blob: a554afd669dc927e7b133d64d8ca8e8516f7c564 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 21.08.2011 Aaron Digulla.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Aaron Digulla - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation
package m4e
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import groovy.transform.ToString;
import m4e.maven.ImportExportDB;
import m4e.patch.ArtifactRenamer
import m4e.patch.DeleteClasses
import m4e.patch.DeleteEmptyDirectories
import m4e.patch.GlobalPatches
import m4e.patch.ImportDependenciesPatch;
import m4e.patch.OrbitPatch
import m4e.patch.PatchLoader
import m4e.patch.PatchSet
import m4e.patch.RemoveNonOptional
import m4e.patch.StripQualifiers
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import de.pdark.decentxml.Element;
import de.pdark.decentxml.Node;
import de.pdark.decentxml.XMLUtils;
class PatchCmd extends AbstractCommand {
static final String DESCRIPTION = '''\
target patches...
- Apply the patches to the target repository. Patches can be scripts or directories with scripts.
File target
PatchSet set
void doRun( String... args ) {
if( args.size() == 1 ) {
throw new UserError( 'Missing path to repository to patch' )
target = new File( args[1] ).absoluteFile
if( !target.exists() ) {
throw new UserError( "Directory ${target} doesn't exist" )
String[] patches = args[2..<args.size()]
log.debug( "Patches: ${patches}" )
log.debug( "Target: ${target}" ) "Applying patches to ${target}..." )
loadPatches( patches )
applyPatches() "Patched ${count} POMs")
ImportExportDB importExportDB = new ImportExportDB()
void collectImportExportInformation() {
MavenRepositoryTools.eachPom( target ) { file ->
try {
def pom = Pom.load( file )
collectImportExportInformation( pom )
} catch( Exception e ) {
throw new RuntimeException( "Error processing ${file}", e )
void syncExportsWithDeletes() {
for( DeleteClasses p : globalPatches.deleteClasses ) {
def exclusions = []
p.patterns.each { g ->
String s = g.toString()
if( s.startsWith( 'META-INF/' ) ) {
exclusions << new Glob( g.toString().replace( '/', '.' ) )
importExportDB.updateExports( p.keyPattern, exclusions )
void collectImportExportInformation( Pom pom ) {
importExportDB.add( pom )
void applyPatches() {
MavenRepositoryTools.eachPom( target ) { file ->
try {
patchPom( file )
} catch( Exception e ) {
throw new RuntimeException( "Error processing ${file}", e )
for( ArtifactRenamer tool : renamed ) {
void deleteEmptyDirectories() {
def tool = new DeleteEmptyDirectories()
tool.delete( target ) 'Deleted {} empty directories', tool.counter )
int count
List<ArtifactRenamer> renamed = []
void patchPom( File file ) {
def pom = Pom.load( file )
def orig = pom.toString()
def oldKey = pom.key()
patchPom( pom )
def result = pom.toString()
if( result != orig ) {
new XmlFormatter( pom: pom ).format()
String newKey = pom.key()
boolean needsRename = oldKey != newKey
if( needsRename ) {
renamed << new ArtifactRenamer( target: target, oldKey: oldKey, newKey: newKey )
save( pom )
count ++
void patchPom( Pom pom ) {
set.apply( pom )
protected void save( Pom pom ) {
def file = new File( pom.source )
log.debug( "Patched ${file}" ) file )
GlobalPatches globalPatches = new GlobalPatches()
void init() {
globalPatches.orbitExclusions << 'org.eclipse.*'
set = new PatchSet()
PatchSet deleteClasses = new PatchSet()
void loadPatches( String... patches ) {
set.patches << new RemoveNonOptional()
set.patches << deleteClasses
set.patches << new ImportDependenciesPatch( db: importExportDB )
set.patches << new StripQualifiers( globalPatches: globalPatches, target: target )
for( String patchName : patches ) {
def loader = new PatchLoader( new File( patchName ).getAbsoluteFile(), globalPatches )
def patch = loader.load()
set.patches << patch
if( globalPatches.renameOrbitBundles ) {
set.patches << new OrbitPatch( globalPatches: globalPatches, target: target )
void deleteClasses() {
for( DeleteClasses p : globalPatches.deleteClasses ) {
p.repo = target
deleteClasses.patches << p
void deleteArtifacts() {
for( String pattern in globalPatches.artifactsToDelete ) {
deleteRecursively( pattern )
void deleteRecursively( String pattern ) {
File path = MavenRepositoryTools.buildPath( target, pattern )
if( !path.exists() ) {
} 'Deleting artifact {}', pattern )
count ++
log.debug( 'Deleting {}', path )
assert path.deleteDir()
// Delete empty parent folders
File parent = path.parentFile
while( parent && parent != target ) {
if( parent.list().size() == 0 ) {
log.debug( 'Deleting {} because it\' emtpy', parent )
assert parent.delete()
parent = parent.parentFile