blob: 50b193d3977d1594ab6566c595f00bfbd9d8cdd0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 Nokia and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Nokia - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.internal.arm.disassembler;
import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.IAddress;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.JumpToAddress;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.disassembler.AssemblyFormatter;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.disassembler.CodeBufferUnderflowException;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.disassembler.DisassembledInstruction;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.disassembler.IDisassembler;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.disassembler.IDisassembler.IDisassemblerOptions;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.internal.arm.ARMPlugin;
import org.eclipse.cdt.debug.edc.internal.arm.disassembler.DisassemblerARM.IDisassemblerOptionsARM;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
* Single instruction disassembler for ARM.
public class InstructionParserARM {
public static final int DISASSEMBLER_MODE_ARM = 1;
public static final int DISASSEMBLER_MODE_THUMB = 2;
public static final int BIG_ENDIAN_MODE = 1;
public static final int LITTLE_ENDIAN_MODE = 2;
public static final int ARMv4 = 400;
public static final int ARMv4T = 401;
public static final int ARMv5 = 500;
public static final int ARMv6T = 601;
public static final int ARMv6 = 600;
public static final int ARMv6T2 = 602;
public static final int ARMv6K = 640;
public static final int ARMv7 = 700;
private static final char TAB = '\t';
private List<Integer> prefixes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
private List<Integer> prefixesUsed = new ArrayList<Integer>();
private int endianMode = LITTLE_ENDIAN_MODE;
private int disassemblerMode = DISASSEMBLER_MODE_THUMB;
private int versionMode = ARMv7;
private Map<String, Object> disassemblerOptions = null;
* address of the first byte of the instruction
private IAddress address;
* raw data of the instruction.
private ByteBuffer codeBuffer;
* start value of position (read pointer) of the code ByteBuffer.
final private int startPosition;
* result of disassembling the instruction, an
* {@link DisassembledInstruction} object.
private DisassembledInstruction result = null;
private boolean isSoleDestination;
private boolean isSubroutineAddress;
private IAddress jumpToAddr;
private String addrExpression;
* prepare to disassemble the instruction at the current position of the
* given byte buffer.
public InstructionParserARM(IAddress addr, ByteBuffer codeBuffer) {
this.address = addr;
this.codeBuffer = codeBuffer;
this.startPosition = codeBuffer.position();
private void initialize(Map<String, Object> options) {
isSoleDestination = false;
isSubroutineAddress = false;
jumpToAddr = null;
addrExpression = null;
result = new DisassembledInstruction(); // start new
// Make sure the code buffer is in big-endian
if (codeBuffer.order() == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)
disassemblerOptions = options;
Object mode = options.get(IDisassemblerOptionsARM.ENDIAN_MODE);
endianMode = (mode != null) ? ((Integer) mode).intValue() : LITTLE_ENDIAN_MODE;
mode = options.get(IDisassemblerOptionsARM.DISASSEMBLER_MODE);
= (mode != null) ? ((Integer) mode).intValue() : DISASSEMBLER_MODE_THUMB;
mode = options.get(IDisassemblerOptionsARM.VERSION_MODE);
= (mode != null) ? ((Integer) mode).intValue() : ARMv7;
* Disassemble the given byte buffer to get one instruction. This method can
* be called more than once to disassemble the same instruction with
* different options.
* @param options
* - disassembler options
* @return output of disassembling the instruction, an
* {@link DisassembledInstruction} object.
* @throws CoreException
public DisassembledInstruction disassemble(Map<String, Object> options)
throws CoreException {
String mnemonics = null;
CoreException err = null;
try {
if (disassemblerMode == DISASSEMBLER_MODE_ARM) {
mnemonics = parseARMOpcode();
} else {
mnemonics = parseThumbOpcode();
} catch (BufferUnderflowException e) {
throw new CodeBufferUnderflowException(e);
// Now we are done with parsing.
// Fill in result.
int instSize = codeBuffer.position() - startPosition;
StringBuffer asmOutput = new StringBuffer();
// Note we want to show "address" and "bytes" in
// error message when error/exception occurs.
if (checkBooleanOption(IDisassemblerOptions.MNEMONICS_SHOW_ADDRESS) || err != null) {
if (checkBooleanOption(IDisassemblerOptions.MNEMONICS_SHOW_BYTES) || err != null) {
int currPos = codeBuffer.position();
asmOutput.append(AssemblyFormatter.formatForByteColumn(codeBuffer, startPosition, instSize));
if (err != null) {
// create informative error message
String msg = "Fail to disassemble this instruction (address + code-bytes): " + asmOutput.toString();
msg += "\nCause: " + err.getMessage();
throw ARMPlugin.newCoreException(msg);
} else {
// Now fill in output.
// Append the instruction proper
return result;
private boolean checkBooleanOption(String option) {
if (!disassemblerOptions.containsKey(option))
return false;
Boolean value = (Boolean) disassemblerOptions.get(option);
return value.booleanValue();
private void fillInJumpToAddress() {
JumpToAddress jta = null;
if (jumpToAddr != null) {
jta = new JumpToAddress(jumpToAddr, isSoleDestination, isSubroutineAddress);
} else if (addrExpression != null) {
jta = new JumpToAddress(addrExpression, isSoleDestination, isSubroutineAddress);
* Disassemble a 32-bit ARM instruction
* Reference manual citations (e.g., "A8.6.16") refer to sections in the ARM Architecture
* Reference Manual ARMv7-A and ARMv7-R Edition, Errata markup
* @return disassembled instruction
private String parseARMOpcode() {
byte b0, b1, b2, b3;
if (endianMode == BIG_ENDIAN_MODE) {
b0 = codeBuffer.get();
b1 = codeBuffer.get();
b2 = codeBuffer.get();
b3 = codeBuffer.get();
} else {
b3 = codeBuffer.get();
b2 = codeBuffer.get();
b1 = codeBuffer.get();
b0 = codeBuffer.get();
int opcode
= ((b0 & 0xff) << 24) + ((b1 & 0xff) << 16) + ((b2 & 0xff) << 8) + ((b3 & 0xff));
OpcodeARM.Index opcodeIndex = OpcodeARM.Index.invalid;
String mnemonic = "";
for (OpcodeARM armOpcode : OpcodeARM.arm_opcode_table) {
int result = opcode & armOpcode.getOpcodeMask();
if (result == armOpcode.getOpcodeResult()) {
opcodeIndex = armOpcode.getIndex();
mnemonic = armOpcode.getMnemonic();
String instruction = "";
String condString = "";
String tempStr = "";
long offset;
int startReg; // first reg in range
int imm; // immediate
int reg; // register
int q; // VFP bit to decide whether to use q or d registers
int fld1; // arbitrary instruction field
switch (opcodeIndex) {
case arm_b: // A8.6.16 B
// b<c> <label>
case arm_bl: // A8.6.23 BL, BLX (immediate)
// bl<c> <label>
offset = getBranchOffset(opcode);
condString = getArmCondition(opcode);
isSoleDestination = (condString.length() == 0); // true if unconditional b or bl
isSubroutineAddress = (opcodeIndex == OpcodeARM.Index.arm_bl); // only bl is a subroutine call
jumpToAddr = address.add(offset); // immediate address known
instruction = mnemonic + condString + "\t" + jumpToAddr.toHexAddressString();
case arm_blx__imm: // A8.6.23 BL, BLX (immediate)
// blx <label>
offset = getBranchOffset(opcode) | ((opcode >> 23) & 2);
isSoleDestination = true; // no condition
isSubroutineAddress = true;
jumpToAddr = address.add(offset); // immediate address known
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + jumpToAddr.toHexAddressString();
case arm_blx__reg: // A8.6.24 BLX (register)
// blx<c> <Rm>
condString = getArmCondition(opcode);
tempStr = getR_0(opcode);
instruction = mnemonic + condString + "\t" + tempStr;
isSoleDestination = (condString.length() == 0); // true if unconditional blx
isSubroutineAddress = true;
addrExpression = tempStr; // branches to the address in Rm register
case arm_bx: // A8.6.25 BX
// bx<c> Rm
case arm_bxj: // A8.6.26 BXJ
// bxj<c> <Rm>
condString = getArmCondition(opcode);
tempStr = getR_0(opcode);
instruction = mnemonic + condString + "\t" + tempStr;
isSoleDestination = (condString.length() == 0); // true if unconditional bx
isSubroutineAddress = false;
addrExpression = tempStr; // branches to the address in Rm register
case arm_adc__imm: // A8.6.1 ADC (immediate)
// adc{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,#<const>
case arm_adc__reg: // A8.6.2 ADC (register)
// adc{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
case arm_add__imm: // A8.6.5 ADD (immediate, ARM)
// add{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,#<const>
// A8.6.8 ADD (SP plus immediate)
// add{s}<c> <Rd>,sp,#<const>
case arm_add__reg: // A8.6.6 ADD (register)
// add{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
// A8.6.9 ADD (SP plus register)
// add{s}<c> <Rd>,sp,<Rm>{,<shift>}
case arm_and__imm: // A8.6.11 AND (immediate)
// and{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,#<const>
case arm_and__reg: // A8.6.12 AND (register)
// and{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
case arm_bic__imm: // A8.6.19 BIC (immediate)
// bic{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,#<const>
case arm_bic__reg: // A8.6.20 BIC (register)
// bic{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
case arm_eor__imm: // A8.6.44 EOR (immediate)
// eor{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,#<const>
case arm_eor__reg: // A8.6.45 EOR (register)
// eor{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
case arm_orr__imm: // A8.6.113 ORR (immediate)
// orr{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,#<const>
case arm_orr__reg: // A8.6.114 ORR (register)
// orr{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
case arm_rsb__imm: // A8.6.142 RSB (immediate)
// rsb{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,#<const>
case arm_rsb__reg: // A8.6.143 RSB (register)
// rsb{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
case arm_rsc__imm: // A8.6.145 RSC (immediate)
// rsc{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,#<const>
case arm_rsc__reg: // A8.6.146 RSC (register)
// rsc{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
case arm_sbc__imm: // A8.6.151 SBC (immediate)
// sbc{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,#<const>
case arm_sbc__reg: // A8.6.152 SBC (register)
// sbc{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
case arm_sub__imm: // A8.6.212 SUB (immediate, ARM)
// sub{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,#<const>
// A8.6.215 SUB (SP minus immediate)
// sub{s}<c> <Rd>,sp,#<const>
case arm_sub__reg: // A8.6.213 SUB (register)
// sub{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
// A8.6.216 SUB (SP minus register)
// sub{s} <Rd>,sp,<Rm>{,<shift>}
condString = getArmCondition(opcode);
tempStr = getR_12(opcode);
instruction = mnemonic + getS(opcode) + condString + "\t"
+ tempStr + "," + getR_16(opcode) + "," + getShifterOperand(opcode);
if (tempStr.equals("pc"))
setDefaultPCJumpProperties(condString.length() == 0); // true if unconditional
case arm_adc__rsr: // A8.6.3 ADC (register-shifted register)
// adc{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>,<type> <Rs>
case arm_add__rsr: // A8.6.7 ADD (register-shifted register)
// add{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>,<type> <Rs>
case arm_and__rsr: // A8.6.13 AND (register-shifted register)
// and{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>,<type> <Rs>
case arm_bic__rsr: // A8.6.21 BIC (register-shifted register)
// bic{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>,<type> <Rs>
case arm_eor__rsr: // A8.6.46 EOR (register-shifted register)
// eor{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>,<type> <Rs>
case arm_orr__rsr: // A8.6.115 ORR (register-shifted register)
// orr{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>,<type> <Rs>
case arm_rsb__rsr: // A8.6.144 RSB (register-shifted register)
// rsb{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>,<type> <Rs>
case arm_rsc__rsr: // A8.6.147 RSC (register-shifted register)
// rsc{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>,<type> <Rs>
case arm_sbc__rsr: // A8.6.153 SBC (register-shifted register)
// sbc{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>,<type> <Rs>
case arm_sub__rsr: // A8.6.214 SUB (register-shifted register)
// sub{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>,<type> <Rs>
instruction = mnemonic + getS(opcode) + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + "," + getR_16(opcode) + "," + getShifterOperand(opcode);
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_adr__higher: // A8.6.10 ADR
// adr<c> <Rd>,<label>
// add<c> <Rd>,pc,#imm12 Alternate form
case arm_adr__lower: // A8.6.10 ADR
// adr<c> <Rd>,<label>
// sub<c> <Rd>,pc,#imm12 Alternate form
condString = getArmCondition(opcode);
tempStr = getR_12(opcode);
imm = opcode & 0xfff;
instruction = mnemonic + condString + "\t" + tempStr + ",pc,#" + getHexValue(imm);
if (tempStr.equals("pc"))
setDefaultPCJumpProperties(condString.length() == 0); // true if unconditional
case arm_asr__imm: // A8.6.14 ASR (immediate)
// asr{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rm>,#<imm>
case arm_lsl__imm: // A8.6.88 LSL (immediate)
// lsl{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rm>,#<imm5>
case arm_lsr__imm: // A8.6.90 LSR (immediate)
// lsr{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rm>,#<imm>
case arm_ror__imm: // A8.6.139 ROR (immediate)
// ror{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rm>,#<imm>
condString = getArmCondition(opcode);
tempStr = getR_12(opcode);
imm = (opcode >> 7) & 0x1f;
if (imm == 0)
imm = 32;
instruction = mnemonic + getS(opcode) + condString + "\t"
+ tempStr + "," + getR_0(opcode) + ",#" + imm;
if (tempStr.equals("pc"))
setDefaultPCJumpProperties(condString.length() == 0); // true if unconditional
case arm_asr__reg: // A8.6.15 ASR (register)
// asr{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
case arm_lsl__reg: // A8.6.89 LSL (register)
// lsl{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
case arm_lsr__reg: // A8.6.91 LSR (register)
// lsr{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
case arm_ror__reg: // A8.6.140 ROR (register)
// ror{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + getS(opcode) + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode) + "," + getR_8(opcode);
// No PC check: if Rd, Rn, or Rm is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_bfc: // A8.6.17 BFC
// bfc<c> <Rd>,#<lsb>,#<width>
int lsb = (opcode >> 7) & 0x1f;
int msb = (opcode >> 16) & 0x1f;
int width = msb - lsb + 1;
if (msb < lsb)
width = 0;
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + ",#" + lsb + ",#" + width;
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_bfi: // A8.6.18 BFI
// bfi<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,#<lsb>,#<width>
int lsb = (opcode >> 7) & 0x1f;
int msb = (opcode >> 16) & 0x1f;
int width = msb - lsb + 1;
if (msb < lsb)
width = 0;
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode) + ",#" + lsb + ",#" + width;
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_bkpt: // A8.6.22 BKPT
// bkpt #<imm16>
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + "#" + getHexValue((((opcode >> 4) & 0xfff0) | (opcode & 0xf)));
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_cdp: // A8.6.28 CDP, CDP2
// cdp<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<CRd>,<CRn>,<CRm>,<opc2>
mnemonic += getArmCondition(opcode);
case arm_cdp2: // A8.6.28 CDP, CDP2
// cdp2<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<CRd>,<CRn>,<CRm>,<opc2>
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getCo_cdp_operands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_clrex: // A8.6.30 CLREX
// clrex
if (ARMv6K > versionMode) {
instruction = IDisassembler.INVALID_OPCODE;
instruction = mnemonic;
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_clz: // A8.6.31 CLZ
// clz<c> <Rd>,<Rm>
case arm_rbit: // A8.6.134 RBIT
// rbit<c> <Rd>,<Rm>
case arm_rev: // A8.6.135 REV
// rev<c> <Rd>,<Rm>
case arm_rev16: // A8.6.136 REV16
// rev16<c> <Rd>,<Rm>
case arm_revsh: // A8.6.137 REVSH
// revsh<c> <Rd>,<Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t" + getR_12(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode);
// No PC check: if Rd or Rm is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_cmn__imm: // A8.6.32 CMN (immediate)
// cmn<c> <Rn>,#<const>
case arm_cmp__imm: // A8.6.35 CMP (immediate)
// cmp<c> <Rn>,#<const>
case arm_teq__imm: // A8.6.227 TEQ (immediate)
// teq<c> <Rn>,#<const>
case arm_tst__imm: // A8.6.230 TST (immediate)
// tst<c> <Rn>,#<const>
imm = opcode & 0xfff;
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t" + getR_16(opcode) + "," + getShifterOperand(opcode);
// No PC check: no registers changed
case arm_cmn__reg: // A8.6.33 CMN (register)
// cmn<c> <Rn>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
case arm_cmn__rsr: // A8.6.34 CMN (register-shifted register)
// cmn<c> <Rn>,<Rm>,<type> <Rs>
case arm_cmp__reg: // A8.6.36 CMP (register)
// cmp<c> <Rn>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
case arm_cmp__rsr: // A8.6.37 CMP (register-shifted register)
// cmp<c> <Rn>,<Rm>,<type> <Rs>
case arm_teq__reg: // A8.6.228 TEQ (register)
// teq<c> <Rn>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
case arm_teq__rsr: // A8.6.229 TEQ (register-shifted register)
// teq<c> <Rn>,<Rm>,<type> <Rs>
case arm_tst__reg: // A8.6.231 TST (register)
// tst<c> <Rn>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
case arm_tst__rsr: // A8.6.232 TST (register-shifted register)
// tst<c> <Rn>,<Rm>,<type> <Rs>
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_16(opcode) + "," + getShifterOperand(opcode);
// No PC check: no registers changed
case arm_cps: // B6.1.1 CPS
// cps<effect> <iflags>{,#<mode>}
// cps #<mode>
instruction = mnemonic + getCo_cps_instruction(opcode, false);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_dbg: // A8.6.40 DBG
// dbg<c> #<option>
if (ARMv6T2 > versionMode)
instruction = IDisassembler.INVALID_OPCODE;
else if (ARMv7 > versionMode)
instruction = "nop" + getArmCondition(opcode);
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t" + "#" + (opcode & 0xf);
// No PC check: no registers changed
case arm_dmb: // A8.6.41 DMB
// dmb #<option>
case arm_dsb: // A8.6.42 DSB
// dsb #<option>
if (ARMv7 > versionMode)
instruction = IDisassembler.INVALID_OPCODE;
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getDataBarrierOption(opcode);
// No PC check: no registers changed
case arm_isb: // A8.6.49 ISB
// isb #<option>
if (ARMv7 > versionMode)
instruction = IDisassembler.INVALID_OPCODE;
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getInstructionBarrierOption(opcode);
// No PC check: no registers changed
case arm_ldc__imm: // A8.6.51 LDC, LDC2 (immediate)
// ldc{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[<Rn>,#+/-<imm>]{!}
// ldc{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm>
// ldc{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[<Rn>],<option>
case arm_ldc__lit: // A8.6.52 LDC, LDC2 (literal)
// ldc{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,<label>
// ldc{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[pc,#-0] Special case
// ldc{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[pc],<option>
case arm_ldc2__imm: // A8.6.51 LDC, LDC2 (immediate)
// ldc2{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[<Rn>,#+/-<imm>]{!}
// ldc2{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm>
// ldc2{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[<Rn>],<option>
case arm_ldc2__lit: // A8.6.52 LDC, LDC2 (literal)
// ldc2{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,<label>
// ldc2{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[pc,#-0] Special case
// ldc2{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[pc],<option>
case arm_stc: // A8.6.188 STC, STC2
// stc{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[<Rn>,#+/-<imm>]{!}
// stc{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm>
// stc{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[<Rn>],<option>
case arm_stc2: // A8.6.188 STC, STC2
// stc2{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[<Rn>,#+/-<imm>]{!}
// stc2{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm>
// stc2{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[<Rn>],<option>
instruction = mnemonic + getL(opcode) + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getCoprocessor(opcode) + "," + getCR_12(opcode) + "," + getAddrModeImm8(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_ldr__imm: // A8.6.58 LDR (immediate, ARM)
// ldr<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>{,#+/-<imm12>}]
// ldr<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm12>
// ldr<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#+/-<imm12>]!
case arm_strt__imm: // A8.6.210 STRT
// strt<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>] {, +/-<imm12>}
condString = getArmCondition(opcode);
tempStr = getR_12(opcode);
instruction = mnemonic + condString + "\t" + tempStr + "," + getAddrMode2(opcode, 24);
// only the load can change the PC
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 20) && tempStr.equals("pc"))
setDefaultPCJumpProperties(condString.length() == 0); // true if unconditional
case arm_ldr__lit: // A8.6.59 LDR (literal)
// ldr<c> <Rt>,<label>
// ldr<c> <Rt>,[pc,#+/-<imm>] Alternative form
condString = getArmCondition(opcode);
tempStr = getR_12(opcode);
imm = opcode & 0xfff;
instruction = mnemonic + condString + "\t"
+ tempStr + "," + getAddrModePCImm(opcode, imm);
if (tempStr.equals("pc"))
setDefaultPCJumpProperties(condString.length() == 0); // true if unconditional
case arm_ldrb__imm: // A8.6.62 LDRB (immediate, ARM)
// ldrb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>{,#+/-<imm12>}]
// ldrb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm12>
// ldrb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#+/-<imm12>]!
case arm_ldrbt__imm: // A8.6.65 LDRBT
// ldrbt<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm12>
case arm_ldrt__imm: // A8.6.65 LDRBT
// ldrt<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>] {, #+/-<imm12>}
case arm_str__imm: // A8.6.194 STR (immediate, ARM)
// str<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>{,#+/-<imm12>}]
// str<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm12>
// str<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#+/-<imm12>]!
case arm_strb__imm: // A8.6.197 STRB (immediate, ARM)
// strb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>{,#+/-<imm12>}]
// strb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm12>
// strb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#+/-<imm12>]!
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t" + getR_12(opcode) + "," + getAddrMode2(opcode, 24);
// No PC check: for non-str, if Rt is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE;
// for str, the destination is memory - not a register
case arm_ldrb__lit: // A8.6.63 LDRB (literal)
// ldrb<c> <Rt>,<label>
// ldrb<c> <Rt>,[pc,#+/-<imm>] Alternative form
imm = opcode & 0xfff;
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + "," + getAddrModePCImm(opcode, imm);
// No PC check: if Rt is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE;
case arm_ldrd__imm: // A8.6.66 LDRD (immediate)
// ldrd<c> <Rt>,<Rt2>,[<Rn>{,#+/-<imm8>}]
// ldrd<c> <Rt>,<Rt2>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm8>
// ldrd<c> <Rt>,<Rt2>,[<Rn>,#+/-<imm8>]!
startReg = (opcode >> 12) & 0xf;
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getRegName(startReg) + "," + getRegName(startReg + 1) + ","
+ getAddrModeSplitImm8(opcode);
// No PC check: if Rt is odd or is LR (register 14), the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_ldrd__lit: // A8.6.67 LDRD (literal)
// ldrd<c> <Rt>,<Rt2>,<label>
// ldrd<c> <Rt>,<Rt2>,[pc,#+/-<imm>] Alternative form
imm = ((opcode >> 4) & 0xf0) | (opcode & 0xf);
startReg = (opcode >> 12) & 0xf;
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getRegName(startReg) + "," + getRegName(startReg + 1) + ","
+ getAddrModePCImm(opcode, imm);
// No PC check: if Rt is odd or is LR (register 14), the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_ldrh__imm: // A8.6.75 LDRH (literal)
// ldrh<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>{,#+/-<imm8>}]
// ldrh<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm8>
// ldrh<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#+/-<imm8>]!
case arm_ldrsb__imm: // A8.6.81 LDRSBT
// ldrsb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>{,#+/-<imm8>}]
// ldrsb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm8>
// ldrsb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#+/-<imm8>]!
case arm_ldrsh__imm: // A8.6.82 LDRSH (immediate)
// ldrsh<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>{,#+/-<imm8>}]
// ldrsh<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm8>
// ldrsh<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#+/-<imm8>]!
case arm_strh__imm: // A8.6.207 STRH (immediate, ARM)
// strh<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>{,#+/-<imm8>}]
// strh<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm8>
// strh<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#+/-<imm8>]!
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t" + getR_12(opcode)
+ "," + getAddrModeSplitImm8(opcode);
// No PC check: if Rt is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_ldrh__lit: // A8.6.75 LDRH (literal)
// ldrh<c> <Rt>,<label>
// ldrh<c> <Rt>,[pc,#+/-<imm>] Alternative form
case arm_ldrsb__lit: // A8.6.79 LDRSB (literal)
// ldrsb<c> <Rt>,<label>
// ldrsb<c> <Rt>,[pc,#+/-<imm>] Alternative form
case arm_ldrsh__lit: // A8.6.83 LDRSH (literal)
// ldrsh<c> <Rt>,<label>
// ldrsh<c> <Rt>,[pc,#+/-<imm>] Alternative form
imm = ((opcode >> 4) & 0xf0) | (opcode & 0xf);
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + "," + getAddrModePCImm(opcode, imm);
// No PC check: if Rt is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_ldm: // A8.6.53 LDM / LDMIA / LDMFD
// ldm<c> <Rn>{!},<registers>
case arm_ldmda: // A8.6.54 LDMDA / LDMFA
// ldmda<c> <Rn>{!},<registers>
case arm_ldmdb: // A8.6.55 LDMDB / LDMEA
// ldmdb<c> <Rn>{!},<registers>
case arm_ldmib: // A8.6.56 LDMIB / LDMED
// ldmib<c> <Rn>{!},<registers>
case arm_stm__regs: // A8.6.189 STM / STMIA / STMEA
// stm<c> <Rn>{!},<registers>
case arm_stmda: // A8.6.190 STMDA / STMED
// stmda<c> <Rn>{!},<registers>
case arm_stmdb: // A8.6.191 STMDB / STMFD
// stmdb<c> <Rn>{!},<registers>
case arm_stmib: // A8.6.192 STMIB / STMFA
// stmib<c> <Rn>{!},<registers>
condString = getArmCondition(opcode);
tempStr = getRegList(opcode);
instruction = mnemonic + condString + "\t"
+ getR_16(opcode) + getW(opcode) + "," + tempStr;
// only the loads can change the PC
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 20) && tempStr.contains("pc"))
setDefaultPCJumpProperties(condString.length() == 0); // true if unconditional
// Note: having PC (register 15) in the register list is deprecated
case arm_ldm__exc_ret: // B6.1.2 LDM (exception return)
// ldm{<amode>}<c> <Rn>{!},<registers_with_pc>^
condString = getArmCondition(opcode);
tempStr = getRegList(opcode);
instruction = mnemonic + getAddrMode(opcode) + condString + "\t"
+ getR_16(opcode) + getW(opcode) + "," + tempStr + "^";
if (tempStr.contains("pc"))
setDefaultPCJumpProperties(condString.length() == 0); // true if unconditional
case arm_ldm__user_reg: // B6.1.3 LDM (user registers)
// ldm{<amode>}<c> <Rn>,<registers_without_pc>^
case arm_stm__usr_regs: // stm{amode}<c> <Rn>,<registers>^
// stm{amode}<c> <Rn>,<registers>^
instruction = mnemonic + getAddrMode(opcode) + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_16(opcode) + "," + getRegList(opcode) + "^";
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_ldr__reg: // A8.6.60 LDR (register)
// ldr<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,+/-<Rm>{, <shift>}]{!}
// ldr<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],+/-<Rm>{, <shift>}
condString = getArmCondition(opcode);
tempStr = getR_12(opcode);
instruction = mnemonic + condString + "\t"
+ tempStr + "," + getAddrMode2(opcode, 24);
if (tempStr.equals("pc"))
setDefaultPCJumpProperties(condString.length() == 0); // true if unconditional
case arm_ldrb__reg: // A8.6.64 LDRB (register)
// ldrb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,+/-<Rm>{, <shift>}]{!}
// ldrb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],+/-<Rm>{, <shift>}
case arm_ldrbt__reg: // A8.6.65 LDRBT
// ldrbt<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],+/-<Rm>{, <shift>}
case arm_ldrt__reg: // A8.6.86 LDRT
// ldrt<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],+/-<Rm>{, <shift>}
case arm_strbt__reg: // A8.6.199 STRBT
// strbt<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],+/-<Rm>{, <shift>}
case arm_strt__reg: // A8.6.210 STRT
// strt<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],+/-<Rm>{, <shift>}
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + "," + getAddrMode2(opcode, 24);
// No PC check: for non-str, if Rt is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
// for str, the destination is memory - not a register
case arm_ldrd__reg: // A8.6.68 LDRD (register)
// ldrd<c> <Rt>,<Rt2>,[<Rn>,+/-<Rm>]{!}
// ldrd<c> <Rt>,<Rt2>,[<Rn>],+/-<Rm>
case arm_strd__reg: // A8.6.201 STRD (register)
// strd<c> <Rt>,<Rt2>,[<Rn>,+/-<Rm>]{!}
// strd<c> <Rt>,<Rt2>,[<Rn>],+/-<Rm>
startReg = (opcode >> 12) & 0xf;
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t" + getRegName(startReg)
+ "," + getRegName(startReg + 1) + "," + getAddrModeSplitImm8(opcode);
// No PC check: if Rt is odd or is LR (register 14), the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_ldrex: // A8.6.69 LDREX
// ldrex<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>]
case arm_ldrexb: // A8.6.70 LDREXB
// ldrexb<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>]
case arm_ldrexh: // A8.6.72 LDREXH
// ldrexh<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>]
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + ",[" + getR_16(opcode) + "]";
// No PC check: if Rt is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_ldrexd: // A8.6.71 LDREXD
// ldrexd<c> <Rt>,<Rt2>,[<Rn>]
startReg = (opcode >> 12) & 0xf;
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getRegName(startReg) + "," + getRegName(startReg + 1) + ",[" + getR_16(opcode) + "]";
// No PC check: if Rt is odd or is LR (register 14), the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_ldrh__reg: // A8.6.76 LDRH (register)
// ldrh<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,+/-<Rm>]{!}
// ldrh<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],+/-<Rm>
case arm_ldrsb__reg: // A8.6.80 LDRSB (register)
// ldrsb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,+/-<Rm>]{!}
// ldrsb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],+/-<Rm>
case arm_ldrsh__reg: // A8.6.85 LDRSHT
// ldrsh<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,+/-<Rm>]{!}
// ldrsh<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],+/-<Rm>
case arm_strh__reg: // A8.6.208 STRH (register)
// strh<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,+/-<Rm>]{!}
// strh<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],+/-<Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t" + getR_12(opcode)
+ "," + getAddrModeSplitImm8(opcode);
// No PC check: for non-str, if Rt is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE;
// for str, the destination is memory - not a register
case arm_ldrht__imm: // A8.6.77 LDRHT
// ldrht<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>] {, #+/-<imm8>}
case arm_ldrsbt__imm: // A8.6.81 LDRSBT
// ldrsbt<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>] {, #+/-<imm8>}
case arm_ldrsht__imm: // A8.6.85 LDRSHT
// ldrsht<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>] {, #+/-<imm8>}
case arm_strht__imm: // A8.6.209 STRHT
// strht<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>] {, #+/-<imm8>}
int offsetHi = (opcode >> 4) & 0xf0;
int offsetLo = opcode & 0xf;
offset = offsetHi | offsetLo;
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + ",[" + getR_16(opcode) + "]";
if (offset != 0)
instruction += ",#" + ((isBitEnabled(opcode, 23)) ? "" : "-") + getHexValue(offset);
// No PC check: for non-str, if Rt is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE;
// for str, the destination is memory - not a register
case arm_ldrht__reg: // A8.6.77 LDRHT
// ldrht<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>], +/-<Rm>
case arm_ldrsbt__reg: // A8.6.81 LDRSBT
// ldrsbt<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>], +/-<Rm>
case arm_ldrsht__reg: // A8.6.85 LDRSHT
// ldrsht<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>], +/-<Rm>
case arm_strht__reg: // A8.6.209 STRHT
// strht<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>], +/-<Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + ",[" + getR_16(opcode)
+ (isBitEnabled(opcode, 23) ? "]," : "],-") + getR_0(opcode);
// No PC check: for non-str, if Rt is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE;
// for str, the destination is memory - not a register
case arm_mcr: // A8.6.92 MCR, MCR2
// mcr<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<Rt>,<CRn>,<CRm>{,<opc2>}
mnemonic += getArmCondition(opcode);
// no break!
case arm_mcr2: // A8.6.92 MCR, MCR2
// mcr2<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<Rt>,<CRn>,<CRm>{,<opc2>}
instruction = mnemonic + getCo_mcr_operands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_mcrr: // A8.6.93 MCRR, MCRR2
// mcrr<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<Rt>,<Rt2>,<CRm>
case arm_mrrc: // A8.6.101 MRRC, MRRC2
// mrrc<c> <coproc>,<opc>,<Rt>,<Rt2>,<CRm>
mnemonic += getArmCondition(opcode);
// no break!
case arm_mcrr2: // A8.6.93 MCRR, MCRR2
// mcrr2<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<Rt>,<Rt2>,<CRm>
case arm_mrrc2: // A8.6.101 MRRC, MRRC2
// mrrc2<c> <coproc>,<opc>,<Rt>,<Rt2>,<CRm>
instruction = mnemonic + getCo_mrr_operands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_mla: // A8.6.94 MLA
// mla{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>,<Ra>
instruction = mnemonic + getS(opcode) + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_16(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode) + "," + getR_8(opcode) + "," + getR_12(opcode);
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_mls: // A8.6.95 MLS
// mls<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>,<Ra>
case arm_usada8: // A8.6.254 USADA8
// usada8<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>,<Ra>
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_16(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode) + "," + getR_8(opcode) + "," + getR_12(opcode);
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_mov__imm: // A8.6.96 MOV (immediate)
// mov{s}<c> <Rd>,#<const>
case arm_mvn__imm: // A8.6.106 MVN (immediate)
// mvn{s}<c> <Rd>,#<const>
condString = getArmCondition(opcode);
tempStr = getR_12(opcode);
imm = opcode & 0xfff;
instruction = mnemonic + getS(opcode) + condString + "\t" + tempStr + "," + getShifterOperand(opcode);
if (tempStr.equals("pc"))
setDefaultPCJumpProperties(condString.length() == 0); // true if unconditional
case arm_mov__reg: // A8.6.97 MOV (register)
// mov{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rm>
case arm_rrx: // A8.6.141 RRX
// rrx{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rm>
condString = getArmCondition(opcode);
tempStr = getR_12(opcode);
instruction = mnemonic + getS(opcode) + condString + "\t" + tempStr + "," + getR_0(opcode);
if (tempStr.equals("pc"))
setDefaultPCJumpProperties(condString.length() == 0); // true if unconditional
case arm_movw: // A8.6.96 MOV (immediate)
// movw<c> <Rd>,#<imm16>
case arm_movt: // A8.6.99 MOVT
// movt<c> <Rd>,#<imm16>
imm = ((opcode >> 4) & 0xf000) | (opcode & 0xfff);
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + ",#" + getHexValue(imm);
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_mrc: // A8.6.100 MRC, MRC2
// mrc<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<Rt>,<CRn>,<CRm>{,<opc2>}
mnemonic += getArmCondition(opcode);
// no break!
