blob: 20934c90ba4a3e4a2d4a60edcd556f097b887b0f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 25.07.2011 Aaron Digulla.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Aaron Digulla - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation
package m4e
import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder
import java.util.jar.Manifest
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ProcessGroovyMethods;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.ManifestElement;
import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
class InstallCmd extends AbstractCommand {
final static String DESCRIPTION = '''archives...\n- Extract the specified archives and convert the Eclipse plug-ins inside into Maven artifacts'''
void doRun( String... args ) {
// args[1..-1] throws "IndexOutOfBoundsException: toIndex = 2" if array has only one element
if( args.size() > 1 ) {
for( String archive in args[1..-1] ) {
importArchive( archive )
} "Import complete. Imported ${statistics.bundleCount} Eclipse bundles into ${statistics.pomCount} POMs. There are ${statistics.jarCount} new JARs of which ${statistics.sourceCount} have sources" )
List<File> m2repos = []
ImportStatistics statistics = new ImportStatistics()
void importArchive( String url ) {
File archive = downloadArchive( url )
File path = unpackArchive( archive )
ImportTool tool = importIntoTmpRepo( path )
File m2repo = tool.m2repo
m2repos << m2repo
ImportTool importIntoTmpRepo( File path ) {
def tool = new ImportTool( installCmd: this ) path )
return tool
def archiveExtensions = [ '.tar', '.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2', '.zip' ]
/** Unpack an archive for import */
File unpackArchive( File archive ) {
if( archive.isDirectory() ) {
log.debug( "Archive ${archive} is a directory; no need to unpack" )
return archive
String dirName = basename( archive )
for( String ext in archiveExtensions ) {
dirName = dirName.removeEnd( ext )
def path = new File( workDir, dirName )
if( path.exists() ) {
log.debug( "Archive ${archive} is already unpacked at ${path}" )
return path
} "Unpacking ${archive}" )
if( '.zip' ) ) {
archive.unzip( path )
} else if( '.tar', '.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2' ) ) {
File log = new File( path.absolutePath + '.log' )
archive.untar( path, log )
} else {
throw new RuntimeException( "Unsupported archive type ${archive}" )
} 'OK' )
return path
/** Download an archive via HTTP.
* If the value of archive is not a URL, do nothing.
* This function returns the name of the downloaded file.
File downloadArchive( String url ) {
if( !url.toString().startsWith('http://') ) {
log.debug( "Archive URL ${url} seems to be local" )
return new File( url )
String basename = basename( archive )
File path = new File( workDir, basename )
if( path.exists() ) {
log.debug('Archive ${path} has already been downloaded')
return path
} "Downloading ${url} to ${path}" )
download( url, path ) 'OK' )
return path
String basename( def path ) {
if( path instanceof File ) {
String result = path.toString()
int pos = result.lastIndexOf( '/' )
if( pos >= 0 ) {
path = result.substring( pos + 1 )
return path
void download( String url, File path ) {
path.withOutputStream() {
def stream = new URL( url ).openStream()
it << stream
class FileFound extends Exception {
File file;
class ImportStatistics {
int bundleCount = 0
int pomCount = 0
int jarCount = 0
int sourceCount = 0
class ImportTool {
static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( ImportTool )
static boolean DEBUG = true
static final String FAILURE_FILE_NAME = 'failure'
InstallCmd installCmd
File eclipseFolder
File tmpHome
File m2repo
File failure
File m2settings
void run( File path ) {
assert path != null
assert installCmd != null
assert installCmd.workDir != null
eclipseFolder = locate( path, 'plugins' )
if( !eclipseFolder ) {
throw new RuntimeException( "Can't find plugins folder below ${path.absolutePath}" )
eclipseFolder = eclipseFolder.parentFile
assert eclipseFolder != null
tmpHome = new File( installCmd.workDir, + '_home' )
m2repo = new File( tmpHome, 'm2repo' )
failure = new File( tmpHome, FAILURE_FILE_NAME )
log.debug( "Importing plug-ins from ${eclipseFolder} into repo ${m2repo}" )
doImport() 'OK' )
void doImport() {
// TODO convert features
File pluginsFolder = new File( eclipseFolder, 'plugins' )
doImport( pluginsFolder )
void doImport( File folder ) {
folder.eachFile { it ->
try {
def tool = new BundleConverter( installCmd: installCmd, m2repo: m2repo, statistics: installCmd.statistics )
if( it.isDirectory() ) {
tool.importExplodedBundle( it )
} else {
tool.importBundle( it )
} catch( Exception e ) {
throw new RuntimeException( "Error processing ${it.absolutePath}: ${e}", e )
/** Make sure we don't have any leftovers from previous attempts. */
void clean() {
if( tmpHome.exists() ) {'Cleaning up from last run...')
