blob: 5acbccbdb0a665cffd1cc102a05be14109a383e7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Jonas Helming, Maximilian Koegel. All rights reserved. This program and the
# accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this
# distribution, and is available at
# EMFStore property file:
# with descriptions
# Version of file: 5.1
# Last Update: 16.03.2010
# Author(s): Otto von Wesendonk
# EMFStore is able to run without this configuration file. The default values are displayed for every option.
# Some options differ if the server is running as released version [RV] or is running as a developer version [DV]
# This file will be processed by the default java properties api. Therefore the syntax for options is:
# "option.key = value". If multiple values are allowed, separate them with ",". "option.key = value1,value2"
# Version
# Use this property do define accepted version numbers. For the server, version numbers only are strings, so you can define
# your format as you wish. You can define several version numbers at the same time seperating them with a ","
# With the keyword "any" all versions are accepted, this should be used for developement only.
# Options: Multiple values seperate by ","
# Default: [RV] no value, server won't accept any call. [DV] if no value is specified, "any" is used, otherwise
# the specified values are checked
# Persistence
# EMFStore mainly saves operations in it's versions. For backup reasons however, every X versions the total project state
# is saved into a file. This options allows to specify how often a complete project state should be saved. If the range is too
# small a lot of memory is used.
# Options: Number bigger than 0
# Default: "1" - every state is preserved. Shouldn't be used if server is deployed
emfstore.persistence.version.projectstate.everyxversions = 50
# Deprecated, not in use anymore.
# emfstore.persistence.version.backup.projectstate.everyxversions = 10
# Validation
# Defines whether the projects on the server shall run through validation.
# Validation is used to confirm the consistency of the saved projects and models.
# Options: "true" or "false"
# Default: "true"
emfstore.validation = true
# Defines level of validation. At the moment there are 3 kinds of validation, which can be combined by adding them bitwise.
# Level 1: Loading all files and loading their models and cross-file links.
# Level 2: Checks whether every modelelement and change operation has modelelement id
# Level 4: Applies all changes between to projectstates and compares whether calculated projet state and the actual projectstate are equal.
# Options: Any level or their bitwise combination. E.g. the default value 7 is a combination of all other levels: 1 & 2 & 4 = 7.
# If only want to use the first both level, choose 3 = 1 & 2.
# Default: 7
emfstore.validation.level = 7
# You can exclude certain projects from the validation. It is not possible to exclude projects from _Level 1_ validation
# Options: Multiple Project IDs seperated by ","
# Default: Not set
emfstore.validation.exclude =
# Connection related options
# At the moment EMFStore runs with RMI and XML RPC in parallel. So you can use both technologies for the connection.
# XML RPC is suggested for enviroments with strict firewalls, because it runs via HTTPS.
# Defines whether RMI should use SSL encryption or not. Please Note: The password is always encrypted with the server certificate,
# this "only" indicates whether all data is encrypted additionally.
# Options: "true" or "false"
# Default: "true"
emfstore.connection.rmi.encryption = true
# Defines the Port for the XML RPC server. Normally we want to use the "442" HTTPS port. However, on Linux/Unix based systems
# lower ports (<1024) are restricted. One workaround for these operating systems ist to listen on higher port and to setup
# a port forward from 443 to the specified port.
# Options: Any possible port
# Default: [RV] "443", [DV] "8080"
emfstore.connection.xmlrpc.port= 8080
# Certificates
# These options are used to handle the server's keystore. the keystore file is located in the main EMFStore folder.
# When deploying you should generate an own certificate and don't use the default developer certificate
# Defines the alias of the main server certificate stored in the keystore.
# Options: any alias allowed in the keystore
# Default: dependent of the used certificate
emfstore.keystore.alias = emfstoreServer
# Password for the selected certificate.
# Options: any password
# Default: dependent of the used certificate
emfstore.keystore.password = 123456
# Defines the used certificate type stored in the keystore
# Options: All Certificates which are supported by the java keystore
# Default: "SunX509"
emfstore.keystore.certificate.type= SunX509
# Defines the used cipher algorithm for the certificate
# Options: All cipher algorithms supported by the java api
# Default: "RSA"
# Authentication
# Defines the name of the super user. The super user will be created on server startup if not present.
# If the super user is deleted while runtime, you have to restart the server in order to restor it.
# Options: Any name
# Default: "super"
emfstore.accesscontrol.authentication.superuser = super
# The password for the super user account.
# Options: Any password
# Default: "super"
emfstore.accesscontrol.authentication.superuser.password = super
# Defines the session timeout for a user session. If a session is inactive for this period of time, the session will be destroyed.
# Options: A number specifiing the time in milliseconds
# Default: "1800000" (= 30 minutes)
emfstore.accesscontrol.session.timeout= 1800000
# Defines the policy for user authentication. EMFStore doesn't store any password and uses external resources for authentication.
# In order to create a new user, the user has to be created within the EMFStore with a specified user name.
# The authentication method uses this name and validates the password against the specified authentication adapter
# Options: "spfv" or "ldap" (explenations beneath)
# Default: "spfv"
# SPFV (Simple property file verification) is a simple mechanism to store user passwords. It's only intended for development purposes.
# It uses the java properties api and the format for passwords are: "username=userpassword" in each line
# The default location for this file is {user-folder}/.emfstore/emfstore/conf/
# Defines the location of the spfv file.
# Options: OS dependent path to file, absolute or relative.
# Default: Not set (= than uses the default location)
#emfstore.accesscontrol.authentication.spfv = /your/path/
# If you are using LDAP, you have to specify the server's location. EMFStore can cope with several LDAP server at once.
# The server will try to authenticate against each server until the authentication was successful, otherwise the authentication fails
# For each LDAP server there are 3 necessary options, all prefixed with the server's index
# Indexes start with 1 and you can add more by counting up. You shouldn't have a gap in your indexes, otherwise the server will stop lookinf for further LDAP servers.
# Also if a configuration is empty, the server will stop looking for further configurations.
# Options: LDAP configuration specifying "url", "base" and "searchdn"
# Default: Not set
# Plugin configuration.
# Defines whehter post load plugins shall be called or not.
# Options: true or false
# Default: true
# = true
# Deprecated options or options not ment for public use. Please dont change or use these:
# Used for development purposes.
emfstore.startup.loadlistener = false
# EMF resource type for storing data. At the moment only one option is allowed:
# emfstore.persistence.resourceStorage =