blob: 8ec4b8e6e3f446677a32dc49f876f4bbdb743384 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2014 Martin Kloesch
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Martin Kloesch - initial API and implementation
* Christian Pontesegger - stripped most parts to simply trace and relay to java
# Python std library imports
import sys
import __main__
import re
# : Regular expression if we are dealing with internal module.
_pyease_INTERNAL_CHECKER = re.compile(r"^<.+>$")
def _pyease_ignore_frame(frame, first=True):
Utility method to check if a frame should be ignored.
Current reasons to ignore a frame:
* It is the top entry of the stack and it is a standard module.
e.g. <string>
* It is part of the py4j library or has py4j in its call chain.
Recursively checks trace until at bottom of stack.
:param frame: Frame to check if it should be ignored.
:param first: Flag to signalize if it is the first call.
:returns: `True` if the frame should be ignored.
# End of frame
if not frame:
return False
# Check if we are in the standard modules
if _pyease_INTERNAL_CHECKER.match(frame.f_code.co_filename):
# Only ignore standard module if its the top of the stack
if first:
return True
return False
# TODO: Think of better way to identify py4j library
if 'py4j' in frame.f_code.co_filename.lower():
return True
# Check parent in stack
return _pyease_ignore_frame(frame.f_back, False)
class _pyease_PyFrame:
Python implementation of IPyFrame used for exchanging frame data
with eclipse.
Simply wraps standard python frame to more easily usable format.
def __init__(self, frame):
Constructor only stores frame to member.
:param frame: Python frame to be converted.
self._frame = frame
def getFilename(self):
Returns the filename of the frame.
If no frame was set, a dummy value will be returned.
:returns: Filename of frame or dummy value.
if self._frame:
return self._frame.f_code.co_filename
return "__no_frame__"
def getLineNumber(self):
Returns the linenumber of the frame.
If no frame was set, -1 is returned.
:returns: Line number of frame or -1.
if self._frame:
return self._frame.f_lineno
return -1
def getParent(self):
Returns the parent of the frame.
If no frame was set or the frame does not have a parent
`None` is returned.
:returns: Parent frame in stack or `None`
if self._frame:
return _pyease_PyFrame(self._frame.f_back)
return None
class Java:
implements = ['org.eclipse.ease.lang.python.debugger.IPyFrame']
class _pyease_CodeTracer:
Eclipse Debugger class.
_debugger = None
_framework_variables = {}
def set_debugger(self, debugger):
Setter method for self._debugger.
:param org.eclipse.ease.lang.python.debugger.PythonDebugger debugger:
PythonDebugger object to handling communication with Eclipse.
self._debugger = debugger
def trace_dispatch(self, frame, event, arg):
Method called each time a new frame is reached in execution.
Performs prefiltering and dispatches the data to Eclipse.
:param frame: New execution frame.
:param event: ignored.
:param arg: ignored.
:see: sys.settrace
if not _pyease_ignore_frame(frame):
if self._debugger:
self._debugger.traceDispatch(_pyease_PyFrame(frame), event)
return self.trace_dispatch
def run(self, script, filename):
Executes the file given using the method.
code = "{}\n".format(script.getCode())
compiledCode = compile(code, filename, "exec")
g = globals()
exec(compiledCode, g)
class Java:
implements = ['org.eclipse.ease.lang.python.debugger.ICodeTracer']
# Set up connection between eclipse and python
_pyease_eclipse_python_debugger = _pyease_CodeTracer()