drm);
} else {
} catch (CoreException e) {
Status s = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, EDCDebugger.getUniqueIdentifier(), null, e);
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceExit(null, EDCTrace.fixArg(drm.getData())); }
}, drm);
public void resume(IExecutionDMContext context, final RequestMonitor rm) {
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceEntry(null, EDCTrace.fixArg(MessageFormat.format("resume context {0}", context))); }
if (!(context instanceof ExecutionDMC)) {
rm.setStatus(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, EDCDebugger.PLUGIN_ID, INVALID_HANDLE, MessageFormat.format(
"The context [{0}] is not a recognized execution context.", context), null));
final ExecutionDMC dmc = (ExecutionDMC) context;
prepareToRun(dmc, new DataRequestMonitor<Boolean>(getExecutor(), rm) {
protected void handleSuccess() {
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceExit(null, EDCTrace.fixArg(MessageFormat.format("resume() done on context {0}", dmc))); }
* Prepare for resuming or stepping by <br>
* - executing current instruction if PC is at a breakpoint.
* @param dmc
* - the execution context, usually a thread.
* @param drm
* - data request monitor which will contain boolean value on
* done indicating whether an instruction is executed during the
* preparation.
private void prepareToRun(final ExecutionDMC dmc, final DataRequestMonitor<Boolean> drm) {
// if there are actions associated with the last breakpoint,
// cancel the RM (and the action list for them) and resume
// If there is breakpoint at current PC, remove it => Single step =>
// Restore it.
final Breakpoints bpService = getService(Breakpoints.class);
if (bpService.usesTCFBreakpointService()) {
// It's currently required that the agent can single-step past a breakpoint
// if it offers TCF breakpoints service. It's not a solid requirement but just
// nice for the sake of stepping performance.
String latestPC = dmc.getPC();
if (latestPC != null) {
final BreakpointDMData bp = bpService.findUserBreakpoint(new Addr64(latestPC, 16));
if (bp != null) {
bpService.disableBreakpoint(bp, new RequestMonitor(getExecutor(), drm) {
protected void handleSuccess() {
// Now step over the instruction
dmc.singleStep(true, new RequestMonitor(getExecutor(), drm) {
protected void handleCompleted() {
protected void handleSuccess() {
// At this point the single instruction
// execution should be done
// and the context being suspended.
drm.setData(true); // indicates an instruction
// is executed
// Now restore the breakpoint.
bpService.enableBreakpoint(bp, drm);
} else { // no breakpoint at PC
} else {
// This is a coarse timer on stepping for internal use.
// When needed, turn it on and watch output in console.
private static long steppingStartTime = 0;
public static boolean timeStepping() {
return false;
public static long getSteppingStartTime() {
return steppingStartTime;
public void step(final IExecutionDMContext context, final StepType outerStepType, final RequestMonitor rm) {
* Step from current PC in "context"
asyncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
StepType stepType = outerStepType;
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceEntry(null, EDCTrace.fixArg(MessageFormat.format("{0} context {1}", stepType, context))); }
if (!(context instanceof ExecutionDMC)) {
rm.setStatus(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, EDCDebugger.PLUGIN_ID, INVALID_HANDLE, MessageFormat.format(
"The context [{0}] is not a recognized execution context.", context), null));
if (timeStepping())
steppingStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
final ExecutionDMC dmc = (ExecutionDMC) context;
IAddress pcAddress = null;
if (dmc.getPC() == null) { // PC is even unknown, can only do
// one-instruction step.
} else
pcAddress = new Addr64(dmc.getPC(), 16);
// For step-out (step-return), no difference between source level or
// instruction level.
if (stepType == StepType.STEP_RETURN)
// Source level stepping request.
if (stepType == StepType.STEP_OVER || stepType == StepType.STEP_INTO) {
IEDCModules moduleService = getService(Modules.class);
ISymbolDMContext symCtx = DMContexts.getAncestorOfType(context, ISymbolDMContext.class);
IEDCModuleDMContext module = moduleService.getModuleByAddress(symCtx, pcAddress);
// Check if there is source info for PC address.
if (module != null) {
IEDCSymbolReader reader = module.getSymbolReader();
assert pcAddress != null;
if (reader != null) {
IAddress linkAddress = module.toLinkAddress(pcAddress);
IModuleLineEntryProvider lineEntryProvider
= reader.getModuleScope().getModuleLineEntryProvider();
ILineEntry line = lineEntryProvider.getLineEntryAtAddress(linkAddress);
if (line != null) {
// get runtime addresses of the line boundaries.