case arm_mrc2: // A8.6.100 MRC, MRC2
// mrc2<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<Rt>,<CRn>,<CRm>{,<opc2>}
instruction = mnemonic + getCo_mrc_operands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_mrs: // A8.6.102 MRS
// mrs<c> <Rd>,<spec_reg>
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t" + getR_12(opcode)
+ "," + getStatusReg(opcode, 22);
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_msr__imm: // A8.6.103 MSR (immediate)
// msr<c> <spec_reg>,#<const>
case arm_msr__reg: // A8.6.104 MSR (register)
// msr<c> <spec_reg>,<Rn>
// mask<1> field (CPSR f field; APSR nzcvq bits)
// mask<0> field (CPSR s field; APSR g bit)
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\tcpsr_"
+ (isBitEnabled(opcode, 19) ? "f" : "")
+ (isBitEnabled(opcode, 18) ? "s" : "") + ",";
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 25))
instruction += getShifterOperand(opcode);
instruction += getR_0(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_msr__sys_imm: // B6.1.6 MSR (immediate)
// msr<c> <spec_reg>,#<const>
case arm_msr__sys_reg: // B6.1.7 MSR (register)
// msr<c> <spec_reg>,<Rn>
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getStatusReg(opcode, 22) + getStatusRegFields(opcode, 16);
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 25))
instruction += "," + getShifterOperand(opcode);
instruction += "," + getR_0(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_mul: // A8.6.105 MUL
// mul{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + getS(opcode) + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_16(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode) + "," + getR_8(opcode);
// No PC check: if Rd, Rn, or Rm is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_mvn__reg: // A8.6.107 MVN (register)
// mvn{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
condString = getArmCondition(opcode);
tempStr = getR_12(opcode);
instruction = mnemonic + getS(opcode) + condString + "\t"
+ tempStr + "," + getShifterOperand(opcode);
if (tempStr.equals("pc"))
setDefaultPCJumpProperties(condString.length() == 0); // true if unconditional
case arm_mvn__rsr: // A8.6.108 MVN (register-shifted register)
// mvn{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rm>,<type> <Rs>
instruction = mnemonic + getS(opcode) + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + "," + getShifterOperand(opcode);
// No PC check: if Rn, Rm, or Rs is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_nop: // A8.6.110 NOP
// nop<c>
if (ARMv6T2 > versionMode)
instruction = IDisassembler.INVALID_OPCODE;
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_pkh: // A8.6.116 PKH
// pkhbt<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,lsl #<imm>}
// pkhtb<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,asr #<imm>}
imm = (opcode >> 7) & 0x1f;
// based on tb field (bit 6)
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 6)) {
if (imm == 0)
imm = 32;
instruction = mnemonic + "tb" + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + "," + getR_16(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode)
+ ",asr #" + imm;
} else {
instruction = mnemonic + "bt" + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + "," + getR_16(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode);
if (imm != 0)
instruction += ",lsl #" + imm;
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_pld__lit: // A8.6.118 PLD (literal)
// pld <label>
// pld [pc,#+/-<imm>] Alternative form
imm = opcode & 0xfff;
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getAddrModePCImm(opcode, imm);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_pld__imm: // A8.6.117 PLD, PLDW (immediate)
// pld{w} [<Rn>,#+/-<imm12>]
instruction = mnemonic + (isBitEnabled(opcode, 22) ? "\t" : "w\t") + getAddrMode2(opcode, 24);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_pld__reg: // A8.6.119 PLD, PLDW (register)
// pld{w}<c> [<Rn>,+/-<Rm>{, <shift>}]
mnemonic += (isBitEnabled(opcode, 22) ? "\t" : "w\t") + getArmCondition(opcode);
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getAddrMode2(opcode, 24);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_pli__imm_lit: // A8.6.120 PLI (immediate, literal)
// pli [<Rn>,#+/-<imm12>]
// pli <label>
// pli [pc,#+/-<imm>] Alternative form
imm = opcode & 0xfff;
instruction = mnemonic + "\t"
+ (getR_16(opcode).equals("pc")
? getAddrModePCImm(opcode, imm)
: getAddrMode2(opcode, 20)); // picked bit 20 because it is 1
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_pli__reg: // A8.6.121 PLI (register)
// pli [<Rn>,+/-<Rm>{, <shift>}]
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getAddrMode2(opcode, 20); // picked bit 20 because it is 1
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_pop__regs: // A8.6.122 POP
// pop<c> <registers> <registers> contains more than one register
condString = getArmCondition(opcode);
tempStr = getRegList(opcode);
instruction = mnemonic + condString + "\t" + tempStr;
if (tempStr.contains("pc"))
setDefaultPCJumpProperties(condString.length() == 0); // true if unconditional
case arm_pop__reg: // A8.6.122 POP
// pop<c> <registers> <registers> contains one register, <Rt>
condString = getArmCondition(opcode);
tempStr = getR_12(opcode);
instruction = mnemonic + condString + "\t{" + tempStr + "}";
if (tempStr.equals("pc"))
setDefaultPCJumpProperties(condString.length() == 0); // true if unconditional
case arm_push__reg: // A8.6.123 PUSH
// push<c> <registers> <registers> contains one register, <Rt>
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t{" + getR_12(opcode) + "}";
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_push__regs: // A8.6.123 PUSH
// push<c> <registers> <registers> contains more than one register
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t" + getRegList(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_qadd: // A8.6.124 QADD
// qadd<c> <Rd>,<Rm>,<Rn>
case arm_qdadd: // A8.6.128 QDADD
// qdadd<c> <Rd>,<Rm>,<Rn>
case arm_qdsub: // A8.6.129 QDSUB
// qdsub<c> <Rd>,<Rm>,<Rn>
case arm_qsub: // A8.6.131 QSUB
// qsub<c> <Rd>,<Rm>,<Rn>
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode) + "," + getR_16(opcode);
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm__r_dnm_math: // A8.6.125 QADD16
// qadd16<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.126 QADD8
// qadd8<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.127 QASX
// qasx<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.130 QSAX
// qsax<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.132 QSUB16
// qsub16<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.133 QSUB8
// qsub8<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.148 SADD16
// sadd16<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.149 SADD8
// sadd8<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.150 SASX
// sasx<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.159 SHADD16
// shadd16<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.160 SHADD8
// shadd8<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.161 SHASX
// shasx<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.162 SHSAX
// shsax<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.163 SHSUB16
// shsub16<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.164 SHSUB8
// shsub8<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.185 SSAX
// ssax<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.186 SSUB16
// ssub16<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.187 SSUB8
// ssub8<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.233 UADD16
// uadd16<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.234 UADD8
// uadd8<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.235 UASX
// uasx<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.238 UHADD16
// uhadd16<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.239 UHADD8
// uhadd8<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.240 UHASX
// uhasx<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.241 UHSAX
// uhsax<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.242 UHSUB16
// uhsub16<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.243 UHSUB8
// uhsub8<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.247 UQADD16
// uqadd16<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.248 UQADD8
// uqadd8<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.249 UQASX
// uqasx<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.250 UQSAX
// uqsax<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.251 UQSUB16
// uqsub16<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.252 UQSUB8
// uqsub8<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.257 USAX
// usax<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.258 USUB16
// usub16<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.259 USUB8
// usub8<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
switch (opcode >> 20 & 7) {
case 1: mnemonic = "s"; break;
case 2: mnemonic = "q"; break;
case 3: mnemonic = "sh"; break;
case 5: mnemonic = "u"; break;
case 6: mnemonic = "uq"; break;
case 7: mnemonic = "uh"; break;
default: mnemonic = "";
switch (opcode >> 5 & 7) {
case 0: mnemonic += "add16"; break;
case 1: mnemonic += "asx"; break;
case 2: mnemonic += "sax"; break;
case 3: mnemonic += "sub16"; break;
case 4: mnemonic += "add8"; break;
case 7: mnemonic += "sub8"; break;
// no break!
case arm_sel:
// sel<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + "," + getR_16(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode);
// No PC check: if Rd, Rn, or Rm is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_rfe: // B6.1.8 RFE
// rfe{<amode>} <Rn>{!}
mnemonic += getAddrMode(opcode);
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getR_16(opcode) + getW(opcode);
// loads the PC from memory
// Is this right?
setDefaultPCJumpProperties(true); // true if unconditional
case arm_sbfx: // A8.6.154 SBFX
// sbfx<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,#<lsb>,#<width>
case arm_ubfx: // A8.6.236 UBFX
// ubfx<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,#<lsb>,#<width>
int lsb = (opcode >> 7) & 0x1f;
int width = ((opcode >> 16) & 0x1f) + 1;
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode) + ",#" + lsb + ",#" +width;
// No PC check: for non-str, if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE;
// for str, the destination is memory - not a register
case arm_setend: // A8.6.157 SETEND
// setend <endian_specifier> Cannot be conditional
instruction = mnemonic + "\t";
if ((opcode & (1 << 9)) == 0)
instruction = instruction + "le";
instruction = instruction + "be";
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_sev: // A8.6.158 SEV
// sev<c>
case arm_wfe: // A8.6.411 WFE
// wfe<c>
case arm_wfi: // A8.6.412 WFI
// wfi<c>
case arm_yield: // A8.6.413 YIELD
// yield<c>
if (ARMv6T2 > versionMode)
instruction = IDisassembler.INVALID_OPCODE;
else if (ARMv6K > versionMode)
instruction = "nop" + getArmCondition(opcode);
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_smc: // B6.1.9 SMC (previously SMI)
// smc<c> #<imm4>
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t#" + getHexValue((opcode & 0xf));
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_smla: // A8.6.166 SMLABB, SMLABT, SMLATB, SMLATT
// smla<x><y><c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>,<Ra>
instruction = mnemonic + getBorT(opcode, 5) + getBorT(opcode, 6) + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_16(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode) + "," + getR_8(opcode) + "," + getR_12(opcode);
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_smlad: // A8.6.167 SMLAD
// smlad{x}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>,<Ra>
case arm_smlsd: // A8.6.172 SMLSD
// smlsd{x}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>,<Ra>
instruction = mnemonic + getX(opcode, 5) + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_16(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode) + "," + getR_8(opcode) + "," + getR_12(opcode);
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_smlal: // A8.6.168 SMLAL
// smlal{s}<c> <RdLo>,<RdHi>,<Rn>,<Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + getS(opcode) + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + "," + getR_16(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode) + "," + getR_8(opcode);
// No PC check: if RdLo or RdHi is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_smlalxy: // A8.6.169 SMLALBB, SMLALBT, SMLALTB, SMLALTT
// smlal<x><y><c> <RdLo>,<RdHi>,<Rn>,<Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + getBorT(opcode, 5) + getBorT(opcode, 6) + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + "," + getR_16(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode) + "," + getR_8(opcode);
// No PC check: if RdLo or RdHi is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_smlald: // A8.6.170 SMLALD
// smlald{x}<c> <RdLo>,<RdHi>,<Rn>,<Rm>
case arm_smlsld: // A8.6.173 SMLSLD
// smlsld{x}<c> <RdLo>,<RdHi>,<Rn>,<Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + getX(opcode, 5) + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + "," + getR_16(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode) + "," + getR_8(opcode);
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_smlaw: // A8.6.171 SMLAWB, SMLAWT
// smlaw<y><c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>,<Ra>
instruction = mnemonic + getBorT(opcode, 6) + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_16(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode) + "," + getR_8(opcode) + "," + getR_12(opcode);
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_smmla: // A8.6.174 SMMLA
// smmla{r}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>,<Ra>
case arm_smmls: // A8.6.175 SMMLS
// smmls{r}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>,<Ra>
instruction = mnemonic + getR(opcode, 5) + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_16(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode) + "," + getR_8(opcode) + "," + getR_12(opcode);
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_smmul: // A8.6.176 SMMUL
// smmul{r}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + getR(opcode, 5) + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_16(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode) + "," + getR_8(opcode);
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_smuad: // A8.6.177 SMUAD
// smuad{x}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
case arm_smusd: // A8.6.181 SMUSD
// smusd{x}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + getX(opcode, 5) + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_16(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode) + "," + getR_8(opcode);
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_smul: // A8.6.178 SMULBB, SMULBT, SMULTB, SMULTT
// smul<x><y><c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + getBorT(opcode, 5) + getBorT(opcode, 6) + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_16(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode) + "," + getR_8(opcode);
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_smull: // A8.6.179 SMULL
// smull{s}<c> <RdLo>,<RdHi>,<Rn>,<Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + getS(opcode) + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + "," + getR_16(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode) + "," + getR_8(opcode);
// No PC check: if RdLo or RdHi is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_smulw: // A8.6.180 SMULWB, SMULWT
// smulw<y><c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + getBorT(opcode, 6) + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_16(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode) + "," + getR_8(opcode);
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_srs: // B6.1.10 SRS
// srs{<amode>} sp{!},#<mode>
instruction = mnemonic + getAddrMode(opcode) + "\t"
+ "sp" + getW(opcode) + ",#" + getHexValue((opcode & 0x1f));
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_ssat: // A8.6.183 SSAT
// ssat<c> <Rd>,#<imm>,<Rn>{,<shift>}
case arm_usat: // A8.6.255 USAT
// usat<c> <Rd>,#<imm5>,<Rn>{,<shift>}
imm = ((opcode >> 16) & 0x1f);
if ((opcode & (1 << 22)) == 0)
if (((opcode >> 6) & 0x3f) != 0) {
int shiftCnt = (opcode >> 7) & 0x1f;
if ((opcode & (1 << 6)) == 0)
tempStr = ",lsl #" + shiftCnt;
else {
if (shiftCnt == 0)
shiftCnt = 32;
tempStr = ",asr #" + shiftCnt;
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + ",#" + imm + "," + getR_0(opcode) + tempStr;
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_ssat16: // A8.6.184 SSAT16
// ssat16<c> <Rd>,#<imm>,<Rn>
imm = ((opcode >> 16) & 0xf) + 1;
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + ",#" + imm + "," + getR_0(opcode);
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_str__reg: // A8.6.195 STR (register)
// str<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,+/-<Rm>{, <shift>}]{!}
// str<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],+/-<Rm>{, <shift>}
case arm_strb__reg: // A8.6.198 STRB (register)
// strb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,+/-<Rm>{, <shift>}]{!}
// strb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],+/-<Rm>{, <shift>}
case arm_strbt__imm: // A8.6.199 STRBT
// strbt<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm12>
mnemonic += getArmCondition(opcode);
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getR_12(opcode) + "," + getAddrMode2(opcode, 24);
// No PC check: if Rt is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE;
case arm_strd__imm: // A8.6.200 STRD (immediate)
// strd<c> <Rt>,<Rt2>,[<Rn>{,#+/-<imm8>}]
// strd<c> <Rt>,<Rt2>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm8>
// strd<c> <Rt>,<Rt2>,[<Rn>,#+/-<imm8>]!
reg = (opcode >> 12) & 0xf;
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t" + getRegName(reg)
+ "," + getRegName(reg + 1) + "," + getAddrModeSplitImm8(opcode);
// No PC check: if Rt is odd or is LR (register 14), the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_strex: // A8.6.202 STREX
// strex<c> <Rd>,<Rt>,[<Rn>]
case arm_strexb: // A8.6.203 STREXB
// strexb<c> <Rd>,<Rt>,[<Rn>]
case arm_strexh: // A8.6.205 STREXH
// strexh<c> <Rd>,<Rt>,[<Rn>]
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode) + ",[" + getR_16(opcode) + "]";
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_strexd: // A8.6.204 STREXD
// strexd<c> <Rd>,<Rt>,<Rt2>,[<Rn>]
startReg = opcode & 0xf;
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + "," + getRegName(startReg) + ","
+ getRegName(startReg + 1) + ",[" + getR_16(opcode) + "]";
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_svc: // A8.6.218 SVC (previously SWI)
// svc<c> #<imm24>
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t" + getImmediate24(opcode);
// No PC check: the destination is memory - not a register
case arm_swp: // A8.6.219 SWP, SWPB
// swp{b}<c> <Rt>,<Rt2>,[<Rn>]
instruction = mnemonic + getB(opcode) + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode) + ",[" + getR_16(opcode) + "]";
// No PC check: if Rt or Rt2 is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_sxtab: // A8.6.220 SXTAB
// sxtab<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<rotation>}
case arm_sxtab16: // A8.6.221 SXTAB16
// sxtab16<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<rotation>}
case arm_sxtah: // A8.6.222 SXTAH
// sxtah<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<rotation>}
case arm_uxtab: // A8.6.260 UXTAB
// uxtab<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<rotation>}
case arm_uxtab16: // A8.6.261 UXTAB16
// uxtab16<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<rotation>}
case arm_uxtah: // A8.6.262 UXTAH
// uxtah<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<rotation>}
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + "," + getR_16(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode)
+ getRotationOperand(opcode, 10);
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_sxtb: // A8.6.223 SXTB
// sxtb<c> <Rd>,<Rm>{,<rotation>}
case arm_sxtb16: // A8.6.224 SXTB16
// sxtb16<c> <Rd>,<Rm>{,<rotation>}
case arm_sxth: // A8.6.225 SXTH
// sxth<c> <Rd>,<Rm>{,<rotation>}
case arm_uxtb: // A8.6.263 UXTB
// uxtb<c> <Rd>,<Rm>{,<rotation>}
case arm_uxtb16: // A8.6.264 UXTB16
// uxtb16<c> <Rd>,<Rm>{,<rotation>}
case arm_uxth: // A8.6.265 UXTH
// uxth<c> <Rd>,<Rm>{,<rotation>}
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode)
+ getRotationOperand(opcode, 10);
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_umaal: // A8.6.244 UMAAL
// umaal<c> <RdLo>,<RdHi>,<Rn>,<Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + "," + getR_16(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode) + "," + getR_8(opcode);
// No PC check: if RdLo or RdHi is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_umlal: // A8.6.245 UMLAL
// umlal{s}<c> <RdLo>,<RdHi>,<Rn>,<Rm>
case arm_umull: // A8.6.246 UMULL
// umull{s}<c> <RdLo>,<RdHi>,<Rn>,<Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + getS(opcode) + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + "," + getR_16(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode) + "," + getR_8(opcode);
// No PC check: if RdLo or RdHi is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_usad8: // A8.6.253 USAD8
// usad8<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_16(opcode) + "," + getR_0(opcode) + "," + getR_8(opcode);
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_usat16: // A8.6.256 USAT16
// usat16<c> <Rd>,#<imm4>,<Rn>
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + ",#" + ((opcode >> 16) & 0xf) + "," + getR_0(opcode);
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case arm_undefined:
instruction = mnemonic;
// No PC check: not applicable
// VFP instructions
case arm_vhadd_vhsub: // A8.6.306 VHADD, VHSUB
// vhadd<c> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vhadd<c> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vhsub<c> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vhsub<c> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 9) ? "sub" : "add";
case arm_vaba: // A8.6.266 VABA, VABAL
// vaba<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vaba<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case arm_vabd__int: // A8.6.267 VABD, VABDL (integer)
// vabd<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vabd<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case arm_vcge__reg_int: // A8.6.282 VCGE (register)
// vceq<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vceq<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case arm_vcgt__reg_int: // A8.6.284 VCGT (register)
// vcgt<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vcgt<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case arm_vqadd: // A8.6.357 VQADD
// vqadd<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm>
// vqadd<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>
case arm_vrhadd: // A8.6.374 VRHADD
// vrhadd<c> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vrhadd<c> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case arm_vqsub: // A8.6.369 VQSUB
// vqsub<c>.<type><size> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vqsub<c>.<type><size> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPSorUDataType(opcode, 24) + getVFPQorDdnmRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vqdml__vec: // A8.6.358 VQDMLAL, VQDMLSL
// vqd<op><c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Dn>,<Dm>
// bit24 == 0, so can use getVFPSorUDataType
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 9) ? "sl" : "al";
// can use getVFPSorUDataType() because bit 24 is always '0'
// no break!
case arm_vabal: // A8.6.266 VABA, VABAL
// vabal<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Dn>,<Dm>
case arm_vabdl: // A8.6.267 VABD, VABDL (integer)
// vabdl<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Dn>,<Dm>
case arm_vqdmull__vec: // A8.6.360 VQDMULL
// vqdmull<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Dn>,<Dm>
// bit24 == 0, so can use getVFPSorUDataType
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPSorUDataType(opcode, 24)
+ TAB + getVFPQdDnDmRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vabd__f32: // A8.6.268 VABD (floating-point)
// vabd<c>.f32 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vabd<c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case arm_vadd__f32: // A8.6.272 VADD (floating-point)
// vadd<c>.f32 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vadd<c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case arm_vceq__reg_f32: // A8.6.280 VCEQ (register)
// vceq<c>.f32 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vceq<c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case arm_vcge__reg_f32: // A8.6.282 VCGE (register)
// vcge<c>.f32 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vcge<c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case arm_vcgt__reg_f32: // A8.6.284 VCGT (register)
// vcgt<c>.f32 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vcgt<c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case arm_vmul_f32: // A8.6.338 VMUL (floating-point)
// vmul<c>.f32 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vmul<c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case arm_vpadd__f32: // A8.6.350 VPADD (floating-point)
// vpadd<c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case arm_vrecps: // A8.6.372 VRECPS
// vrecps<c>.f32 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vrecps<c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case arm_vrsqrts: // A8.6.379 VRSQRTS
// vrsqrts<c>.f32 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vrsqrts<c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case arm_vsub__f32: // A8.6.402 VSUB (floating-point)
// vsub<c>.f32 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vsub<c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + ".f32\t" + getVFPQorDdnmRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vabs: // A8.6.269 VABS
// vabs<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vabs<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dm>
case arm_vneg: // A8.6.342 VNEG
// vneg<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vneg<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPSorUorFQorDdmOperands(opcode, 10, 4); // chose bit 4 because it is 0
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vabs__f: // A8.6.269 VABS
// vabs<c>.f64 <Dd>, <Dm>
// vabs<c>.f32 <Sd>, <Sm>
case arm_vmov__reg_f: // A8.6.327 VMOV (register)
// vmov<c>.f64 <Dd>, <Dm>
// vmov<c>.f32 <Sd>, <Sm>
case arm_vneg__f: // A8.6.342 VNEG
// vneg<c>.f64 <Dd>, <Dm>
// vneg<c>.f32 <Sd>, <Sm>
case arm_vsqrt: // A8.6.388 VSQRT
// vsqrt<c>.f64 <Dd>, <Dm>
// vsqrt<c>.f32 <Sd>, <Sm>
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + getVFPSzF64F32dmOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vacge_vacgt: // A8.6.270 VACGE, VACGT, VACLE, VACLT
// vacge<c>.f32 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vacge<c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vacgt<c>.f32 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vacgt<c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vacge_vacgt(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vadd__int: // A8.6.271 VADD (integer)
// vadd<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vadd<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case arm_vceq__reg_int: // A8.6.280 VCEQ (register)
// vceq<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vceq<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case arm_vpadd__int: // A8.6.349 VPADD (integer)
// vpadd<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case arm_vsub__int: // A8.6.401 VSUB (integer)
// vsub<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vsub<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPIDataTypeQorDdnmOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vnml: // A8.6.343 VNMLA, VNMLS, VNMUL
// vnmla<c>.f64 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vnmla<c>.f32 <Sd>, <Sn>, <Sm>
// vnmls<c>.f64 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vnmls<c>.f32 <Sd>, <Sn>, <Sm>
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 6) ? 'a' : 's';
// no break!
case arm_vadd__fp_f: // A8.6.272 VADD (floating-point)
// vadd<c>.f64 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vadd<c>.f32 <Sd>, <Sn>, <Sm>
case arm_vdiv: // A8.6.301 VDIV
// vdiv<c>.f64 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vdiv<c>.f32 <Sd>, <Sn>, <Sm>
case arm_vmul__fp_2: // A8.6.338 VMUL (floating-point)
// vmul<c>.f64 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vmul<c>.f32 <Sd>, <Sn>, <Sm>
case arm_vnmul: // A8.6.343 VNMLA, VNMLS, VNMUL
// vnmul<c>.f64 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vnmul<c>.f32 <Sd>, <Sn>, <Sm>
case arm_vsub__fp_f: // A8.6.402 VSUB (floating-point)
// vsub<c>.f64 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vsub<c>.f32 <Sd>, <Sn>, <Sm>
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + getVFPSzF64F32dnmOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vaddhn: // A8.6.273 VADDHN
// vaddhn<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
case arm_vraddhn: // A8.6.370 VRADDHN
// vraddhn<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
case arm_vrsubhn: // A8.6.381 VRSUBHN
// vrsubhn<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
case arm_vsubhn: // A8.6.403 VSUBHN
// vsubhn<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPIDataType2DdQnDmOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vaddl_vaddw: // A8.6.274 VADDL, VADDW
// vaddl<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vaddw<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Dm>
case arm_vsubl_vsubw: // A8.6.404 VSUBL, VSUBW
// vsubl<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vsubw<c>.<dt> {<Qd>,} <Qn>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vXXXl_vXXXw(opcode, 24);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vbif_vbit_vbsl_veor: // A8.6.279 VBIF, VBIT, VBSL
// vbif<c> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vbif<c> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vbit<c> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vbit<c> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vbsl<c> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vbsl<c> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// A8.6.304 VEOR
// veor<c> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// veor<c> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
mnemonic = getVFP_vbif_vbit_vbsl_veor_mnemonic(opcode);
// no break!