// This file is deleted after the import succeeds
failure << 'Import failed'
File locate( File root, String name ) {
try {
root.eachDirRecurse() { File dir ->
if( == name ) {
throw new FileFound( file: dir )
} catch( FileFound e ) {
return e.file
return null
class BundleConverter {
private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( BundleConverter )
InstallCmd installCmd
File m2repo
Manifest manifest
String groupId
String artifactId
String version
File bundle
ImportStatistics statistics
void importBundle( File bundleJar ) {
this.bundle = bundleJar
manifest = loadManifestFromJar( bundleJar )
if( ! manifest ) {
statistics.bundleCount ++
log.debug( 'Importing {}', bundleJar )
if( isSourceBundle() ) {
String key = "${groupId}:${artifactId}:${version}" "Importing ${key}" )
File jarFile = MavenRepositoryTools.buildPath( m2repo, key, 'jar' )
String classPath = manifest.attr.getValue( 'Bundle-ClassPath' )
if( classPath && classPath != '.' ) {
unpackNestedJar( classPath, jarFile )
} else {
bundleJar.copy( jarFile )
statistics.jarCount ++
File pomFile = MavenRepositoryTools.buildPath( m2repo, key, 'pom' )
pomFile.withWriter( 'UTF-8' ) {
createPom( it )
boolean isSourceBundle() {
ManifestElement[] sourceBundleFor = parseAttribute( 'Eclipse-SourceBundle' )
if( !sourceBundleFor ) {
return false
importSourceBundle( manifest, sourceBundleFor )
return true
boolean isSingleton
void examineManifest() {
// println manifest.entries
log.debug( "Attributes of ${bundle}" )
manifest.attr.each {
log.debug( " ${it.key}: ${it.value}" )
def attrs = parseAttribute( Constants.BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME )
assert attrs.size() == 1
artifactId = attrs[0].value
version = manifest.attr.getValue( Constants.BUNDLE_VERSION )
groupId = artifactIdToGroupId( artifactId )
isSingleton = ( 'true' == attrs[0].getDirective( Constants.SINGLETON_DIRECTIVE ) )
void unpackNestedJar( String nestedJarPath, File jarFile ) {
if( nestedJarPath.contains( ',' ) ) {
installCmd.warn( Warning.MULTIPLE_NESTED_JARS, "Multiple nested JARs are not supported; just copying the original bundle" )
bundle.copy( jarFile )
def entry = archive[ nestedJarPath ]
if( null == entry ) {
throw new RuntimeException( "Can't find [${nestedJarPath}] in ${bundle}" )
archive.withInputStream( entry ) {
jarFile << it
String artifactIdToGroupId( String artifactId ) {
def parts = artifactId.split( '\\.', -1 )
def n = Math.min( parts.size()-1, 2 )
return parts[0..n].join( '.' )
void createPom( Writer writer ) {
statistics.pomCount ++
writer << '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n'
writer << '<project xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""\n'
writer << ' xmlns:xsi="">\n'
writer << ' <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>\n'
writer << ' <groupId>' << groupId << '</groupId>\n'
writer << ' <artifactId>' << artifactId << '</artifactId>\n'
writer << ' <version>' << version << '</version>\n'
String name = manifest.attr.getValue( Constants.BUNDLE_NAME )
if( name ) {
if( name.contains( '%' ) ) {
name = expand( name )
writer << ' <name>' << escape( name ) << '</name>\n'
String description = manifest.attr.getValue( Constants.BUNDLE_DESCRIPTION )
if( description ) {
