blob: d2dbc6acbb7762fa962eace3337b4ab689d829df [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2016 IBM Corporation and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.dltk.python.tests.model;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IField;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IMethod;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IModelElement;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IScriptProject;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.ISourceModule;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IType;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.tests.model.AbstractModelTests;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.tests.util.ModelTestUtils;
import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.ScriptProject;
import org.eclipse.dltk.python.tests.PythonTestsPlugin;
import org.eclipse.dltk.utils.CorePrinter;
import junit.framework.Test;
public class ModelPythonTests extends AbstractModelTests {
public ModelPythonTests(String name) {
super(PythonTestsPlugin.PLUGIN_NAME, name);
public static Test suite() {
return new Suite(ModelPythonTests.class);
public void setUpSuite() throws Exception {
public void tearDownSuite() throws Exception {
public void testModel00_() throws Exception {
String prj = "model0";
IScriptProject project = setUpScriptProject(prj);
CorePrinter cPrinter = new CorePrinter(System.out);
// System.out.println("Project TREE:##########################################");
((ScriptProject) project).printNode(cPrinter);
// System.out.println("Project TREE:##########################################");
// System.out.println("Project TREE:##########################################");
ISourceModule module = this.getSourceModule(prj, "src", new Path(""));
// IModule module = project.findModule(new Path("/src/"));
assertNotNull("Module not found", module);
// assertEquals(" exists", true, module.exists() );
IModelElement[] moduleChildren = module.getChildren();
// Check count of module childrens
assertEquals(1, moduleChildren.length);
IType type = (IType) moduleChildren[0];
IModelElement[] typeChilds = type.getChildren();
// assertEquals(true, false);
public void REM_testModel00() throws Exception {
String prj = "prj0";
IScriptProject project = setUpScriptProject(prj);
ISourceModule module = this.getSourceModule(prj, "src", new Path(""));
assertNotNull("Module not found", module);
assertEquals("", module.getElementName());
IModelElement[] moduleChildren = module.getChildren();
// Check count of module childrens
assertEquals(11, moduleChildren.length);
// Count field, classes and methods of this module.
ModelTestUtils.counterAssert(moduleChildren, 1, 9, 1);
// Check for class A
IType aClass = ModelTestUtils.getAssertClass(moduleChildren, "A");
IModelElement[] classAChildren = aClass.getChildren();
ModelTestUtils.counterAssert(classAChildren, 0, 3, 2);
// Check for class A sub structure.
IField uoField = ModelTestUtils.getAssertField(classAChildren, "uo");
IField aField = ModelTestUtils.getAssertField(classAChildren, "a");
IField qField = ModelTestUtils.getAssertField(classAChildren, "q");
IMethod initMethod = ModelTestUtils.getAssertMethod(classAChildren, "__init__", 1);
IMethod fMethod = ModelTestUtils.getAssertMethod(classAChildren, "f", 2);
ModelTestUtils.assertParameterNames(initMethod, new String[] { "self" });
ModelTestUtils.assertParameterNames(fMethod, new String[] { "self", "t" });
// public void testModel01() throws Exception
// {
// IScriptProject project = ModelTestUtils.createProject("model01",
// "scripts/model/prj1",
// PythonCoreTestsPlugin.PLUGIN_NAME,
// DynamicPythonProjectCreator.getInstance());
// IModule module = project.findModule(new Path("/src/"));
// assertNotNull("Module not found", module);
// assertEquals(module.getName(), "");
// Collection<IModelElement> moduleChildren = module.getChildren();
// assertNotNull( moduleChildren );
// assertEquals(2, moduleChildren.size());
// ModelTestUtils.counterAssert(moduleChildren, 1, 0, 1);
// IType myClass = ModelTestUtils.getAssertClass(moduleChildren, "A" );
// IMethod myMethod = ModelTestUtils.getAssertMethod(moduleChildren, "f", 0
// );
// assertEquals(module, myClass.getModule());
// assertEquals(module, myMethod.getModule());
// }
// public void testModel02() throws Exception
// {
// IScriptProject project = ModelTestUtils.createProject("model02",
// "scripts/model/prj2",
// PythonCoreTestsPlugin.PLUGIN_NAME,
// DynamicPythonProjectCreator.getInstance());
// IModule module = project.findModule(new Path("/src/"));
// assertNotNull("Module not found", module);
// assertEquals(module.getName(), "");
// Collection<IModelElement> moduleChildren = module.getChildren();
// assertNotNull( moduleChildren );
// assertEquals(7, moduleChildren.size());
// ModelTestUtils.counterAssert(moduleChildren, 0, 4, 3);
// IField qwe_Field = ModelTestUtils.getAssertField(moduleChildren, "qwe_"
// );
// IField qweField = ModelTestUtils.getAssertField(moduleChildren, "qwe" );
// IField qwe2Field = ModelTestUtils.getAssertField(moduleChildren, "qwe2"