case arm_vand: // A8.6.276 VAND (register)
// vand<c> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vand<c> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case arm_vbic: // A8.6.278 VBIC (register)
// vbic<c> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vbic<c> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case arm_vorn: // A8.6.345 VORN (register)
// vorn<c> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vorn<c> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPQorDdnmRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vmov_vorr: // A8.6.327 VMOV (register)
// vmov<c> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vmov<c> <Dd>, <Dm>
// A8.6.347 VORR (register)
// vorr<c> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vorr<c> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// mnemonic is "vmov" by default
if (getBit(opcode, 7) == getBit(opcode, 5) &&
(opcode & 0xf) == (opcode >> 16 & 0xf)) {
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getVFPQorDdmRegs(opcode);
} else {
instruction = "vorr" + getVFPQorDdnmRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vmov_vbitwise: // A8.6.277 VBIC (immediate)
// vbic<c>.<dt> <Qd>, #<imm>
// vbic<c>.<dt> <Dd>, #<imm>
// A8.6.326 VMOV (immediate)
// vmov<c>.<dt> <Qd>, #<imm>
// vmov<c>.<dt> <Dd>, #<imm>
// A8.6.340 VMVN (immediate)
// vmvn<c>.<dt> <Qd>, #<imm>
// vmvn<c>.<dt> <Dd>, #<imm>
// A8.6.346 VORR (immediate)
// vorr<c>.<dt> <Qd>, #<imm>
// vorr<c>.<dt> <Dd>, #<imm>
instruction = getVFP_vmov_vbitwise_instruction(opcode, 24);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vceq__imm0: // A8.6.281 VCEQ (immediate #0)
// vceq<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qm>, #0
// vceq<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dm>, #0
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPIorFQorDdmOperands(opcode, 10) + ",#0";
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vcge__imm0: // A8.6.283 VCGE (immediate #0)
// vcge<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qm>, #0
// vcge<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dm>, #0
case arm_vcgt__imm0: // A8.6.285 VCGT (immediate #0)
// vcgt<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qm>, #0
// vcgt<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dm>, #0
case arm_vcle: // A8.6.287 VCLE (immediate #0)
// vcle<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qm>, #0
// vcle<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dm>, #0
case arm_vclt: // A8.6.290 VCLT (immediate #0)
// vclt<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qm>, #0
// vclt<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dm>, #0
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPSorUorFQorDdmOperands(opcode, 10, 11) + ",#0"; // chose bit 11 because it is 0
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vcls: // A8.6.288 VCLS
// vcls<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vcls<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dm>
case arm_vqabs: // A8.6.356 VQABS
// vqabs<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qm>
// vqabs<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dm>
case arm_vqneg: // A8.6.362 VQNEG
// vqneg<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qm>
// vqneg<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPSorUorFQorDdmOperands(opcode, 4, 11); // chose bit 11 because it is 0
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vclz: // A8.6.291 VCLZ
// vclz<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vclz<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPIorFQorDdmOperands(opcode, 11); // chose bit 11 because it is 0
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vcmp__reg: // A8.6.292 VCMP, VCMPE
// vcmp{e}<c>.f64 <Dd>, <Dm>
// vcmp{e}<c>.f32 <Sd>, <Sm>
instruction = mnemonic + getE(opcode) + getArmCondition(opcode)
+ getVFPSzF64F32dmOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vcmp__to_0: // A8.6.292 VCMP, VCMPE
// vcmp{e}<c>.f64 <Dd>, #0.0
// vcmp{e}<c>.f32 <Sd>, #0.0
instruction = mnemonic + getE(opcode) + getArmCondition(opcode)
+ getVFP_vcmpTo0Operands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vcnt: // A8.6.293 VCNT
// vcnt<c>.8 <Qd>, <Qm>
// vcnt<c>.8 <Dd>, <Dm>
mnemonic += ".8";
case arm_vmvn: // A8.6.341 VMVN (register)
// vmvn<c> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vmvn<c> <Dd>, <Dm>
case arm_vswp: // A8.6.405 VSWP
// vswp<c> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vswp<c> <Dd>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPQorDdmRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vcvt__fp_i_vec: // A8.6.294 VCVT (between floating-point and integer, Advanced SIMD)
// vcvt<c>.<Td>.<Tm> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vcvt<c>.<Td>.<Tm> <Dd>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vcvtFpIVecOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vcvt__fp_i_reg: // A8.6.295 VCVT, VCVTR (between floating-point and integer, VFP)
// vcvt{r}<c>.s32.f64 <Sd>, <Dm>
// vcvt{r}<c>.s32.f32 <Sd>, <Sm>
// vcvt{r}<c>.u32.f64 <Sd>, <Dm>
// vcvt{r}<c>.u32.f32 <Sd>, <Sm>
// vcvt<c>.f64.<Tm> <Dd>, <Sm>
// vcvt<c>.f32.<Tm> <Sd>, <Sm>
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 18) && !isBitEnabled(opcode, 7))
mnemonic += "r";
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + getVFP_vcvtFpIRegOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vcvt__fp_fix_vec: // A8.6.296 VCVT (between floating-point and fixed-point, Advanced SIMD)
// vcvt<c>.<Td>.<Tm> <Qd>, <Qm>, #<fbits>
// vcvt<c>.<Td>.<Tm> <Dd>, <Dm>, #<fbits>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vcvtFpFixVecOperands(opcode, 24);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vcvt__fp_fix_reg: // A8.6.297 VCVT (between floating-point and fixed-point, VFP)
// vcvt<c>.<Td>.f64 <Dd>, <Dd>, #<fbits>
// vcvt<c>.<Td>.f32 <Sd>, <Sd>, #<fbits>
// vcvt<c>.f64.<Td> <Dd>, <Dd>, #<fbits>
// vcvt<c>.f32.<Td> <Sd>, <Sd>, #<fbits>
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + getVFP_vcvtFpFixRegOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vcvt__dp_sp: // A8.6.298 VCVT (between double-precision and single-precision)
// vcvt<c>.f64.f32 <Dd>, <Sm>
// vcvt<c>.f32.f64 <Sd>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + getVFP_vcvtDpSpOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vcvt__hp_sp_vec: // A8.6.299 VCVT (between half-precision and single-precision, Advanced SIMD)
// vcvt<c>.f32.f16 <Qd>, <Dm>
// vcvt<c>.f16.f32 <Dd>, <Qm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vcvtHpSpVecOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vcvt__hp_sp_reg: // A8.6.300 VCVTB, VCVTT (between half-precision and single-precision, VFP)
// vcvt<y><c>.f32.f16 <Sd>, <Sm>
// vcvt<y><c>.f16.f32 <Sd>, <Sm>
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 7) ? "t" : "b";
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + getVFP_vcvtHpSpRegOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vdup__scalar: // A8.6.302 VDUP (scalar)
// vdup<c>.<size> <Qd>, <Dm[x]>
// vdup<c>.<size> <Dd>, <Dm[x]>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vdupScalarOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vdup__reg: // A8.6.303 VDUP (ARM core register)
// vdup<c>.<size> <Qd>, <Rt>
// vdup<c>.<size> <Dd>, <Rt>
mnemonic += getArmCondition(opcode);
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vdupRegOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vext: // A8.6.305 VEXT
// vext<c>.8 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>, #<imm>
// vext<c>.8 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>, #<imm>
instruction = mnemonic + ".8" + getVFPQorDdnmRegs(opcode)
+ ",#" + (opcode >> 8 & 0xf);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vld__multi: // A8.6.307 VLD1 (multiple single elements)
// vld1<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}]{!}
// vld1<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}], <Rm>
// A8.6.310 VLD2 (multiple 2-element structures)
// vld2<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}]{!}
// vld2<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}], <Rm>
// A8.6.313 VLD3 (multiple 3-element structures)
// vld3<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}]{!}
// vld3<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}], <Rm>
// A8.6.316 VLD4 (multiple 4-element structures)
// vld4<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}]{!}
// vld4<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}], <Rm>
case arm_vst__multi: // A8.6.391 VST1 (multiple single elements)
// vst1<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}]{!}
// vst1<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}], <Rm>
// A8.6.393 VST2 (multiple 2-element structures)
// vst2<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}]{!}
// vst2<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}], <Rm>
// A8.6.395 VST3 (multiple 3-element structures)
// vst3<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}]{!}
// vst3<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}], <Rm>
// A8.6.397 VST4 (multiple 4-element structures)
// vst4<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}]{!}
// vst4<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}], <Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vXX_multi(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vld__xlane: // A8.6.308 VLD1 (single element to one lane)
// vld1<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}]{!}
// vld1<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}], <Rm>
// A8.6.309 VLD1 (single element to all lanes)
// vld1<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}]{!}
// vld1<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}], <Rm>
// A8.6.311 VLD2 (single 2-element structure to one lane)
// vld2<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}]{!}
// vld2<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}], <Rm>
// A8.6.312 VLD2 (single 2-element structure to all lanes)
// vld2<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}]{!}
// vld2<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}], <Rm>
// A8.6.314 VLD3 (single 3-element structure to one lane)
// vld3<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}]{!}
// vld3<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}], <Rm>
// A8.6.315 VLD3 (single 3-element structure to all lanes)
// vld3<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}]{!}
// vld3<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}], <Rm>
// A8.6.317 VLD4 (single 4-element structure to one lane)
// vld4<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}]{!}
// vld4<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}], <Rm>
// A8.6.318 VLD4 (single 4-element structure to all lanes)
// vld4<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}]{!}
// vld4<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}], <Rm>
case arm_vst__xlane: // A8.6.392 VST1 (single element from one lane)
// vst1<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}]{!}
// vst1<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}], <Rm>
// A8.6.394 VST2 (single 2-element structure from one lane)
// vst2<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}]{!}
// vst2<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}], <Rm>
// A8.6.396 VST3 (single 3-element structure from one lane)
// vst3<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}]{!}
// vst3<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}], <Rm>
// A8.6.398 VST4 (single 4-element structure from one lane)
// vst4<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}]{!}
// vst4<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}], <Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vXX_Xlane(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vldm__64: // A8.6.319 VLDM
// vldm{mode}<c> <Rn>{!}, <list> <list> is consecutive 64-bit registers
case arm_vldm__32: // A8.6.319 VLDM
// vldm{mode}<c> <Rn>{!}, <list> <list> is consecutive 32-bit registers
case arm_vstm__64: // A8.6.399 VSTM
// vstm{mode}<c> <Rn>{!}, <list> <list> is consecutive 64-bit registers
case arm_vstm__32: // A8.6.399 VSTM
// vstm{mode}<c> <Rn>{!}, <list> <list> is consecutive 32-bit registers
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPIncDec(opcode) + getArmCondition(opcode)
+ getVFP_vXXm(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vldr__64: // A8.6.320 VLDR
// vldr<c> <Dd>, [<Rn>{, #+/-<imm>}]
// vldr<c> <Dd>, <label>
// vldr<c> <Dd>, [pc,#+/-<imm>] Alternative form
case arm_vldr__32: // A8.6.320 VLDR
// vldr<c> <Sd>, [<Rn>{, #+/-<imm>}]
// vldr<c> <Sd>, <label>
// vldr<c> <Sd>, [pc,#+/-<imm>] Alternative form
case arm_vstr__64: // A8.6.400 VSTR
// vstr<c> <Dd>, [<Rn>{, #+/-<imm>}]
case arm_vstr__32: // A8.6.400 VSTR
// vstr<c> <Sd>, [<Rn>{, #+/-<imm>}]
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + getVFP_vXXr(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vmax_vmin__int: // A8.6.321 VMAX, VMIN (integer)
// vmax<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vmax<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vmin<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vmin<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case arm_vpmax_vpmin__int: // A8.6.352 VPMAX, VPMIN (integer)
// vp<op><c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// (this works despite no Q version because Q==1 is UNDEFINED)
instruction = mnemonic + (isBitEnabled(opcode, 4) ? "min" : "max")
+ getVFPSorUDataType(opcode, 24) + getVFPQorDdnmRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vmax_vmin__fp: // A8.6.322 VMAX, VMIN (floating-point)
// vmax<c>.f32 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vmax<c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vmin<c>.f32 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vmin<c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case arm_vpmax_vpmin__fp: // A8.6.353 VPMAX, VPMIN (floating-point)
// vp<op><c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + (isBitEnabled(opcode, 21) ? "min.f32" : "max.f32")
+ getVFPQorDdnmRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vml__int: // A8.6.323 VMLA, VMLAL, VMLS, VMLSL (integer)
// v<op><c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// v<op><c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 24) ? 's' : 'a';
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPIDataType(opcode, 20) + TAB + getVFPQorDdnmRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vml__int_long: // A8.6.323 VMLA, VMLAL, VMLS, VMLSL (integer)
// v<op>l<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 9) ? "sl" : "al";
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPSorUDataType(opcode, 24)
+ TAB + getVFPQdDnDmRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vml__f32: // A8.6.324 VMLA, VMLS (floating-point)
// v<op><c>.f32 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// v<op><c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 21) ? "s.f32" : "a.f32";
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getVFPQorDdnmRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vml__fp: // A8.6.324 VMLA, VMLS (floating-point)
// v<op><c>.f64 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// v<op><c>.f32 <Sd>, <Sn>, <Sm>
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 6) ? 's' : 'a' + getArmCondition(opcode);
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPSzF64F32dnmOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vml__scalar: // A8.6.325 VMLA, VMLAL, VMLS, VMLSL (by scalar)
// v<op><c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Dm[x]>
// v<op><c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm[x]>
// v<op>l<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Dn>, <Dm[x]>
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 10) ? 's' : 'a';
case arm_vmul__scalar: // A8.6.339 VMUL, VMULL (by scalar)
// vmul<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Dm[x]>
// vmul<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm[x]>
// vmull<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Dn>,<Dm[x]>
case arm_vqdmull__scalar: // A8.6.360 VQDMULL
// vqdmull<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Dn>,<Dm[x]>
// bit 9 == 1, so getVFP_vmXXScalar() works
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vmXXScalar(opcode, 24);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vmov__imm: // A8.6.326 VMOV (immediate)
// vmov<c>.f64 <Dd>, #<imm>
// vmov<c>.f32 <Sd>, #<imm>
mnemonic += getArmCondition(opcode) + getVFPSzF64F32Type(getBit(opcode, 8));
imm = (opcode >> 16 & 0xf) << 4 | opcode & 0xf;
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getVFPDorSReg(opcode, getBit(opcode, 8), 12, 22)
+ ",#" + getHexValue(imm);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vmov_5: // A8.6.328 VMOV (ARM core register to scalar)
// vmov<c>.<size> <Dd[x]>, <Rt>
mnemonic += getArmCondition(opcode);
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vmovArmCoreRegToScalar(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vmov_6: // A8.6.329 VMOV (scalar to ARM core register)
// vmov<c>.<dt> <Rt>, <Dn[x]>
mnemonic += getArmCondition(opcode);
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vmovScalarToArmCoreReg(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vmov_7: // A8.6.330 VMOV (between ARM core register and
// single-precision register)
// vmov<c> <Sn>, <Rt>
// vmov<c> <Rt>, <Sn>
mnemonic += getArmCondition(opcode);
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vmovBetweenArmCoreAndSinglePrecReg(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vmov_8: // A8.6.331 VMOV (between two ARM core registers and
// two single-precision registers)
// vmov<c> <Sm>, <Sm1>, <Rt>, <Rt2>
// vmov<c> <Rt>, <Rt2>, <Sm>, <Sm1>
mnemonic += getArmCondition(opcode);
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vmovBetween2ArmCoreAndSinglePrecRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vmov_9: // A8.6.332 VMOV (between two ARM core registers and
// a doubleword extension register)
// vmov<c> <Dm>, <Rt>, <Rt2>
// vmov<c> <Rt>, <Rt2>, <Dm>
mnemonic += getArmCondition(opcode);
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vmovBetween2ArmCoreAnd1DoublewordExtensionRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vmovl: // A8.6.333 VMOVL
// vmovl<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Dm>
case arm_vshll__various: // A8.6.384 VSHLL
// vshll<c>.<type><size> <Qd>, <Dm>, #<imm> (0 < <imm> < <size>)
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vmovl_vshll_operands(opcode, 24);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vmovn: // A8.6.334 VMOVN
// vmovn<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Qm>
fld1 = (opcode >> 18) & 3; // size field
tempStr = ".i16";
if (fld1 == 1)
tempStr = ".i32";
else if (fld1 == 2)
tempStr = ".i64";
instruction = mnemonic + tempStr + "\t"
+ getVFPQorDReg(opcode, 0, 12, 22) + "," +getVFPQorDReg(opcode, 1, 0, 5);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vmrs: // A8.6.335 VMRS
// vmrs<c> <Rt>, fpscr
// B6.1.14 VMRS
// vmrs<c> <Rt>,<spec_reg>
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getR_12(opcode) + "," + getVFPSpecialReg(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vmsr: // A8.6.336 VMSR
// vmsr<c> fpscr, <Rt>
// B6.1.15 VMSR
// vmsr<c> <spec_reg>,<Rt>
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + "\t"
+ getVFPSpecialReg(opcode) + "," + getR_12(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vmul_1: // A8.6.337 VMUL, VMULL (integer and polynomial)
// vmul<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vmul<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 op_24_24 0 D_22_22 size_21_20 Vn_19_16 Vd_15_12 1 0 0 1 N_7_7 Q_6_6 M_5_5 1 Vm_3_0
mnemonic += (isBitEnabled(opcode, 24) ? ".p" : ".i") + getVFPDataTypeSize(opcode, 20);
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getVFPQorDdnmRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vmull: // A8.6.337 VMUL, VMULL (integer and polynomial)
// vmull<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 9) ? getVFPPDataType(opcode, 20) : getVFPSorUDataType(opcode, 24);
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getVFPQdDnDmRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vpadal: // A8.6.348 VPADAL
// vpadal<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vpadal<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dm>
case arm_vpaddl: // A8.6.351 VPADDL
// vpaddl<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vpaddl<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPSorUorFQorDdmOperands(opcode, 4, 7); // chose bit 4 because it is 0
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vpop: // A8.6.354 VPOP
// vpop<c> <list> (<list> is consecutive 64-bit registers)
// vpop<c> <list> (<list> is consecutive 32-bit registers)
case arm_vpush: // A8.6.355 VPUSH
// vpush<c> <list> (<list> is consecutive 64-bit registers)
// vpush<c> <list> (<list> is consecutive 32-bit registers)
instruction = mnemonic + getArmCondition(opcode) + getVFP_vpop_vpush_operands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vqdml__scalar: // A8.6.358 VQDMLAL, VQDMLSL
// vqd<op><c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Dn>,<Dm[x]>
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 10) ? "sl.s" : "al.s";
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPScalarOperands(opcode, 1, 0);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vqdmulh__vec: // A8.6.359 VQDMULH
// vqdmulh<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm>
// vqdmulh<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>
case arm_vqrdmulh__vec: // A8.6.363 VQRDMULH
// vqrdmulh<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm>
// vqrdmulh<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 20) ? ".s16" : ".s32";
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getVFPQorDdnmRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vqdmulh__scalar: // A8.6.359 VQDMULH
// vqdmulh<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Dm[x]>
// vqdmulh<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm[x]>
case arm_vqrdmulh__scalar: // A8.6.363 VQRDMULH
// vqrdmulh<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Dm[x]>
// vqrdmulh<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm[x]>
q = getBit(opcode, 24);
instruction = mnemonic + ".s" + getVFPScalarOperands(opcode, q, q);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vqmov: // A8.6.361 VQMOVN, VQMOVUN
// vqmov{u}n<c>.<type><size> <Dd>,<Qm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vqmov_instruction(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vqrshl: // A8.6.364 VQRSHL
// vqrshl<c>.<type><size> <Qd>,<Qm>,<Qn>
// vqrshl<c>.<type><size> <Dd>,<Dm>,<Dn>
case arm_vqshl__reg: // A8.6.366 VQSHL (register)
// vqshl<c>.<type><size> <Qd>,<Qm>,<Qn>
// vqshl<c>.<type><size> <Dd>,<Dm>,<Dn>
case arm_vrshl: // A8.6.375 VRSHL
// vrshl<c>.<type><size> <Qd>,<Qm>,<Qn>
// vrshl<c>.<type><size> <Dd>,<Dm>,<Dn>
case arm_vshl__reg: // A8.6.383 VSHL (register)
// vshl<c>.<type><size> <Qd>,<Qm>,<Qn>
// vshl<c>.<type><size> <Dd>,<Dm>,<Dn>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPSorUDataType(opcode, 24) + getVFPQorDdmnRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vqrshr: // A8.6.365 VQRSHRN, VQRSHRUN
// vqrshr{u}n<c>.<type><size> <Dd>,<Qm>,#<imm>
case arm_vqshr: // A8.6.368 VQSHRN, VQSHRUN
// vqshr{u}n<c>.<type><size> <Dd>,<Qm>,#<imm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vqXshr_instruction(opcode, 24);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vqshl__imm: // A8.6.367 VQSHL, VQSHLU (immediate)
// vqshl{u}<c>.<type><size> <Qd>,<Qm>,#<imm>
// vqshl{u}<c>.<type><size> <Dd>,<Dm>,#<imm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vqshl_instruction(opcode, 24);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vrecpe: // A8.6.371 VRECPE
// vrecpe<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vrecpe<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dm>
case arm_vrsqrte: // A8.6.378 VRSQRTE
// vrsqrte<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vrsqrte<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPSorUorFQorDdmOperands(opcode, 8, 10);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vrev: // A8.6.373 VREV16, VREV32, VREV64
// vrev<n><c>.<size> <Qd>,<Qm>
// vrev<n><c>.<size> <Dd>,<Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vrev_instruction(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vrshr: // A8.6.376 VRSHR
// vrshr<c>.<type><size> <Qd>, <Qm>, #<imm>
// vrshr<c>.<type><size> <Dd>, <Dm>, #<imm>
case arm_vrsra: // A8.6.380 VRSRA
// vrsra<c>.<type><size> <Qd>, <Qm>, #<imm>
// vrsra<c>.<type><size> <Dd>, <Dm>, #<imm>
case arm_vshr: // A8.6.385 VSHR
// vshr<c>.<type><size> <Qd>, <Qm>, #<imm>
// vshr<c>.<type><size> <Dd>, <Dm>, #<imm>
case arm_vsra: // A8.6.389 VSRA
// vsra<c>.<type><size> <Qd>, <Qm>, #<imm>
// vsra<c>.<type><size> <Dd>, <Dm>, #<imm>
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 24) ? ".u" : ".s";
// no break
case arm_vsri: // A8.6.390 VSRI
// vsri<c>.<size> <Qd>, <Qm>, #<imm>
// vsri<c>.<size> <Dd>, <Dm>, #<imm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vXrX_instruction(opcode, true);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vrshrn: // A8.6.377 VRSHRN
// vrshrn<c>.i<size> <Dd>, <Qm>, #<imm>
case arm_vshrn: // A8.6.386 VSHRN
// vshrn<c>.i<size> <Dd>, <Qm>, #<imm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vXshrn_instruction(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vshl__imm: // A8.6.382 VSHL (immediate)
// vshl<c>.i<size> <Qd>, <Qm>, #<imm>
// vshl<c>.i<size> <Dd>, <Dm>, #<imm>
case arm_vsli: // A8.6.387 VSLI
// vsli<c>.<size> <Qd>, <Qm>, #<imm>
// vsli<c>.<size> <Dd>, <Dm>, #<imm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vXrX_instruction(opcode, false);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vshll__max: // A8.6.384 VSHLL
// vshll<c>.<type><size> <Qd>, <Dm>, #<imm> (<imm> == <size>)
mnemonic += getVFPIDataType3(opcode, 18);
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, 1, 12, 22)
+ ',' + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, 0, 0, 5) + ",#" + (8 << (opcode >> 18 & 3));
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vtb: // A8.6.406 VTBL, VTBX
// v<op><c>.8 <Dd>, <list>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vtb_instruction(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vtrn: // A8.6.407 VTRN
// vtrn<c>.<size> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vtrn<c>.<size> <Dd>, <Dm>
case arm_vuzp: // A8.6.409 VUZP
// vuzp<c>.<size> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vuzp<c>.<size> <Dd>, <Dm>
case arm_vzip: // A8.6.410 VZIP
// vzip<c>.<size> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vzip<c>.<size> <Dd>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPSzQorDdmOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case arm_vtst: // A8.6.408 VTST
// vtst<c>.<size> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vtst<c>.<size> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPSzQorDdnmOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
instruction = IDisassembler.INVALID_OPCODE;
return instruction;
* Disassemble a 16-bit Thumb instruction
* Reference manual citations (e.g., "A8.6.2") refer to sections in the ARM Architecture
* Reference Manual ARMv7-A and ARMv7-R Edition, Errata markup
* @return disassembled instruction
private String parseThumbOpcode() throws BufferUnderflowException {
byte b0, b1;
if (endianMode == BIG_ENDIAN_MODE && (codeBuffer.remaining() > 1)) {
b0 = codeBuffer.get();
b1 = codeBuffer.get();
} else {
b1 = codeBuffer.get();
b0 = codeBuffer.get();
int opcode = (b0 & 0xff) << 8 | b1 & 0xff;
if (0xf0 == (b0 & 0xf0) || 0xe8 == (b0 & 0xe8)) {
if (endianMode == BIG_ENDIAN_MODE && (codeBuffer.remaining() > 1)) {
b0 = codeBuffer.get();
b1 = codeBuffer.get();
} else {
b1 = codeBuffer.get();
b0 = codeBuffer.get();
opcode = opcode << 16 | (b0 & 0xff) << 8 | (b1 & 0xff);
return parseThumb2Opcode(opcode);
OpcodeARM.Index opcodeIndex = OpcodeARM.Index.invalid;
String mnemonic = "";
for (OpcodeARM thumbOpcode : OpcodeARM.thumb_opcode_table) {
int result = opcode & thumbOpcode.getOpcodeMask();
if (result == thumbOpcode.getOpcodeResult()) {
opcodeIndex = thumbOpcode.getIndex();
mnemonic = thumbOpcode.getMnemonic();
String instruction = "";
String regList = "";
String regOp = "";
int offset;
int bit;
switch (opcodeIndex) {
case thumb_adc: // A8.6.2 ADC (register)
// adcs <Rdn>,<Rm> Outside IT block.
// adc<c> <Rdn>,<Rm> Inside IT block.
instruction = mnemonic + "s\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + "," + getThumbReg(opcode, 3);
// No PC check: Rdn cannot be PC
case thumb_add__imm: // A8.6.4 ADD (immediate, Thumb)
// adds <Rdn>,#<imm8> Outside IT block.
// add<c> <Rdn>,#<imm8> Inside IT block.
instruction = mnemonic + "s\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 8) + "," + getThumbImmediate8(opcode, 1);
// No PC check: Rdn cannot be PC
case thumb_add__imm_to_sp: // A8.6.8 ADD (SP plus immediate)
// add<c> sp,sp,#<imm>
instruction = mnemonic + "\tsp,sp," + getThumbImmediate7(opcode, 4);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb_add__reg: // A8.6.6 ADD (register)
// add<c> <Rdn>,<Rm> If <Rdn> is PC, must be outside or last in IT block.
// A8.6.9 ADD (SP plus register)
// add<c> <Rdm>, sp, <Rdm>
// A8.6.9 ADD (SP plus register)
// add<c> sp,<Rm>
regOp = getThumbRegHigh(opcode, 0, 7);
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + regOp + "," + getThumbRegHigh(opcode, 3, 6);
if (regOp.equals("pc"))
// Note: having PC (register 15) as the destination register is deprecated
case thumb_add__reg_imm: // A8.6.4 ADD (immediate, Thumb)
// adds <Rd>,<Rn>,#<imm3> Outside IT block.
// add<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,#<imm3> Inside IT block.
instruction = mnemonic + "s\t"
+ getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + "," + getThumbReg(opcode, 3) + "," + getThumbImmediate3(opcode);
// No PC check: Rd cannot be PC
case thumb_add__reg_reg: // A8.6.6 ADD (register)
// adds <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm> Outside IT block.
// add<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm> Inside IT block.
instruction = mnemonic + "s\t"
+ getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + "," + getThumbReg(opcode, 3) + "," + getThumbReg(opcode, 6);
// No PC check: Rd cannot be PC
case thumb_add__sp_imm: // A8.6.8 ADD (SP plus immediate)
// add<c> <Rd>,sp,#<imm>
instruction = mnemonic + "\t"
+ getThumbReg(opcode, 8) + ",sp," + getThumbImmediate8(opcode, 4);
// No PC check: Rd cannot be PC
case thumb_adr: // A8.6.10 ADR
// adr<c> <Rd>,<label>
// add <Rd>,pc,imm8 Alternative form
instruction = mnemonic + "\t"
+ getThumbReg(opcode, 8) + ",pc," + getThumbImmediate8(opcode, 4);
// No PC check: Rd cannot be PC
case thumb_and: // A8.6.12 AND (register)
// ands <Rdn>,<Rm> Outside IT block.
// and<c> <Rdn>,<Rm> Inside IT block.
instruction = mnemonic + "s\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + "," + getThumbReg(opcode, 3);
// No PC check: Rdn cannot be PC
case thumb_asr__imm: // A8.6.14 ASR (immediate)
// asrs <Rd>,<Rm>,#<imm> Outside IT block.
// asr<c> <Rd>,<Rm>,#<imm> Inside IT block.
instruction = mnemonic + "s\t"
+ getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + "," + getThumbReg(opcode, 3) + "," + getThumbImmediate5(opcode, 1);
// No PC check: Rd cannot be PC
case thumb_asr__reg: // A8.6.15 ASR (register)
// asrs <Rdn>,<Rm> Outside IT block.
// asr<c> <Rdn>,<Rm> Inside IT block.
instruction = mnemonic + "s\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + "," + getThumbReg(opcode, 3);
// No PC check: Rdn cannot be PC
case thumb_b_1: // A8.6.16 B
// b<c> <label> Not permitted in IT block.
offset = getThumbBranchOffset8(opcode);
String condString = getThumbCondition(opcode);
isSoleDestination = condString.length() == 0; // true if unconditional
isSubroutineAddress = false;
jumpToAddr = address.add(offset);
instruction = mnemonic + condString + "\t" + jumpToAddr.toHexAddressString();
case thumb_b_2: // A8.6.16 B
// b<c> <label> Outside or last in IT block
offset = getThumbBranchOffset11(opcode);
isSoleDestination = true;
isSubroutineAddress = false;
jumpToAddr = address.add(offset);
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + jumpToAddr.toHexAddressString();
case thumb_bic: // A8.6.20 BIC (register)
// bics <Rdn>,<Rm> Outside IT block.
// bic<c> <Rdn>,<Rm> Inside IT block.
instruction = mnemonic + "s\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + "," + getThumbReg(opcode, 3);
// No PC check: Rdn cannot be PC
case thumb_bkpt: // A8.6.22 BKPT
// bkpt #<imm8>
case thumb_svc: // A8.6.218 SVC (previously SWI)
// svc<c> #<imm8>
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getThumbImmediate8(opcode, 1);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb_blx: // A8.6.24 BLX (register)
// blx<c> <Rm> Outside or last in IT block
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 3);
isSoleDestination = true;
isSubroutineAddress = true;
addrExpression = getThumbReg(opcode, 3);
case thumb_bx: // A8.6.25 BX
// bx<c> <Rm> Outside or last in IT block
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getThumbRegHigh(opcode, 3,6);
isSoleDestination = true;
isSubroutineAddress = false;
addrExpression = getThumbRegHigh(opcode, 3, 6);
case thumb_cbnz_cbz: // A8.6.27 CBNZ, CBZ
// cb{n}z <Rn>,<label> Not permitted in IT block.
offset = ((opcode >> 3) & 0x1f) * 2;
String addN = ((opcode & (1 << 11)) != 0) ? "n" : "";
isSoleDestination = true;
isSubroutineAddress = false;
jumpToAddr = address.add(offset);
instruction = mnemonic + addN + "z\t"
+ getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + "," + jumpToAddr.toHexAddressString();
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb_cmn: // A8.6.33 CMN (register)
// cmn<c> <Rn>,<Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + "," + getThumbReg(opcode, 3);
// No PC check: Rd cannot be PC
case thumb_cmp__imm: // A8.6.35 CMP (immediate)
// cmp<c> <Rn>,#<imm8>
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 8) + "," + getThumbImmediate8(opcode, 1);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb_cmp__reg: // A8.6.36 CMP (register)
// cmp<c> <Rn>,<Rm> <Rn> and <Rm> both from R0-R7
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + "," + getThumbReg(opcode, 3);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb_cmp__reg_hi: // A8.6.36 CMP (register)
// cmp<c> <Rn>,<Rm> <Rn> and <Rm> not both from R0-R7
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getThumbRegHigh(opcode, 0, 7) + "," + getThumbRegHigh(opcode, 3, 6);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb_cps: // B6.1.1 CPS
// cps<effect> <iflags> Not permitted in IT block.
instruction = mnemonic + getThumbEffect(opcode) + "\t" + getThumbIFlags(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb_eor: // A8.6.45 EOR (register)
// eors <Rdn>,<Rm> Outside IT block.
// eor<c> <Rdn>,<Rm> Inside IT block.
instruction = mnemonic + "s\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + "," + getThumbReg(opcode, 3);
// No PC check: Rd cannot be PC
case thumb_it: // A8.6.50 IT
// it{x{y{z}}} <firstcond> Not permitted in IT block
int mask = opcode & 0xf;
int cond = (opcode >> 4) & 0xf;
int mask3 = (mask >> 3) & 1;
int mask2 = (mask >> 2) & 1;
int mask1 = (mask >> 1) & 1;
int mask0 = mask & 1;
int cond0 = cond & 1;
String xyz = "";
if ((mask3 == cond0) && ((mask & 7) == 4))
xyz = "t";
else if ((mask3 != cond0) && ((mask & 7) == 4))
xyz = "e";
else if ((mask3 == cond0) && (mask2 == cond0) && ((mask & 3) == 2))
xyz = "tt";
else if ((mask3 != cond0) && (mask2 == cond0) && ((mask & 3) == 2))
xyz = "et";
else if ((mask3 == cond0) && (mask2 != cond0) && ((mask & 3) == 2))
xyz = "te";
else if ((mask3 != cond0) && (mask2 != cond0) && ((mask & 3) == 2))
xyz = "ee";
else if ((mask3 == cond0) && (mask2 == cond0) && (mask1 == cond0) && (mask0 == 1))
xyz = "ttt";
else if ((mask3 != cond0) && (mask2 == cond0) && (mask1 == cond0) && (mask0 == 1))
xyz = "ett";
else if ((mask3 == cond0) && (mask2 != cond0) && (mask1 == cond0) && (mask0 == 1))
xyz = "tet";
else if ((mask3 != cond0) && (mask2 != cond0) && (mask1 == cond0) && (mask0 == 1))
xyz = "eet";
else if ((mask3 == cond0) && (mask2 == cond0) && (mask1 != cond0) && (mask0 == 1))
xyz = "tte";
else if ((mask3 != cond0) && (mask2 == cond0) && (mask1 != cond0) && (mask0 == 1))
xyz = "ete";
else if ((mask3 == cond0) && (mask2 != cond0) && (mask1 != cond0) && (mask0 == 1))
xyz = "tee";
else if ((mask3 != cond0) && (mask2 != cond0) && (mask1 != cond0) && (mask0 == 1))
xyz = "eee";
instruction = mnemonic + xyz + "\t" + getCondition(cond);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb_ldm: // A8.6.53 LDM / LDMIA / LDMFD
// ldm<c> <Rn>!,<registers> <Rn> not included in <registers>
// ldm<c> <Rn>,<registers> <Rn> included in <registers>
regOp = getThumbReg(opcode, 8);
regList = getThumbRegList(opcode, null);
String addExclaim = regList.contains(regOp)? "" : "!";
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + regOp + addExclaim + "," + regList;
// No PC check: Rn cannot be PC and regList cannot contain PC
case thumb_ldr__imm: // A8.6.57 LDR (immediate, Thumb)
// ldr<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>{,#<imm>}]
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + ",[" + getThumbReg(opcode, 3);
if (((opcode >> 6) & 0x1f) != 0)
instruction += "," + getThumbImmediate5(opcode, 4);
instruction += "]";
// No PC check: Rt cannot be PC
case thumb_ldr__imm_sp: // A8.6.57 LDR (immediate, Thumb)
// ldr<c> <Rt>,[sp{,#<imm>}]
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 8) + ",[sp";
if ((opcode & 0xff) != 0)
instruction += "," + getThumbImmediate8(opcode, 4);
instruction += "]";
// No PC check: Rt cannot be PC
case thumb_ldr__lit: // A8.6.59 LDR (literal)
// ldr<c> <Rt>,<label>
// ldr<c> <Rt>,[pc, #<imm>] Alternative form
long imm = (opcode & 0xff) * 4;
String addr = Long.toHexString((address.getValue().longValue() & 0xfffffffc) + ((opcode & 0xff) * 4));
int addrLen = addr.length();
if (addrLen > 8)
addr = addr.substring(addrLen - 8);
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 8) + ",[pc,#" + getHexValue(imm) + "] ; 0x" + addr;
// No PC check: Rt cannot be PC
case thumb_ldr__reg: // A8.6.60 LDR (register)
// ldr<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,<Rm>]
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + ",[" + getThumbReg(opcode, 3) + ","
+ getThumbReg(opcode, 6) + "]";
// No PC check: Rt cannot be PC
case thumb_ldrb__imm: // A8.6.61 LDRB (immediate, Thumb)
// ldrb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>{,#<imm5>}]
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + ",[" + getThumbReg(opcode, 3);
if (((opcode >> 6) & 0x1f) != 0)
instruction += "," + getThumbImmediate5(opcode, 1);
instruction += "]";
// No PC check: Rt cannot be PC
case thumb_ldrb__reg: // A8.6.64 LDRB (register)
// ldrb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,<Rm>]
case thumb_ldrh__reg: // A8.6.73 LDRH (immediate, Thumb)
// ldrh<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,<Rm>]
case thumb_ldrsb: // A8.6.80 LDRSB (register)
// ldrsb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,<Rm>]
case thumb_ldrsh: // A8.6.84 LDRSH (register)
// ldrsh<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,<Rm>]
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + ",[" + getThumbReg(opcode, 3) + ","
+ getThumbReg(opcode, 6) + "]";
// No PC check: Rt cannot be PC
case thumb_ldrh__imm: // A8.6.73 LDRH (immediate, Thumb)
// ldrh<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>{,#<imm>}]
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + ",[" + getThumbReg(opcode, 3);
if (((opcode >> 6) & 0x1f) != 0)
instruction += "," + getThumbImmediate5(opcode, 2);
instruction += "]";
// No PC check: Rt cannot be PC
case thumb_lsl__imm: // A8.6.88 LSL (immediate)
// lsls <Rd>,<Rm>,#<imm5> Outside IT block.
// lsl<c> <Rd>,<Rm>,#<imm5> Inside IT block.
case thumb_lsr__imm: // A8.6.90 LSR (immediate)
// lsrs <Rd>,<Rm>,#<imm> Outside IT block.
// lsr<c> <Rd>,<Rm>,#<imm> Inside IT block.
instruction = mnemonic + "s\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + "," + getThumbReg(opcode, 3)
+ ",#" + ((opcode >> 6) & 0x1f);
// No PC check: Rt cannot be PC
case thumb_lsl__reg: // A8.6.89 LSL (register)
// lsls <Rdn>,<Rm> Outside IT block.
// lsl<c> <Rdn>,<Rm> Inside IT block.
case thumb_lsr__reg: // A8.6.91 LSR (register)
// lsrs <Rdn>,<Rm> Outside IT block.
// lsr<c> <Rdn>,<Rm> Inside IT block.
instruction = mnemonic + "s\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + "," + getThumbReg(opcode, 3);
// No PC check: Rt cannot be PC
case thumb_mov__imm: // A8.6.96 MOV (immediate)
// movs <Rd>,#<imm8> Outside IT block.
// mov<c> <Rd>,#<imm8> Inside IT block.
instruction = mnemonic + "s\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 8) + "," + getThumbImmediate8(opcode, 1);
// No PC check: Rt cannot be PC
case thumb_mov__reg: // A8.6.97 MOV (register)
// mov<c> <Rd>,<Rm> If <Rd> is PC, must be outside or
// last in IT block.
regOp = getThumbRegHigh(opcode, 0, 7);
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + regOp + "," + getThumbRegHigh(opcode, 3, 6);
if (regOp.equals("pc")) {
isSoleDestination = true;
isSubroutineAddress = false;
addrExpression = getThumbRegHigh(opcode, 3, 6);
case thumb_movs: // A8.6.97 MOV (register)
// movs <Rd>,<Rm> Not permitted in IT block
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + "," + getThumbReg(opcode, 3);
// No PC check: Rd cannot be PC
case thumb_mul: // A8.6.105 MUL
// muls <Rdm>,<Rn>,<Rdm> Outside IT block.
// mul<c> <Rdm>,<Rn>,<Rdm> Inside IT block.
instruction = mnemonic + "s\t"
+ getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + "," + getThumbReg(opcode, 3) + "," + getThumbReg(opcode, 0);
// No PC check: Rdm cannot be PC
case thumb_mvn: // A8.6.107 MVN (register)
// mvns <Rd>,<Rm> Outside IT block.
// mvn<c> <Rd>,<Rm> Inside IT block.
case thumb_orr: // A8.6.114 ORR (register)
// orrs <Rdn>,<Rm> Outside IT block.
// orr<c> <Rdn>,<Rm> Inside IT block.
instruction = mnemonic + "s\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + "," + getThumbReg(opcode, 3);
// No PC check: Rd or Rdn cannot be PC
case thumb_nop: // A8.6.110 NOP
// nop<c>
case thumb_sev: // A8.6.158 SEV
// sev<c>
case thumb_wfe: // A8.6.411 WFE
// wfe<c>
case thumb_wfi: // A8.6.412 WFI
// wfi<c>
case thumb_yield: // A8.6.413 YIELD
// yield<c>
instruction = mnemonic;
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb_pop: // A8.6.122 POP
// pop<c> <registers>
bit = (opcode >> 8) & 1;
if (bit == 1) {
// This is an unconditional jump.
regList = getThumbRegList(opcode, "pc");
} else {
regList = getThumbRegList(opcode, null);
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + regList;
case thumb_push: // A8.6.123 PUSH
// push<c> <registers>
bit = (opcode >> 8) & 1;
if (bit == 1) {
regList = getThumbRegList(opcode, "lr");
} else {
regList = getThumbRegList(opcode, null);
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + regList;
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb_rev: // A8.6.135 REV
// rev<c> <Rd>,<Rm>
case thumb_rev16: // A8.6.136 REV16
// rev16<c> <Rd>,<Rm>
case thumb_revsh: // A8.6.137 REVSH
// revsh<c> <Rd>,<Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + "," + getThumbReg(opcode, 3);
// No PC check: Rd cannot be PC
case thumb_ror: // A8.6.140 ROR (register)
// rors <Rdn>,<Rm> Outside IT block.