if( description.contains( '%' ) ) {
description = expand( description )
} else {
description = ''
writer << ' <description>' << escape( description ) << ( description ? "\n " : "" ) << 'Converted with MT4E ' << Tool.VERSION << '</description>\n'
String url = manifest.attr.getValue( Constants.BUNDLE_DOCURL )
if( url ) {
writer << ' <url>' << escape( url ) << '</url>\n'
addProperties( writer )
def requiredBundles = parseAttribute( Constants.REQUIRE_BUNDLE )
// println "requiredBundles=${requiredBundles}"
if( requiredBundles ) {
addDependencies( writer, requiredBundles )
writer << '</project>\n'
void addProperties( Writer writer, ManifestElement[] requiredBundles ) {
def imports = parseAttribute( Constants.IMPORT_PACKAGE )
def exports = parseAttribute( Constants.EXPORT_PACKAGE )
// println "imports=${imports}"
// println "exports=${exports}"
if( !imports && !exports && !isSingleton ) {
writer << ' <properties>\n'
if( imports ) {
String value = imports.join( ',' )
addProperty( writer, Pom.IMPORT_PACKAGE_PROPERTY, value )
if( exports ) {
String value = exports.join( ',' )
addProperty( writer, Pom.EXPORT_PACKAGE_PROPERTY, value )
if( isSingleton ) {
addProperty( writer, Pom.IS_SINGLETON_PROPERTY, 'true' )
writer << ' </properties>\n'
void addProperty( Writer writer, String name, String value ) {
writer << ' <' << name << '>' << escape( value ) << '</' << name << '>\n'
void addDependencies( Writer writer, ManifestElement[] requiredBundles ) {
writer << ' <dependencies>\n'
requiredBundles.each {
addDependency( writer, it )
writer << ' </dependencies>\n'
void addDependency( Writer writer, ManifestElement dep ) {
// println dep
String artifactId = dep.value
String version = dep.getAttribute( Constants.BUNDLE_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE )
if( !version ) {
version = '[0,)'
} else if ( !version.startsWith( '[' ) && !version.startsWith( '(' ) ) {
version = "[${version},)"
String groupId = artifactIdToGroupId( artifactId )
writer << ' <dependency>\n'
writer << ' <groupId>' << groupId << '</groupId>\n'
writer << ' <artifactId>' << artifactId << '</artifactId>\n'
writer << ' <version>' << version << '</version>\n'
String resolution = dep.getDirective( Constants.RESOLUTION_DIRECTIVE )
if( Constants.RESOLUTION_OPTIONAL == resolution ) {
writer << ' <optional>true</optional>\n'
writer << ' </dependency>\n'
Properties pluginProperties
String expand( String variable ) {
if( ! variable.startsWith( '%' ) ) {
throw new RuntimeException( 'Expected "%" as the first character in ' + variable )
String value = pluginProperties.getProperty( variable.substring( 1 ) )
return value ? value : variable
void loadPluginProperties() {
if( null != pluginProperties ) {
pluginProperties = new Properties()
if( archive ) {
def entry = archive[ '' ]
if( entry ) {
archive.withInputStream( entry ) {
pluginProperties.load( it )
entry = archive[ 'OSGI-INF/l10n/' ]
if( entry ) {
archive.withInputStream( entry ) {
pluginProperties.load( it )
} else {
File file = new File( bundle, '' )
if( file.exists() ) {
file.withInputStream { stream ->
pluginProperties.load( stream )
String escape( String text ) {
return text.replace( '&', '&amp;' ).replace( '<', '&lt;' ).replace( '>', '&gt;' )