// );
// IField qwe3Field = ModelTestUtils.getAssertField(moduleChildren, "qwe3"
// );
// IMethod iMethod = ModelTestUtils.getAssertMethod(moduleChildren, "i", 4
// );
// ModelTestUtils.assertParameterNames(iMethod, new String[] {"val", "val2",
// "vale", "val4" } );
// IMethod bMethod = ModelTestUtils.getAssertMethod(moduleChildren, "b", 1
// );
// ModelTestUtils.assertParameterNames( bMethod, new String[] { "t" } );
// IMethod lambdaMethod = ModelTestUtils.getAssertMethod(moduleChildren, "f"
// , 1);
// ModelTestUtils.assertParameterNames( lambdaMethod, new String[] { "x" }
// );
// }
// public void testModel03() throws Exception
// {
// IScriptProject project = ModelTestUtils.createProject("model03",
// "scripts/model/prj3",
// PythonCoreTestsPlugin.PLUGIN_NAME,
// DynamicPythonProjectCreator.getInstance());
// IModule module = project.findModule(new Path("/src/"));
// assertNotNull("Module not found", module);
// assertEquals(module.getName(), "");
// Collection<IModelElement> moduleChildren = module.getChildren();
// assertNotNull( moduleChildren );
// assertEquals(8, moduleChildren.size());
// ModelTestUtils.counterAssert(moduleChildren, 0, 4, 4);
// IField qwe_Field = ModelTestUtils.getAssertField(moduleChildren, "qwe_"
// );
// IField qweField = ModelTestUtils.getAssertField(moduleChildren, "qwe" );
// IField qwe2Field = ModelTestUtils.getAssertField(moduleChildren, "qwe2"
// );
// IField qwe3Field = ModelTestUtils.getAssertField(moduleChildren, "qwe3"
// );
// IMethod iMethod = ModelTestUtils.getAssertMethod(moduleChildren, "i", 4
// );
// ModelTestUtils.assertParameterNames(iMethod, new String[] {"val", "val2",
// "vale", "val4" } );
// IMethod bMethod = ModelTestUtils.getAssertMethod(moduleChildren, "b", 1
// );
// ModelTestUtils.assertParameterNames( bMethod, new String[] { "t" } );
// IMethod lambdaMethod = ModelTestUtils.getAssertMethod(moduleChildren, "f"
// , 1);
// ModelTestUtils.assertParameterNames( lambdaMethod, new String[] { "x" }
// );
// IMethod gMethod = ModelTestUtils.getAssertMethod(moduleChildren, "g", 1
// );
// ModelTestUtils.assertParameterNames( gMethod, new String[] { "la" } );
// }
// public void testModel04() throws Exception
// {
// IScriptProject project = ModelTestUtils.createProject("model04",
// "scripts/model/prj4",
// PythonCoreTestsPlugin.PLUGIN_NAME,
// DynamicPythonProjectCreator.getInstance());
// IModule module = project.findModule(new Path("/src/"));
// assertNotNull("Module not found", module);
// assertEquals(module.getName(), "");
// Collection<IModelElement> moduleChildren = module.getChildren();
// assertNotNull( moduleChildren );
// assertEquals(1, moduleChildren.size());
// ModelTestUtils.counterAssert(moduleChildren, 0, 0, 1);
// IMethod fMethod = ModelTestUtils.getAssertMethod(moduleChildren, "f", 1
// );
// ModelTestUtils.assertParameterNames( fMethod, new String[] { "x" } );
// // Check for sub function g
// Collection<IModelElement> fMethodChilds = fMethod.getChildren();
// assertEquals(1, moduleChildren.size());
// assertNotNull( fMethodChilds );
// ModelTestUtils.counterAssert(moduleChildren, 0, 0, 1);
// IMethod gMethod = ModelTestUtils.getAssertMethod(fMethodChilds, "g", 1 );
// ModelTestUtils.assertParameterNames( gMethod, new String[] { "y" } );
// }
// public void testModel05() throws Exception
// {
// IScriptProject project = ModelTestUtils.createProject("model05",
// "scripts/model/prj5",
// PythonCoreTestsPlugin.PLUGIN_NAME,
// DynamicPythonProjectCreator.getInstance());
// IModule module = project.findModule(new Path("/src/"));
// assertNotNull("Module not found", module);
// assertEquals(module.getName(), "");
// Collection<IModelElement> moduleChildren = module.getChildren();
// assertNotNull( moduleChildren );
// assertEquals(24, moduleChildren.size());
// ModelTestUtils.counterAssert(moduleChildren, 4, 0, 20);
// // Class SampleClass model testing.
// IType sampleClass = ModelTestUtils.getAssertClass(moduleChildren,
// "SampleClass" );
// {
// Collection< IModelElement > childs = sampleClass.getChildren();
// assertNotNull( childs );
// assertEquals(10, childs.size());
// ModelTestUtils.counterAssert(childs, 1, 4, 5);
// }
// }
// public void testModel06() throws Exception
// {
// IScriptProject project = ModelTestUtils.createProject("model06",
// "scripts/model/prj6",
// PythonCoreTestsPlugin.PLUGIN_NAME,
// DynamicPythonProjectCreator.getInstance());
// IModule module = project.findModule(new Path("/src/"));
// assertNotNull("Module not found", module);
// assertEquals(module.getName(), "");
// Collection<IModelElement> moduleChildren = module.getChildren();
// assertNotNull( moduleChildren );
// assertEquals(24, moduleChildren.size());
// ModelTestUtils.counterAssert(moduleChildren, 4, 0, 20);
// // Class SampleClass model testing.
// IType sampleClass = ModelTestUtils.getAssertClass(moduleChildren,
// "SampleClass" );
// {
// Collection< IModelElement > childs = sampleClass.getChildren();
// assertNotNull( childs );
// assertEquals(10, childs.size());
// ModelTestUtils.counterAssert(childs, 1, 4, 5);
// }
// }