IAddress endAddr = getAddressForNextLine(dmc, pcAddress, module,
linkAddress, lineEntryProvider, line,
stepType == StepType.STEP_OVER);
// If the line has two or more code ranges, record them
Collection<ILineEntry> ranges
= lineEntryProvider.getLineEntriesForLines(line.getFilePath(),
if (ranges.size() > 1)
for (ILineEntry iLineEntry : ranges) {
* It's possible that PC is larger than
* startAddr (e.g. user does a few instruction
* level stepping then switch to source level
* stepping). We just parse and step past
* instructions within [pcAddr, endAddr) instead
* of all those within [startAddr, endAddr). One
* possible problem with the solution is when
* control jumps from a point within [pcAddress,
* endAddr) to a point within [startAddr,
* pcAddress), the stepping would stop within
* instead of outside of the [startAddr,
* endAddr). But that case is rare (e.g. a
* source line contains a bunch of statements)
* and that "problem" is not unacceptable as
* user could just keep stepping or set a
* breakpoint and run.
* We can overcome the problem but that would
* incur much more complexity in the stepping
* code and brings down the stepping speed.
* ........................ 08/30/2009
final boolean stepIn = stepType == StepType.STEP_INTO;
stepAddressRange(dmc, stepIn, pcAddress, endAddr, new RequestMonitor(getExecutor(), rm) {
protected void handleSuccess() {
handleStepAddressRangeDone(stepIn, dmc, rm);
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceExit(null, "source level stepping."); }
// No source found, fall back to instruction level step.
if (stepType == StepType.STEP_INTO)
// instruction level step
if (stepType == StepType.INSTRUCTION_STEP_OVER)
stepOverOneInstruction(dmc, pcAddress, rm);
else if (stepType == StepType.INSTRUCTION_STEP_INTO)
// Note when do StepIn at instruction level, we
// don't bother checking and stepping past glue code.
stepIntoOneInstruction(dmc, rm);
else if (stepType == StepType.INSTRUCTION_STEP_RETURN)
stepOut(dmc, pcAddress, rm);
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceExit(null); }
}, rm);
private void handleStepAddressRangeDone(final boolean stepIn, final ExecutionDMC dmc, final RequestMonitor rm) {
IAddress newPC = new Addr64(dmc.getPC(), 16);
boolean done = false;
EDCAddressRange r = dmc.findStepRange(newPC);
if (r == null)
// PC is out of line code ranges, done
done = true;
else {
Breakpoints bpService = getService(Breakpoints.class);
if (bpService.findUserBreakpoint(newPC) != null)
// hit a user breakpoint
done = true;
if (done) {
if (stepIn) {
// Only when we step into a function (not jump to some place)
// do we check if there is glue code and step past it if any
// ...........................08/07/11
if (dmc.isFunctionCallDestination(newPC))
stepPastGlueCode(dmc, newPC, rm);
else if (r != null)
// Still in a code range of the line, keep going by recursive call.
stepAddressRange(dmc, stepIn, newPC, r.getEndAddress(), new RequestMonitor(getExecutor(), rm) {
protected void handleSuccess() {
// recursive
handleStepAddressRangeDone(stepIn, dmc, rm);
* If instructions at PC are glue code (e.g. jump table for call to function in DLL),
* step past them. Otherwise just do nothing.
* @param dmc the execution context, usually a thread.
* @param pc program counter.
* @param rm
private void stepPastGlueCode(ExecutionDMC dmc, IAddress pc,
RequestMonitor rm) {
// Glue code is totally processor specific. So
// let TargetEnvironment service handle it.
ITargetEnvironment te = getService(ITargetEnvironment.class);
te.stepPastGlueCode(dmc, pc, rm);
private void stepOut(final ExecutionDMC dmc, IAddress pcAddress, final RequestMonitor rm) {
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceEntry(null, "Step out from address " + pcAddress.toHexAddressString()); }
if (dmc.supportsStepMode(StepType.STEP_RETURN)) {
Stack stackService = getService(Stack.class);
IFrameDMContext[] frames;
try {
frames = stackService.getFramesForDMC(dmc, 0, 1);
} catch (CoreException e) {
Status s = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, EDCDebugger.getUniqueIdentifier(), null, e);
if (frames.length <= 1) {
rm.setStatus(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, EDCDebugger.PLUGIN_ID, REQUEST_FAILED,
"Cannot step out as no caller frame is available.", null));
if (handleSteppingOutOfInLineFunctions(dmc, frames, rm))
final IAddress stepToAddress = ((StackFrameDMC) frames[1]).getInstructionPtrAddress();
final Breakpoints bpService = getService(Breakpoints.class);
prepareToRun(dmc, new DataRequestMonitor<Boolean>(getExecutor(), rm) {
protected void handleSuccess() {
boolean goon = true;
if (getData() == true) {
// one instruction has been executed
IAddress newPC = new Addr64(dmc.getPC(), 16);
// And we already stepped out (that instruction is return
// instruction).
if (newPC.equals(stepToAddress)) {
goon = false;
if (goon) {
bpService.setTempBreakpoint(dmc, stepToAddress, new RequestMonitor(getExecutor(), rm) {
protected void handleSuccess() {
} else {
// Stepping finished after prepareToRun().