// ror<c> <Rdn>,<Rm> Inside IT block.
case thumb_sbc: // A8.6.152 SBC (register)
// sbcs <Rdn>,<Rm> Outside IT block.
// sbc<c> <Rdn>,<Rm> Inside IT block.
instruction = mnemonic + "s\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + "," + getThumbReg(opcode, 3);
// No PC check: Rd or Rdn cannot be PC
case thumb_rsb: // A8.6.142 RSB (immediate)
// rsbs <Rd>,<Rn>,#0 Outside IT block.
// rsb<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,#0 Inside IT block.
instruction = mnemonic + "s\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + "," + getThumbReg(opcode, 3) + ",#0";
// No PC check: Rd or Rdn cannot be PC
case thumb_setend: // A8.6.157 SETEND
// setend <endian_specifier> Not permitted in IT block
String endian = (((opcode >> 3) & 1) == 1) ? "be" : "le";
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + endian;
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb_stm: // A8.6.189 STM / STMIA / STMEA
// stm<c> <Rn>!,<registers>
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 8) + "!," + getThumbRegList(opcode, null);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb_str__imm: // A8.6.193 STR (immediate, Thumb)
// str<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>{,#<imm>}]
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + ",[" + getThumbReg(opcode, 3);
if (((opcode >> 6) & 0x1f) != 0)
instruction += "," + getThumbImmediate5(opcode, 4);
instruction += "]";
// No PC check: Rt cannot be PC
case thumb_str__imm_sp: // A8.6.193 STR (immediate, Thumb)
// str<c> <Rt>,[sp,#<imm>]
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 8) + ",[sp," + getThumbImmediate8(opcode, 4) + "]";
// No PC check: Rt cannot be PC
case thumb_str__reg: // A8.6.195 STR (register)
// str<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,<Rm>]
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + ",[" + getThumbReg(opcode, 3) + ","
+ getThumbReg(opcode, 6) + "]";
// No PC check: Rt cannot be PC
case thumb_strb__imm: // A8.6.196 STRB (immediate, Thumb)
// strb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#<imm5>]
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + ",[" + getThumbReg(opcode, 3);
if (((opcode >> 6) & 0x1f) != 0)
instruction += "," + getThumbImmediate5(opcode, 1);
instruction += "]";
// No PC check: Rt cannot be PC
case thumb_strb__reg: // A8.6.198 STRB (register)
// strb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,<Rm>]
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + ",[" + getThumbReg(opcode, 3) + ","
+ getThumbReg(opcode, 6) + "]";
// No PC check: Rt cannot be PC
case thumb_strh__imm: // A8.6.206 STRH (immediate, Thumb)
// strh<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>{,#<imm>}]
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + ",[" + getThumbReg(opcode, 3);
if (((opcode >> 6) & 0x1f) != 0)
instruction += "," + getThumbImmediate5(opcode, 2);
instruction += "]";
// No PC check: Rt cannot be PC
case thumb_strh__reg: // A8.6.208 STRH (register)
// strh<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,<Rm>]
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + ",[" + getThumbReg(opcode, 3) + ","
+ getThumbReg(opcode, 6) + "]";
// No PC check: Rt cannot be PC
case thumb_sub__imm: // A8.6.211 SUB (immediate, Thumb)
// subs <Rdn>,#<imm8> Outside IT block.
// sub<c> <Rdn>,#<imm8> Inside IT block.
instruction = mnemonic + "s\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 8) + "," + getThumbImmediate8(opcode, 1);
// No PC check: Rdn cannot be PC
case thumb_sub__imm_from_sp: // A8.6.215 SUB (SP minus immediate)
// sub<c> sp,sp,#<imm>
instruction = mnemonic + "\tsp,sp," + getThumbImmediate7(opcode, 4);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb_sub__reg_imm: // A8.6.211 SUB (immediate, Thumb)
// subs <Rd>,<Rn>,#<imm3> Outside IT block.
// sub<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,#<imm3> Inside IT block.
instruction = mnemonic + "s\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + "," + getThumbReg(opcode, 3) + ","
+ getThumbImmediate3(opcode);
// No PC check: Rd cannot be PC
case thumb_sub__reg_reg: // A8.6.213 SUB (register)
// subs <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm> Outside IT block.
// sub<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm> Inside IT block.
instruction = mnemonic + "s\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + "," + getThumbReg(opcode, 3) + ","
+ getThumbReg(opcode, 6);
// No PC check: Rd cannot be PC
case thumb_sxtb: // A8.6.223 SXTB
// sxtb<c> <Rd>,<Rm>
case thumb_sxth: // A8.6.225 SXTH
// sxth<c> <Rd>,<Rm>
case thumb_tst: // A8.6.231 TST (register)
// tst<c> <Rn>,<Rm>
case thumb_uxtb: // A8.6.263 UXTB
// uxtb<c> <Rd>,<Rm>
case thumb_uxth: // A8.6.265 UXTH
// uxth<c> <Rd>,<Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getThumbReg(opcode, 0) + "," + getThumbReg(opcode, 3);
// No PC check: Rd cannot be PC
case thumb_undefined:
instruction = mnemonic;
// No PC check: not applicable
instruction = IDisassembler.INVALID_OPCODE;
return instruction;
* Disassemble a 32-bit Thumb instruction
* Reference manual citations (e.g., "A8.6.4") refer to sections in the ARM Architecture
* Reference Manual ARMv7-A and ARMv7-R Edition, Errata markup
* @param opcode instruction to parse
* @return disassembled instruction
private String parseThumb2Opcode(int opcode) throws BufferUnderflowException {
OpcodeARM.Index opcodeIndex = OpcodeARM.Index.invalid;
String mnemonic = "";
for (OpcodeARM thumb2Opcode : OpcodeARM.thumb2_opcode_table) {
int result = opcode & thumb2Opcode.getOpcodeMask();
if (result == thumb2Opcode.getOpcodeResult()) {
opcodeIndex = thumb2Opcode.getIndex();
if (ARMv6 > versionMode
&& opcodeIndex != OpcodeARM.Index.thumb2_bl
&& opcodeIndex != OpcodeARM.Index.thumb2_blx) {
return IDisassembler.INVALID_OPCODE;
mnemonic = thumb2Opcode.getMnemonic();
String instruction = "";
String regDest = "";
int offset;
boolean checkPC = false;
switch (opcodeIndex) {
case thumb2_add__imm: // A8.6.4 ADD (immediate)
// add{s}<c>.w <Rd>,<Rn>,#<const>
// A8.6.8 ADD (SP plus immediate)
// addw <Rd>,sp,#<imm12>
case thumb2_rsb__imm: // A8.6.142 RSB (immediate)
// rsb{s}<c>.w <Rd>,<Rn>,#<const>
case thumb2_sub__imm: // A8.6.211 SUB (immediate)
// sub{s}<c>.w <Rd>,<Rn>,#<const>
instruction = ".w";
// no break!
case thumb2_adc__imm: // A8.6.1 ADC (immediate)
// adc{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,#<const>
case thumb2_and__imm: // A8.6.11 AND (immediate)
// and{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,#<const>
case thumb2_bic__imm: // A8.6.19 BIC (immediate)
// bic{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,#<const>
case thumb2_eor__imm: // A8.6.44 EOR (immediate)
// eor{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,#<const>
case thumb2_orn__imm: // A8.6.111 ORN (immediate)
// orn{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,#<const>
case thumb2_orr__imm: // A8.6.113 ORR (immediate)
// orr{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,#<const>
case thumb2_sbc__imm: // A8.6.151 SBC (immediate)
// sbc{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,#<const>
mnemonic += getS(opcode) + instruction;
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_8(opcode) + ',' + getR_16(opcode)
+ ",#" + getThumb2ExpandImm12(opcode);
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction translates to another enumeral or is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_addw: // A8.6.4 ADD (immediate, Thumb)
// addw<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,#<imm12>
case thumb2_subw: // A8.6.211 SUB (immediate, Thumb)
// subw<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,#<imm12>
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_8(opcode) + ',' + getR_16(opcode)
+ ",#" + getHexValue(getThumb2RawImm12(opcode));
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction translates to another enumeral or is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_adc__reg: // A8.6.2 ADC (register)
// adc{s}<c>.w <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
case thumb2_add__reg: // A8.6.6 ADD (register)
// add{s}<c>.w <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
// A8.6.9 ADD (SP plus register)
// add{s}<c>.w <Rd>,sp,<Rm>{,<shift>}
case thumb2_and__reg: // A8.6.12 AND (register)
// and{s}<c>.w <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
case thumb2_bic__reg: // A8.6.20 BIC (register)
// bic{s}<c>.w <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
case thumb2_eor__reg: // A8.6.45 EOR (register)
// eor{s}<c>.w <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
case thumb2_orr__reg: // A8.6.114 ORR (register)
// orr{s}<c>.w <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
case thumb2_sbc__reg: // A8.6.152 SBC (register)
// sbc{s}<c>.w <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
case thumb2_sub__reg: // A8.6.213 SUB (register)
// sub{s}<c>.w <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
instruction = ".w";
// no break!
case thumb2_orn__reg: // A8.6.112 ORN (register)
// orn{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
case thumb2_rsb__reg: // A8.6.143 RSB (register)
// rsb{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
mnemonic += getS(opcode) + instruction;
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_8(opcode) + ',' + getR_16(opcode)
+ ',' + getR_0(opcode) + getThumb2ShiftMode(opcode, 4);
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction translates to another enumeral or is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_mov__imm: // A8.6.96 MOV (immediate)
// mov{s}<c>.w <Rd>,#<const>
instruction = ".w";
// no break!
case thumb2_mvn__imm: // A8.6.106 MVN (immediate)
// mvn{s}<c> <Rd>,#<const>
mnemonic += getS(opcode) + instruction;
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_8(opcode)+ ",#" + getThumb2ExpandImm12(opcode);
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_mvn__reg: // A8.6.107 MVN (register)
// mvn{s}<c>.w <Rd>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
instruction = mnemonic + getS(opcode) + ".w\t" + getR_8(opcode) + ','
+ getR_0(opcode) + getThumb2ShiftMode(opcode, 4);
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_adr__sub: // A8.6.10 ADR
// adr<c>.w <Rd>,<label>
// add<c> <Rd>,pc,#imm12 Alternate form
case thumb2_adr__add: // A8.6.10 ADR
// adr<c>.w <Rd>,<label>
// sub<c> <Rd>,pc,#imm12 Alternate form
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_8(opcode) + ",pc,#"
+ getHexValue(getThumb2RawImm12(opcode));
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_asr__imm: // A8.6.14 ASR (immediate)
// asr{s}<c>.w <Rd>,<Rm>,#<imm>
case thumb2_lsl__imm: // A8.6.88 LSL (immediate)
// lsl{s}<c>.w <Rd>,<Rm>,#<imm>
case thumb2_lsr__imm: // A8.6.90 LSR (immediate)
// lsr{s}<c>.w <Rd>,<Rm>,#<imm>
instruction = ".w";
case thumb2_ror__imm: // A8.6.139 ROR (immediate)
// ror{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rm>,#<imm>
mnemonic += getS(opcode) + instruction;
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_8(opcode) + ',' + getR_0(opcode)
+ ",#" + getThumb2ShiftValue(opcode, opcode >> 4 & 3);
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_asr__reg: // A8.6.15 ASR (register)
// asr{s}<c>.w <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
case thumb2_lsl__reg: // A8.6.89 LSL (register)
// lsl{s}<c>.w <Rd>,<Rm>,<Rm>
case thumb2_lsr__reg: // A8.6.91 LSR (register)
// lsr{s}<c>.w <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
case thumb2_ror__reg: // A8.6.140 ROR (register)
// ror{s}<c>.w <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
mnemonic += getS(opcode) + ".w\t";
instruction = mnemonic + getR_8(opcode) + ',' + getR_16(opcode) + ',' + getR_0(opcode);
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_b__cond: // A8.6.16 B
// b<c>.w <label> Not permitted in IT block.
instruction = getThumb2Condition(opcode);
setDefaultPCJumpProperties(instruction.length() == 0); // true if unconditional b
offset = getThumb2_condB_Offset(opcode);
jumpToAddr = address.add(offset);
instruction = mnemonic + instruction + ".w\t" + jumpToAddr.toHexAddressString();
case thumb2_b__uncond: // A8.6.16 B
// b<c>.w <label> Outside or last in IT block
if (ARMv6 > versionMode) {
instruction = IDisassembler.INVALID_OPCODE;
// otherwise, no break!
case thumb2_bl: // A8.6.23 BL (immediate)
// bl<c> <label> Outside or last in IT block
// 1 1 1 1 0 S_1_10_10 imm10_1_9_0 1 1 J1_0_13_13 1 J2_0_11_11 imm11_0_10_0
// . . . . . S_1_10_10 imm10_1_9_0 . . J1_0_13_13 . J2_0_11_11 imm11_0_10_0
case thumb2_blx: // A8.6.23 BLX (immediate) // blx<c> <label> Outside or last in IT block
// 1 1 1 1 0 S_1_10_10 imm10H_1_9_0 1 1 J1_0_13_13 0 J2_0_11_11 imm10L_0_10_1 h_0_1_0
// If you are confused that the above 3 opcode bit maps are "the same",
// my apologies. The manual used to state Encoding T2 bit 0
// was always 0, and now says that bit 0 is field h,
// and that blx (immediate) is UNDEFINED for h == 1.
// Since h must be 0, and SignExtend() for the 2 cases are:
// imm32 = SignExtend(S:I1:I2:imm10:imm11:'0', 32); // Encoding T1
// imm32 = SignExtend(S:I1:I2:imm10H:imm10L:'00', 32) // Encoding T2
// The conclusion is that pretending to get imm11_0_10_0
// for the blx (immediate) T2 case is the same since the
// end '0' will match the left 0 in the '00' for T2.
// Thus it's okay to use the same code for both cases.
{ // first, disallow this conditionally based on ref-manual rules if pre-ARMv6
boolean j1 = isBitEnabled(opcode, 13), j2 = isBitEnabled(opcode, 11);
if (!(j1 & j2) && ARMv6 > versionMode) {
instruction = IDisassembler.INVALID_OPCODE;
offset = getThumb2_uncondB_Offset(opcode, j1, j2);
jumpToAddr = address.add(offset); // immediate address known
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + jumpToAddr.toHexAddressString();
isSoleDestination = true;
isSubroutineAddress = (opcodeIndex != OpcodeARM.Index.thumb2_b__uncond);
case thumb2_bfi: // A8.6.18 BFI
// bfi<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,#<lsb>,#<width>
instruction = "," + getR_16(opcode);
// no break!
case thumb2_bfc: // A8.6.17 BFC
// bfc<c> <Rd>,#<lsb>,#<width>
int lsb = opcode >> 10 & 0x1c | opcode >> 6 & 3;
int width = (opcode & 0x1f) - lsb + 1;
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_8(opcode) + instruction + ",#" + lsb + ",#" + width;
// No PC check: if Rd is PC, the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_bfx: // A8.6.154 SBFX
// sbfx<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,#<lsb>,#<width>
// A8.6.236 UBFX
// ubfx<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,#<lsb>,#<width>
mnemonic = (isBitEnabled(opcode, 23) ? "u" : "s") + mnemonic;
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_8(opcode) + ',' + getR_16(opcode)
+ ",#" + getThumb2ShiftValue(opcode, 0) + ",#" + ((opcode & 0x1f) + 1);
// No PC check: PC at Rd is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_bxj: // A8.6.26 BXJ
// bxj<c> <Rm> Outside or last in IT block
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_16(opcode);
case thumb2_clrex: // A8.6.30 CLREX
// clrex<c>
if (ARMv7 > versionMode) {
instruction = IDisassembler.INVALID_OPCODE;
// else no break!
case thumb2_sev: // A8.6.158 SEV
// sev<c>.w
case thumb2_wfe: // A8.6.411 WFE
// wfe<c>.w
case thumb2_wfi: // A8.6.412 WFI
// wfi<c>.w
case thumb2_yield: // A8.6.413 YIELD
// yield<c>.w
if (ARMv6T2 == versionMode) {
mnemonic = "nop.w";
// else no break!
case thumb2_nop: // A8.6.110 NOP
// nop<c>.w
case thumb2_undefined:
if (ARMv6K == versionMode) {
instruction = IDisassembler.INVALID_OPCODE;
} else if (ARMv6T2 <= versionMode) {
instruction = mnemonic;
// No PC check: no registers changed
case thumb2_reverse: // A8.6.134 RBIT
// rbit<c> <Rd>,<Rm>
// A8.6.135 REV
// rev<c>.w <Rd>,<Rm>
// A8.6.136 REV16
// rev16<c>.w <Rd>,<Rm>
// A8.6.137 REVSH
// revsh<c>.w <Rd>,<Rm>
switch (opcode >> 4 & 3) {
case 0: mnemonic += "ev.w"; break;
case 1: mnemonic += "ev16.w"; break;
case 2: mnemonic += "bit"; break;
case 3: mnemonic += "evsh.w"; break;
// no break!
case thumb2_clz: // A8.6.31 CLZ
// clz<c> <Rd>,<Rm>
regDest = getR_8(opcode);
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + regDest + ',' + getR_0(opcode);
// No PC check: PC at Rd is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_cmn__imm: // A8.6.32 CMN (immediate
// cmn<c> <Rn>,#<const>
case thumb2_cmp__imm: // A8.6.35 CMP (immediate)
// cmp<c>.w <Rn>,#<const>
case thumb2_teq__imm: // A8.6.227 TEQ (immediate)
// teq<c> <Rn>,#<const>
case thumb2_tst__imm: // A8.6.230 TST (immediate)
// tst<c> <Rn>,#<const>
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_16(opcode)
+ ",#" + getThumb2ExpandImm12(opcode);
// No PC check: no registers changed
case thumb2_cmn__reg: // A8.6.33 CMN (register)
// cmn<c> <Rn>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
case thumb2_cmp__reg: // A8.6.36 CMP (register)
// cmp<c>.w <Rn>,<Rm> {,<shift>}
case thumb2_teq__reg: // A8.6.228 TEQ (register)
// teq<c> <Rn>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
case thumb2_tst__reg: // A8.6.231 TST (register)
// tst<c> <Rn>,<Rm>{,<shift>}
instruction = mnemonic + instruction + TAB + getR_16(opcode) + ','
+ getR_0(opcode) + getThumb2ShiftMode(opcode, 4);
// No PC check: no registers changed
case thumb2_dbg: // A8.6.40 DBG
// dbg<c> #<option>
if (ARMv6T2 == versionMode) {
instruction = "nop.w";
} else if (ARMv7 > versionMode) {
instruction = IDisassembler.INVALID_OPCODE;
} else {
instruction = mnemonic + "\t#" + (opcode & 0xf);
// No PC check: no registers changed
case thumb2_dmb: // A8.6.41 DMB
// dmb<c> #<option>
case thumb2_dsb: // A8.6.42 DSB
// dsb<c> #<option>
if (ARMv7 > versionMode)
instruction = IDisassembler.INVALID_OPCODE;
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getDataBarrierOption(opcode);
// No PC check: no registers changed
case thumb2_enterx_leavex: // A9.3.1 ENTERX, LEAVEX
// enterx Not permitted in IT block.
// leavex Not permitted in IT block.
instruction = isBitEnabled(opcode, 4) ? mnemonic : "leavex";
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_isb: // A8.6.49 ISB
// isb<c> #<option>
if (ARMv7 > versionMode)
instruction = IDisassembler.INVALID_OPCODE;
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getInstructionBarrierOption(opcode);
// No PC check: no registers changed
case thumb2_ldm: // A8.6.53 LDM / LDMIA / LDMFD
// ldm<c>.w <Rn>{!},<registers>
case thumb2_ldmdb: // A8.6.55 LDMDB / LDMEA
// ldmdb<c> <Rn>{!},<registers>
regDest = getRegList(opcode);
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_16(opcode) + getW(opcode) + ',' + regDest;
if (regDest.contains("pc"))
case thumb2_ldr:
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 22)) {
// exclude ldrt, which has bit 22 set but does not allow RT = PC
if (!((opcode >> 8 & 0xf) == 0xe) || !((opcode >> 20 & 0xfff) == 0xf85))
checkPC = true;
// most other cases of Rt = 15 end up as thumb2_pld or thumb2_pli
// no break!
case thumb2_str:
regDest = getR_12(opcode);
String rn = getR_16(opcode);
boolean isPC = rn.equals("pc");
boolean isReg = 0 == (opcode >> 6 & 0x3f);
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 22)) {
// A8.6.57 LDR (immediate, Thumb)
// ldr<c>.w <Rt>,[<Rn>{,#<imm12>}]
// ldr<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#-<imm8>]
// ldr<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm8>
// ldr<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#+/-<imm8>]!
// A8.6.59 LDR (literal)
// ldr<c>.w <Rt>,<label>
// ldr<c>.w <Rt>,[pc,#-0] Special case
// A8.6.60 LDR (register)
// ldr<c>.w <Rt>,[<Rn>,<Rm>{,lsl #<imm2>}]
// A8.6.193 STR (immediate, Thumb)
// str<c>.w <Rt>,[<Rn>,#<imm12>]
// str<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#-<imm8>]
// str<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm8>
// str<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#+/-<imm8>]!
// A8.6.195 STR (register)
// str<c>.w <Rt>,[<Rn>,<Rm>{,lsl #<imm2>}]
if (isPC || isBitEnabled(opcode, 23) || isReg)
mnemonic += ".w";
else if (0xe == (opcode >> 8 & 0xf))
mnemonic += 't';
} else if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 24)) {
// A8.6.78 LDRSB (immediate)
// ldrsb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#<imm12>]
// A8.6.82 LDRSH (immediate)
// ldrsh<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#<imm12>]
// ldrsb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#-<imm8>]
// ldrsb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm8>
// ldrsb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#+/-<imm8>]!
// A8.6.80 LDRSB (register)
// ldrsb<c>.w <Rt>,[<Rn>,<Rm>{,lsl #<imm2>}]
// A8.6.84 LDRSH (register)
// ldrsh<c>.w <Rt>,[<Rn>,<Rm>{,lsl #<imm2>}]
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 21) ? "sh" : "sb";
if (!isPC) {
if (0xe == (opcode >> 8 & 0xf))
mnemonic += 't';
else if (!isBitEnabled(opcode, 23) && isReg)
mnemonic += ".w";
} else {
// A8.6.61 LDRB (immediate, Thumb)
// ldrb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#-<imm8>]
// ldrb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm8>
// ldrb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#+/-<imm8>]!
// A8.6.63 LDRB (literal)
// ldrb<c> <Rt>,<label>
// ldrb<c> <Rt>,[pc,#-0] Special case
// A8.6.64 LDRB (register)
// ldrb<c>.w <Rt>,[<Rn>,<Rm>{,lsl #<imm2>}]
// A8.6.73 LDRH (immediate, Thumb)
// ldrh<c>.w <Rt>,[<Rn>{,#<imm12>}]
// ldrh<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#-<imm8>]
// ldrh<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm8>
// ldrh<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#+/-<imm8>]!
// A8.6.75 LDRH (literal)
// ldrh<c> <Rt>,<label>
// ldrh<c> <Rt>,[pc,#-0] Special case
// A8.6.76 LDRH (register)
// ldrh<c>.w <Rt>,[<Rn>,<Rm>{,lsl #<imm2>}]
// A8.6.196 STRB (immediate, Thumb)
// strb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#-<imm8>]
// strb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm8>
// strb<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#+/-<imm8>]!
// A8.6.198 STRB (register)
// strb<c>.w <Rt>,[<Rn>,<Rm>{,lsl #<imm2>}]
// A8.6.206 STRH (immediate, Thumb)
// strh<c>.w <Rt>,[<Rn>{,#<imm12>}]
// strh<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#-<imm8>]
// strh<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm8>
// strh<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#+/-<imm8>]!
// A8.6.208 STRH (register)
// strh<c>.w <Rt>,[<Rn>,<Rm>{,lsl #<imm2>}]
// A8.6.210 STRT
// strt<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#<imm8>]
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 21) ? "h" : "b";
if (!isPC) {
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 23) || isReg)
mnemonic += ".w";
else if (0xe == (opcode >> 8 & 0xf))
mnemonic += 't';
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + regDest + ',';
if (isPC) {
// A8.6.59 LDR (literal)
// ldr.w <Rt>,[pc,#+/-<imm>] Alternative form
// A8.6.63 LDRB (literal)
// ldrb <Rt>,[pc,#+/-<imm>] Alternative form
// A8.6.75 LDRH (literal)
// ldrh <Rt>,[pc,#+/-<imm>] Alternative form
// A8.6.79 LDRSB (literal)
// ldrsb <Rt>,[pc,#+/-<imm>] Alternative form
// A8.6.83 LDRSH (literal)
// ldrsh <Rt>,[pc,#+/-<imm>] Alternative form
// appends addr as UAL comment
instruction += getAddrModePCImm(opcode, opcode & 0xfff);
} else if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 23)) {
// A8.6.57 LDR (immediate, Thumb)
// A8.6.61 LDRB (immediate, Thumb)
// A8.6.73 LDRH (immediate, Thumb)
// A8.6.78 LDRSB (immediate)
// A8.6.193 STR (immediate, Thumb)
// A8.6.196 STRB (immediate, Thumb)
// A8.6.206 STRH (immediate, Thumb)
// <mnemonic><c>.w <Rt>,[<Rn>{,#<imm12>}]
// A8.6.82 LDRSH (immediate)
// ldrsh<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#<imm12>]
instruction += '[' + rn;
offset = opcode & 0xfff;
if (offset != 0)
instruction += ",#" + getHexValue(offset);
instruction += ']';
} else if (isReg) {
// A8.6.60 LDR (register)
// A8.6.64 LDRB (register)
// A8.6.76 LDRH (register)
// A8.6.80 LDRSB (register)
// A8.6.84 LDRSH (register)
// A8.6.195 STR (register)
// A8.6.198 STRB (register)
// A8.6.208 STRH (register)
// <mnemonic><c>.w <Rt>,[<Rn>,<Rm>{,lsl #<imm2>}]
instruction += getThumb2AddrModeRegImm(opcode);
} else {
// A8.6.57 LDR (immediate, Thumb)
// A8.6.61 LDRB (immediate, Thumb)
// A8.6.73 LDRH (immediate, Thumb)
// A8.6.78 LDRSB (immediate)
// A8.6.82 LDRSH (immediate)
// A8.6.193 STR (immediate, Thumb)
// A8.6.196 STRB (immediate, Thumb)
// A8.6.206 STRH (immediate, Thumb)
// <mnemonic><c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#-<imm8>]
// <mnemonic><c> <Rt>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm8>
// <mnemonic><c> <Rt>,[<Rn>,#+/-<imm8>]!
instruction += getThumb2AddrModeImm8(opcode, 10, 9, 8, 0);
if (checkPC && regDest.equals("pc"))
case thumb2_ldrex: // A8.6.69 LDREX
// ldrex<c> <Rt>,[<Rn>{,#<imm>}]
offset = opcode & 0xff;
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_12(opcode) + ",[" + getR_16(opcode);
if (offset != 0)
instruction += ",#" + getHexValue(offset << 2);
instruction += ']';
// No PC check: PC at Rt location will generate different instruction or UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_ldrd__imm: // A8.6.66 LDRD (immediate)
// ldrd<c> <Rt>,<Rt2>,[<Rn>{,#+/-<imm>}]
// ldrd <Rt>,<Rt2>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm>
// ldrd <Rt>,<Rt2>,[<Rn>,#+/-<imm>]!
case thumb2_strd: // A8.6.200 STRD (immediate)
// strd<c> <Rt>,<Rt2>,[<Rn>{,#+/-<imm>}]
// strd <Rt>,<Rt2>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm>
// strd <Rt>,<Rt2>,[<Rn>,#+/-<imm>]!
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_12(opcode) + ',' + getR_8(opcode)
+ ',' + getThumb2AddrModeImm8(opcode, 24, 23, 21, 2);
// No PC check: PC in <Rt,Rt2> is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_ldrd__lit: // A8.6.67 LDRD (literal)
// ldrd<c> <Rt>,<Rt2>,<label>
// ldrd <Rt>,<Rt2>,[pc,#-0] Special case
offset = opcode & 0xff;
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_12(opcode) + ',' + getR_8(opcode)
+ ",[pc,#" + ((isBitEnabled(opcode, 23) && offset != 0) ? "" : "-")
+ getHexValue(offset<<2) + ']';
// No PC check: PC at Rt is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_ldrexx: // A8.6.70 LDREXB
// ldrexb<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>]
// A8.6.71 LDREXD
// ldrexd<c> <Rt>,<Rt2>,[<Rn>]
// A8.6.72 LDREXH
// ldrexh<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>]
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 5)) {
mnemonic += 'd';
instruction = "," + getR_8(opcode);
} else {
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 4) ? 'h' : 'b';
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_12(opcode) + instruction
+ ",[" + getR_16(opcode) + ']';
// No PC check: PC at Rt is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_ml: // A8.6.94 MLA
// mla<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>,<Ra>
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 4) ? 's' : 'a';
case thumb2_usada8: // A8.6.254 USADA8
// usada8<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>,<Ra>
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_8(opcode) + ',' + getR_16(opcode)
+ ',' + getR_0(opcode) + ',' + getR_12(opcode);
// No PC check: PC at Rd is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_mov__reg: // A8.6.97 MOV (register)
// mov{s}<c>.w <Rd>,<Rm>
instruction = ".w";
// no break!
case thumb2_rrx: // A8.6.141 RRX
// rrx{s}<c> <Rd>,<Rm>
regDest = getR_8(opcode);
instruction = mnemonic + getS(opcode) + instruction + TAB + regDest + "," + getR_0(opcode);
// No PC check: PC at Rd is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_movx: // A8.6.96 MOV (immediate)
// movw<c> <Rd>,#<imm16>
// A8.6.99 MOVT
// movt<c> <Rd>,#<imm16>
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 23) ? 't' : 'w';
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_8(opcode) + ",#" + getThumb2ImmForMovX(opcode);
// No PC check: PC at Rd is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_mrs: // A8.6.102 MRS
// mrs<c> <Rd>,<spec_reg>
// B6.1.5 MRS
// mrs <Rd>,<spec_reg>
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_8(opcode)
+ ',' + (isBitEnabled(opcode, 20) ? 's' : 'c') + "psr";
// No PC check: PC at Rd is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_msr: // B6.1.7 MSR (register)
// msr <spec_reg>,<Rn>
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getStatusReg(opcode, 20)
+ getStatusRegFields(opcode, 8) + ',' + getR_16(opcode);
// No PC check: PC at Rd is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2__r_dnm_math: // A8.6.125 QADD16
// qadd16<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.126 QADD8
// qadd8<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.127 QASX
// qasx<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.130 QSAX
// qsax<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.132 QSUB16
// qsub16<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.133 QSUB8
// qsub8<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.148 SADD16
// sadd16<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.149 SADD8
// sadd8<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.150 SASX
// sasx<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.159 SHADD16
// shadd16<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.160 SHADD8
// shadd8<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.161 SHASX
// shasx<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.162 SHSAX
// shsax<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.163 SHSUB16
// shsub16<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.164 SHSUB8
// shsub8<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.185 SSAX
// ssax<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.186 SSUB16
// ssub16<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.187 SSUB8
// ssub8<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.233 UADD16
// uadd16<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.234 UADD8
// uadd8<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.235 UASX
// uasx<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.238 UHADD16
// uhadd16<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.239 UHADD8
// uhadd8<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.240 UHASX
// uhasx<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.241 UHSAX
// uhsax<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.242 UHSUB16
// uhsub16<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.243 UHSUB8
// uhsub8<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.247 UQADD16
// uqadd16<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.248 UQADD8
// uqadd8<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.249 UQASX
// uqasx<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.250 UQSAX
// uqsax<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.251 UQSUB16
// uqsub16<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.252 UQSUB8
// uqsub8<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.257 USAX
// usax<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.258 USUB16
// usub16<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// A8.6.259 USUB8
// usub8<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
if (1 == (opcode >> 4 & 7))
mnemonic = "";
mnemonic = isBitEnabled(opcode, 6) ? "u" : "s";
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 4))
mnemonic += "q";
else if (isBitEnabled (opcode, 5))
mnemonic += "h";
switch (opcode >> 20 & 7) {
case 0: mnemonic += "add8"; break;
case 1: mnemonic += "add16"; break;
case 2: mnemonic += "asx"; break;
case 4: mnemonic += "sub8"; break;
case 5: mnemonic += "sub16"; break;
case 6: mnemonic += "sax"; break;
// no break!
