report build failure
diff --git a/org.eclipse.e4.builder/scripts/ b/org.eclipse.e4.builder/scripts/
index 37b4255..dbcc1a5 100755
--- a/org.eclipse.e4.builder/scripts/
+++ b/org.eclipse.e4.builder/scripts/
@@ -185,7 +185,35 @@
     echo $cmd
-    $cmd
+    $cmd  
+   #stop now if the build failed
+	failure=$(sed -n '/BUILD FAILED/,/Total time/p' $writableBuildRoot/logs/current.log)
+	if [[ ! -z $failure ]]; then
+		compileMsg=""
+		prereqMsg=""
+		pushd $buildDirectory/plugins
+		compileProblems=$( find . -name compilation.problem | cut -d/ -f2 )
+		popd
+		if [[ ! -z $compileProblems ]]; then
+			compileMsg="Compile errors occurred in the following bundles:"
+		fi
+		if [[ -e $buildDirectory/prereqErrors.log ]]; then
+			prereqMsg=`cat $buildDirectory/prereqErrors.log` 
+		fi
+		mailx -s "4.1 SDK Build: $buildId failed" $resultsEmail <<EOF
+		exit
+	fi 
 	/bin/bash ${builderDir}/scripts/
 	#Done at the end of runSDKTests()