blob: 339760a35f5912565e1542b1692523f14c1bba6e [file] [log] [blame]
# /**
# * Copyright (c) 2002-2008 IBM Corporation and others.
# * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# *
# *
# * Contributors:
# * IBM - Initial API and implementation
# */
pluginName = EMF Code Generation
providerName = Eclipse Modeling Project
jetBuilder = JET Builder
jet.mark.file.line.column = ''{0}'' at line {1} column {2}
jet.mark.file.line = ''{0}'' at line {1}
jet.error.bad.attribute = Bad attribute named ''{0}'' in {1}
jet.error.missing.attribute = Missing attribute named ''{0}'' in {1}
jet.error.bad.directive = Bad directive in {0}
jet.error.attr.novalue = {0} {1}
jet.error.attr.quoted = Quoted attribute expected in {1} = The file ''{0}'' cannot be read in {1}
jet.error.param.novalue = No value for ''{0}'' in {1}
jet.error.quotes.unterminated = Unterminated quote in {0}
jet.error.tag.attr.unterminated = Unterminated tag attribute in {0}
jet.error.unterminated = Unterminated ''{0}'' in {0}
jet.error.missing.jet.directive = The ''jet'' directive is missing in {0}
_UI_MalformedJETPropertiesFile_exception = Malformed JET Properties file
_UI_ExaminingProject_message = Examining project ''{0}''
_UI_CompilingTemplate_message = Compiling template ''{0}''
_UI_ParsingTemplate_message = Parsing template ''{0}''
_UI_GeneratingJava_message = Generating Java ''{0}''
_UI_Updating_message = Updating ''{0}''
_UI_BadURL_message = Bad URL ''{0}''
_UI_UsageArguments_message = Usage arguments: <jet-template-file> <target-root-directory> [<j-control-model-file>]
_UI_AddJETNature_message = Add JET Nature
_UI_AddJETNatureTo_message = Add JET Nature to ''{0}''
_UI_JETCompilingTemplates_message = JET compiling templates
_UI_JETCompile_message = JET compile ''{0}''
_UI_JETUpdate_message = JET update ''{0}''
_UI_JETJavaCompileProject_message = JET Java compile project ''{0}''
_UI_GeneratingJETEmitterFor_message = Generating JET emitter for ''{0}''
_UI_JETParsing_message = JET parsing ''{0}''
_UI_JETPreparingProject_message = JET preparing project ''{0}''
_UI_JETCreatingProject_message = JET creating project ''{0}''
_UI_JETInitializingProject_message = JET initializing project ''{0}''
_UI_JETOpeningJavaProject_message = JET opening Java project ''{0}''
_UI_CreateTargetFile_message = Create target file
_UI_JETCreating_message = JET creating ''{0}''
_UI_JETUpdating_message = JET updating ''{0}''
_UI_JETBuilding_message = JET building ''{0}''
_UI_JETLoadingClass_message = JET loading class ''{0}''
jet.error.unmatched.directive = No matching ''{0}'' directive for ''{1}'' directive in {2}
jet.error.section.noinclude = No preceding alternative ''include'' directive for section in {0}
_UI_FacadeHelpers_extensionpoint = Merger Facade Helpers
_UI_JDOMInvalidSourceCompatibility_message = Using the JDOM API when the source compatibility is not set to '1.4' or lower can cause unpredictable results.
_UI_ParsingProblem_message = A problem was detected while parsing a Java file
_UI_LineNumber_message = Line {0}
_UI_LineNumberAndText_message = Line {0}: {1}