case thumb2_mul: // A8.6.105 MUL
// mul<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
case thumb2_sel: // A8.6.156 SEL
// sel<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
case thumb2_usad8: // A8.6.253 USAD8
// usad8<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_8(opcode) + ',' + getR_16(opcode) + ',' + getR_0(opcode);
// No PC check: PC at Rd is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_sdiv: // A8.6.155 SDIV
// sdiv<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
case thumb2_udiv: // A8.6.237 UDIV
// udiv<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
if (ARMv7 > versionMode) {
instruction = IDisassembler.INVALID_OPCODE;
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_8(opcode) + ',' + getR_16(opcode) + ',' + getR_0(opcode);
// No PC check: PC at Rd is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_qadd: // A8.6.124 QADD
// qadd<c> <Rd>,<Rm>,<Rn>
// A8.6.128 QDADD
// qdadd<c> <Rd>,<Rm>,<Rn>
case thumb2_qsub: // A8.6.129 QDSUB
// qdsub<c> <Rd>,<Rm>,<Rn>
// A8.6.131 QSUB
// qsub<c> <Rd>,<Rm>,<Rn>
mnemonic = (isBitEnabled(opcode, 4) ? "qd" : "q") + mnemonic;
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_8(opcode) + ',' + getR_0(opcode) + ',' + getR_16(opcode);
// No PC check: PC at Rd is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_pkh: // A8.6.116 PKH
// pkhbt<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,lsl #<imm>}
// pkhtb <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,asr #<imm>}
// 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 Rn_1_3_0 (0) imm3_0_14_12 Rd_0_11_8 imm2_0_7_6 tb_0_5_5 0 Rm_0_3_0
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 5) ? "tb\t" : "bt\t";
instruction = mnemonic + getR_8(opcode) + ',' + getR_16(opcode) + ','
+ getR_0(opcode) + getThumb2ShiftMode(opcode, 4);
// No PC check: PC at Rd is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_pld:
case thumb2_pli:
if ((opcode >> 16 & 0xf) == 15) {
// A8.6.118 PLD (literal)
// pld<c> <label>
// pld [pc,#-0] Special case
// A8.6.120 PLI (immediate, literal)
// pli<c> <label>
// pli [pc,#-0] Special case
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getAddrModePCImm(opcode, opcode & 0xfff);
} else if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 23) || isBitEnabled(opcode, 11)){
String imm;
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 23)) {
// A8.6.117 PLD, PLDW (immediate)
// pld{w}<c> [<Rn>,#<imm12>]
// A8.6.120 PLI (immediate, literal)
// pli<c> [<Rn>,#<imm12>]
imm = getImmediate12(opcode);
} else {
// A8.6.117 PLD, PLDW (immediate)
// pld{w}<c> [<Rn>,#-<imm8>]
// A8.6.120 PLI (immediate, literal)
// pli<c> [<Rn>,#-<imm8>]
imm = "#-" + getHexValue(opcode & 0xff);
instruction = mnemonic + (isBitEnabled(opcode, 21) ? "w\t[" : "\t[")
+ getR_16(opcode) + ',' + imm + ']';
} else {
// A8.6.119 PLD, PLDW (register)
// pld{w}<c> [<Rn>,<Rm>{,lsl #<imm2>}]
// A8.6.121 PLI (register)
// pli<c> [<Rn>,<Rm>{,lsl #<imm2>}]
instruction = mnemonic + (isBitEnabled(opcode, 21) ? "w\t" : "\t")
+ getThumb2AddrModeRegImm(opcode);
// No PC check: PC at Rn is handled above as literal
case thumb2_pop__regs: // A8.6.122 POP
// pop<c>.w <registers> <registers> contains more than one register
checkPC = true;
// no break!
case thumb2_push__regs: // A8.6.123 PUSH
// push<c>.w <registers> <registers> contains more than one register
// 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 (0) M_0_14_14 (0) register_list_0_12_0
regDest = getRegList(opcode);
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + regDest;
if (checkPC && regDest.contains("pc"))
case thumb2_pop__reg: // A8.6.122 POP
// pop<c>.w <registers> <registers> contains one register, <Rt>
checkPC = true;
// no break!
case thumb2_push__reg: // A8.6.123 PUSH
// push<c>.w <registers> <registers> contains one register, <Rt>
regDest = getR_12(opcode);
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + '{' + regDest + '}';
if (regDest.equals("pc"))
case thumb2_rfe: // B6.1.8 RFE
// rfe{ia}<c> <Rn>{!} Outside or last in IT block
// rfedb <Rn>{!} Outside or last in IT block
instruction = mnemonic
+ (isBitEnabled(opcode, 24) /* && isBitEnabled(opcode, 23) */ ? "ia\t" : "db\t")
+ getR_16(opcode) + getW(opcode);
case thumb2_smc: // B6.1.9 SMC (previously SMI)
// smc #<imm4>
instruction = mnemonic + "\t#" + getHexValue(opcode >> 16 & 0xf);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_smla: // A8.6.166 SMLABB, SMLABT, SMLATB, SMLATT
// smla<x><y><c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>,<Ra>
instruction = mnemonic + getBorT(opcode, 5) + getBorT(opcode, 4) + TAB + getR_8(opcode)
+ ',' + getR_16(opcode) + ',' + getR_0(opcode) + ',' + getR_12(opcode);
// No PC check: PC at Rd is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_smlad: // A8.6.167 SMLAD
// smlad{x}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>,<Ra>
case thumb2_smlsd: // A8.6.172 SMLSD
// smlsd{x}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>,<Ra>
instruction = mnemonic + getX(opcode, 4) + TAB + getR_8(opcode)
+ ',' + getR_16(opcode) + ',' + getR_0(opcode) + ',' + getR_12(opcode);
// No PC check: PC at Rd is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_smlal: // A8.6.168 SMLAL
// smlal<c> <RdLo>,<RdHi>,<Rn>,<Rm>
// smlal<x><y><c> <RdLo>,<RdHi>,<Rn>,<Rm>
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 7))
mnemonic += getBorT(opcode, 5) + getBorT(opcode, 4);
// no break!
case thumb2_smull: // A8.6.179 SMULL
// smull<c> <RdLo>,<RdHi>,<Rn>,<Rm>
case thumb2_umaal: // A8.6.244 UMAAL
// umaal<c> <RdLo>,<RdHi>,<Rn>,<Rm>
case thumb2_umlal: // A8.6.245 UMLAL
// umlal<c> <RdLo>,<RdHi>,<Rn>,<Rm>
case thumb2_umull: // A8.6.246 UMULL
// umull<c> <RdLo>,<RdHi>,<Rn>,<Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_12(opcode) + ',' + getR_8(opcode)
+ ',' + getR_16(opcode) + ',' + getR_0(opcode);
// No PC check: PC at RdLo or RdHi or Rn or Rm is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_smlald: // A8.6.170 SMLALD
// smlald{x}<c> <RdLo>,<RdHi>,<Rn>,<Rm>
case thumb2_smlsld: // A8.6.173 SMLSLD
// smlsld{x}<c> <RdLo>,<RdHi>,<Rn>,<Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + getX(opcode, 4) + TAB + getR_12(opcode)
+ ',' + getR_8(opcode) + ',' + getR_16(opcode) + ',' + getR_0(opcode);
// No PC check: PC at Rd is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_smlaw: // A8.6.171 SMLAWB, SMLAWT
// smlaw<y><c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>,<Ra>
instruction = mnemonic + getBorT(opcode, 4) + TAB + getR_8(opcode)
+ ',' + getR_16(opcode) + ',' + getR_0(opcode) + ',' + getR_12(opcode);
// No PC check: PC at Rd is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_smmla: // A8.6.174 SMMLA
// smmla{r}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>,<Ra>
case thumb2_smmls: // A8.6.175 SMMLS
// smmls{r}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>,<Ra>
instruction = ',' + getR_12(opcode);
// no break!
case thumb2_smmul: // A8.6.176 SMMUL
// smmul{r}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + getR(opcode, 4) + TAB + getR_8(opcode)
+ ',' + getR_16(opcode) + ',' + getR_0(opcode)
+ instruction;
// No PC check: PC at Rd is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_smuad: // A8.6.177 SMUAD
// smuad{x}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
case thumb2_smusd: // A8.6.181 SMUSD
// smusd{x}<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + getX(opcode, 4) + TAB + getR_8(opcode)
+ ',' + getR_16(opcode) + ',' + getR_0(opcode);
// No PC check: PC at Rd is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_smul: // A8.6.178 SMULBB, SMULBT, SMULTB, SMULTT
// smul<x><y><c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + getBorT(opcode, 5) + getBorT(opcode, 4) + TAB + getR_8(opcode)
+ ',' + getR_16(opcode) + ',' + getR_0(opcode);
// No PC check: PC at Rd is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_smulw: // A8.6.180 SMULWB, SMULWT
// smulw<y><c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + getBorT(opcode, 4) + TAB + getR_8(opcode)
+ ',' + getR_16(opcode) + ',' + getR_0(opcode);
// No PC check: PC at Rd is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_srs: // B6.1.10 SRS
// srsdb sp{!},#<mode>
// srs{ia} sp{!},#<mode>
instruction = mnemonic
+ (isBitEnabled(opcode, 24) ? "ia" : "db")
+ "\tsp" + getW(opcode) + ",#" + getHexValue(opcode & 0x1f);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_ssat: // A8.6.183 SSAT
// ssat<c> <Rd>,#<imm>,<Rn>{,<shift>}
case thumb2_usat: // A8.6.256 USAT16
// usat16<c> <Rd>,#<imm4>,<Rn>
offset = (opcode & 0x1f) + 1 - getBit(opcode, 23);
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_8(opcode) + ",#" + offset + ',' + getR_16(opcode)
+ getThumb2ShiftMode(opcode, 20);
// No PC check: PC at Rd is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_ssat16: // A8.6.184 SSAT16
// ssat16<c> <Rd>,#<imm>,<Rn>
case thumb2_usat16: // A8.6.256 USAT16
// usat16<c> <Rd>,#<imm4>,<Rn>
// . . . . . (0) . . . . . . Rn_1_3_0 . . . . Rd_0_11_8 . . (0)(0) sat_imm_0_3_0
offset = (opcode & 0xf) + 1 - getBit(opcode, 23);
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_8(opcode) + ",#" + offset + ',' + getR_16(opcode);
// No PC check: PC at Rd is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_stm: // A8.6.189 STM / STMIA / STMEA
// stm<c>.w <Rn>{!},<registers>
case thumb2_stmdb: // A8.6.191 STMDB / STMFD
// stmdb<c> <Rn>{!},<registers>
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_16(opcode) + getW(opcode)
+ ',' + getRegList(opcode);
// No PC check: PC is not eligible for writeback
case thumb2_strex: // A8.6.202 STREX
// strex<c> <Rd>,<Rt>,[<Rn>{,#<imm>}]
offset = opcode & 0xff;
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_8(opcode) + ',' + getR_12(opcode) + ",[" + getR_16(opcode);
if (offset != 0)
instruction += ",#" + getHexValue(offset << 2);
instruction += ']';
// No PC check: PC at Rd is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_strexx: // A8.6.203 STREXB
// strexb<c> <Rd>,<Rt>,[<Rn>]
// A8.6.204 STREXD
// strexd<c> <Rd>,<Rt>,<Rt2>,[<Rn>]
// A8.6.205 STREXH
// strexh<c> <Rd>,<Rt>,[<Rn>]
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 5)) {
mnemonic += 'd';
instruction = "," + getR_8(opcode);
} else {
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 4) ? 'h' : 'b';
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_0(opcode) + ',' + getR_12(opcode)
+ instruction + ",[" + getR_16(opcode) + ']';
// No PC check: PC at Rt is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_subs: // B6.1.13 SUBS PC, LR and related instructions
// subs pc,lr,#<imm8> Outside or last in IT block
instruction = mnemonic + "\tpc,lr,#" + getHexValue(opcode & 0xff);
case thumb2_sxtab: // A8.6.220 SXTAB
// sxtab<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<rotation>}
case thumb2_sxtab16: // A8.6.221 SXTAB16
// sxtab16<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<rotation>}
case thumb2_sxtah: // A8.6.222 SXTAH
// sxtah<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<rotation>}
case thumb2_uxtab: // A8.6.260 UXTAB
// uxtab<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<rotation>}
case thumb2_uxtab16: // A8.6.261 UXTAB16
// uxtab16<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<rotation>}
case thumb2_uxtah: // A8.6.262 UXTAH
// uxtah<c> <Rd>,<Rn>,<Rm>{,<rotation>}
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_8(opcode) + ',' + getR_16(opcode)
+ ',' + getR_0(opcode) + getRotationOperand(opcode, 4);
// No PC check: PC at Rd is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_sxtb: // A8.6.223 SXTB
// sxtb<c>.w <Rd>,<Rm>{,<rotation>}
case thumb2_sxtb16: // A8.6.224 SXTB16
// sxtb16<c> <Rd>,<Rm>{,<rotation>}
case thumb2_sxth: // A8.6.225 SXTH
// sxth<c>.w <Rd>,<Rm>{,<rotation>}
case thumb2_uxtb: // A8.6.263 UXTB
// uxtb<c>.w <Rd>,<Rm>{,<rotation>}
case thumb2_uxtb16: // A8.6.264 UXTB16
// uxtb16<c> <Rd>,<Rm>{,<rotation>}
case thumb2_uxth: // A8.6.265 UXTH
// uxth<c>.w <Rd>,<Rm>{,<rotation>}
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_8(opcode) + ',' + getR_0(opcode)
+ getRotationOperand(opcode, 4);
// No PC check: PC at Rd is UNPREDICTABLE
case thumb2_tb: // A8.6.226 TBB, TBH
// tbb<c> [<Rn>,<Rm>] Outside or last in IT block
// tbh<c> [<Rn>,<Rm>,LSL #1] Outside or last in IT block
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 4) ? 'h' : 'b';
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + '[' + getR_16(opcode) + ',' + getR_0(opcode)
+ (isBitEnabled(opcode, 4) ? ",lsl #1" : "") + ']';
// VFP instructions
case thumb2_vhadd_vhsub: // A8.6.306 VHADD, VHSUB
// vhadd<c> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vhadd<c> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vhsub<c> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vhsub<c> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 9) ? "sub" : "add";
case thumb2_vaba: // A8.6.266 VABA, VABAL
// vaba<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vaba<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vabd__int: // A8.6.267 VABD, VABDL (integer)
// vabd<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vabd<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vcge__reg_int: // A8.6.282 VCGE (register)
// vceq<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vceq<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vcgt__reg_int: // A8.6.284 VCGT (register)
// vcgt<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vcgt<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vqadd: // A8.6.357 VQADD
// vqadd<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm>
// vqadd<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>
case thumb2_vrhadd: // A8.6.374 VRHADD
// vrhadd<c> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vrhadd<c> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vqsub: // A8.6.369 VQSUB
// vqsub<c>.<type><size> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm>
// vqsub<c>.<type><size> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPSorUDataType(opcode, 28) + getVFPQorDdnmRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vqdml__vec: // A8.6.358 VQDMLAL, VQDMLSL
// vqd<op><c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Dn>,<Dm>
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 9) ? "sl" : "al";
// can use getVFPSorUDataType() because bit 24 is always '0'
// no break!
case thumb2_vabal: // A8.6.266 VABA, VABAL
// vabal<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vabdl: // A8.6.267 VABD, VABDL (integer)
// vabdl<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vqdmull__vec: // A8.6.360 VQDMULL
// vqdmull<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Dn>,<Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPSorUDataType(opcode, 28)
+ TAB + getVFPQdDnDmRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vabd__f32: // A8.6.268 VABD (floating-point)
// vabd<c>.f32 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vabd<c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vadd__f32: // A8.6.272 VADD (floating-point)
// vadd<c>.f32 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vadd<c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vceq__reg_f32: // A8.6.280 VCEQ (register)
// vceq<c>.f32 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vceq<c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vcge__reg_f32: // A8.6.282 VCGE (register)
// vcge<c>.f32 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vcge<c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vcgt__reg_f32: // A8.6.284 VCGT (register)
// vcgt<c>.f32 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vcgt<c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vmul__f32: // A8.6.338 VMUL (floating-point)
// vmul<c>.f32 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vmul<c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vpadd__f32: // A8.6.350 VPADD (floating-point)
// vpadd<c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vrecps: // A8.6.372 VRECPS
// vrecps<c>.f32 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vrecps<c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vrsqrts: // A8.6.379 VRSQRTS
// vrsqrts<c>.f32 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vrsqrts<c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vsub__f32: // A8.6.402 VSUB (floating-point)
// vsub<c>.f32 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vsub<c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + ".f32\t" + getVFPQorDdnmRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vabs: // A8.6.269 VABS
// vabs<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vabs<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vneg: // A8.6.342 VNEG
// vneg<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vneg<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPSorUorFQorDdmOperands(opcode, 10, 4); // chose bit 11 because it is 0
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vabs__f: // A8.6.269 VABS
// vabs<c>.f64 <Dd>, <Dm>
// vabs<c>.f32 <Sd>, <Sm>
case thumb2_vmov__reg_f: // A8.6.327 VMOV (register)
// vmov<c>.f64 <Dd>, <Dm>
// vmov<c>.f32 <Sd>, <Sm>
case thumb2_vneg__f: // A8.6.342 VNEG
// vneg<c>.f64 <Dd>, <Dm>
// vneg<c>.f32 <Sd>, <Sm>
case thumb2_vsqrt: // A8.6.388 VSQRT
// vsqrt<c>.f64 <Dd>, <Dm>
// vsqrt<c>.f32 <Sd>, <Sm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPSzF64F32dmOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vacge_vacgt: // A8.6.270 VACGE, VACGT, VACLE, VACLT
// vacge<c>.f32 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vacge<c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vacgt<c>.f32 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vacgt<c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vacge_vacgt(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vadd__int: // A8.6.271 VADD (integer)
// vadd<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vadd<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vceq__reg_int: // A8.6.280 VCEQ (register)
// vceq<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vceq<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vpadd__int: // A8.6.349 VPADD (integer)
// vpadd<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vsub__int: // A8.6.401 VSUB (integer)
// vsub<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vsub<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPIDataTypeQorDdnmOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vnml: // A8.6.343 VNMLA, VNMLS, VNMUL
// vnmla<c>.f64 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vnmla<c>.f32 <Sd>, <Sn>, <Sm>
// vnmls<c>.f64 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vnmls<c>.f32 <Sd>, <Sn>, <Sm>
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 6) ? 'a' : 's';
// no break!
case thumb2_vadd__fp_f: // A8.6.272 VADD (floating-point)
// vadd<c>.f64 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vadd<c>.f32 <Sd>, <Sn>, <Sm>
case thumb2_vdiv: // A8.6.301 VDIV
// vdiv<c>.f64 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vdiv<c>.f32 <Sd>, <Sn>, <Sm>
case thumb2_vmul__fp_2: // A8.6.338 VMUL (floating-point)
// vmul<c>.f64 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vmul<c>.f32 <Sd>, <Sn>, <Sm>
case thumb2_vnmul: // A8.6.343 VNMLA, VNMLS, VNMUL
// vnmul<c>.f64 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vnmul<c>.f32 <Sd>, <Sn>, <Sm>
case thumb2_vsub__fp_f: // A8.6.402 VSUB (floating-point)
// vsub<c>.f64 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vsub<c>.f32 <Sd>, <Sn>, <Sm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPSzF64F32dnmOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vaddhn: // A8.6.273 VADDHN
// vaddhn<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
case thumb2_vraddhn: // A8.6.370 VRADDHN
// vraddhn<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
case thumb2_vrsubhn: // A8.6.381 VRSUBHN
// vrsubhn<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
case thumb2_vsubhn: // A8.6.403 VSUBHN
// vsubhn<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPIDataType2DdQnDmOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vaddl_vaddw: // A8.6.274 VADDL, VADDW
// vaddl<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vaddw<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vsubl_vsubw: // A8.6.404 VSUBL, VSUBW
// vsubl<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vsubw<c>.<dt> {<Qd>,} <Qn>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vXXXl_vXXXw(opcode, 28);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vbif_vbit_vbsl_veor: // A8.6.279 VBIF, VBIT, VBSL
// vbif<c> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vbif<c> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vbit<c> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vbit<c> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vbsl<c> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vbsl<c> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// veor<c> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// veor<c> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
mnemonic = getVFP_vbif_vbit_vbsl_veor_mnemonic(opcode);
// no break!
case thumb2_vand: // A8.6.276 VAND (register)
// vand<c> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vand<c> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vbic__reg: // A8.6.278 VBIC (register)
// vbic<c> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vbic<c> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vorn: // A8.6.345 VORN (register)
// vorn<c> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vorn<c> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPQorDdnmRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vmov_vorr: // A8.6.327 VMOV (register)
// vmov<c> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vmov<c> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// A8.6.347 VORR (register)
// vorr<c> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vorr<c> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// mnemonic is "vmov" by default
if (getBit(opcode, 7) == getBit(opcode, 5) &&
(opcode & 0xf) == (opcode >> 16 & 0xf)) {
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getVFPQorDdmRegs(opcode);
} else {
instruction = "vorr" + getVFPQorDdnmRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vmov_vbitwise: // A8.6.277 VBIC (immediate)
// vbic<c>.<dt> <Qd>, #<imm>
// vbic<c>.<dt> <Dd>, #<imm>
// A8.6.326 VMOV (immediate)
// vmov<c>.<dt> <Qd>, #<imm>
// vmov<c>.<dt> <Dd>, #<imm>
// A8.6.340 VMVN (immediate)
// vmvn<c>.<dt> <Qd>, #<imm>
// vmvn<c>.<dt> <Dd>, #<imm>
// A8.6.346 VORR (immediate)
// vorr<c>.<dt> <Qd>, #<imm>
// vorr<c>.<dt> <Dd>, #<imm>
instruction = getVFP_vmov_vbitwise_instruction(opcode, 28);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vceq__imm0: // A8.6.281 VCEQ (immediate #0)
// vceq<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qm>, #0
// vceq<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dm>, #0
// vceq<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qm>, #0
// vceq<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dm>, #0
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPIorFQorDdmOperands(opcode, 10) + ",#0";
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vcge__imm0: // A8.6.283 VCGE (immediate #0)
// vcge<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qm>, #0
// vcge<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dm>, #0
case thumb2_vcgt__imm0: // A8.6.285 VCGT (immediate #0)
// vcgt<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qm>, #0
// vcgt<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dm>, #0
case thumb2_vcle: // A8.6.287 VCLE (immediate #0)
// vcle<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qm>, #0
// vcle<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dm>, #0
case thumb2_vclt: // A8.6.290 VCLT (immediate #0)
// vclt<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qm>, #0
// vclt<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dm>, #0
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPSorUorFQorDdmOperands(opcode, 10, 11) + ",#0"; // chose bit 11 because it is 0
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vcls: // A8.6.288 VCLS
// vcls<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vcls<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vqabs: // A8.6.356 VQABS
// vqabs<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qm>
// vqabs<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dm>
case thumb2_vqneg: // A8.6.362 VQNEG
// vqneg<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qm>
// vqneg<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPSorUorFQorDdmOperands(opcode, 4, 11); // chose bit 11 because it is 0
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vclz: // A8.6.291 VCLZ
// vclz<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vclz<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPIorFQorDdmOperands(opcode, 11); // chose bit 11 because it is 0
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vcmp__reg: // A8.6.292 VCMP, VCMPE
// vcmp{e}<c>.f64 <Dd>, <Dm>
// vcmp{e}<c>.f32 <Sd>, <Sm>
instruction = mnemonic + getE(opcode) + getVFPSzF64F32dmOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vcmp__to_0: // A8.6.292 VCMP, VCMPE
// vcmp{e}<c>.f64 <Dd>, #0.0
// vcmp{e}<c>.f32 <Sd>, #0.0
instruction = mnemonic + getE(opcode) + getVFP_vcmpTo0Operands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vcnt: // A8.6.293 VCNT
// vcnt<c>.8 <Qd>, <Qm>
// vcnt<c>.8 <Dd>, <Dm>
mnemonic += ".8";
case thumb2_vmvn: // A8.6.341 VMVN (register)
// vmvn<c> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vmvn<c> <Dd>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vswp: // A8.6.405 VSWP
// vswp<c> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vswp<c> <Dd>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPQorDdmRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vcvt__fp_i_vec: // A8.6.294 VCVT (between floating-point and integer, Advanced SIMD)
// vcvt<c>.<Td>.<Tm> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vcvt<c>.<Td>.<Tm> <Dd>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vcvtFpIVecOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vcvt__fp_i_reg: // A8.6.295 VCVT, VCVTR (between floating-point and integer, VFP)
// vcvt{r}<c>.s32.f64 <Sd>, <Dm>
// vcvt{r}<c>.s32.f32 <Sd>, <Sm>
// vcvt{r}<c>.u32.f64 <Sd>, <Dm>
// vcvt{r}<c>.u32.f32 <Sd>, <Sm>
// vcvt<c>.f64.<Tm> <Dd>, <Sm>
// vcvt<c>.f32.<Tm> <Sd>, <Sm>
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 18) && !isBitEnabled(opcode, 7))
mnemonic += "r";
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vcvtFpIRegOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vcvt__fp_fix_vec: // A8.6.296 VCVT (between floating-point and fixed-point, Advanced SIMD)
// vcvt<c>.<Td>.<Tm> <Qd>, <Qm>, #<fbits>
// vcvt<c>.<Td>.<Tm> <Dd>, <Dm>, #<fbits>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vcvtFpFixVecOperands(opcode, 28);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vcvt__fp_fix_reg: // A8.6.297 VCVT (between floating-point and fixed-point, VFP)
// vcvt<c>.<Td>.f64 <Dd>, <Dd>, #<fbits>
// vcvt<c>.<Td>.f32 <Sd>, <Sd>, #<fbits>
// vcvt<c>.f64.<Td> <Dd>, <Dd>, #<fbits>
// vcvt<c>.f32.<Td> <Sd>, <Sd>, #<fbits>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vcvtFpFixRegOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vcvt__dp_sp: // A8.6.298 VCVT (between double-precision and single-precision)
// vcvt<c>.f64.f32 <Dd>, <Sm>
// vcvt<c>.f32.f64 <Sd>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vcvtDpSpOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vcvt__hp_sp_vec:// A8.6.299 VCVT (between half-precision and single-precision, Advanced SIMD)
// vcvt<c>.f32.f16 <Qd>, <Dm>
// vcvt<c>.f16.f32 <Dd>, <Qm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vcvtHpSpVecOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vcvt__hp_sp_reg:// A8.6.300 VCVTB, VCVTT (between half-precision and single-precision, VFP)
// vcvt<y><c>.f32.f16 <Sd>, <Sm>
// vcvt<y><c>.f16.f32 <Sd>, <Sm>
mnemonic += (isBitEnabled(opcode, 7) ? "t" : "b");
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vcvtHpSpRegOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vdup__scalar: // A8.6.302 VDUP (scalar)
// vdup<c>.<size> <Qd>, <Dm[x]>
// vdup<c>.<size> <Dd>, <Dm[x]>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vdupScalarOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vdup__reg: // A8.6.303 VDUP (ARM core register)
// vdup<c>.<size> <Qd>, <Rt>
// vdup<c>.<size> <Dd>, <Rt>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vdupRegOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vext: // A8.6.305 VEXT
// vext<c>.8 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>, #<imm>
// vext<c>.8 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>, #<imm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPQorDdnmRegs(opcode)
+ ",#" + (opcode >> 8 & 0xf);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vld__multi: // A8.6.307 VLD1 (multiple single elements)
// vld1<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}]{!}
// vld1<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}], <Rm>
// A8.6.310 VLD2 (multiple 2-element structures)
// vld2<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}]{!}
// vld2<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}], <Rm>
// A8.6.313 VLD3 (multiple 3-element structures)
// vld3<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}]{!}
// vld3<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}], <Rm>
// A8.6.316 VLD4 (multiple 4-element structures)
// vld4<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}]{!}
// vld4<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}], <Rm>
case thumb2_vst__multi: // A8.6.391 VST1 (multiple single elements)
// vst1<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}]{!}
// vst1<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}], <Rm>
// A8.6.393 VST2 (multiple 2-element structures)
// vst2<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}]{!}
// vst2<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}], <Rm>
// A8.6.395 VST3 (multiple 3-element structures)
// vst3<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}]{!}
// vst3<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}], <Rm>
// A8.6.397 VST4 (multiple 4-element structures)
// vst4<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}]{!}
// vst4<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}], <Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vXX_multi(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vld__xlane: // A8.6.308 VLD1 (single element to one lane)
// vld1<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}]{!}
// vld1<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}], <Rm>
// A8.6.309 VLD1 (single element to all lanes)
// vld1<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}]{!}
// vld1<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}], <Rm>
// A8.6.311 VLD2 (single 2-element structure to one lane)
// vld2<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}]{!}
// vld2<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}], <Rm>
// A8.6.312 VLD2 (single 2-element structure to all lanes)
// vld2<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}]{!}
// vld2<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}], <Rm>
// A8.6.314 VLD3 (single 3-element structure to one lane)
// vld3<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}]{!}
// vld3<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}], <Rm>
// A8.6.315 VLD3 (single 3-element structure to all lanes)
// vld3<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}]{!}
// vld3<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}], <Rm>
// A8.6.317 VLD4 (single 4-element structure to one lane)
// vld4<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}]{!}
// vld4<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}], <Rm>
// A8.6.318 VLD4 (single 4-element structure to all lanes)
// vld4<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}]{!}
// vld4<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}], <Rm>
case thumb2_vst__xlane: // A8.6.392 VST1 (single element from one lane)
// vst1<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}]{!}
// vst1<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}], <Rm>
// A8.6.394 VST2 (single 2-element structure from one lane)
// vst2<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}]{!}
// vst2<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}], <Rm>
// A8.6.396 VST3 (single 3-element structure from one lane)
// vst3<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}]{!}
// vst3<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}], <Rm>
// A8.6.398 VST4 (single 4-element structure from one lane)
// vst4<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}]{!}
// vst4<c>.<size> <list>, [<Rn>{@<align>}}], <Rm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vXX_Xlane(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vldm__64: // A8.6.319 VLDM
// vldm{mode}<c> <Rn>{!},<list> (<list> is consecutive 64-bit registers)
case thumb2_vldm__32: // A8.6.319 VLDM
// vldm{mode}<c> <Rn>{!},<list> (<list> is consecutive 64-bit registers)
case thumb2_vstm__64: // A8.6.399 VSTM
// vstm{mode}<c> <Rn>{!},<list> (<list> is consecutive 64-bit registers)
case thumb2_vstm__32: // A8.6.399 VSTM
// vstm{mode}<c> <Rn>{!},<list> (<list> is consecutive 64-bit registers)
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPIncDec(opcode) + getVFP_vXXm(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vldr__64: // A8.6.320 VLDR
// vldr<c> <Dd>, [<Rn>{,#+/-<imm>}]
// vldr<c> <Dd>, <label>
// vldr<c> <Dd>, [pc,#-0] Special case
case thumb2_vldr__32: // A8.6.320 VLDR
// vldr<c> <Sd>, [<Rn>{,#+/-<imm>}]
// vldr<c> <Sd>, <label>
// vldr<c> <Sd>, [pc,#-0] Special case
case thumb2_vstr__64: // A8.6.400 VSTR
// vstr<c> <Dd>, [<Rn>{,#+/-<imm>}]
case thumb2_vstr__32: // A8.6.400 VSTR
// vstr<c> <Sd>, [<Rn>{,#+/-<imm>}]
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vXXr(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vmax_vmin__int: // A8.6.321 VMAX, VMIN (integer)
// vmax<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm>
// vmax<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>
// vmin<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm>
// vmin<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>
case thumb2_vpmax_vpmin__int: // A8.6.352 VPMAX, VPMIN (integer)
// vp<op><c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// (this works despite no Q version because Q==1 is UNDEFINED)
instruction = mnemonic + (isBitEnabled(opcode, 4) ? "min" : "max")
+ getVFPSorUDataType(opcode, 28) + getVFPQorDdnmRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vmax_vmin__fp: // A8.6.322 VMAX, VMIN (floating-point)
// vmax<c>.f32 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vmax<c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// vmin<c>.f32 <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vmin<c>.f32 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vpmax_vpmin__fp:// A8.6.353 VPMAX, VPMIN (floating-point)
// vp<op><c>.f32 <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + (isBitEnabled(opcode, 21) ? "min.f32" : "max.f32")
+ getVFPQorDdnmRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vml__int: // A8.6.323 VMLA, VMLAL, VMLS, VMLSL (integer)
// v<op><c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// v<op><c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 28) ? 's' : 'a';
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPIDataType(opcode, 20) + TAB + getVFPQorDdnmRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vml__int_long: // A8.6.323 VMLA, VMLAL, VMLS, VMLSL (integer)
// v<op>l<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Dn>,<Dm>
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 9) ? "sl" : "al";
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPSorUDataType(opcode, 28)
+ TAB + getVFPQdDnDmRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vml__f32: // A8.6.324 VMLA, VMLS (floating-point)
// v<op><c>.f64 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// v<op><c>.f32 <Sd>, <Sn>, <Sm>
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 21) ? "s.f32" : "a.f32";
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getVFPQorDdnmRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vml__fp: // A8.6.324 VMLA, VMLS (floating-point)
// v<op><c>.f64 <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
// v<op><c>.f32 <Sd>, <Sn>, <Sm>
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 6) ? 's' : 'a';
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPSzF64F32dnmOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vml__scalar: // A8.6.325 VMLA, VMLAL, VMLS, VMLSL (by scalar)
// v<op><c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Dm[x]>
// v<op><c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm[x]>
// v<op>l<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Dn>, <Dm[x]>
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 10) ? 's' : 'a';
case thumb2_vmul__scalar: // A8.6.339 VMUL, VMULL (by scalar)
// vmul<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Dm[x]>
// vmul<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm[x]>
// vmull<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Dn>,<Dm[x]>
case thumb2_vqdmull__scalar:// A8.6.360 VQDMULL
// vqdmull<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Dn>,<Dm[x]>
// bit 9 == 1, so getVFP_vmXXScalar() works
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vmXXScalar(opcode, 28);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vmov__imm: // A8.6.326 VMOV (immediate)
// vmov<c>.f64 <Dd>, #<imm>
// vmov<c>.f32 <Sd>, #<imm>
mnemonic += getVFPSzF64F32Type(getBit(opcode, 8));
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getVFPDorSReg(opcode, getBit(opcode, 8), 12, 22)
+ ",#" + getHexValue((opcode >> 16 & 0xf) << 4 | opcode & 0xf);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vmov_5: // A8.6.328 VMOV (ARM core register to scalar)
// vmov<c>.<size> <Dd[x]>,<Rt>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vmovArmCoreRegToScalar(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vmov_6: // A8.6.329 VMOV (scalar to ARM core register)
// vmov<c>.<dt> <Rt>,<Dn[x]>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vmovScalarToArmCoreReg(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vmov_7: // A8.6.330 VMOV (between ARM core register and
// single-precision register)
// vmov<c> <Sn>, <Rt>
// vmov<c> <Rt>, <Sn>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vmovBetweenArmCoreAndSinglePrecReg(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vmov_8: // A8.6.331 VMOV (between two ARM core registers and
// two single-precision registers)
// vmov<c> <Sm>, <Sm1>, <Rt>, <Rt2>
// vmov<c> <Rt>, <Rt2>, <Sm>, <Sm1>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vmovBetween2ArmCoreAndSinglePrecRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vmov_9: // A8.6.332 VMOV (between two ARM core registers and
// a doubleword extension register)
// vmov<c> <Dm>, <Rt>, <Rt2>
// vmov<c> <Rt>, <Rt2>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vmovBetween2ArmCoreAnd1DoublewordExtensionRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vmovl: // A8.6.333 VMOVL
// vmovl<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vshll__various: // A8.6.384 VSHLL
// vshll<c>.<type><size> <Qd>,<Dm>,#<imm> (0 < <imm> < <size>)
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vmovl_vshll_operands(opcode, 28);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vmovn: // A8.6.334 VMOVN
// vmovn<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Qm>
mnemonic += getVFPIDataType2(opcode, 18);
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, 0, 12, 22)
+ ',' + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, 1, 0, 5);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vmrs: // A8.6.335 VMRS
// vmrs<c> <Rt>,fpscr
// B6.1.14 VMRS
// vmrs<c> <Rt>,<spec_reg>
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getR_12(opcode) + "," + getVFPSpecialReg(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vmsr: // A8.6.336 VMSR
// vmsr<c> fpscr,<Rt>
// B6.1.15 VMSR
// vmsr<c> <spec_reg>,<Rt>
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getVFPSpecialReg(opcode) + "," + getR_12(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vmul_1: // A8.6.337 VMUL, VMULL (integer and polynomial)
// vmul<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vmul<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
mnemonic += (isBitEnabled(opcode, 28) ? ".p" : ".i") + getVFPDataTypeSize(opcode, 20);
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getVFPQorDdnmRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vmull: // A8.6.337 VMUL, VMULL (integer and polynomial)
// vmull<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 9) ? getVFPPDataType(opcode, 20) : getVFPSorUDataType(opcode, 28);
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getVFPQdDnDmRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vpadal: // A8.6.348 VPADAL
// vpadal<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vpadal<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vpaddl: // A8.6.351 VPADDL
// vpaddl<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vpaddl<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPSorUorFQorDdmOperands(opcode, 4, 7); // chose bit 4 because it is 0
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vpop: // A8.6.354 VPOP
// vpop <list> <list> is consecutive 64-bit registers
// vpop <list> <list> is consecutive 32-bit registers
case thumb2_vpush: // A8.6.355 VPUSH
// vpush <list> <list> is consecutive 64-bit registers
// vpush <list> <list> is consecutive 32-bit registers
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vpop_vpush_operands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vqdml__scalar: // A8.6.358 VQDMLAL, VQDMLSL
// vqd<op><c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Dn>,<Dm[x]>
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 10) ? "sl.s" : "al.s";
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPScalarOperands(opcode, 1, 0);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vqdmulh__vec: // A8.6.359 VQDMULH
// vqdmulh<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm>
// vqdmulh<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>
case thumb2_vqrdmulh__vec: // A8.6.363 VQRDMULH
// vqrdmulh<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm>
// vqrdmulh<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>
mnemonic += isBitEnabled(opcode, 20) ? ".s16" : ".s32";
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getVFPQorDdnmRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vqdmulh__scalar:// A8.6.359 VQDMULH
// vqdmulh<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Dm[x]>
// vqdmulh<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm[x]>
case thumb2_vqrdmulh__scalar: // A8.6.363 VQRDMULH
// vqrdmulh<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Dm[x]>
// vqrdmulh<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm[x]>
int q = getBit(opcode, 28);
instruction = mnemonic + ".s" + getVFPScalarOperands(opcode, q, q);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vqmov: // A8.6.361 VQMOVN, VQMOVUN
// vqmov{u}n<c>.<type><size> <Dd>,<Qm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vqmov_instruction(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vqrshl: // A8.6.364 VQRSHL
// vqrshl<c>.<type><size> <Qd>,<Qm>,<Qn>
// vqrshl<c>.<type><size> <Dd>,<Dm>,<Dn>
case thumb2_vqshl__reg: // A8.6.366 VQSHL (register)
// vqshl<c>.<type><size> <Qd>,<Qm>,<Qn>
// vqshl<c>.<type><size> <Dd>,<Dm>,<Dn>
case thumb2_vrshl: // A8.6.375 VRSHL
// vrshl<c>.<type><size> <Qd>,<Qm>,<Qn>
// vrshl<c>.<type><size> <Dd>,<Dm>,<Dn>
case thumb2_vshl__reg: // A8.6.383 VSHL (register)
// vshl<c>.<type><size> <Qd>,<Qm>,<Qn>
// vshl<c>.<type><size> <Dd>,<Dm>,<Dn>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPSorUDataType(opcode, 28) + getVFPQorDdmnRegs(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vqrshr: // A8.6.365 VQRSHRN, VQRSHRUN
// vqrshr{u}n<c>.<type><size> <Dd>,<Qm>,#<imm>
case thumb2_vqshr: // A8.6.368 VQSHRN, VQSHRUN
// vqshr{u}n<c>.<type><size> <Dd>,<Qm>,#<imm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vqXshr_instruction(opcode, 28);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vqshl__imm: // A8.6.367 VQSHL, VQSHLU (immediate)
// vqshl{u}<c>.<type><size> <Qd>,<Qm>,#<imm>
// vqshl{u}<c>.<type><size> <Dd>,<Dm>,#<imm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vqshl_instruction(opcode, 28);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vrecpe: // A8.6.371 VRECPE
// vrecpe<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vrecpe<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vrsqrte: // A8.6.378 VRSQRTE
// vrsqrte<c>.<dt> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vrsqrte<c>.<dt> <Dd>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPSorUorFQorDdmOperands(opcode, 8, 10);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vrev: // A8.6.373 VREV16, VREV32, VREV64
// vrev<n><c>.<size> <Qd>,<Qm>
// vrev<n><c>.<size> <Dd>,<Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vrev_instruction(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vrshr: // A8.6.376 VRSHR
// vrshr<c>.<type><size> <Qd>, <Qm>, #<imm>
// vrshr<c>.<type><size> <Dd>, <Dm>, #<imm>
case thumb2_vrsra: // A8.6.380 VRSRA
// vrsra<c>.<type><size> <Qd>, <Qm>, #<imm>
// vrsra<c>.<type><size> <Dd>, <Dm>, #<imm>
case thumb2_vshr: // A8.6.385 VSHR
// vshr<c>.<type><size> <Qd>, <Qm>, #<imm>
// vshr<c>.<type><size> <Dd>, <Dm>, #<imm>
case thumb2_vsra: // A8.6.389 VSRA
// vsra<c>.<type><size> <Qd>, <Qm>, #<imm>
// vsra<c>.<type><size> <Dd>, <Dm>, #<imm>
mnemonic += (isBitEnabled(opcode, 28) ? ".u" : ".s");
// no break
case thumb2_vsri: // A8.6.390 VSRI
// vsri<c>.<size> <Qd>, <Qm>, #<imm>
// vsri<c>.<size> <Dd>, <Dm>, #<imm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vXrX_instruction(opcode, true);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vrshrn: // A8.6.377 VRSHRN
// vrshrn<c>.i<size> <Dd>,<Qm>,#<imm>
case thumb2_vshrn: // A8.6.386 VSHRN
// vshrn<c>.i<size> <Dd>,<Qm>,#<imm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vXshrn_instruction(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vshl__imm: // A8.6.382 VSHL (immediate)
// vshl<c>.i<size> <Qd>, <Qm>, #<imm>
// vshl<c>.i<size> <Dd>, <Dm>, #<imm>
case thumb2_vsli: // A8.6.387 VSLI
// vsli<c>.<size> <Qd>, <Qm>, #<imm>
// vsli<c>.<size> <Dd>, <Dm>, #<imm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vXrX_instruction(opcode, false);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vshll__max: // A8.6.384 VSHLL
// vshll<c>.<type><size> <Qd>, <Dm>, #<imm> (<imm> == <size>)
mnemonic += getVFPIDataType3(opcode, 18);
instruction = mnemonic + TAB + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, 1, 12, 22)
+ ',' + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, 0, 0, 5) + ",#" + (8 << (opcode >> 18 & 3));
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vtb: // A8.6.406 VTBL, VTBX
// v<op><c>.8 <Dd>, <list>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFP_vtb_instruction(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vtrn: // A8.6.407 VTRN
// vtrn<c>.<size> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vtrn<c>.<size> <Dd>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vuzp: // A8.6.409 VUZP
// vuzp<c>.<size> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vuzp<c>.<size> <Dd>, <Dm>
case thumb2_vzip: // A8.6.410 VZIP
// vzip<c>.<size> <Qd>, <Qm>
// vzip<c>.<size> <Dd>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPSzQorDdmOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_vtst: // A8.6.408 VTST
// vtst<c>.<size> <Qd>, <Qn>, <Qm>
// vtst<c>.<size> <Dd>, <Dn>, <Dm>
instruction = mnemonic + getVFPSzQorDdnmOperands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
// CoProcessor instructions
case thumb2_cdp: // A8.6.28 CDP, CDP2
// cdp<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<CRd>,<CRn>,<CRm>,<opc2>
case thumb2_cdp2: // A8.6.28 CDP, CDP2
// cdp2<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<CRd>,<CRn>,<CRm>,<opc2>
instruction = mnemonic + "\t" + getCo_cdp_operands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_cps: // B6.1.1 CPS
// cps<effect>.w <iflags>{,#<mode>} Not permitted in IT block.
