blob: f0ebea1874d8e5b6d3233c43ba4ba5f550bb6bb8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.generator.ecore;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EDataType;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EGenericType;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EOperation;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EParameter;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.ETypeParameter;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EcoreFactory;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EcorePackage;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.plugin.EcorePlugin;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.generics.util.GenericsUtil;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.generics.util.OneToManyMap;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.generics.util.OneToOneMap;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.lang.gen.ast.Attribute;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.lang.gen.ast.BoundExceptWildcard;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.lang.gen.ast.ClassDecl;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.lang.gen.ast.CompUnit;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.lang.gen.ast.EmfaticASTNodeVisitor;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.lang.gen.ast.ImportStmt;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.lang.gen.ast.ImportStmts;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.lang.gen.ast.MapEntryDecl;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.lang.gen.ast.Multiplicity;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.lang.gen.ast.OneOrMoreTypeArgs;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.lang.gen.ast.Operation;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.lang.gen.ast.Param;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.lang.gen.ast.QualifiedID;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.lang.gen.ast.Reference;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.lang.gen.ast.ResultType;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.lang.gen.ast.SubPackageDecl;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.lang.gen.ast.TopLevelDecls;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.lang.gen.ast.TypeArg;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.lang.gen.ast.TypeParam;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.lang.gen.ast.TypeParamsInfo;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.lang.gen.ast.TypeWithMulti;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.lang.gen.ast.VoidContainer;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.lang.gen.ast.Wildcard;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.util.EmfaticBasicTypes;
import org.eclipse.gymnast.runtime.core.ast.ASTNode;
import org.eclipse.gymnast.runtime.core.parser.ParseContext;
import org.omg.CORBA._PolicyStub;
* @author
* @author
public class Connector extends GenerationPhase {
private OneToOneMap<ASTNode, EObject> cstDecl2EcoreAST = null;
private OneToManyMap<EObject, ASTNode> ecoreDecl2cstUse = new OneToManyMap<EObject, ASTNode>();
protected URI uri = null;
public Connector(Builder b) {
this.cstDecl2EcoreAST = b.getCstDecl2EcoreASTMap();
public void connect(ParseContext parseContext, Resource resource, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
uri = resource.getURI();
CompUnit compUnit = (CompUnit) parseContext.getParseRoot();
_importedPackages = new ArrayList<EPackage>();
EPackage mainPackage = (EPackage) resource.getContents().get(0);
doPackage(compUnit.getTopLevelDecls(), mainPackage);
compUnit.setMaps(cstDecl2EcoreAST, ecoreDecl2cstUse);
private void doImports(ImportStmts importStmts) {
final ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl();
// make sure to first try to load plugin resources from the workspace....
// see bug comment 12
(new EmfaticASTNodeVisitor() {
public boolean beginVisit(ImportStmt importStmt) {
String uriText = getValue(importStmt.getUri());
URI uri = URI.createURI(uriText);
Resource resource = tryLoadResource(uri);
if (resource != null) {
EPackage ePackage = (EPackage) resource.getContents().get(0);
} else {
logError(new EmfaticSemanticError.ImportNotFound(importStmt));
return false;
private Resource tryLoadResource(URI uri) {
try {
if (uri != null && Connector.this.uri != null && uri.isRelative()) {
uri = uri.resolve(Connector.this.uri);
Resource resource = resourceSet.getResource(uri, true);
if (resource != null && resource.isLoaded()) {
return resource;
} catch (Exception ex) {
return null;
private void doPackage(TopLevelDecls topLevelDecls, final EPackage ePackage) {
(new EmfaticASTNodeVisitor() {
public boolean beginVisit(SubPackageDecl subPackageDecl) {
String subPackageName = getIDText(subPackageDecl.getName());
EPackage subPackage = getSubPackage(ePackage, subPackageName);
doPackage(subPackageDecl.getTopLevelDecls(), subPackage);
return false;
public boolean beginVisit(ClassDecl classDecl) {
String className = getIDText(classDecl.getName());
EClass eClass = (EClass) ePackage.getEClassifier(className);
doClass(classDecl, eClass);
return false;