DMCSuspendedEvent e = dmc.getCachedSuspendedEvent();
if (e != null)
getSession().dispatchEvent(e, RunControl.this.getProperties());
* handle module load event. A module is an executable file
* or a library (e.g. DLL or shared lib).
* Allow subclass to override for special handling if needed.
* This must be called in DSF dispatch thread.
* @param dmc
* @param moduleProperties
protected void handleModuleLoadedEvent(IEDCExecutionDMC dmc, Map<String, Object> moduleProperties) {
ISymbolDMContext symbolContext = dmc.getSymbolDMContext();
if (symbolContext != null) {
Modules modulesService = getService(Modules.class);
modulesService.moduleLoaded(symbolContext, dmc, moduleProperties);
* handle module unload event. A module is an executable file
* or a library (e.g. DLL or shared lib).
* Allow subclass to override for special handling if needed.
* This must be called in DSF dispatch thread.
* @param dmc
* @param moduleProperties
protected void handleModuleUnloadedEvent(IEDCExecutionDMC dmc, Map<String, Object> moduleProperties) {
ISymbolDMContext symbolContext = dmc.getSymbolDMContext();
if (symbolContext != null) {
Modules modulesService = getService(Modules.class);
modulesService.moduleUnloaded(symbolContext, dmc, moduleProperties);
private boolean handleSteppingOutOfInLineFunctions(final ExecutionDMC dmc,
IFrameDMContext[] frames, final RequestMonitor rm) {
assert frames.length > 1 && frames[0] instanceof StackFrameDMC;
StackFrameDMC currentFrame = ((StackFrameDMC) frames[0]);
IEDCModuleDMContext module = currentFrame.getModule();
if (module != null) {
IFunctionScope func = currentFrame.getFunctionScope();
// if inline ...
if (func != null && (func.getParent() instanceof IFunctionScope)) {
// ... but if PC is at beginning of function, then act like not in inline
// (i.e. step-out as though standing at call to any non-inline function)
if (currentFrame.isInlineShouldBeHidden(null))
return false;
// ... or if PC at at high-address, that means we're actually done with it
IAddress functRuntimeHighAddr = module.toRuntimeAddress(func.getHighAddress());
IAddress frameInstrPtr = currentFrame.getInstructionPtrAddress();
if (functRuntimeHighAddr.equals(frameInstrPtr))
return false;
// getting here means treat the line as a regular line to step over
stepAddressRange(dmc, false, frameInstrPtr, functRuntimeHighAddr,
new RequestMonitor(getExecutor(), rm) {
protected void handleSuccess() {
return true;
return false;
* check if the instruction at PC is a subroutine call. If yes, set a
* breakpoint after it and resume; otherwise just execute one instruction.
* @param dmc
* @param pcAddress
* @param rm
private void stepOverOneInstruction(final ExecutionDMC dmc, final IAddress pcAddress, final RequestMonitor rm) {
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceEntry(null, "address " + pcAddress.toHexAddressString()); }
if (dmc.supportsStepMode(StepType.INSTRUCTION_STEP_OVER)) {
dmc.singleStep(false, rm);
ITargetEnvironment env = getTargetEnvironmentService();
final IDisassembler disassembler = (env != null) ? env.getDisassembler() : null;
if (disassembler == null) {
Memory memoryService = getService(Memory.class);
IMemoryDMContext mem_dmc = DMContexts.getAncestorOfType(dmc, IMemoryDMContext.class);
// We need to get the instruction at the PC. We have to
// retrieve memory bytes for longest instruction.
@SuppressWarnings("null") // (env == null) -> (disassembler == null) -> return above
int maxInstLength = env.getLongestInstructionLength();
// Note this memory read will give us memory bytes with
// debugger breakpoints removed, which is just what we want.
memoryService.getMemory(mem_dmc, pcAddress, 0, 1, maxInstLength,
new DataRequestMonitor<MemoryByte[]>(getExecutor(), rm) {
protected void handleSuccess() {
ByteBuffer codeBuf = Disassembly.translateMemoryBytes(getData(), pcAddress, rm);
if (codeBuf == null) {
return; // rm status set in translateMemoryBytes()
IDisassemblyDMContext dis_dmc
= DMContexts.getAncestorOfType(dmc, IDisassemblyDMContext.class);
Map<String, Object> options = new HashMap<String, Object>();
options.put(IDisassemblerOptions.ADDRESS_IS_PC, 1);
IDisassembledInstruction inst;
try {
inst = disassembler.disassembleOneInstruction(pcAddress, codeBuf, options, dis_dmc);
} catch (CoreException e) {
final boolean isSubroutineCall = inst.getJumpToAddress() != null
&& inst.getJumpToAddress().isSubroutineAddress();
final IAddress nextInstructionAddress = pcAddress.add(inst.getSize());
stepIntoOneInstruction(dmc, new RequestMonitor(getExecutor(), rm) {
protected void handleSuccess() {
if (!isSubroutineCall)
else {
// If current instruction is subroutine call, set a
// temp
// breakpoint at next instruction and resume ...
