blob: 8abd93f0d8bfb04141a9f9e89e3befd316a01dcf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2006, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation
import javax.persistence.EnumType;
import org.eclipse.persistence.annotations.JoinFetchType;
* This interface represents the basis for all element collection mapping types defined by the
* EclipseLink JPA spec that are available for configuration via the EclipseLink ORM xml.
* <p>
* Provisional API: This interface is part of an interim API that is still under development and
* expected to change significantly before reaching stability. It is available at this early stage
* to solicit feedback from pioneering adopters on the understanding that any code that uses this
* API will almost certainly be broken (repeatedly) as the API evolves.<p>
* @version 2.6
public interface ExternalElementCollectionMapping extends ExternalColumnMapping,
ExternalFetchableMapping {
* The attribute name used to store and retrieve the class property.
String CLASS = "class";
* The element name used to store and retrieve the convert-key child text node.
String CONVERT_KEY = "convert-key";
* The node name used to store and retrieve the element encapsulated by this external form.
String ELEMENT_COLLECTION = "element-collection";
* The element name used to store and retrieve the expiry child text node.
String ENUMERATED = "enumerated";
* The element name used to store and retrieve the join-fetch child text node.
String JOIN_FETCH = "join-fetch";
* The element name used to store and retrieve the lob child text node.
String LOB = "lob";
* The element name used to store and retrieve the map-key-class child node.
String MAP_KEY_CLASS = "map-key-class";
* The element name used to store and retrieve the map-key-convert child node.
String MAP_KEY_CONVERT = "map-key-convert";
* The element name used to store and retrieve the map-key-enumerated child node.
String MAP_KEY_ENUMERATED = "map-key-enumerated";
* The element name used to store and retrieve the map-key-temporal child node.
String MAP_KEY_TEMPORAL = "map-key-temporal";
* The element name used to store and retrieve the order-by child text node.
String ORDER_BY = "order-by";
* The attribute name used to store and retrieve the target-class property.
String TARGET_CLASS = "target-class";
* The element name used to store and retrieve the temporal child text node.
String TEMPORAL = "temporal";
* Adds a override with the given name.
ExternalAssociationOverride addAssociationOverride(String name);
* Adds a override with the given name.
ExternalAttributeOverride addAttributeOverride(String name);
* Adds a batch fetch to use.
ExternalBatchFetch addBatchFetch();
* Adds a collection table to this mapping.
ExternalCollectionTable addCollectionTable();
* Returns the batch fetch definition for this mapping.
ExternalBatchFetch getBatchFetch();
* Returns the collection table for this mapping.
ExternalCollectionTable getCollectionTable();
* Returns the convert key for this mapping.
String getConvertKey();
* Returns the {@link TextRange} for the convert key for this mapping.
TextRange getConvertKeyTextRange();
* Returns the enumerated type of this mapping if one exists.
EnumType getEnumeratedType();
* Returns the {@link TextRange} for the enumerated type of this mapping if one exists.
TextRange getEnumeratedTypeTextRange();
* Returns the join fetch type for this mapping.
JoinFetchType getJoinFetchType();
* Returns the {@link TextRange} for the join fetch type for this mapping.
TextRange getJoinFetchTypeTextRange();
* Returns the key converter for this mapping.
ExternalClassConverter getKeyConverter();
* Returns the key object type converter for this mapping.
ExternalObjectTypeConverter getKeyObjectTypeConverter();
* Returns the key struct converter for this mapping.
ExternalStructConverter getKeyStructConverter();
* Returns the key type converter for this mapping.
ExternalTypeConverter getKeyTypeConverter();
* Returns the {@link TextRange} for the LOB value.
TextRange getLobTextRange();
* Returns the text range for this mapping's element declaration.
TextRange getMappingTextRange();
* Returns the target class name for this mapping.
String getTargetClassName();
* Returns the target class name text range for this mapping.
TextRange getTargetClassNameTextRange();
* Returns the target class short name for this mapping.
String getTargetClassShortName();
* Indicates whether this basic mapping's column is a LOB.
Boolean isLob();
* Removes the batch fetch.
void removeBatchFetch();
* Removes the collection table from this mapping.
void removeCollectionTable();
* Removes the column from this mapping.
void removeColumn();
* Removes the key converter from mapping.
void removeKeyConverter();
* Removes the key object type converter from mapping.
void removeKeyObjectTypeConverter();
* Removes the key struct converter from mapping.
void removeKeyStructConverter();
* Removes the key type converter from mapping.
void removeKeyTypeConverter();
* Sets the mapping to use this converter for its key converter.
void setAsKeyConverter(String name, String className);
* Sets the mapping to use this object type converter for its key converter.
void setAsKeyObjectTypeConverter(String name);
* Sets the mapping to use this struct converter for its key converter.
void setAsKeyStructConverter(String name, String converter);
* Sets the mapping to use this type converter for its key converter.
void setAsKeyTypeConverter(String name);
* Sets the convert key.
void setConvertKey(String value);
* Sets enumerated type.
void setEnumeratedType(EnumType type);
* sets a join fetch type to this mapping.
void setJoinFetchType(JoinFetchType type);
* Sets mapping as lob.
void setLob(Boolean lob);
* Sets the target class name.
void setTargetClassName(String className);