// cps #<mode> Not permitted in IT block.
instruction = mnemonic + getCo_cps_instruction(opcode, true);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_ldc: // A8.6.51 LDC, LDC2 (immediate)
// ldc{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[<Rn>,#+/-<imm>]{!}
// ldc{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm>
// ldc{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[<Rn>],<option>
// A8.6.52 LDC, LDC2 (literal)
// ldc{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,<label>
// ldc{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[pc,#-0]
// Special case ldc{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[pc],<option>
// A8.6.52 LDC, LDC2 (literal)
// ldc2{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,<label>
// ldc2{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[pc,#-0]
// Special case ldc2{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[pc],<option>
// A8.6.51 LDC, LDC2 (immediate)
// ldc2{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[<Rn>,#+/-<imm>]{!} ldc2{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm>
// ldc2{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[<Rn>],<option>
case thumb2_stc: // A8.6.188 STC, STC2
// stc{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[<Rn>,#+/-<imm>]{!}
// stc{l} <coproc>,<CRd>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm>
// stc{l} <coproc>,<CRd>,[<Rn>],<option>
// A8.6.188 STC, STC2
// stc2{l}<c> <coproc>,<CRd>,[<Rn>,#+/-<imm>]{!}
// stc2{l} <coproc>,<CRd>,[<Rn>],#+/-<imm>
// stc2{l} <coproc>,<CRd>,[<Rn>],<option>
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 28))
mnemonic += '2';
instruction = mnemonic + (isBitEnabled(opcode, 22) ? "l\t" : "\t") + getCoprocessor(opcode)
+ ',' + getCR_12(opcode) + ',' + getAddrModeImm8(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_mcr: // A8.6.92 MCR, MCR2
// mcr<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<Rt>,<CRn>,<CRm>{,<opc2>}
// mcr2<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<Rt>,<CRn>,<CRm>{,<opc2>}
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 28))
mnemonic += '2';
instruction = mnemonic + getCo_mcr_operands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_mcrr: // A8.6.93 MCRR, MCRR2
// mcrr<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<Rt>,<Rt2>,<CRm>
// mcrr2<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<Rt>,<Rt2>,<CRm>
case thumb2_mrrc: // A8.6.101 MRRC, MRRC2
// mrrc<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<Rt>,<Rt2>,<CRm>
// mrrc2<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<Rt>,<Rt2>,<CRm>
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 28))
mnemonic += '2';
instruction = mnemonic + getCo_mrr_operands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
case thumb2_mrc: // A8.6.100 MRC, MRC2
// mrc<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<Rt>,<CRn>,<CRm>{,<opc2>}
// A8.6.100 MRC, MRC2
// mrc2<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<Rt>,<CRn>,<CRm>{,<opc2>}
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 28))
mnemonic += '2';
instruction = mnemonic + getCo_mrc_operands(opcode);
// No PC check: not applicable
instruction = IDisassembler.INVALID_OPCODE;
return instruction;
private String getAddrMode(int opcode) {
int amode = (opcode >> 23) & 0x3;
if (amode == 0)
return "da";
else if (amode == 2)
return "db";
else if (amode == 1)
return "ia";
return "ib";
private String getAddrMode2(int opcode, int pPos) {
int regOffset = (opcode >> 25) & 1;
int scaled = (opcode >> 5) & 3;
int shiftValue = (opcode >> 7) & 0x1f;
int shiftMode = (opcode >> 5) & 3;
int offset = opcode & 0xfff;
String operands = "[" + getR_16(opcode);
String sign = isBitEnabled(opcode, 23) ? "" : "-";
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, pPos)) {
if (regOffset == 0) { // immediate offset
if (offset != 0)
operands += ",#" + sign + getHexValue(offset);
} else {
operands += "," + sign + getR_0(opcode);
if (scaled != 0 || shiftValue != 0) // scaled register offset
operands += getAddrMode2ScaledRegOffset(opcode, shiftValue, shiftMode);
operands += isBitEnabled(opcode, 21) ? "]!" : "]";
} else { // post-indexed
if (regOffset == 0) { // immediate offset
operands += "]";
if (offset != 0)
operands += ",#" + sign + getHexValue(offset);
} else {
operands += "]," + sign + getR_0(opcode);
if (scaled != 0 || shiftValue != 0) // scaled register offset
operands += getAddrMode2ScaledRegOffset(opcode, shiftValue, shiftMode);
return operands;
private String getAddrMode2ScaledRegOffset(int opcode, int shiftValue, int shiftMode) {
String ops = "," + getShiftMode(opcode);
if (shiftValue == 0 && (shiftMode == 1 || shiftMode == 2)) // lsr & asr encode shift 32 as shift 0
shiftValue = 32;
if (shiftValue != 0)
ops += "#" + shiftValue;
return ops;
private String getAddrModeImm8(int opcode) {
int p = (opcode >> 24) & 1;
int u = (opcode >> 23) & 1;
int w = (opcode >> 21) & 1;
int offset = (opcode & 0xff) * 4;
String operands = "";
String sign = (u == 1) ? "" : "-";
if (p == 1) {
operands = "[" + getR_16(opcode);
if (offset != 0 || u == 0)
operands += ",#" + sign + getHexValue(offset);
operands += "]";
if (w == 1) { // pre-indexed
operands += "!";
} else {
if (w == 1) { // post-indexed
operands = "[" + getR_16(opcode) + "],#" + sign + getHexValue(offset);
} else { // unindexed
operands = "[" + getR_16(opcode) + "]";
if (u == 1)
operands += ",{" + (offset/4) + "}";
operands += ",#" + getHexValue(offset);
return operands;
private String getAddrModePCImm(int opcode, int imm) {
boolean p = isBitEnabled(opcode, 23);
String addr = Long.toHexString((address.getValue().longValue() & 0xfffffffc)
+ (p ? imm : -imm));
int addrLen = addr.length();
if (addrLen > 8)
addr = addr.substring(addrLen - 8);
return "[pc,#" + (p ? "" : "-") + getHexValue(imm) + "] ; 0x" + addr;
private String getAddrModeSplitImm8(int opcode) {
boolean immOffset = isBitEnabled(opcode, 22);
int offsetHi = opcode >> 4 & 0xf0;
int offsetLo = opcode & 0xf;
int offset = offsetHi | offsetLo;
String operands = "[" + getR_16(opcode);
String sign = (isBitEnabled(opcode, 23)) ? "" : "-";
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 24)) {
if (immOffset) { // immediate offset
if (offset != 0)
operands += ",#" + sign + getHexValue(offset);
} else { // register offset
operands += "," + sign + getR_0(opcode);
operands += isBitEnabled(opcode, 21) ? "]!" : "]";
} else { // post-indexed
if (immOffset) { // immediate offset
operands += "],#" + sign + getHexValue(offset);
} else { // register offset
operands += "]," + sign + getR_0(opcode);
return operands;
private String getArmCondition(int opcode) {
return getCondition(opcode >> 28 & 0xf);
private int getBit(int opcode, int bit) {
return 1 & (opcode >> bit);
private int getBranchOffset(int opcode) {
int offset = ((opcode << 8) >> 6) + 8;
return offset;
private String getCondition(int condition) {
switch (condition) {
case 0: return "eq";
case 1: return "ne";
case 2: return "cs";
case 3: return "cc";
case 4: return "mi";
case 5: return "pl";
case 6: return "vs";
case 7: return "vc";
case 8: return "hi";
case 9: return "ls";
case 10: return "ge";
case 11: return "lt";
case 12: return "gt";
case 13: return "le";
case 14: // always (unconditional)
case 15:
return "";
private String getCoprocessor(int opcode) {
int cproc = (opcode >> 8) & 0xf;
return ("p" + cproc);
private String getCR_12(int opcode) {
int cReg = (opcode >> 12) & 0xf;
return ("c" + cReg);
private String getCR_0(int opcode) {
int cReg = opcode & 0xf;
return ("c" + cReg);
private String getCR_16(int opcode) {
int reg = (opcode >> 16) & 0xf;
return ("c" + reg);
private String getDataBarrierOption(int opcode) {
int option = opcode & 0xf;
switch (option) {
case 2: return "oshst";
case 3: return "osh";
case 6: return "nshst";
case 7: return "nsh";
case 10: return "ishst";
case 11: return "ish";
case 14: return "st";
case 15: return "sy";
return "#" + option;
private String getHexValue(int value) {
return "0x" + Integer.toHexString(value);
private String getHexValue(long value) {
return "0x" + Long.toHexString(value);
private String getImmediate24(int opcode) {
int imm24 = opcode & 0xffffff;
return "#" + getHexValue(imm24);
private String getImmediate12(int opcode) {
int imm12 = opcode & 0xfff;
return "#" + getHexValue(imm12);
private String getInstructionBarrierOption(int opcode) {
int option = opcode & 0xf;
switch (option) {
case 15: return "sy";
default: return "#" + option;
// get 4-bit register number from opcode bits 0-3
private String getR_0(int opcode) {
int reg = opcode & 0xf;
return getRegName(reg);
// get 4-bit register number from opcode bits 8-11
private String getR_8(int opcode) {
int reg = (opcode >> 8) & 0xf;
return getRegName(reg);
// get 4-bit register number from opcode bits 12-15
private String getR_12(int opcode) {
int reg = (opcode >> 12) & 0xf;
return getRegName(reg);
// get 4-bit register number from opcode bits 16-19
private String getR_16(int opcode) {
int reg = (opcode >> 16) & 0xf;
return getRegName(reg);
private String getRegList(int opcode) {
String r0 = ((opcode & 1) == 1) ? "r0," : "";
String r1 = (((opcode >> 1) & 1) == 1) ? "r1," : "";
String r2 = (((opcode >> 2) & 1) == 1) ? "r2," : "";
String r3 = (((opcode >> 3) & 1) == 1) ? "r3," : "";
String r4 = (((opcode >> 4) & 1) == 1) ? "r4," : "";
String r5 = (((opcode >> 5) & 1) == 1) ? "r5," : "";
String r6 = (((opcode >> 6) & 1) == 1) ? "r6," : "";
String r7 = (((opcode >> 7) & 1) == 1) ? "r7," : "";
String r8 = (((opcode >> 8) & 1) == 1) ? "r8," : "";
String r9 = (((opcode >> 9) & 1) == 1) ? "r9," : "";
String r10 = (((opcode >> 10) & 1) == 1) ? "r10," : "";
String r11 = (((opcode >> 11) & 1) == 1) ? "r11," : "";
String r12 = (((opcode >> 12) & 1) == 1) ? "r12," : "";
String sp = (((opcode >> 13) & 1) == 1) ? "sp," : "";
String lr = (((opcode >> 14) & 1) == 1) ? "lr," : "";
String pc = (((opcode >> 15) & 1) == 1) ? "pc," : "";
String regList = "{" + r0 + r1 + r2 + r3 + r4 + r5 + r6 + r7 + r8 + r9 + r10 + r11 + r12 + sp + lr + pc + "}";
regList = regList.replace(",}", "}");
return regList;
private String getRegName(int reg) {
switch (reg) {
case 13:
return "sp";
case 14:
return "lr";
case 15:
return "pc";
return ("r" + reg);
private String getRotationOperand(int opcode, int bit) {
int rotation = ((opcode >> (bit-3)) & 0x18);
return (rotation != 0) ? ",ror #" + rotation : "";
private String getShifterOperand(int opcode) {
int shift, immval;
int bit25 = (opcode >> 25) & 1;
if (bit25 == 1) { // bit set - we have immediate shifter operand
shift = (opcode & 0x0f00) >> 7; // rotate_imm*2
immval = (opcode & 0xff);
immval = (immval >> shift) | (immval << (32 - shift));
return "#" + getHexValue(immval);
if ((opcode & 0xff0) == 0) // got Rm
return getR_0(opcode);
// else shifted
immval = (opcode >> 7) & 0x1f;
if ((opcode & 0x70) == 0x0) {// LSL #imm
return getR_0(opcode) + ",lsl #" + immval;
} else if ((opcode & 0xf0) == 0x10) {// LSL Rs
return getR_0(opcode) + ",lsl " + getR_8(opcode);
} else if ((opcode & 0x70) == 0x20) {// LSR #imm
if (immval == 0)
immval = 32;
return getR_0(opcode) + ",lsr #" + immval;
} else if ((opcode & 0xf0) == 0x30) {// LSR Rs
return getR_0(opcode) + ",lsr " + getR_8(opcode);
} else if ((opcode & 0x70) == 0x40) {// ASR #imm
if (immval == 0)
immval = 32;
return getR_0(opcode) + ",asr #" + immval;
} else if ((opcode & 0xf0) == 0x50) {// ASR Rs
return getR_0(opcode) + ",asr " + getR_8(opcode);
} else if ((opcode & 0xff0) == 0x60) {// RRX
return getR_0(opcode) + ",rrx";
} else if ((opcode & 0x70) == 0x60) {// ROR #imm
return getR_0(opcode) + ",ror #" + immval;
} else if ((opcode & 0xf0) == 0x70) {// ROR Rs
return getR_0(opcode) + ",ror " + getR_8(opcode);
} else {
return ",<invalid shift operand>";
private String getShiftMode(int opcode) {
int shiftMode = (opcode >> 5) & 3;
int shiftValue = (opcode >> 7) & 0x1f;
switch (shiftMode) {
case 0:
return "lsl";
case 1:
return "lsr";
case 2:
return "asr";
case 3:
if (shiftValue == 0) {
return "rrx";
} else {
return "ror";
return "";
private String getStatusReg(int opcode, int rPos) {
return (isBitEnabled(opcode, rPos) ? 's' : 'c') + "psr";
private String getStatusRegFields(int opcode, int mask_lsb) {
String fields = "_";
boolean c = isBitEnabled(opcode, mask_lsb);
boolean x = isBitEnabled(opcode, mask_lsb+1);
boolean s = isBitEnabled(opcode, mask_lsb+2);
boolean f = isBitEnabled(opcode, mask_lsb+3);
if (c) {
fields += "c";
if (x) {
fields += "x";
if (f) {
fields += "f";
if (s) {
fields += "s";
return fields;
* Arm--- ... opc1_1_7_4 CRn_1_3_0 CRd___15_12 coproc___11_8 opc2___7_5 . CRm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... opc1_1_7_4 CRn_1_3_0 CRd_0_15_12 coproc_0_11_8 opc2_0_7_5 . CRm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing all cdp/cdp2 instr operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.28 CDP, CDP2
* {@literal cdp<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<CRd>,<CRn>,<CRm>,<opc2>}
* {@literal cdp2<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<CRd>,<CRn>,<CRm>,<opc2>}
private String getCo_cdp_operands(int opcode) {
int cpOpc1 = (opcode >> 20) & 0xf;
int cpOpc2 = (opcode >> 5) & 7;
return TAB
+ getCoprocessor(opcode) + ',' + getHexValue(cpOpc1) + ',' + getCR_12(opcode)
+ ',' + getCR_16(opcode) + ',' + getCR_0(opcode) + ',' + getHexValue(cpOpc2);
* Arm--- ... imod_19_18 M_17_17 ...A___7_7 I___6_6 F___5_5 mode_0_4_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... ... imod_0_10_9 M_0_8_8 A_0_7_7 I_0_6_6 F_0_5_5 mode_0_4_0
* @param opcode
* @param thumb2 boolean: pass true if thumb2 instr (false if ARM)
* @return String containing cps mnemonic postfix + TAB + operands
* <p><listing>
* B6.1.1 CPS Not permitted in IT block
* cps {@literal <effect>.w <iflags>}{,#{@literal <mode>}}.