Breakpoints bpService = getService(Breakpoints.class);
bpService.setTempBreakpoint(dmc, nextInstructionAddress,
new RequestMonitor(getExecutor(), rm) {
protected void handleSuccess() {
* Step into or over an address range. Note the startAddr is also the PC
* value.
* @param dmc
* @param stepIn
* - whether to step-in.
* @param startAddr
* - also the PC register value.
* @param endAddr
* @param rm
* - marked done after the stepping is over and context is
* suspended again.
private void stepAddressRange(final ExecutionDMC dmc, final boolean stepIn, final IAddress startAddr,
final IAddress endAddr, final RequestMonitor rm) {
if (EDCTrace.RUN_CONTROL_TRACE_ON) { EDCTrace.getTrace().traceEntry(null, MessageFormat.format("address range [{0},{1})", startAddr.toHexAddressString(), endAddr.toHexAddressString())); }
int memSize = startAddr.distanceTo(endAddr).intValue();
if (memSize < 0) { // endAddr < startAddr
rm.setStatus(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, EDCDebugger.PLUGIN_ID,
"Invalid arguments for StepAddressRange(): ending address {0} is smaller than start address {1}.",
endAddr.toHexAddressString(), startAddr.toHexAddressString())));
if (dmc.supportsStepMode(stepIn ? StepType.STEP_INTO : StepType.STEP_OVER)) {
dmc.stepRange(stepIn, startAddr, endAddr, rm);
ITargetEnvironment env = getTargetEnvironmentService();
final IDisassembler disassembler = (env != null) ? env.getDisassembler() : null;
if (disassembler == null) {
final Memory memoryService = getService(Memory.class);
IMemoryDMContext mem_dmc = DMContexts.getAncestorOfType(dmc, IMemoryDMContext.class);
final IAddress pcAddress = startAddr;
// Note this memory read will give us memory bytes with
// debugger breakpoints removed, which is just what we want.
memoryService.getMemory(mem_dmc, startAddr, 0, 1, memSize,
new DataRequestMonitor<MemoryByte[]>(getExecutor(), rm) {
protected void handleSuccess() {
ByteBuffer codeBuf = Disassembly.translateMemoryBytes(getData(), startAddr, rm);
if (codeBuf == null) {
return; // rm status set in checkMemoryBytes()
IDisassemblyDMContext dis_dmc
= DMContexts.getAncestorOfType(dmc, IDisassemblyDMContext.class);
Map<String, Object> options = new HashMap<String, Object>();
List<IDisassembledInstruction> instList;
try {
= disassembler.disassembleInstructions(startAddr, endAddr, codeBuf,
options, dis_dmc);
} catch (CoreException e) {
// Now collect all possible stop points
final List<IAddress> stopPoints = new ArrayList<IAddress>();
final List<IAddress> runToAndCheckPoints = new ArrayList<IAddress>();
boolean insertBPatRangeEnd = true;
for (IDisassembledInstruction inst : instList) {
final IAddress instAddr = inst.getAddress();
if (insertBPatRangeEnd == false)
insertBPatRangeEnd = true;
IJumpToAddress jta = inst.getJumpToAddress();
if (jta == null) // not control-change instruction, ignore.
// the instruction is a control-change instruction
if (!jta.isImmediate()) {
if (inst.getAddress().equals(pcAddress)) {
// Control is already at the instruction, evaluate
// it.
String expr = (String) jta.getValue();
if (expr.equals(JumpToAddress.EXPRESSION_RETURN_FAR)
|| expr.equals(JumpToAddress.EXPRESSION_RETURN_NEAR)
|| expr.equals(JumpToAddress.EXPRESSION_LR)) {
// The current instruction is return instruction. Just execute it
// to step-out and we are done with the stepping. This way we avoid
// looking for return address from caller stack frame which may not
// even available.
// Is it possible that the destination address of the step-out
// is still within the [startAddr, endAddr)range ? In theory
// yes, but in practice it means one source line has several
// function bodies in it, who would do that?
stepIntoOneInstruction(dmc, rm);
if (!jta.isSubroutineAddress() || stepIn)
// evaluate the address expression
IAddressExpressionEvaluator evaluator =
if (evaluator == null) {
rm.setStatus(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, EDCDebugger.PLUGIN_ID, REQUEST_FAILED,
"No evaluator for address expression yet.", null));
Registers regService = getService(Registers.class);
IAddress addr;
try {
addr = evaluator.evaluate(dmc, expr, regService, memoryService);
} catch (CoreException e) {
// don't add an address if we already have it
if (!stopPoints.contains(addr))
if (jta.isSubroutineAddress()) // step-in a function
} else {
// we must run to this instruction first
* What if control would skip (jump-over) this
* instruction within the [startAddr, endAddr) range
* ? So we should go on collecting stop points from
* the remaining instructions in the range and then
* do our two-phase stepping (see below)
if (!runToAndCheckPoints.contains(instAddr))
else { // "jta" is immediate address.