void importSourceBundle( Manifest manifest, ManifestElement[] sourceBundleFor ) {
statistics.sourceCount ++
if( sourceBundleFor.size() != 1 ) {
throw new RuntimeException( "Expected exactly one element in ${sourceBundleFor}" )
def attr = sourceBundleFor[0]
log.debug( "Found source bundle for ${attr.value}" )
artifactId = attr.value
version = attr.getAttribute( Constants.VERSION_ATTRIBUTE )
groupId = artifactIdToGroupId( artifactId )
String key = "${groupId}:${artifactId}:${version}"
File mavenSourceJar = MavenRepositoryTools.buildPath( m2repo, key, "jar", "sources" )
String roots = attr.getDirective( 'roots' )
if( !roots ) {
assert bundle.isFile()
bundle.copy( mavenSourceJar )
roots += '/'
mavenSourceJar.withOutputStream { it ->
def out = new ZipOutputStream( it )
filterSourceBundle( out, roots )
void filterSourceBundle( ZipOutputStream out, String roots ) {
assert archive != null
archive.eachEntry { ZipEntry entry ->
String name =
if( 'META-INF/MANIFEST.MF' == name ) {
writeManifest( out )
if( name.startsWith( roots ) ) {
name = name.substring( roots.size() )
ZipEntry clone = new ZipEntry( name )
clone.time = entry.time
clone.comment = entry.comment
clone.extra = entry.extra
out.putNextEntry( clone )
archive.withInputStream( entry ) {
out << it
void writeManifest( ZipOutputStream out ) {
def entry = new ZipEntry( 'META-INF/MANIFEST.MF' )
out.putNextEntry( entry )
manifest.write( out )
void close() {
if( archive ) {
ZipFile archive
Manifest loadManifestFromJar( File file ) {
archive = new ZipFile( file )
def entry = archive[ 'META-INF/MANIFEST.MF' ]
if( !entry ) {
installCmd.error( Error.MISSING_MANIFEST, "Can't find manifest in ${file.absolutePath}" )
return null
def m
archive.withInputStream( entry ) {
m = new Manifest( it )
return m
void importExplodedBundle( File bundleFolder ) {
manifest = loadManifestFromFile( new File( bundleFolder, 'META-INF/MANIFEST.MF' ) )
if( !manifest ) {
statistics.bundleCount ++
log.debug( 'Importing {}', bundleFolder )
bundle = bundleFolder
if( isSourceBundle() ) {
String key = "${groupId}:${artifactId}:${version}" "Importing ${key}" )
File jarFile = MavenRepositoryTools.buildPath( m2repo, key, 'jar' )
String classPath = manifest.attr.getValue( 'Bundle-ClassPath' )
if( classPath ) {
File nestedJar = new File( bundleFolder, classPath )
nestedJar.copy( jarFile )
} else {
packBundle( bundleFolder, jarFile )
statistics.jarCount ++
File pomFile = MavenRepositoryTools.buildPath( m2repo, key, 'pom' )
pomFile.withWriter( 'UTF-8' ) {
createPom( it )
void packBundle( File bundleFolder, File jarFile ) {
jarFile.withOutputStream {
def out = new ZipOutputStream( it )
bundleFolder.eachFileRecurse { File file ->
String name = file.pathRelativeTo( bundleFolder )
def entry = new ZipEntry( name )
entry.setTime( file.lastModified() )
out.putNextEntry( entry )
out << file
Manifest loadManifestFromFile( File file ) {
if( !file.exists() ) {
installCmd.error( Error.MISSING_MANIFEST, "Can't find manifest ${file.absolutePath}" )
return null
def m
file.withInputStream {
m = new Manifest( it )
return m
ManifestElement[] parseAttribute( String name ) {
String text = manifest.attr.getValue( name )
if( !text ) {
return null
return ManifestElement.parseHeader( name, text )