* cps {@literal #<mode>}
private String getCo_cps_instruction(int opcode, boolean thumb2) {
int armAdj = thumb2 ? 0 : 9;
int imod = opcode >> 9+armAdj & 3;
boolean changeMode = isBitEnabled(opcode, 8+armAdj);
int mode = opcode & 0x1f;
String ops;
// treat UNPREDICTABLE ((imod == 0 && !changeMode) || imod == 1) as a change mode to 0
if (imod == 0 || imod == 1) {
if (!changeMode || mode == 0)
ops = TAB + "#0";
ops = TAB + "#" + mode;
} else {
ops = "i" + (imod == 2 ? 'e' : 'd') + TAB;
armAdj = thumb2 ? 0 : 1;
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 7 + armAdj))
ops += "a";
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 6 + armAdj))
ops += "i";
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 5 + armAdj))
ops += "f";
if (changeMode)
ops += ",#" + mode;
return ops;
* Arm--- ... opc1_23_21 . CRn_19_16 Rt___15_12 coproc___11_8 opc2___7_5 . CRm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... opc1_1_7_5 . CRn_1_3_0 Rt_0_15_12 coproc_0_11_8 opc2_0_7_5 . CRm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing + TAB + mcr/mcr2 operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.92 MCR, MCR2
* mcr{@literal <c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<Rt>,<CRn>,<CRm>}{,{@literal <opc2>}}
* mcr2{@literal <c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<Rt>,<CRn>,<CRm>}{,{@literal <opc2>}}
private String getCo_mcr_operands(int opcode) {
int cpOpc1 = opcode >> 21 & 7;
int cpOpc2 = opcode >> 5 & 7;
return TAB
+ getCoprocessor(opcode) + ',' + getHexValue(cpOpc1)
+ ',' + getR_12(opcode) + ',' + getCR_16(opcode) + ',' + getCR_0(opcode)
+ (cpOpc2 != 0 ? "," + getHexValue(cpOpc2) : "");
* Arm--- ... opc1_23_21 . CRn_19_16 Rt___15_12 coproc___11_8 opc2___7_5 . CRm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... opc1_1_7_5 . CRn_1_3_0 Rt_0_15_12 coproc_0_11_8 opc2_0_7_5 . CRm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing + TAB + mrc/mrc2 operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.100 MRC, MRC2
* mrc{@literal <c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<Rt>,<CRn>,<CRm>}{,{@literal <opc2>}}
* mcr2{@literal <c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<Rt>,<CRn>,<CRm>}{,{@literal <opc2>}}
private String getCo_mrc_operands(int opcode) {
int cpOpc1 = opcode >> 21 & 7;
int cpOpc2 = opcode >> 5 & 7;
int rt = opcode >> 12 & 0xf;
return TAB
+ getCoprocessor(opcode) + ',' + getHexValue(cpOpc1)
+ ',' + (rt == 15 ? "apsr_nzcv" : getRegName(rt))
+ ',' + getCR_16(opcode) + ',' + getCR_0(opcode)
+ (cpOpc2 != 0 ? "," + getHexValue(cpOpc2) : "");
* Arm--- ... Rt2_19_16 Rt___15_12 coproc___11_8 opc1___7_4 CRm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... Rt2_1_3_0 Rt_0_15_12 coproc_0_11_8 opc1_0_7_4 CRm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing + TAB + mcrr/mcrr2 operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.93 MCRR, MCRR2
* {@literal mcrr<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<Rt>,<Rt2>,<CRm>}
* {@literal mcrr2<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<Rt>,<Rt2>,<CRm>}
* A8.6.101 MRRC, MRRC2
* {@literal mrrc<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<Rt>,<Rt2>,<CRm>}
* {@literal mrrc2<c> <coproc>,<opc1>,<Rt>,<Rt2>,<CRm>}
private String getCo_mrr_operands(int opcode) {
int cpOpc = opcode >> 4 & 0xf;
return TAB
+ getCoprocessor(opcode) + ',' + getHexValue(cpOpc)
+ ',' + getR_12(opcode) + ',' + getR_16(opcode) + ',' + getCR_0(opcode);
private int getThumbBranchOffset8(int opcode) {
int offset = (byte)(opcode & 0xff);
offset = (offset*2) + 4;
return offset;
private int getThumbBranchOffset11(int opcode) {
short offset = (short) ((opcode << 5) & 0xffff);
return (offset / 16) + 4;
private String getThumbCondition(int opcode) {
int condition = (opcode >> 8) & 0xf;
return getCondition(condition);
private String getThumbEffect(int opcode) {
int imod = (opcode >> 4) & 1;
if (imod == 0) {
return "ie";
} else {
return "id";
private String getThumbIFlags(int opcode) {
int a = (opcode >> 2) & 1;
int i = (opcode >> 1) & 1;
int f = (opcode & 1);
String iflags = "";
iflags += (a == 1) ? "a" : "";
iflags += (i == 1) ? "i" : "";
iflags += (f == 1) ? "f" : "";
return iflags;
private String getThumbImmediate3(int opcode) {
int imm = (opcode >> 6) & 7;
return "#" + imm;
private String getThumbImmediate5(int opcode, int multiplier) {
int imm = ((opcode >> 6) & 0x1f) * multiplier;
return "#" + getHexValue(imm);
private String getThumbImmediate7(int opcode, int multiplier) {
int imm = (opcode & 0x7f) * multiplier;
return "#" + getHexValue(imm);
private String getThumbImmediate8(int opcode, int multiplier) {
int imm = (opcode & 0xff) * multiplier;
return "#" + getHexValue(imm);
private String getThumbReg(int opcode, int position) {
int reg = (opcode >> position) & 7;
return getRegName(reg);
private String getThumbRegHigh(int opcode, int position, int hBit) {
int reg = (opcode >> position) & 7;
int high = (opcode >> hBit) & 1;
reg += (high == 1) ? 8 : 0;
return getRegName(reg);
private String getThumbRegList(int opcode, String otherRegs) {
String r0 = ((opcode & 1) == 1) ? "r0," : "";
String r1 = (((opcode >> 1) & 1) == 1) ? "r1," : "";
String r2 = (((opcode >> 2) & 1) == 1) ? "r2," : "";
String r3 = (((opcode >> 3) & 1) == 1) ? "r3," : "";
String r4 = (((opcode >> 4) & 1) == 1) ? "r4," : "";
String r5 = (((opcode >> 5) & 1) == 1) ? "r5," : "";
String r6 = (((opcode >> 6) & 1) == 1) ? "r6," : "";
String r7 = (((opcode >> 7) & 1) == 1) ? "r7," : "";
String regList = "{" + r0 + r1 + r2 + r3 + r4 + r5 + r6 + r7;
if (otherRegs != null) {
regList += otherRegs;
regList += "}";
regList = regList.replace(",}", "}");
return regList;
private String getThumb2AddrModeImm8(int opcode, int pBit, int uBit, int wBit, int shift) {
int offset = (opcode & 0xff) << shift;
String operands = '[' + getR_16(opcode);
String sign = isBitEnabled(opcode, uBit) ? "" : "-";
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, pBit)) {
if (offset != 0) {
operands += ",#" + sign + getHexValue(offset);
operands += isBitEnabled(opcode, wBit) ? "]!" : "]";
} else {// post-indexed
operands += ']';
if (offset != 0) {
operands += ",#" + sign + getHexValue(offset);
return operands;
private String getThumb2AddrModeRegImm(int opcode) {
String operands = '[' + getR_16(opcode) + ',' + getR_0(opcode);
int imm2 = opcode >> 4 & 3;
if (imm2 != 0) {
operands += ",lsl #" + imm2;
operands += ']';
return operands;
private int getThumb2_condB_Offset(int opcode) {
int sSignExtended = signExtend(getBit(opcode, 27) << 20, 20, 32);
int j1 = getBit(opcode, 13) << 18;
int j2 = getBit(opcode, 11) << 19;
return sSignExtended | j2 | j1 | opcode>>4&0x3f000 | (opcode & 0x7ff) << 1;
private int getThumb2_uncondB_Offset(int opcode, boolean j1, boolean j2) {
int s = getBit(opcode, 27);
int sSignExtended = signExtend(s << 24, 24, 32);
boolean sb = s == 1;
int i1 = (j1 ^ sb) ? 0 : 1<<22;
int i2 = (j2 ^ sb) ? 0 : 1<<23;
return sSignExtended | i2 | i1 | opcode >> 4 & 0X3ff000 | (opcode & 0x7ff) << 1;
private String getThumb2Condition(int opcode) {
return getCondition((opcode >> 22) & 0xf);
private String getThumb2ExpandImm12(int opcode) {
int imm12 = getThumb2RawImm12(opcode), imm32 = 0;
if (0 == (imm12 >> 10 & 3)) {
int imm8 = imm12 & 0xff;
switch (imm12 >> 8 & 3) {
case 2:
imm32 = imm8 << 24 | imm8 << 8;
case 3:
imm32 = imm8 << 24 | imm8 << 8;
case 1:
imm32 |= imm8 << 16;
case 0:
imm32 |= imm8;
} else {
int shift = imm12 >> 7 & 31;
imm32 = 0x80 | imm12 & 0x7f;
imm32 = imm32 >> shift | imm32 << 32-shift;
return getHexValue(imm32);
private String getThumb2ImmForMovX(int x) {
return getHexValue((x & 0xf0000) >> 4 | getThumb2RawImm12(x));
private int getThumb2RawImm12(int x) {
return (x & 0x04000000) >> 0xf | (x & 0x7000) >> 4 | x & 0xff;
private static final int
LSL = 0, LSR = 1, ASR = 2, RRX_ROR = 3;
private String getThumb2ShiftMode(int opcode, int typePos) {
int type = opcode >> typePos & 3;
int value = getThumb2ShiftValue(opcode, type);
if (type == 0 && value == 0)
return "";
String shift = ",";
switch (type) {
case LSL: shift += "lsl"; break;
case LSR: shift += "lsr"; break;
case ASR: shift += "asr"; break;
case RRX_ROR:
if (value == 0)
return ",rrx";
shift += "ror";
return shift + " #" + value;
private int getThumb2ShiftValue(int opcode, int type) {
int value = (opcode & 0x7000) >> 10 | opcode >> 6 & 3;
switch (type) {
case LSR:
case ASR:
if (0 == value)
value = 32;
return value;
private String getVFPDorSRegList(int opcode, boolean isD) {
int vd15_12 = opcode >> 12 & 0xf;
int d22 = getBit(opcode, 22);
int reg = isD ? d22 << 4 | vd15_12 : vd15_12 << 1 | d22;
int count = opcode & 0xff;
if (isD)
count /= 2;
String list = "{" + (isD ? 'd' : 's') + reg;
if (count > 1)
list += (isD ? "-d" : "-s") + (reg+count-1);
// for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// if (count != 0)
// list += ",";
// list += (isD ? "d" : "s") + (reg + i);
// }
list += "}";
return list;
private String getVFPDdQmRegs(int opcode) {
return getVFPQorDReg(opcode, 0, 12, 22) + ',' + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, 1, 0, 5);
private String getVFPIncDec(int opcode) {
int mode = (opcode >> 23) & 3;
switch (mode) {
case 1: return "ia";
case 2: return "db";
return "";
private int getVFPDataTypeSize (int opcode, int sizePos) {
return 8 << (opcode >> sizePos & 3);
* Return 6-bit immediate instruction size
* @param opcode
* @param uPos bit indicating unsigned
* @param opPos
* @return .<type><size>
private String getVFPImm6Size(int opcode) {
int imm6 = opcode >> 16 & 0x3f;
if (isBitEnabled(imm6, 5))
return "64";
else if (isBitEnabled(imm6, 4))
return "32";
return "16";
* Return vqshl{u} sign or unsigned type with bit size
* @param opcode
* @param lBit
* @param uPos bit indicating unsigned
* @param opPos
* @return .<type><size>
private String getVFPVqshlTypeSize(int opcode, int lBit, int uPos, int opPos) {
return ((isBitEnabled(opcode, uPos) && isBitEnabled(opcode, opPos)) ? ".u" : ".s")
+ getVFPLImm6Size(opcode, lBit);
private String getVFPIDataType(int opcode, int sizePos) {
return ".i" + getVFPDataTypeSize(opcode, sizePos);
private String getVFPIDataType2(int opcode, int sizePos) {
return getVFPIDataType((opcode >> sizePos & 3) + 1, 0);
private String getVFPIDataType3(int opcode, int sizePos) {
return ".i" + (8 << (opcode >> sizePos & 3));
private String getVFPPDataType (int opcode, int sizePos) {
return ".p" + getVFPDataTypeSize(opcode, sizePos);
// depending on d, separate register bit is either before or
// after the rest of the register bits
private String getVFPDorSReg(int opcode, int d, int regPos, int regBitPos) {
if (d == 1)
return "d" + ((((opcode >> regBitPos) & 1) << 4) | ((opcode >> regPos) & 0xf));
return "s" + ((((opcode >> regPos) & 0xf) << 1) | ((opcode >> regBitPos) & 1));
private int getVFPImm6SHRAdj(int opcode, int imm) {
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 21))
imm = 32 - imm;
else if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 20))
imm = 16 - imm;
else if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 19))
imm = 8 - imm;
return imm;
* @return 0 when imm6=8|16|32 else value minus top-bit
private int getVFPQImm6(int opcode) {
int imm6 = opcode >> 16 & 0x3f;
if (imm6 == 32 || imm6 == 16 || imm6 == 8) {
imm6 = 0;
} else if (isBitEnabled(imm6, 5)) {
imm6 &= 0x1f;
} else if (isBitEnabled(imm6, 4)) {
imm6 &= 0x0f;
} else { // assuming isBitEnabled(imm, 4)
imm6 &= 0x07;
return imm6;
private int getVFPImm6Encoded(int opcode) {
int imm6 = opcode >> 16 & 0x3f;
if (isBitEnabled(imm6, 5)) {
return 32 - (imm6 & 0x1f);
} else if (isBitEnabled(imm6, 4)) {
return 16 - (imm6 & 0xf);
} else { // assuming isBitEnabled(imm6, 3)
return 8 - (imm6 & 0x7);
private int getVFPImm6(int opcode) {
int imm6 = opcode >> 16 & 0x3f;
if (isBitEnabled(imm6, 5)) {
return imm6 & 0x1f;
} else if (isBitEnabled(imm6, 4)) {
return imm6 & 0xf;
} else { // assuming isBitEnabled(imm6, 3)
return imm6 & 0x7;
private String getVFPLImm6Size(int opcode, int lBit) {
if (lBit == 1)
return "64";
else {
int imm6 = opcode >> 16 & 0x3f;
if (isBitEnabled(imm6, 5))
return "32";
else if (isBitEnabled(imm6, 4))
return "16";
return "8";
private int getVFPQorDRegNum(int opcode, int regPos, int regMsbPos) {
return (((opcode >> regMsbPos) & 1 ) << 4) | ((opcode >> regPos) & 0xf);
private String getVFPQorDReg(int opcode, int q, int regPos, int regMsbPos) {
return (q == 1)
? "q" + getVFPQorDRegNum(opcode, regPos, regMsbPos) / 2
: "d" + getVFPQorDRegNum(opcode, regPos, regMsbPos);
private String getVFPQUNUorSType(int opcode, int uBit, int opBit) {
int op = getBit(opcode, uBit) << 1 | getBit(opcode, opBit);
return (1 == op ? "un" : "n") + (3 == op ? ".u" : ".s");
private String getVFPQUUorSType(int opcode, int l, int uPos, int opPos) {
return ((isBitEnabled(opcode, uPos) && !isBitEnabled(opcode, opPos)) ? "u" : "")
+ getVFPVqshlTypeSize(opcode, l, uPos, opPos);
private String getVFPSize(int opCmode) {
switch (opCmode) {
case 14:
return ".i8";
case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11:
case 24: case 25: case 26: case 27:
return ".i16";
return ".i32";
case 30:
return ".i64";
case 15:
return ".f32";
case 31:
return "";
private String getVFPIorFDataType(int opcode, int sizePos, int bitIorF) {
int size = 8 << ((opcode >> sizePos) & 0x3);
int f = (opcode >> bitIorF) & 1;
return (f == 1 ? ".f" : ".i") + size;
private String getVFPSorUDataType(int opcode, int uPos) {
return (isBitEnabled(opcode, uPos) ? ".u" : ".s")
+ getVFPDataTypeSize(opcode, 20);
private String getVFPSorUorFDataType(int opcode, int sizePos, int fPos, int uPos) {
return (isBitEnabled(opcode, fPos) ? ".f" : (isBitEnabled(opcode, uPos) ? ".u" : ".s"))
+ getVFPDataTypeSize(opcode, sizePos);
private String getVFPSpecialReg(int opcode) {
switch (opcode >> 16 & 0xf) {
case 0: return "fpsid";
case 1: return "fpscr";
case 6: return "mvfr1";
case 7: return "mvfr0";
case 8: return "fpexc";
case 9: return "fpinst";
case 10: return "fpinst2";
default: return "<unknown register>";
private String getVFPTdTm(int opcode, int opPos, int sizePos) {
switch ((opcode >> opPos & 3) << 2 | opcode >> sizePos & 3) {
case 10: return ".s32.f32";
case 14: return ".u32.f32";
case 2: return ".f32.s32";
case 6: return ".f32.u32";
return "";
private String getVFPTdTm2(int opcode, int opPos, int unsignedPos) {
switch ((opcode >> opPos & 1) << 1 | opcode >> unsignedPos & 1) {
case 0: return ".f32.s32";
case 1: return ".f32.u32";
case 2: return ".s32.f32";
case 3: return ".u32.f32";
return "";
private String getVFPTdTm3(int opcode, int op2Pos, int opPos, int sz) {
int opc2 = opcode >> op2Pos & 7;
if (opc2 == 5)
return sz == 1 ? ".s32.f64" : ".s32.f32";
else if (opc2 == 4)
return sz == 1 ? ".u32.f64" : ".u32.f32";
switch (sz << 1 | getBit(opcode, opPos)) {
case 3: return ".f64.s32";
case 2: return ".f64.u32";
case 1: return ".f32.s32";
case 0: return ".f32.u32";
return ""; // should never get here
private String getVFPVcvtType(int opcode) {
boolean op = isBitEnabled(opcode, 18);
boolean u = isBitEnabled(opcode, 16);
boolean sf = isBitEnabled(opcode, 8);
boolean sx = isBitEnabled(opcode, 7);
String td = u ? (sx ? ".u32" : ".u16") : (sx ? ".s32" : ".s16");
String ts = sf ? ".f64" : ".f32";
return op ? td + ts : ts + td;
private String getVFPVldVstSize(int size) {
if (size == 0)
return ".8";
else if (size == 1)
return ".16";
// else if (size == 2)
return ".32";
// return "";
private String getVFPVldVstEnding(int opcode) {
int Rm = opcode & 0xf;
String suffix = "";
if (Rm == 15)
else if (Rm == 13)
suffix = "!";
suffix = "," + getRegName(Rm);
return suffix;
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 size_21_20 Vn_19_16 Vd___15_12 ... N___7_7 Q___6_6 M___5_5 0 Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 size_1_5_4 Vn_1_3_0 Vd_0_15_12 ... N_0_7_7 Q_0_6_6 M_0_5_5 0 Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing "i8", "i16", "i32" or "i64", + TAB + proper Q-or-D _d,_n,_m register operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.271 VADD (integer)
* {@literal vadd<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vadd<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.280 VCEQ (register)
* {@literal vceq<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vceq<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.349 VPADD (integer)
* {@literal vpadd for q==1 UNDEFINED vpadd<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.401 VSUB (integer)
* {@literal vsub<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vsub<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
private String getVFPIDataTypeQorDdnmOperands(int opcode) {
return getVFPIDataType(opcode, 20) + getVFPQorDdnmRegs(opcode);
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 size_21_20 Vn_10_16 Vd___15_12 ... N___7_7 . M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 size_1_5_4 Vn_1_3_0 Vd_0_15_12 ... N_0_7_7 . M_0_5_5 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing "i16", "i32" or "i64", + TAB + the approriate Dd,Qn,Qm register operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.273 VADDHN
* {@literal vaddhn<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Qn>,<Qm>}
* A8.6.370 VRADDHN
* {@literal vraddhn<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Qn>,<Qm>}
* A8.6.381 VRSUBHN
* {@literal vrsubhn<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Qn>,<Qm>}
* A8.6.403 VSUBHN
* {@literal vsubhn<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Qn>,<Qm>}
private String getVFPIDataType2DdQnDmOperands(int opcode) {
String ops = getVFPIDataType2(opcode, 20)
+ TAB + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, 0, 12, 22)
+ ',' + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, 1, 16, 7)
+ ',' + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, 1, 0, 5);
return ops;
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 size_21_20 Vn_19_16 Vd___15_12 ... N___7_7 . M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 size_1_5_4 Vn_1_3_0 Vd_0_15_12 ... N_0_7_7 . M_0_5_5 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing a TAB + the approriate Qd,Dn,Dm register operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.266 VABA, VABAL
* {@literal vabal<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.267 VABD, VABDL (integer)
* {@literal vabdl<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.323 VMLA, VMLAL, VMLS, VMLSL (integer)
* {@literal vmlal<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* {@literal vmlsl<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.337 VMUL, VMULL (integer and polynomial)
* {@literal vmull<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* {@literal vqd<op><c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.360 VQDMULL
* {@literal vqdmull<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
private String getVFPQdDnDmRegs(int opcode) {
String regs = getVFPQorDReg(opcode, 1, 12, 22)
+ ',' + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, 0, 16, 7)
+ ',' + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, 0, 0, 5);
return regs;
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 ... Vd___15_12 ... Q___6_6 M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 ... Vd_0_15_12 ... Q_0_6_6 M_0_5_5 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing a TAB + the approriate "q" or "d" _d,_m register operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.293 VCNT
* {@literal vcnt<c>.8 <Qd>,<Qm> vcnt<c>.8 <Dd>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.327 VMOV (register)
* {@literal vmov<c> <Qd>,<Qm> vmov<c> <Dd>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.341 VMVN (register)
* {@literal vmvn<c> <Qd>,<Qm> vmvn<c> <Dd>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.405 VSWP
* {@literal vswp<c> <Qd>,<Qm> vswp<c> <Dd>,<Dm>}
private String getVFPQorDdmRegs(int opcode) {
int q = getBit(opcode, 6);
return TAB + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, q, 12, 22) + ',' + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, q, 0, 5);
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 ... Vn_19_16 Vd___15_12 ... N___7_7 Q___6_6 M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 ... Vn_1_3_0 Vd_0_15_12 ... N_0_7_7 Q_0_6_6 M_0_5_5 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing a TAB + proper Q-or-D _d,_n,_m register operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.364 VQRSHL
* {@literal vqrshl<c>.<type><size> <Qd>,<Qm>,<Qn> vqrshl<c>.<type><size> <Dd>,<Dm>,<Dn>}
* A8.6.366 VQSHL (register)
* {@literal vqshl<c>.<type><size> <Qd>,<Qm>,<Qn> vqshl<c>.<type><size> <Dd>,<Dm>,<Dn>}
* A8.6.375 VRSHL
* {@literal vrshl<c>.<type><size> <Qd>,<Qm>,<Qn> vrshl<c>.<type><size> <Dd>,<Dm>,<Dn>}
* A8.6.383 VSHL (register)
* {@literal vshl<c>.i<size> <Qd>,<Qm>,<Qn> vshl<c>.i<size> <Dd>,<Dm>,<Dn>}
private String getVFPQorDdmnRegs(int opcode) {
int q = getBit(opcode, 6);
String regs = TAB + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, q, 12, 22)
+ ',' + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, q, 0, 5)
+ ',' + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, q, 16, 7);
return regs;
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 ... Vn_19_16 Vd___15_12 ... N___7_7 Q___6_6 M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 ... Vn_1_3_0 Vd_0_15_12 ... N_0_7_7 Q_0_6_6 M_0_5_5 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing a TAB + proper Q-or-D _d,_n,_m register operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.266 VABA, VABAL
* {@literal vaba<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vaba<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.267 VABD, VABDL (integer)
* {@literal vabd<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vabd<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.268 VABD (floating-point)
* {@literal vabd<c>.f32 <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vabd<c>.f32 <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.282 VCGE (register)
* {@literal vcge<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vcge<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.272 VADD (floating-point)
* {@literal vadd<c>.f32 <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vadd<c>.f32 <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.276 VAND (register)
* {@literal vand<c> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vand<c> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.278 VBIC (register)
* {@literal vbic<c> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vbic<c> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.280 VCEQ (register)
* {@literal vceq<c>.f32 <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vceq<c>.f32 <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.282 VCGE (register)
* {@literal vcge<c>.f32 <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vcge<c>.f32 <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.284 VCGT (register)
* {@literal vcgt<c>.f32 <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vcgt<c>.f32 <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.284 VCGT (register)
* {@literal vcgt<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vcgt<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.304 VEOR
* {@literal veor <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> veor<c> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.324 VMLA, VMLS (floating point)
* {@literal vml<op><c>.f32 <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vml<op><c>.f32 <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.337 VMUL, VMULL (integer and polynomial)
* {@literal vmul<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vmul<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.338 VMUL (floating-point)
* {@literal vmul<c>.f32 <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vmul<c>.f32 <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.345 VORN (register)
* {@literal vorn <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vorn<c> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.347 VORR (register)
* {@literal vorr<c> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vorr<c> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.350 VPADD (floating-point)
* {@literal UNDEFINED if q=='1' vpadd<c>.f32 <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.357 VQADD
* {@literal vqadd<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vqadd<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.359 VQDMULH
* {@literal vqdmulh<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vqadd<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.363 VQRDMULH
* {@literal vqrdmulh<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vqadd<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.369 VQSUB
* {@literal vqsub<c>.<type><size> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vqsub<c>.<type><size> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.374 VRHADD
* {@literal vrhadd<c> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vrhadd<c> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.372 VRECPS
* {@literal vrecps<c>.f32 <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vrecps<c>.f32 <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.379 VRSQRTS
* {@literal vrsqrts<c>.f32 <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vrsqrts<c>.f32 <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.402 VSUB (floating-point)
* {@literal vsub<c>.f32 <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vsub<c>.f32 <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
private String getVFPQorDdnmRegs(int opcode) {
int q = getBit(opcode, 6);
String regs = TAB + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, q, 12, 22)
+ ',' + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, q, 16, 7)
+ ',' + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, q, 0, 5);
return regs;
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 size_21_20 Vn_19_16 Vd___15_12 ... N___7_7 . M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 size_1_5_4 Vn_1_3_0 Vd_0_15_12 ... N_0_7_7 . M_0_5_5 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @param dType whether to use Qd or Dd register type
* @param nType whether to use Qn or Dn register type
* @return String containing "16" or "32", + TAB + proper Q-or-D _d,_n,Dm[x] register operands
* <p><listing>
* {@literal vqd<op><c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Dn>,<Dm[x]>}
* A8.6.359 VQDMULH
* {@literal vqdmulh<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Dm[x]> vqdmulh<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm[x]>}
* A8.6.363 VQRDMULH
* {@literal vqrdmulh<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Dm[x]> vqrdmulh<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm[x]>}
private String getVFPScalarOperands(int opcode, int dType, int nType) {
int index = getBit(opcode, 5);
int mR = opcode & 0xf;
int size = opcode >> 20 & 3;
String postfix;
if (size == 1) {
postfix = "16";
mR &= 7; // probably not necessary
index = index << 1 | getBit(opcode, 3);
} else { // size == 2 ; if size == 0 then UNDEFINED
postfix = "32";
return postfix + TAB + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, dType, 12, 22)
+ ',' + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, nType, 16, 7)
+ ",d" + mR + '[' + index + ']';
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 . . size_19_18 . . Vd___15_12 ... Q___6_6 M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 . . size_1_3_2 . . Vd_0_15_12 ... Q_0_6_6 M_0_5_5 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @param bitIorF location of the f-flag designating float-or-integer
* @param bitSorU location of the u-flag designating unsigned-or-signed integer
* @return String containing the data-type + TAB + proper Q-or-D _d,_m reg operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.269 VABS
* {@literal vabs<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qm> vabs<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.288 VCLS
* {@literal vcls<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qm> vcls<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.342 VNEG
* {@literal vneg<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qm> vneg<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.348 VPADAL
* {@literal vpadal<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qm> vpadal<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.351 VPADDL
* {@literal vpaddl<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qm> vpaddl<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.356 VQABS
* {@literal vqabs<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qm> vqabs<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.362 VQNEG
* {@literal vqneg<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qm> vqneg<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.371 VRECPE
* {@literal vrecpe<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qm> vrecpe<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.378 VRSQRTE
* {@literal vrsqrte<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qm> vrsqrte<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.283 VCGE (immediate #0)
* {@literal vcge<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qm>,#0 vcge<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dm>,#0}
* A8.6.285 VCGT (immediate #0)
* {@literal vcgt<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qm>,#0 vcgt<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dm>,#0}
* A8.6.287 VCLE (immediate #0)
* {@literal vcle<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qm>,#0 vcle<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dm>,#0}
* A8.6.290 VCLT (immediate #0)
* {@literal vclt<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qm>,#0 vclt<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dm>,#0}
private String getVFPSorUorFQorDdmOperands(int opcode, int bitIorF, int bitSorU) {
return getVFPSorUorFDataType(opcode, 18, bitIorF, bitSorU) + TAB + getVFPQorDdmRegs(opcode);
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 . . size_19_18 . . Vd___15_12 ... Q___6_6 M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 . . size_1_3_2 . . Vd_0_15_12 ... Q_0_6_6 M_0_5_5 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @param bitIorF location of the f-flag designating integer-or-float
* @return String containing the data-type + TAB + proper Q-or-D _d,_m reg operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.291 VCLZ
* {@literal vclz<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qm> vclz<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.283 VCGE (immediate #0)
* {@literal vcge<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qm>,#0 vcge<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dm>,#0}
* A8.6.285 VCGT (immediate #0)
* {@literal vcgt<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qm>,#0 vcgt<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dm>,#0}
* A8.6.287 VCLE (immediate #0)
* {@literal vcle<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qm>,#0 vcle<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dm>,#0}
* A8.6.290 VCLT (immediate #0)
* {@literal vclt<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qm>,#0 vclt<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dm>,#0}
private String getVFPIorFQorDdmOperands(int opcode, int bitIorF) {
return getVFPIorFDataType(opcode, 18, bitIorF) + TAB + getVFPQorDdmRegs(opcode);
* @param szbit bit containing the sz determining ".f64" or ".f32"
* @return String containing ".f64" or ".f32"
private String getVFPSzF64F32Type(int szbit) {
return szbit == 1 ? ".f64" : ".f32";
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 ... Vd___15_12 ... sz___8_8 . . M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 ... Vd_0_15_12 ... sz_0_8_8 . . M_0_5_5 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing ".f64" or ".f32" + TAB + proper D-or-S _d,_m reg operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.269 VABS
* {@literal vabs<c>.f64 <Dd>,<Dm> vabs<c>.f32 <Sd>,<Sm>}
* A8.6.327 VMOV (register)
* {@literal vmov<c>.f64 <Dd>,<Dm> vmov<c>.f32 <Sd>,<Sm>}
* A8.6.342 VNEG
* {@literal vneg<c>.f64 <Dd>,<Dm> vneg<c>.f32 <Sd>,<Sm>}
* A8.6.388 VSQRT
* {@literal vsqrt<c>.f64 <Dd>,<Dm> vsqrt<c>.f32 <Sd>,<Sm>}
* A8.6.292 VCMP, VCMPE
* vcmp{e}{@literal <c>.f64 <Dd>,<Dm>} vcmp{e}{@literal <c>.f32 <Sd>,<Sm>}
private String getVFPSzF64F32dmOperands(int opcode) {
int sz = getBit(opcode, 8);
return getVFPSzF64F32Type(sz)
+ TAB + getVFPDorSReg(opcode, sz, 12, 22)
+ ',' + getVFPDorSReg(opcode, sz, 0, 5);
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 . . Vn_19_16 Vd___15_12 ... sz___8_8 N___7_7 . M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 . . Vn_1_3_0 Vd_0_15_12 ... sz_0_8_8 N_0_7_7 . M_0_5_5 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing ".f64" or ".f32" + TAB + proper D-or-S _d,_n,_m reg operands
* <p><listing>
* {@literal vnmla<c>.f64 <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm> vnmla<c>.f32 <Sd>,<Sn>,<Sm>}
* {@literal vnmls<c>.f64 <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm> vnmls<c>.f32 <Sd>,<Sn>,<Sm>}
* A8.6.272 VADD (floating-point)
* {@literal vadd<c>.f64 <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm> vadd<c>.f32 <Sd>,<Sn>,<Sm>}
* A8.6.301 VDIV
* {@literal vdiv<c>.f64 <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm> vdiv<c>.f32 <Sd>,<Sn>,<Sm>}
* A8.6.324 VMLA, VMLS (floating-point)
* {@literal vml<op><c>.f64 <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm> vml<op><c>.f32 <Sd>,<Sn>,<Sm>}
* A8.6.338 VMUL (floating-point)
* {@literal vmul<c>.f64 <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm> vmul<c>.f32 <Sd>,<Sn>,<Sm>}
* {@literal vnmul<c>.f64 <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm> vnmul<c>.f32 <Sd>,<Sn>,<Sm>}
* A8.6.402 VSUB (floating-point)
* {@literal vsub<c>.f64 <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm> vsub<c>.f32 <Sd>,<Sn>,<Sm>}
private String getVFPSzF64F32dnmOperands(int opcode) {
int sz = getBit(opcode, 8);
return getVFPSzF64F32Type(sz)
+ TAB + getVFPDorSReg(opcode, sz, 12, 22)
+ ',' + getVFPDorSReg(opcode, sz, 16, 7)
+ ',' + getVFPDorSReg(opcode, sz, 0, 5);
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 . . sz_19_18 . . Vd___15_12 ... Q___6_6 M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 . . sz_1_3_2 . . Vd_0_15_12 ... Q_0_6_6 M_0_5_5 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing ".8", ".16" or ".32" + TAB + proper Q-or-D _d,_m reg operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.407 VTRN
* {@literal vtrn<c>.<size> <Qd>,<Qm> vtrn<c>.<size> <Dd>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.409 VUZP
* {@literal vuzp<c>.<size> <Qd>,<Qm> vuzp<c>.<size> <Dd>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.410 VZIP
* {@literal vzip<c>.<size> <Qd>,<Qm> vzip<c>.<size> <Dd>,<Dm>}
private String getVFPSzQorDdmOperands(int opcode) {
return "." + getVFPDataTypeSize(opcode, 18) + getVFPQorDdmRegs(opcode);
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 sz_21_20 Vn_19_16 Vd___15_12 ... N___7_7 Q___6_6 M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 sz_1_5_4 Vn_1_3_0 Vd_0_15_12 ... N_0_7_7 Q_0_6_6 M_0_5_5 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing ".8" ".16" or ".32" + TAB + proper Q-or-D _d,_n,_m reg operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.408 VTST
* {@literal vtst<c>.<size> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vtst<c>.<size> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
private String getVFPSzQorDdnmOperands(int opcode) {
return "." + getVFPDataTypeSize(opcode, 20) + getVFPQorDdnmRegs(opcode);
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 op_21_21 sz_20_20 Vn_19_16 Vd___15_12 ... N___7_7 Q___6_6 M___5_5 1 Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 op_1_5_5 sz_1_4_4 Vn_1_3_0 Vd_0_15_12 ... N_0_7_7 Q_0_6_6 M_0_5_5 1 Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return "ge" or "gt" + "f32" + TAB + proper Q-or-D _d,_n,_m register operands
* <p><listing>
* {@literal vacge<c>.f32 <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vacge<c>.f32 <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
* {@literal vacgt<c>.f32 <Qd>,<Qn>,<Qm> vacgt<c>.f32 <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm>}
private String getVFP_vacge_vacgt(int opcode) {
return (isBitEnabled(opcode, 21) ? "gt.f32" : "ge.f32")
+ getVFPQorDdnmRegs(opcode);
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 op_21_20 Vn_19_16 Vd___15_12 ... N___7_7 Q___6_6 M___5_5 1 Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 op_1_5_4 Vn_1_3_0 Vd_0_15_12 ... N_0_7_7 Q_0_6_6 M_0_5_5 1 Vm_0_3_0
* <p><listing>
* @param opcode
* @return String containing the full mnemonic for this opcode
private String getVFP_vbif_vbit_vbsl_veor_mnemonic(int opcode) {
switch ((opcode >> 20) & 3) {
case 0: return "veor";
case 1: return "vbsl";
case 2: return "vbit";
case 3: return "vbif";
return "v"; // should never get here
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 ... Vd___15_12 ... sz___8_8 E___7_7 ...<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 ... Vd_0_15_12 ... sz_0_8_8 E_0_7_7 ...
* @param opcode
* @return String containing ".f32" or ".f64" + TAB + proper D-or-S _d reg operand + ",0.0"
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.292 VCMP, VCMPE
* vcmp{e}{@literal <c>.f64 <Dd>},#0.0 vcmp{e}{@literal <c>.f32 <Sd>},#0.0
private String getVFP_vcmpTo0Operands(int opcode) {
int sz = getBit(opcode, 8);
return getVFPSzF64F32Type(sz)
+ TAB + getVFPDorSReg(opcode, sz, 12, 22) + ",#0.0";
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 ... Vd___15_12 ... sz___8_8 . . M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 ... Vd_0_15_12 ... sz_0_8_8 . . M_0_5_5 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing proper mnemonic postfix + TAB + proper D-or-S _d,_m reg operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.298 VCVT (between double-precision and single-precision)
* {@literal vcvt<c>.f64.f32 <Dd>,<Sm>}
* {@literal vcvt<c>.f32.f64 <Sd>,<Dm>}
private String getVFP_vcvtDpSpOperands(int opcode) {
int sz = getBit(opcode, 8);
return (sz == 1 ? ".f32.f64" : ".f64.f32")
+ TAB + getVFPDorSReg(opcode, 1-sz, 12, 22)
+ ',' + getVFPDorSReg(opcode, sz, 0, 5);
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 ... op_18_18 . U_16_16 Vd___15_12 ... sf___8_8 sx___7_7 . i___5_5 . imm4___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 ... op_1_2_2 . U_1_0_0 Vd_0_15_12 ... sf_0_8_8 sx_0_7_7 . i_0_5_5 . imm4_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing proper mnemonic postfix + TAB + proper D-or-S _d,_d reg operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.297 VCVT (between floating-point and fixed-point, VFP)
* {@literal vcvt<c>.<Td>.f64 <Dd>,<Dd>,#<fbits>}
* {@literal vcvt<c>.<Td>.f32 <Sd>,<Sd>,#<fbits>}
* {@literal vcvt<c>.f64.<Td> <Dd>,<Dd>,#<fbits>}
* {@literal vcvt<c>.f32.<Td> <Sd>,<Sd>,#<fbits>}
private String getVFP_vcvtFpFixRegOperands(int opcode) {
String dreg = getVFPDorSReg(opcode, getBit(opcode, 8), 12, 22);
int imm = ((opcode & 0xF) << 1) | getBit(opcode, 5);
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 7))
imm = 32 - imm;
imm = 16 - imm;
return getVFPVcvtType(opcode) + TAB + dreg + ',' + dreg
+ ",#" + imm;
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 imm6_21_16 Vd___15_12 ... op___8_8 0 Q___6_6 M___5_5 1 Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 imm6_1_5_0 Vd_0_15_12 ... op_0_8_8 0 Q_0_6_6 M_0_5_5 1 Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @param uBit bit in the opcode containing the u (unsigned) bit
* @return String containing proper mnemonic postfix + TAB + proper Q-or-D _d,_m reg operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.296 VCVT (between floating-point and fixed-point, Advanced SIMD)
* {@literal vcvt<c>.<Td>.<Tm> <Qd>,<Qm>,#<fbits>}
* {@literal vcvt<c>.<Td>.<Tm> <Dd>,<Dm>,#<fbits>}
private String getVFP_vcvtFpFixVecOperands(int opcode, int uBit) {
return getVFPTdTm2(opcode, 8, uBit) + getVFPQorDdmRegs(opcode)
+ ",#" + (opcode >> 16 & 0x3f);
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 . . size_19_18 1 1 Vd___15_12 ... op___8_7 Q___6_6 M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 . . size_1_3_2 1 1 Vd_0_15_12 ... op_0_8_7 Q_0_6_6 M_0_5_5 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing proper Td.Tm combo + TAB + proper Q-or-D _d,_m reg operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.294 VCVT (between floating-point and integer, Advanced SIMD)
* {@literal vcvt<c>.<Td>.<Tm> <Qd>,<Qm>}
* {@literal vcvt<c>.<Td>.<Tm> <Dd>,<Dm>}
private String getVFP_vcvtFpIVecOperands(int opcode) {
return getVFPTdTm(opcode, 7, 18) + getVFPQorDdmRegs(opcode);
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 ... opc2_18_16 Vd___15_12 ... sz___8_8 op___7_7 . M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 ... opc2_1_2_0 Vd_0_15_12 ... sz_0_8_8 op_0_7_7 . M_0_5_5 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing proper mnemonic postfix + TAB + proper D-or-S _d,_m reg operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.295 VCVT, VCVTR (between floating-point and integer, VFP)
* vcvt{r}{@literal <c>.s32.f64 <Sd>,<Dm>}
* vcvt{r}{@literal <c>.s32.f32 <Sd>,<Sm>}
* vcvt{r}{@literal <c>.u32.f64 <Sd>,<Dm>}
* vcvt{r}{@literal <c>.u32.f32 <Sd>,<Sm>}
* {@literal vcvt<c>.f64.<Tm> <Dd>,<Sm>}
* {@literal vcvt<c>.f32.<Tm> <Sd>,<Sm>}
private String getVFP_vcvtFpIRegOperands(int opcode) {
int sz = getBit(opcode, 8);
String ops = getVFPTdTm3(opcode, 16, 7, sz);
int dD = (((opcode & 0x70000) == 0) && (sz == 1)) ? 1 : 0;
int mD = (((opcode & 0x70000) == 0) && (sz == 1)) ? 0 : sz;
ops += TAB + getVFPDorSReg(opcode, dD, 12, 22) + ',' + getVFPDorSReg(opcode, mD, 0, 5);
return ops;
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 ... op_16_16 Vd___15_12 ... T___7_7 . M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 ... op_1_0_0 Vd_0_15_12 ... T_0_7_7 . M_0_5_5 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing proper mnemonic postfix + TAB + proper Sd,Sm reg operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.300 VCVTB, VCVTT (between half-precision and single-precision, VFP)
* {@literal vcvt<y><c>.f32.f16 <Sd>, <Sm>}
* {@literal vcvt<y><c>.f16.f32 <Sd>, <Sm>}
private String getVFP_vcvtHpSpRegOperands(int opcode) {
return (isBitEnabled(opcode, 16) ? ".f16.f32": ".f32.f16")
+ TAB + getVFPDorSReg(opcode, 0, 12, 22)
+ ',' + getVFPDorSReg(opcode, 0, 0, 5);
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 . . size_19_18 . . Vd___15_12 ... op___8_8 . . M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 . . size_1_3_2 ... Vd_0_15_12 . . op_0_8_8 . . M_0_5_5 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing proper mnemonic postfix + TAB + proper Q-or-D _d,_m reg operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.299 VCVT (between half-precision and single-precision, Advanced SIMD)
* {@literal vcvt<c>.f32.f16 <Qd>, <Dm>}
* {@literal vcvt<c>.f16.f32 <Dd>, <Qm>}
private String getVFP_vcvtHpSpVecOperands(int opcode) {
int sz = getBit(opcode, 8);
return (sz == 1 ? ".f32.f16" : ".f16.f32")
+ TAB + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, sz, 12, 22)
+ ',' + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, 1-sz, 0, 5);
* ARM--- ... b_22_22 Q_21_21 . Vd_19_16 Rt___15_12 ... D___7_7 . e___5_5 ...<br>
* Thumb2 ... b_1_6_6 Q_1_5_5 . Vd_1_3_0 Rt_0_15_12 ... D_0_7_7 . e_0_5_5 ...