IAddress jumpAddress = (IAddress) jta.getValue();
if (jta.isSoleDestination()) {
if (jta.isSubroutineAddress()) {
// is subroutine call
if (stepIn && !stopPoints.contains(jumpAddress)) {
// no need to check remaining instructions
// !! Wrong. Control may jump over (skip)this instruction
// within the [startAddr, endAddr) range, so we still need
// to parse instructions after this instruction.
// break;
} else {
// step over the call instruction. Just stop
// at next instruction.
// nothing to do.
} else {
// Unconditional jump instruction
// ignore jump within the address range
if (!(startAddr.compareTo(jumpAddress) <= 0 && jumpAddress.compareTo(endAddr) < 0)) {
insertBPatRangeEnd = false;
if (!stopPoints.contains(jumpAddress))
} else {
// conditional jump
// ignore jump within the address range
if (!(startAddr.compareTo(jumpAddress) <= 0 && jumpAddress.compareTo(endAddr) < 0)
&& !stopPoints.contains(jumpAddress))
} // end of parsing instructions
// need a temp breakpoint at the "endAddr".
if (insertBPatRangeEnd && !stopPoints.contains(endAddr))
if (runToAndCheckPoints.size() > 0) {
// Now do our two-phase stepping.
if (runToAndCheckPoints.size() > 1) {
* Wow, there are two control-change instructions in the
* range that requires run-to-check (let's call them RTC
* point). In theory the stepping might fail (not stop
* as desired) in such case: When we try to run to the
* first RTC, the control may skip the first RTC and run
* to second RTC (note we don't know the stop points of
* the second RTC yet) and run out of the range and be
* gone with the wind...
* TODO: we could solve it by keeping stepping till we are out
* of the range. Do it when really needed in practice (namely
* when the following warning is seen).
// Log a warning here.
new Status(IStatus.WARNING, EDCDebugger.PLUGIN_ID,
"More than one run-to-check points in the address range [{0},{1}). Stepping might fail.",
startAddr.toHexAddressString(), endAddr.toHexAddressString())));
// ------------ Phase 1: run to the first RTC.
// recursive call
stepAddressRange(dmc, stepIn, startAddr, runToAndCheckPoints.get(0), new RequestMonitor(
getExecutor(), rm) {
protected void handleSuccess() {
IAddress newPC = new Addr64(dmc.getPC(), 16);
boolean doneWithStepping = false;
for (IAddress addr : stopPoints)
if (newPC.equals(addr)) {
// done with the stepping
doneWithStepping = true;
Breakpoints bpService = getService(Breakpoints.class);
if (bpService.findUserBreakpoint(newPC) != null) {
// hit a user bp
doneWithStepping = true;
if (!doneWithStepping)
// -------- Phase 2: run to the "endAddr".
stepAddressRange(dmc, stepIn, newPC, endAddr, rm); // Recursive call
} else {
// no RTC points, set temp breakpoints at stopPoints
// and run...
// Make sure we step over breakpoint at PC (if any)
prepareToRun(dmc, new DataRequestMonitor<Boolean>(getExecutor(), rm) {
protected void handleSuccess() {
boolean goon = true;
Breakpoints bpService = getService(Breakpoints.class);
if (getData() == true) {
// one instruction has been executed
IAddress newPC = new Addr64(dmc.getPC(), 16);
if (bpService.findUserBreakpoint(newPC) != null) {
// hit a user breakpoint. Stepping finishes.
goon = false;
} else {
// Check if we finish the stepping by
// checking the newPC against
// our stopPoints instead of checking if
// newPC is outside of [startAddr, endAddr)
// so that such case would not fail: step
// over this address range:
// 0x10000 call ...(a user bp is set here)
// 0x10004 ...
// 0x1000c ...
for (IAddress addr : stopPoints)
if (newPC.equals(addr)) {
goon = false;
if (goon) {
// Now set temp breakpoints at our stop points.
CountingRequestMonitor setTempBpRM = new CountingRequestMonitor(getExecutor(), rm) {
protected void handleSuccess() {
// we are done setting all temporary
// breakpoints
for (IAddress addr : stopPoints) {
bpService.setTempBreakpoint(dmc, addr, setTempBpRM);
} else {
// Stepping finished after prepareToRun().
DMCSuspendedEvent e = dmc.getCachedSuspendedEvent();
if (e != null)
getSession().dispatchEvent(e, RunControl.this.getProperties());
* step-into one instruction at current PC, namely execute only one
* instruction.
* @param dmc
* @param rm
* - this RequestMonitor is marked done when the execution
* finishes and target suspends again.
private void stepIntoOneInstruction(final ExecutionDMC dmc, final RequestMonitor rm) {
prepareToRun(dmc, new DataRequestMonitor<Boolean>(getExecutor(), rm) {
protected void handleSuccess() {
if (getData() == true /* already executed one instruction */) {
// Stepping finished after prepareToRun().
DMCSuspendedEvent e = dmc.getCachedSuspendedEvent();
if (e != null)
getSession().dispatchEvent(e, RunControl.this.getProperties());
else {
dmc.singleStep(true, rm);
public void suspend(IExecutionDMContext context, RequestMonitor requestMonitor) {
if (context instanceof ExecutionDMC) {
((ExecutionDMC) context).suspend(requestMonitor);
} else {
requestMonitor.setStatus(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, EDCDebugger.PLUGIN_ID, INVALID_HANDLE, MessageFormat
.format("The context [{0}] is not a recognized execution context.", context), null));
public void getModelData(IDMContext dmc, DataRequestMonitor<?> rm) {
public void flushCache(IDMContext context) {
if (isSnapshot())
// Flush the Registers cache immediately
// For instance the readPCRegister() may get wrong PC value when an
// asynchronous suspend event comes too quick after resume.
Registers regService = getService(Registers.class);
public void shutdown(RequestMonitor monitor) {
if (tcfRunService != null) {
Protocol.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
public RootExecutionDMC getRootDMC() {
return rootExecutionDMC;
public static class StartedEvent extends AbstractDMEvent<IExecutionDMContext> implements IStartedDMEvent {
public StartedEvent(IExecutionDMContext context) {
public static class ExitedEvent extends AbstractDMEvent<IExecutionDMContext> implements IExitedDMEvent {
private boolean isTerminatedThanDisconnected;
public ExitedEvent(IExecutionDMContext context, boolean isTerminatedThanDisconnected) {
this.isTerminatedThanDisconnected = isTerminatedThanDisconnected;
public boolean isTerminatedThanDisconnected() {
return isTerminatedThanDisconnected;
* Methods in this listener are invoked in TCF dispatch thread.
* When they call into DSF services/objects, make sure it's done in
* DSF executor thread so as to avoid possible racing condition.
private final runListener = new {
public void containerResumed(String[] context_ids) {
public void containerSuspended(String context, String pc, String reason, Map<String, Object> params,
String[] suspended_ids) {
public void contextAdded(final RunControlContext[] contexts) {
getExecutor().execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
for (RunControlContext ctx : contexts) {
ExecutionDMC dmc = rootExecutionDMC;
String parentID = ctx.getParentID();
if (parentID != null)
dmc = dmcsByID.get(parentID);
if (dmc != null) {
dmc.contextAdded(ctx.getProperties(), ctx);
public void contextChanged(RunControlContext[] contexts) {
public void contextException(final String context, final String msg) {
getExecutor().execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
ExecutionDMC dmc = getContext(context);
if (dmc != null)
public void contextRemoved(final String[] context_ids) {
getExecutor().execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
for (String contextID : context_ids) {
ExecutionDMC dmc = getContext(contextID);
assert dmc != null;
if (dmc != null)
public void contextResumed(final String context) {
getExecutor().execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
ExecutionDMC dmc = getContext(context);
if (dmc != null)
public void contextSuspended(final String context, final String pc, final String reason,
final Map<String, Object> params) {
getExecutor().execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
ExecutionDMC dmc = getContext(context);
if (dmc != null)
dmc.contextSuspended(pc, reason, params);
else {
MessageFormat.format("Unkown context [{0}] is reported in suspended event. Make sure TCF agent has reported contextAdded event first.", context),
public Element takeSnapshot(IAlbum album, Document document, IProgressMonitor monitor)throws Exception {
Element contextsElement = document.createElement(EXECUTION_CONTEXTS);
ExecutionDMC[] dmcs = rootExecutionDMC.getChildren();
SubMonitor progress = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, dmcs.length * 1000);
for (ExecutionDMC executionDMC : dmcs) {
Element dmcElement = executionDMC.takeSnapshot(album, document, progress.newChild(1000));
return contextsElement;
public ExecutionDMC getContext(String contextID) {
return dmcsByID.get(contextID);
public void loadSnapshot(Element snapshotRoot) throws Exception {
NodeList ecElements = snapshotRoot.getElementsByTagName(EXECUTION_CONTEXTS);
rootExecutionDMC.loadSnapshot((Element) ecElements.item(0));
public void tcfServiceReady(IService service) {
if (service instanceof {
tcfRunService = ( service;
Protocol.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
} else
assert false;
* Stop debugging all execution contexts. This does not kill/terminate
* the actual process or thread.