* @param opcode
* @return String containing proper mnemonic postfix + TAB + proper Q-or-D _d,Rt reg operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.303 VDUP (ARM core register)
* {@literal vdup<c>.<size> <Qd>, <Rt>}
* {@literal vdup<c>.<size> <Dd>, <Rt>}
private String getVFP_vdupRegOperands(int opcode) {
int be = getBit(opcode, 22) << 1 | getBit(opcode, 5);
String postfix;
switch (be) {
case 0: postfix = ".32"; break;
case 1: postfix = ".16"; break;
case 2: postfix = ".8"; break;
default: postfix = ".UNDEFINED";
return postfix + TAB + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, getBit(opcode, 21), 16, 7) + "," + getR_12(opcode);
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 . . imm4_19_16 Vd___15_12 ... Q___6_6 M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 . . imm4_1_3_0 Vd_0_15_12 ... Q_0_6_6 M_0_5_5 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing proper mnemonic postfix + TAB + proper Sd,Sm reg operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.302 VDUP (scalar)
* {@literal vdup<c>.<size> <Qd>, <Dm[x]>}
* {@literal vdup<c>.<size> <Dd>, <Dm[x]>}
private String getVFP_vdupScalarOperands(int opcode) {
int x, q = getBit(opcode, 6), imm = (opcode >> 16) & 0xf;
String postfix;
if ((imm & 1) != 0) {
postfix = ".8";
x = imm >> 1;
} else if ((imm & 2) != 0) {
postfix = ".16";
x = imm >> 2;
} else {
postfix = ".32";
x = imm >> 3;
return postfix
+ TAB + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, q, 12, 22)
+ ',' + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, 0, 0, 5)
+ '[' + x + ']';
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 size_21_20 Vn_19_16 Vd___15_12 0 op___10_10 L___9_9 . N___7_7 1 M___5_5 0 Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 size_1_5_4 Vn_1_3_0 Vd_0_15_12 0 op_0_10_10 L_0_9_9 . N_0_7_7 1 M_0_5_5 0 Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @param quBit shift position of q-bit/u-bit in instruction
* @return String containing mnemonic postfix + TAB + proper Q-or-D _d,_n,<Dm[x]> reg operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.325 VMLA, VMLAL, VMLS, VMLSL (by scalar)
* {@literal v<op><c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Dm[x]> v<op><c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm[x]>}
* {@literal v<op>l<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Dn>,<Dm[x]>}
* A8.6.339 VMUL, VMULL (by scalar)
* {@literal vmul<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Qn>,<Dm[x]> vmul<c>.<dt> <Dd>,<Dn>,<Dm[x]>}
* {@literal vmull<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Dn>,<Dm[x]>}
* A8.6.360 VQDMULL
* {@literal vqdmull<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Dn>,<Dm[x]>}
private String getVFP_vmXXScalar(int opcode, int quBit) {
int dR, nR, qu = getBit(opcode, quBit);
String postfix;
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 9)) {
postfix = "l." + ((qu == 0) ? 's' : 'u');
dR = 1;
nR = 0;
} else {
postfix = "." + (isBitEnabled(opcode, 8) ? 'f' : 'i');
dR = nR = qu;
return postfix + getVFPScalarOperands(opcode, dR, nR);
* ARM--- ... opc1_22_21 0 Vd_19_16 Rt___15_12 ... D___7_7 opc2___6_5<br>
* Thumb2 ... opc1_1_6_5 0 Vd_1_3_0 Rt_0_15_12 ... D_0_7_7 opc2_0_6_5
* @param opcode
* @return String containing mnenomic type postfix + TAB + proper Dd[x],Rt reg operands
* A8.6.328 VMOV (ARM core register to scalar)
* {@literal vmov<c>.<size> <Dd[x]>, <Rt>}
private String getVFP_vmovArmCoreRegToScalar(int opcode) {
int opc1 = opcode >> 21 & 3;
int opc2 = opcode >> 5 & 3;
int index = 0;
String ops = ".";
if (isBitEnabled(opc1, 1)) {
ops += '8';
index = getBit(opc1, 0) << 2 | opc2;
} else if (isBitEnabled(opc2, 0)) {
ops += "16";
index = getBit(opc1, 0) << 1 | getBit(opc2, 1);
} else if (opc2 == 0) {
ops += "32";
index = getBit(opc1, 0);
ops += TAB + getVFPDorSReg(opcode, 1, 16, 7)
+ '[' + index + "]," + getR_12(opcode);
return ops;
* ARM--- ... op_20_20 Vn_19_16 Rt___15_12 ... N___7_7<br>
* Thumb2 ... op_1_4_4 Vn_1_3_0 Rt_0_15_12 ... N_0_7_7
* @param opcode
* @return String TAB + proper Sn,Rt or Rt,Sn operands
* A8.6.330 VMOV (between ARM core register and single-precision register)
* {@literal vmov<c> <Sn>, <Rt> vmov<c> <Rt>, <Sn>}
private String getVFP_vmovBetweenArmCoreAndSinglePrecReg(int opcode) {
String sn = getVFPDorSReg(opcode, 0, 16, 7);
String rt = getR_12(opcode);
return TAB + (isBitEnabled(opcode, 20) ? rt + ',' + sn : sn + ',' + rt);
* ARM--- ... op_20_20 Rt2_19_16 Rt___15_12 ... M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... op_1_4_4 Rt2_1_3_0 Rt_0_15_12 ... M_0_5_5 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String TAB + proper Dm,Rt,Rt2 or Rt,Rt2,Dm reg operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.332 VMOV (between two ARM core registers and a doubleword extension register)
* {@literal vmov<c> <Dm>,<Rt>,<Rt2> vmov<c> <Rt>,<Rt2>,<Dm>}
private String getVFP_vmovBetween2ArmCoreAnd1DoublewordExtensionRegs(int opcode) {
String dm = getVFPDorSReg(opcode, 1, 0, 5);
String armCoreRegs = getR_12(opcode) + ',' + getR_16(opcode);
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 20))
return TAB + armCoreRegs + ',' + dm;
return TAB + dm + ',' + armCoreRegs;
* ARM--- ... op_20_20 Rt2_19_16 Rt___15_12 ... M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... op_1_4_4 Rt2_1_3_0 Rt_0_15_12 ... M_0_5_5 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String TAB + proper Sn,Sn+1,Rt,Rt2 or Rt,Rt2,Sn,Sn+1 reg operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.331 VMOV (between two ARM core registers and two single-precision registers)
* {@literal vmov<c> <Sm>,<Sm1>,<Rt>,<Rt2> vmov<c> <Rt>,<Rt2>,<Sm>,<Sm1>}
private String getVFP_vmovBetween2ArmCoreAndSinglePrecRegs(int opcode) {
int vm = (opcode & 0xf) << 1 | getBit(opcode, 5);
String armCoreRegs = getR_12(opcode) + ',' + getR_16(opcode);
String singPrecRegs = "s" + vm + ",s" + (vm + 1);
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 20))
return TAB + armCoreRegs + ',' + singPrecRegs;
return TAB + singPrecRegs + ',' + armCoreRegs;
* ARM--- ... opc1_22_21 0 Vd_19_16 Rt___15_12 ... D___7_7 opc2___6_5<br>
* Thumb2 ... opc1_1_6_5 0 Vd_1_3_0 Rt_0_15_12 ... D_0_7_7 opc2_0_6_5
* @param opcode
* @return String containing mnenomic type postfix + TAB + proper Dd[x],Rt reg operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.329 VMOV (scalar to ARM core register)
* {@literal vmov<c>.<dt> <Rt>, <Dn[x]>}
private String getVFP_vmovScalarToArmCoreReg(int opcode) {
int opc1 = opcode >> 21 & 3;
int opc2 = opcode >> 5 & 3;
boolean u = isBitEnabled(opcode, 23);
String ops = ".";
int index = 0;
if (isBitEnabled(opc1, 1)) {
ops += u ? "u8" : "s8";
index = getBit(opc1, 0) << 2 | opc2;
} else if (isBitEnabled(opc2, 0)) {
ops += u ? "u16" : "s16";
index = getBit(opc1, 0) << 1 | getBit(opc2, 1);
} else if (opc2 == 0) {
ops += "32";
index = getBit(opc1, 0);
ops += TAB + getR_12(opcode) + ',' + getVFPDorSReg(opcode, 1, 16, 7)
+ '[' + index + ']';
return ops;
private String getVFP_vmov_vbitwise_mnemonic(int opcode) {
String mnemonic = "";
// concatenate bit 5 op field with bits 8-11 cmode field
int opCmode = ((opcode >> 1) & 0x10) | (opcode >> 8) & 0xf;
// find the instruction mnemonic
switch (opCmode) {
case 0: case 2: case 4: case 6:
case 8: case 10:
case 12: case 13: case 14: case 15:
case 30:
mnemonic = "vmov";
case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7:
case 9: case 11:
mnemonic = "vorr";
case 16: case 18: case 20: case 22:
case 24: case 26:
case 28: case 29:
mnemonic = "vmvn";
case 17: case 19: case 21: case 23:
case 25: case 27:
mnemonic = "vbic";
return mnemonic + getVFPSize(opCmode);
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 ... imm3_18_16 Vd___15_12 cmode___11_8 . Q___6_6 . . imm4___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 ... imm3_1_2_0 Vd_0_15_12 cmode_0_11_8 . Q_0_6_6 . . imm4_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @param topIBit location of the I bit to place at the top of the imm8 to be constructed
* @return String containing the full mnemonic + TAB + proper Q-or-D _d,_m reg operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.277 VBIC (immediate)
* {@literal vbic<c>.<dt> <Qd>,#<imm> vbic<c>.<dt> <Dd>,#<imm>}
* A8.6.326 VMOV (immediate)
* {@literal vmov<c>.<dt> <Qd>,#<imm> vmov<c>.<dt> <Dd>,#<imm>}
* A8.6.340 VMVN (immediate)
* {@literal vmvn<c>.<dt> <Qd>,#<imm> vmvn<c>.<dt> <Dd>,#<imm>}
* A8.6.346 VORR (immediate)
* {@literal vorr<c>.<dt> <Qd>,#<imm> vorr<c>.<dt> <Dd>,#<imm>}
private String getVFP_vmov_vbitwise_instruction(int opcode, int topIBit) {
int imm = getBit(opcode, topIBit) << 7 | ((opcode >> 12) & 0x70) | (opcode & 0xf);
return getVFP_vmov_vbitwise_mnemonic(opcode)
+ TAB + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, getBit(opcode, 6), 12, 22)
+ ",#" + getHexValue(imm);
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 imm6_21_16 Vd___15_12 ... M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 imm6_1_5_0 Vd_0_15_12 ... M_0_5_5 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @param uBit shift position of u-bit in instruction
* @return String containing mnemonic data type post-fix + TAB + proper Q-or-D _d,_m reg operands
* + imm value for vshll instruction
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.333 VMOVL
* {@literal vmovl<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.384 VSHLL
* {@literal vshll<c>.<type><size> <Qd>,<Dm>,#<imm> (0 < <imm> < <size>)}
private String getVFP_vmovl_vshll_operands(int opcode, int uBit) {
int imm6 = getVFPQImm6(opcode);
return getVFPSorUDataType(opcode-(imm6<<16), uBit)
+ TAB + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, 1, 12, 22)
+ ',' + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, 0, 0, 5)
+ (0 == imm6 ? "" : ",#" + imm6);
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 ... Vd___15_12 ... imm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 ... Vd_0_15_12 ... imm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @param uBit shift position of u-bit in instruction
* @return String containing mnemonic data size post-fix + TAB + proper D-or-S <list> reg operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.354 VPOP
* {@literal vpop <list> (<list> is consecutive 64-bit registers)}
* {@literal vpop <list> (<list> is consecutive 32-bit registers)}
* A8.6.355 VPUSH
* {@literal vpush <list> (<list> is consecutive 64-bit registers)}
* {@literal vpush <list> (<list> is consecutive 32-bit registers)}
private String getVFP_vpop_vpush_operands(int opcode) {
boolean is64 = isBitEnabled(opcode, 8);
return TAB + getVFPDorSRegList(opcode, is64);
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 . . size_19_18 . . Vd___15_12 ... op___7_6 M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 . . size_1_3_2 . . Vd_0_15_12 ... op_0_7_6 M_0_5_4 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing mnemonic size postfix + TAB + proper Dd,Qm reg operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.361 VQMOVN
* vld1{@literal vqmov{u}n<c>.<type><size> <Dd>, <Qm>}
private String getVFP_vqmov_instruction(int opcode) {
return getVFPQUNUorSType(opcode, 7, 6) + getVFPDataTypeSize((opcode >> 18 & 3)+1, 0)
+ TAB + getVFPDdQmRegs(opcode);
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 imm6_21_16 Vd_15_12 1 ... op___8_8 . . M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 imm6_1_5_0 Vd_0_15_12 ... op_0_8_8 . . M_0_5_5 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @param uBit shift position of u-bit in instruction
* @return String containing mnemonic postfix + TAB + proper Dd,Qm,#imm operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.367 VQSHL, VQSHLU (immediate)
* vqshl{u}{@literal <c>.<type><size> <Qd>,<Qm>,#<imm>} vqshl{u}{@literal <c>.<type><size> <Dd>,<Dm>,#<imm>}
private String getVFP_vqshl_instruction(int opcode, int uBit) {
int l = getBit(opcode, 7);
int imm = l == 1 ? opcode >> 16 & 0x3f : getVFPQImm6(opcode);
String typeSize = getVFPQUUorSType(opcode, l, uBit, 8);
return typeSize + TAB + getVFPQorDdmRegs(opcode) + ",#" + imm;
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 imm6_21_16 Vd_15_12 1 ... op___8_8 . . M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 imm6_1_5_0 Vd_0_15_12 ... op_0_8_8 . . M_0_5_5 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing mnemonic postfix + TAB + proper Dd,Qm,#imm operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.373 VREV16, VREV32, VREV64
* vrev<n><c>.<size> <Qd>, <Qm> vrev<n><c>.<size> <Dd>, <Dm>
private String getVFP_vrev_instruction(int opcode) {
int op = opcode >> 7 & 3;
int size = getVFPDataTypeSize(opcode, 18);
return (64 >> op) + "." + size + TAB + getVFPQorDdmRegs(opcode);
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 imm6_21_16 Vd_15_12 1 ... op___8_8 . . M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 imm6_1_5_0 Vd_0_15_12 ... op_0_8_8 . . M_0_5_5 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @param uPos shift position of u-bit in instruction
* @return String containing mnemonic postfix + TAB + proper Dd,Qm,#imm operands
* <p><listing>
* vqrshr{u}n{@literal <c>.<type><size> <Dd>,<Qm>,#<imm>}
* vqshr{u}{@literal n<c>.<type><size> <Dd>,<Qm>,#<imm>}
private String getVFP_vqXshr_instruction(int opcode, int uPos) {
int imm = getVFPQImm6(opcode);
String typeSize = ((isBitEnabled(opcode, uPos) && isBitEnabled(opcode, 8)) ? ".u" : ".s")
+ getVFPImm6Size(opcode);
return ((isBitEnabled(opcode, uPos) && !isBitEnabled(opcode, 8)) ? "un" : "n") + typeSize + TAB
+ getVFPDdQmRegs(opcode) + ",#" + getVFPImm6SHRAdj(opcode, imm);
* ARM--- ... D_1_6_6 imm6_1_5_0 Vd___15_12 ... L___7_7 Q___6_6 M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 imm6_1_5_0 Vd_0_15_12 ... L_0_7_7 Q_0_6_6 M_0_5_5 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing TAB + proper Dd,{Dn1-Dnn},Dm reg operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.406 VTBL, VTBX
* {@literal v<op><c>.8 <Dd>,<list>,<Dm>}
private String getVFP_vtb_instruction(int opcode) {
int reg = getBit(opcode, 7) << 4 | opcode >> 16 & 0xf;
int cnt = opcode >> 8 & 3;
String ops = (isBitEnabled(opcode, 6) ? "x" : "l") + ".8\t"
+ getVFPQorDReg(opcode, 0, 12, 22) + ",{d" + reg;
for (int i = 1; i < cnt + 1; ++i) {
ops += ",d" + (reg + i);
ops += "}," + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, 0, 0, 5);
return ops;
* ARM--- ... D_1_6_6 imm6_1_5_0 Vd___15_12 ... L___7_7 Q___6_6 M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 imm6_1_5_0 Vd_0_15_12 ... L_0_7_7 Q_0_6_6 M_0_5_5 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @param encoded whether immediate is in the opcode or must be derived
* @return String containing mnemonic postfix + TAB + proper Q-or-D _d,_m,#imm operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.376 VRSHR
* {@literal vrshr<c>.<type><size> <Qd>,<Qm>,#<imm> vrshr<c>.<type><size> <Dd>,<Dm>,#<imm>}
* A8.6.380 VRSRA
* {@literal vrsra<c>.<type><size> <Qd>,<Qm>,#<imm> vrsra<c>.<type><size> <Dd>,<Dm>,#<imm>}
* A8.6.382 VSHL (immediate)
* {@literal vshl<c>.i<size> <Qd>,<Qm>,#<imm> vshl<c>.i<size> <Dd>,<Dm>,#<imm>}
* A8.6.385 VSHR
* {@literal vshr<c>.<type><size> <Qd>,<Qm>,#<imm> vshr<c>.<type><size> <Dd>,<Dm>,#<imm>}
* A8.6.387 VSLI
* {@literal vsli<c>.<size> <Qd>,<Qm>,#<imm> vsli<c>.<size> <Dd>,<Dm>,#<imm>}
* A8.6.389 VSRA
* {@literal vsra<c>.<type><size> <Qd>,<Qm>,#<imm> vsra<c>.<type><size> <Dd>,<Dm>,#<imm>}
* A8.6.390 VSRI
* {@literal vsri<c>.<size> <Qd>,<Qm>,#<imm> vsri<c>.<size> <Dd>,<Dm>,#<imm>}
private String getVFP_vXrX_instruction(int opcode, boolean encoded) {
int l = opcode >> 7 & 1;
int imm = l == 1
? (encoded ? 64 - (opcode >> 16 & 0x3f) : opcode >> 16 & 0x3f)
: (encoded ? getVFPImm6Encoded(opcode) : getVFPImm6(opcode));
return getVFPLImm6Size(opcode, l) + getVFPQorDdmRegs(opcode) + ",#" + imm;
* ARM--- ... D_1_6_6 imm6_1_5_0 Vd___15_12 ... M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 imm6_1_5_0 Vd_0_15_12 ... M_0_5_5 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing mnemonic size postfix + TAB + proper Dd,Qm,#imm operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.377 VRSHRN
* {@literal vrshrn<c>.i<size> <Dd>,<Qm>,#<imm>}
* A8.6.386 VSHRN
* {@literal vshrn<c>.i<size> <Dd>,<Qm>,#<imm>}
private String getVFP_vXshrn_instruction(int opcode) {
int imm = getVFPQImm6(opcode);
String size = ".i" + getVFPImm6Size(opcode);
return size + TAB + getVFPDdQmRegs(opcode) + ",#" + getVFPImm6SHRAdj(opcode, imm);
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 . . Rn_19_16 Vd___15_12 type___11_8 size___7_6 align___5_4 Rm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 . . Rn_1_3_0 Vd_0_15_12 type_0_11_8 size_0_7_6 align_0_5_4 Rm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.308 VLD1 (single element to one lane)
* vld1{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}]{!}
* vld1{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}],{@literal <Rm>}
* A8.6.309 VLD1 (single element to all lanes)
* vld1{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}]{!}
* vld1{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}],{@literal <Rm>}
* A8.6.311 VLD2 (single 2-element structure to one lane)
* vld2{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}]{!}
* vld2{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}],{@literal <Rm>}
* A8.6.312 VLD2 (single 2-element structure to all lanes)
* vld2{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}]{!}
* vld2{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}],{@literal <Rm>}
* A8.6.314 VLD3 (single 3-element structure to one lane)
* vld3{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}]{!}
* vld3{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}],{@literal <Rm>}
* A8.6.315 VLD3 (single 3-element structure to all lanes)
* vld3{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}]{!}
* vld3{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}],{@literal <Rm>}
* A8.6.317 VLD4 (single 4-element structure to one lane)
* vld4{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}]{!}
* vld4{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}],{@literal <Rm>}
* A8.6.318 VLD4 (single 4-element structure to all lanes)
* vld4{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}]{!}
* vld4{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}],{@literal <Rm>}
* A8.6.392 VST1 (single element from one lane)
* vst1{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}]{!}
* vst1{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}],{@literal <Rm>}
* A8.6.394 VST2 (single 2-element structure from one lane)
* vst2{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}]{!}
* vst2{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}],{@literal <Rm>}
* A8.6.396 VST3 (single 3-element structure from one lane)
* vst3{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}]{!}
* vst3{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}],{@literal <Rm>}
* A8.6.398 VST4 (single 4-element structure from one lane)
* vst4{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}]{!}
* vst4{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}],{@literal <Rm>}
private String getVFP_vXX_Xlane(int opcode) {
// careful examination of the bit patterns in the
// reference manual shows bits 8 & 9 determine
// whether "vld1", "vld2", "vld3", "vld4"
// or "vst1", "vst"2, "vst3" or "vst4"
int ver = (opcode >> 8 & 3) + 1;
// bits 10 & 11 have double use: 0 - 2 means size for 1 lane, but 3 means all lanes
int sz = (opcode >> 10 & 3); // size (if not 3) for "one-lane" versions
boolean allLanes = 3 == sz;
if (allLanes)
sz = (opcode >> 6 & 3); // "all-lanes" size
int spacing = 1; // spacing: 1 == single, 2 == double
int listMembers = ver; // members in register list
// vector and index used in all versions
int vecReg = getBit(opcode, 22) << 4 | (opcode >> 12 & 0xf);
String index = "[";
// optional alignment string
String alignStr = "";
// initialize postfix version+size and first reg operand (index below)
String ops = ver + getVFPVldVstSize(sz) + TAB + "{d" + vecReg;
// determine differences for "all-lanes" versions
if (allLanes) {
boolean align = isBitEnabled(opcode, 4);
spacing = getBit(opcode, 5) + 1;
index += "]";
// figure out the list member count, spacing and alignment string
if (ver == 1) {
// vst1 "all-lanes" list can have 1 or 2 elemnts
listMembers = spacing;
spacing = 1;
if (align && sz == 1) alignStr = "@16";
else if (align && sz == 2) alignStr = "@32";
} else if (ver == 2) {
if (align && sz == 0) alignStr = "@16";
else if (align && sz == 1) alignStr = "@32";
else if (align && sz == 2) alignStr = "@64";
} else if (ver == 4) {
if (align && sz == 0) alignStr = "@32";
else if (align && ((sz == 1) || (sz == 2))) alignStr = "@64";
else if (align && sz == 3) alignStr = "@128";
} else {
// indexAlign bits for "one-lane" versions
int ia = opcode >> 4 & 0xf;
// index is "[x]", where x are these bits
index += (ia >> (sz+1)) + "]";
if (ver > 1) {
spacing = sz == 0 ? 1 : getBit(ia, sz) + 1;
listMembers = ver;
// figure out the list member count, spacing and alignment string
if (ver == 1) {
if (sz == 1 && (ia & 3) == 1) alignStr = "@16";
else if (sz == 2 && (ia & 7) == 3) alignStr = "@32";
} else if (ver == 2) {
if (sz == 0 && (ia & 1) == 1) alignStr = "@16";
else if (sz == 1 && (ia & 1) == 1) alignStr = "@32";
else if (sz == 2 && (ia & 3) == 1) alignStr = "@64";
} else if (ver == 4) {
if (sz == 0 && (ia & 1) == 1) alignStr = "@32";
else if (sz == 1 && (ia & 1) == 1) alignStr = "@64";
else if (sz == 2) {
if ((ia & 3) == 1) alignStr = "@64";
else if ((ia & 3) == 2) alignStr = "@128";
// operand generation
ops += index; // index determined based on lanes type
// get each of the vreg args for each of the versions, spaced properly
for (int i = 1; i < listMembers; ++ i) {
ops += ",d" + (vecReg + spacing * i) + index;
// complete the generation with the Rn reg
// + optional alignment string + the standard ending
ops += "},[" + getR_16(opcode) + alignStr + ']' + getVFPVldVstEnding(opcode);
return ops;
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 . . Rn_19_16 Vd___15_12 type___11_8 size___7_6 align___5_4 Rm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 . . Rn_1_3_0 Vd_0_15_12 type_0_11_8 size_0_7_6 align_0_5_4 Rm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing mnemonic c.size postfix + TAB + all operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.307 VLD1 (multiple single elements)
* vld1{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}]{!}
* vld1{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}],{@literal <Rm>}
* A8.6.310 VLD2 (multiple 2-element structures)
* vld2{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}]{!}
* vld2{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}],{@literal <Rm>}
* A8.6.313 VLD3 (multiple 3-element structures)
* vld3{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}]{!}
* vld3{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}],{@literal <Rm>}
* A8.6.316 VLD4 (multiple 4-element structures)
* vld4{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}]{!}
* vld4{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}],{@literal <Rm>}
* A8.6.391 VSY1 (multiple single elements)
* vst1{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}]{!}
* vst1{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}],{@literal <Rm>}
* A8.6.393 VST2 (multiple 2-element structures)
* vst2{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}]{!}
* vst2{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}],{@literal <Rm>}
* A8.6.395 VST3 (multiple 3-element structures)
* vst3{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}]{!}
* vst3{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}],{@literal <Rm>}
* A8.6.397 VST4 (multiple 4-element structures)
* vst4{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}]{!}
* vst4{@literal <c>.<size> <list>,[<Rn>}{{@literal @<align>}}],{@literal <Rm>}
private String getVFP_vXX_multi(int opcode) {
int vecReg = (getBit(opcode, 22) << 4) | (opcode >> 12 & 0xf);
int type = (opcode >> 8) & 0xf;
int align = (opcode >> 4) & 3;
int size = 8 << ((opcode >> 6) & 3);
String suffix = "1";
String regList;
switch (type) {
case 7:
suffix = "1";
regList = "{d" + vecReg + "}";
case 10:
suffix = "1";
if (vecReg + 1 > 31)
regList = "<register > d31>";
regList = "{d" + vecReg + ",d" + (vecReg + 1) + "}";
case 6:
suffix = "1";
if (vecReg + 2 > 31)
regList = "<register > d31>";
regList = "{d" + vecReg + ",d" + (vecReg + 1)
+ ",d" + (vecReg + 2) + "}";
case 2:
suffix = "1";
if (vecReg + 3 > 31)
regList = "<register > d31>";
regList = "{d" + vecReg + ",d" + (vecReg + 1)
+ ",d" + (vecReg + 2) + ",d" + (vecReg + 3) + "}";
case 8:
suffix = "2";
if (vecReg + 1 > 31)
regList = "<register > d31>";
regList = "{d" + vecReg + ",d" + (vecReg + 1) + "}";
case 9:
suffix = "2";
if (vecReg + 2 > 31)
regList = "<register > d31>";
regList = "{d" + vecReg + ",d" + (vecReg + 2) + "}";
case 3:
suffix = "2";
if (vecReg + 3 > 31)
regList = "<register > d31>";
regList = "{d" + vecReg + ",d" + (vecReg + 1)
+ ",d" + (vecReg + 2) + ",d" + (vecReg + 3) + "}";
case 4:
suffix = "3";
if (vecReg + 2 > 31)
regList = "<register > d31>";
regList = "{d" + vecReg + ",d" + (vecReg + 1)
+ ",d" + (vecReg + 2) + "}";
case 5:
suffix = "3";
if (vecReg + 4 > 31)
regList = "<register > d31>";
regList = "{d" + vecReg + ",d" + (vecReg + 2)
+ ",d" + (vecReg + 4) + "}";
case 0:
suffix = "4";
if (vecReg + 3 > 31)
regList = "<register > d31>";
regList = "{d" + vecReg + ",d" + (vecReg + 1)
+ ",d" + (vecReg + 2) + ",d" + (vecReg + 3) + "}";
case 1:
suffix = "4";
if (vecReg + 6 > 31)
regList = "<register > d31>";
regList = "{d" + vecReg + ",d" + (vecReg + 2)
+ ",d" + (vecReg + 4) + ",d" + (vecReg + 6) + "}";
regList = "";
String alignStr = "";
if (align == 1)
alignStr = "@64";
else if (align == 2)
alignStr = "@128";
else if (align == 3)
alignStr = "@256";
return suffix + "." + size + TAB + regList
+ ",[" + getR_16(opcode) + alignStr + "]"
+ getVFPVldVstEnding(opcode);
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 . . Rn_19_16 Vd___15_12 type___11_8 size___7_6 align___5_4 Rm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 . . Rn_1_3_0 Vd_0_15_12 type_0_11_8 size_0_7_6 align_0_5_4 Rm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing mnemonic post-coniditon postfix + TAB + all operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.319 VLDM
* vldm{mode}{@literal <c> <Rn>}{!}{@literal <list>}
* A8.6.399 VSTM
* vstm{mode}{@literal <c> <Rn>}{!}{@literal <list>}
private String getVFP_vXXm(int opcode) {
boolean is64 = isBitEnabled(opcode, 8);
return TAB + getR_16(opcode) + getW(opcode)
+ ',' + getVFPDorSRegList(opcode, is64);
* ARM--- ... U_23_23 D_22_22 0 1 Rn_19_16 Vd___15_12 ... imm8___7_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... U_1_7_7 D_1_6_6 . . Rn_1_3_0 Vd_0_15_12 ... imm8_0_7_0
* @param opcode
* @return String containing post-condition mnemonic prefix
* + TAB + proper D-or-S reg & imm8 addressing mode operands
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.320 VLDR
* vldr{@literal <c> <Dd>, [<Rn>}{, #+/-{@literal <imm>}}]
* vldr{@literal <c> <Dd>, <label>}
* vldr{@literal <c> <Dd>, [pc,#-0] Special case}
* A8.6.320 VLDR
* vldr{@literal <c> <Sd>, [<Rn>}{, #+/-{@literal <imm>}}]
* vldr{@literal <c> <Sd>, <label>}
* vldr{@literal <c> <Sd>, [pc,#-0] Special case}
* A8.6.400 VSTR
* vldr{@literal <c> <Dd>, [<Rn>}{, #+/-{@literal <imm>}}]
* A8.6.400 VSTR
* vldr{@literal <c> <Sd>, [<Rn>}{, #+/-{@literal <imm>}}]
private String getVFP_vXXr(int opcode) {
int ds = getBit(opcode, 8);
return (ds == 1 ? ".64" : ".32")
+ TAB + getVFPDorSReg(opcode, ds, 12, 22)
+ ',' + getAddrModeImm8(opcode);
* ARM--- ... D_22_22 sz_21_20 Vn_19_16 Vd___15_12 ... op___8_8 N___7_7 . M___5_5 . Vm___3_0<br>
* Thumb2 ... D_1_6_6 sz_1_5_4 Vn_1_3_0 Vd_0_15_12 ... op_0_8_8 N_0_7_7 . M_0_5_5 . Vm_0_3_0
* @param opcode
* @param uBit shift position of u-bit in instruction
* @return "w" or "l" + type mnemonic postfix, a TAB,
* and then proper Q-or-D reg operands for the instruction
* <p><listing>
* A8.6.274 VADDL, VADDW
* {@literal vaddl<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Dn>,<Dm> vaddw<c>.<dt>} {{@literal <Qd>}},{@literal <Qn>,<Dm>}
* A8.6.404 VSUBL, VSUBW
* {@literal vsubl<c>.<dt> <Qd>,<Dn>,<Dm> vsubw<c>.<dt>} {{@literal <Qd>}},{@literal <Qn>,<Dm>}
private String getVFP_vXXXl_vXXXw(int opcode, int uBit) {
String ops;
if (isBitEnabled(opcode, 8)) {
ops = 'w' + getVFPSorUDataType(opcode, uBit) + TAB;
if (getVFPQorDRegNum(opcode, 12, 22) != getVFPQorDRegNum(opcode, 0, 5))
ops += getVFPQorDReg(opcode, 1, 12, 22) + ',';
ops += getVFPQorDReg(opcode, 1, 16, 7);
ops = 'l' + getVFPSorUDataType(opcode, uBit)
+ TAB + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, 1, 12, 22)
+ ',' + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, 0, 16, 7);
return ops + ',' + getVFPQorDReg(opcode, 0, 0, 5);
private String getB(int opcode) {
return isBitEnabled(opcode, 22) ? "b" : "";
private String getBorT(int opcode, int bitPos) {
return isBitEnabled(opcode, bitPos) ? "t" : "b";
private String getE(int opcode) {
return isBitEnabled(opcode, 7) ? "e" : "";
private String getL(int opcode) {
return isBitEnabled(opcode, 22) ? "l" : "";
private String getR(int opcode, int bitPos) {
return isBitEnabled(opcode, bitPos) ? "r" : "";
private String getS(int opcode) {
return isBitEnabled(opcode, 20) ? "s" : "";
private String getW(int opcode) {
return isBitEnabled(opcode, 21) ? "!" : "";
private String getX(int opcode, int bitPos) {
return isBitEnabled(opcode, bitPos) ? "x" : "";
private boolean isBitEnabled(int opcode, int bit) {
return 0 != (1 & (opcode >> bit)) ;
private void setDefaultPCJumpProperties(boolean soleDestination) {
isSoleDestination = soleDestination;
isSubroutineAddress = false;
// Though it's something like establishing the PC with an address,
// we just fake it as using Link Register, which is fine in practice.
addrExpression = JumpToAddress.EXPRESSION_LR;
private int signExtend(int value, int leftmostBit, int size) {
if (size >= leftmostBit)
return value;
int leftmostValue = value & (1 << leftmostBit);
int extended = 0;
for (;++leftmostBit < size ;) {
extended = (extended << 1) + leftmostValue;
return extended | leftmostValue;