* See: {@link #terminateAllContexts(RequestMonitor)}
private void detachAllContexts(){
* Terminate all contexts so as to terminate the debug session.
* @param rm can be null.
public void terminateAllContexts(final RequestMonitor rm){
CountingRequestMonitor crm = new CountingRequestMonitor(getExecutor(), rm) {
protected void handleError() {
// failed to terminate at least one process, usually
// because connection to target is lost, or some processes
// cannot be killed (e.g. OS does not permit that).
// Just untarget the contexts.
if (rm != null)
// It's assumed
// 1. First level of children under rootDMC are processes.
// 2. Killing them would kill all contexts (processes and threads) being debugged.
ExecutionDMC[] processes = getRootDMC().getChildren();
for (ExecutionDMC e : processes) {
public void canRunToLine(IExecutionDMContext context, String sourceFile,
int lineNumber, final DataRequestMonitor<Boolean> rm) {
// I tried to have better filtering as shown in commented code. But that
// just made the command fail to be enabled as desired. Not sure about the
// exact cause yet, but one problem (from the upper framework) I've seen is
// this API is not called whenever user selects a line in source editor (or
// disassembly view) and bring up context menu.
// Hence we blindly answer yes. The behavior is on par with DSF-GDB.
// ................. 03/11/10
// // Return true if we can find address(es) for the line in the context.
// //
// getLineAddress(context, sourceFile, lineNumber, new DataRequestMonitor<List<IAddress>>(getExecutor(), rm){
// @Override
// protected void handleCompleted() {
// if (! isSuccess())
// rm.setData(false);
// else {
// rm.setData(getData().size() > 0);
// }
// rm.done();
// }});
public void runToLine(final IExecutionDMContext context, String sourceFile,
int lineNumber, boolean skipBreakpoints, final RequestMonitor rm) {
getLineAddress(context, sourceFile, lineNumber, new DataRequestMonitor<List<IAddress>>(getExecutor(), rm){
protected void handleCompleted() {
if (! isSuccess()) {
else {
runToAddresses(context, getData(), rm);
private void runToAddresses(IExecutionDMContext context,
final List<IAddress> addrs, final RequestMonitor rm) {
// 1. Single step over breakpoint, if PC is at a breakpoint.
// 2. Set temp breakpoint at the addresses.
// 3. Resume the context.
final ExecutionDMC dmc = (ExecutionDMC)context;
assert dmc != null;
prepareToRun(dmc, new DataRequestMonitor<Boolean>(getExecutor(), rm){
protected void handleCompleted() {
if (! isSuccess()) {
CountingRequestMonitor settingBP_crm = new CountingRequestMonitor(getExecutor(), rm) {
protected void handleCompleted() {
if (! isSuccess()) {
// as long as we fail to set on temp breakpoint, we bail out.
else {
// all temp breakpoints are successfully set.
// Now resume the context.
Breakpoints bpService = getService(Breakpoints.class);
for (IAddress a : addrs)
bpService.setTempBreakpoint(dmc, a, settingBP_crm);
public void canRunToAddress(IExecutionDMContext context, IAddress address,
DataRequestMonitor<Boolean> rm) {
// See comment in canRunToLine() for more.
// // If the address is not in any module of the run context, return false.
// Modules moduleService = getService(Modules.class);
// ISymbolDMContext symCtx = DMContexts.getAncestorOfType(context, ISymbolDMContext.class);
// ModuleDMC m = moduleService.getModuleByAddress(symCtx, address);
// rm.setData(m == null);
// rm.done();
public void runToAddress(IExecutionDMContext context, IAddress address,
boolean skipBreakpoints, RequestMonitor rm) {
List<IAddress> addrs = new ArrayList<IAddress>(1);
runToAddresses(context, addrs, rm);
public void canMoveToLine(IExecutionDMContext context, String sourceFile,
int lineNumber, boolean resume, final DataRequestMonitor<Boolean> rm) {
// See comment in canRunToLine() for more.
// Return true if we can find one and only one address for the line in the context.
// getLineAddress(context, sourceFile, lineNumber, new DataRequestMonitor<List<IAddress>>(getExecutor(), rm){
// @Override
// protected void handleCompleted() {
// if (! isSuccess())
// rm.setData(false);
// else {
// rm.setData(getData().size() == 1);
// }
// rm.done();
// }});
public void moveToLine(final IExecutionDMContext context, String sourceFile,
int lineNumber, final boolean resume, final RequestMonitor rm) {
getLineAddress(context, sourceFile, lineNumber, new DataRequestMonitor<List<IAddress>>(getExecutor(), rm){
protected void handleCompleted() {
if (! isSuccess()) {
else {
List<IAddress> addrs = getData();
// No, canMoveToLine() does not do sanity check now.
// We just move to the first address we found, which may or
// may not be the address user wants. Is it better we return
// error if "addrs.size() > 1" ? .......03/28/10
// assert addrs.size() == 1; // ensured by canMoveToLine().
moveToAddress(context, addrs.get(0), resume, rm);
public void canMoveToAddress(IExecutionDMContext context, IAddress address,
boolean resume, DataRequestMonitor<Boolean> rm) {
// Allow moving to any address.
public void moveToAddress(IExecutionDMContext context, IAddress address,
boolean resume, RequestMonitor rm) {
assert(context instanceof ExecutionDMC);
final ExecutionDMC dmc = (ExecutionDMC)context;
String newPC = address.toString(16);
if (! newPC.equals(dmc.getPC())) {
Registers regService = getService(Registers.class);
try {
// synchronously change PC, so that change occurs before any resume
String regID = getTargetEnvironmentService().getPCRegisterID();
RegisterDMC regDMC = regService.findRegisterDMCByName(dmc, regID);
assert regDMC != null;
regService.writeRegister(regDMC, newPC, IFormattedValues.HEX_FORMAT);
} catch (CoreException e) {
Status s = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, EDCDebugger.getUniqueIdentifier(), "Error adjusting the PC register", e);
// update cached PC.
if (resume) {
resume(context, rm);
else if (rm == dmc.getBreakpointActionRM()) {
// if resume is false and our request monitor is
// THE breakpointActionRM, then the caller (currently
// only SkipAction) expects to stop at that bkpt.
// but that bkpt may have actions to be executed.
Breakpoints bpService = getService(Breakpoints.class);
final Breakpoints.BreakpointDMData bp = bpService.findUserBreakpoint(address);
if (bp.hasActions()) {
bp.executeActions(dmc, dmc.getBreakpointActionRM());
} else
} else {
* Get runtime addresses mapped to given source line in given run context.
* @param context
* @param sourceFile
* @param lineNumber
* @param drm holds an empty list if no address found, or the run context is not suspended.
private void getLineAddress(IExecutionDMContext context,
String sourceFile, int lineNumber, DataRequestMonitor<List<IAddress>> drm) {
List<IAddress> addrs = new ArrayList<IAddress>(1);
ExecutionDMC dmc = (ExecutionDMC) context;
if (dmc == null || ! dmc.isSuspended()) {
Modules moduleService = getService(Modules.class);
moduleService.getLineAddress(dmc, sourceFile, lineNumber, drm);
* Check if this context is non-container. Only non-container context
* (thread and bare device context) can have register, stack frames, etc.
* @param dmc
* @return
static public boolean isNonContainer(IDMContext dmc) {
return ! (dmc instanceof IContainerDMContext);
public ThreadExecutionDMC[] getSuspendedThreads()
ExecutionDMC[] dmcs = null;
List<ThreadExecutionDMC> result = new ArrayList<ThreadExecutionDMC>();
synchronized (dmcsByID)
Collection<ExecutionDMC> allDMCs = dmcsByID.values();
dmcs = allDMCs.toArray(new ExecutionDMC[allDMCs.size()]);
for (ExecutionDMC executionDMC : dmcs) {
if (executionDMC instanceof ThreadExecutionDMC && executionDMC.isSuspended())
result.add((ThreadExecutionDMC) executionDMC);
return result.toArray(new ThreadExecutionDMC[result.size()]);
public IAddress getAddressForNextLine(final ExecutionDMC dmc, IAddress pcAddress,
IEDCModuleDMContext module, IAddress linkAddress,
IModuleLineEntryProvider lineEntryProvider, ILineEntry line,
boolean treatAsStepOver) {
IAddress endAddr = module.toRuntimeAddress(line.getHighAddress());
// get the next source line entry that has a line #
// greater than the current line # (and in the same file),
// but is not outside of the function address range
// if found, the start addr of that entry is our end
// address, otherwise use the existing end address
ILineEntry nextLine
= lineEntryProvider.getNextLineEntry(
if (nextLine != null) {
endAddr = module.toRuntimeAddress(nextLine.getLowAddress());
} else { // nextLine == null probably means last line
IEDCSymbols symbolsService = getService(Symbols.class);
IFunctionScope functionScope
= symbolsService.getFunctionAtAddress(dmc.getSymbolDMContext(), pcAddress);
if (treatAsStepOver) {
while (functionScope != null
&& functionScope.getParent() instanceof IFunctionScope) {
functionScope = (IFunctionScope)functionScope.getParent();
if (functionScope != null)
endAddr = module.toRuntimeAddress(functionScope.getHighAddress());
return endAddr;
* Utility method for getting a context property using a default value
* if missing
private static boolean getProperty(Map<String, Object> properties, String name, boolean defaultValue) {
Boolean b = (Boolean)properties.get(name);
return (b == null ? defaultValue : b);