public boolean beginVisit(MapEntryDecl mapEntryDecl) {
String className = getIDText(mapEntryDecl.getName());
EClass eClass = (EClass) ePackage.getEClassifier(className);
doMapEntry(mapEntryDecl, eClass);
return false;
private void doClass(ClassDecl classDecl, final EClass eClass) {
final EPackage ePackage = eClass.getEPackage();
// resolve the bounds for each type param
if (classDecl.getTypeParamsInfo() != null) {
addBoundsToTypeParams(classDecl.getTypeParamsInfo(), eClass.getETypeParameters(), ePackage);
if (classDecl.getSuperTypes() != null)
(new EmfaticASTNodeVisitor() {
public boolean beginVisit(BoundExceptWildcard bew) {
List<ETypeParameter> visibleTPs = eClass.getETypeParameters();
// add AST nodes for super types
EGenericType superType = resolve(ePackage, bew, visibleTPs);
if (superType != null) {
placeBewInBigMap(bew, superType);
EClassifier superClass = superType.getEClassifier();
if (GenericsUtil.isRefToClassifier(superType)) {
if (superClass instanceof EClass) {
} else {
QualifiedID qualifiedID = bew.getRawTNameOrTVarOrParamzedTName();
logError(new EmfaticSemanticError.IllegalSuperClassKind(qualifiedID));
} else {
} else {
QualifiedID qualifiedID = bew.getRawTNameOrTVarOrParamzedTName();
logError(new EmfaticSemanticError.IllegalSuperClassKind(qualifiedID));
return false;
(new EmfaticASTNodeVisitor() {
public boolean beginVisit(Attribute attribute) {
String attrName = getIDText(attribute.getName());
EAttribute eAttr = (EAttribute) eClass.getEStructuralFeature(attrName);
doAttribute(attribute, eAttr, ePackage);
return false;
public boolean beginVisit(Reference reference) {
String refName = getIDText(reference.getName());
EReference eRef = (EReference) eClass.getEStructuralFeature(refName);
doReference(reference, eRef, ePackage);
return false;
public boolean beginVisit(Operation operation) {
String opName = getIDText(operation.getName());
EOperation eOp = getOperation(eClass, opName);
doOperation(operation, eOp, ePackage);
return false;
private void addBoundsToTypeParams(final TypeParamsInfo tpi, final List<ETypeParameter> visibleTPs,
final EPackage ePackage) {
new EmfaticASTNodeVisitor() {
public boolean beginVisit(TypeParam tp) {
if (tp.getTypeBoundsInfo() != null) {
for (ASTNode tbN : tp.getTypeBoundsInfo().getOneOrMoreTypeParamBounds().getChildren()) {
if (tbN instanceof BoundExceptWildcard) {
BoundExceptWildcard bew = (BoundExceptWildcard) tbN;
EGenericType eTPBound = resolve(ePackage, bew, visibleTPs);
placeBewInBigMap(bew, eTPBound);
String tvName = getIDText(tp.getTypeVarName());
ETypeParameter eTP = lookup(tvName, visibleTPs);
return false;
private void doMapEntry(MapEntryDecl mapEntryDecl, EClass eClass) {
doMapEntryPart("key", mapEntryDecl.getKey(), eClass);
doMapEntryPart("value", mapEntryDecl.getValue(), eClass);
private void doMapEntryPart(String partName, TypeWithMulti partTypeWithMulti, EClass eClass) {
QualifiedID qualifiedID = getQualifiedID(partTypeWithMulti);
Multiplicity multiplicity = partTypeWithMulti.getMultiplicity();
EClassifier refType = resolve(eClass.getEPackage(), qualifiedID);
BoundExceptWildcard bew = partTypeWithMulti.getName();
EGenericType eRefType = resolve(eClass.getEPackage(), bew, eClass.getETypeParameters());
if (refType != null) {
placeBewInBigMap(bew, eRefType);
if (refType instanceof EDataType) {
EAttribute eAttr = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEAttribute();
setMultiplicity(multiplicity, eAttr);
* this correspondence is necessary in addition to that for type
* of attr
cstDecl2EcoreAST.put(partTypeWithMulti.getParent(), eAttr);
} else {
EReference eRef = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEReference();
setMultiplicity(multiplicity, eRef);
* this correspondence is necessary in addition to that for type
* of attr
cstDecl2EcoreAST.put(partTypeWithMulti.getParent(), eRef);
} else {
logError(new EmfaticSemanticError.IllegalAttributeKind(qualifiedID));
private QualifiedID getQualifiedID(TypeWithMulti twm) {
QualifiedID qualifiedID = twm.getName().getRawTNameOrTVarOrParamzedTName();
return qualifiedID;
private void doAttribute(Attribute attribute, EAttribute eAttr, EPackage ePackage) {
BoundExceptWildcard bew = attribute.getTypeWithMulti().getName();
List<ETypeParameter> visibleTPs = eAttr.getEContainingClass().getETypeParameters();
EGenericType refType = resolve(ePackage, bew, visibleTPs);
if (refType != null) {
EClassifier refedClassifier = refType.getEClassifier();
* refType may refer to a type param. However if it refers to an
* EClassifier it better be an EDataType!
if ((refedClassifier != null) && !(refedClassifier instanceof EDataType)) {
QualifiedID qid = bew.getRawTNameOrTVarOrParamzedTName();
logError(new EmfaticSemanticError.IllegalAttributeKind(qid));
} else {
placeBewInBigMap(bew, refType);
String defaultValue = getValue(attribute.getDefaultValueExpr());
if (defaultValue != null)
private void doReference(Reference reference, EReference eRef, EPackage ePackage) {
BoundExceptWildcard bew = reference.getTypeWithMulti().getName();
List<ETypeParameter> visibleTPs = eRef.getEContainingClass().getETypeParameters();
EGenericType refType = resolve(ePackage, bew, visibleTPs);
QualifiedID qualifiedID = bew.getRawTNameOrTVarOrParamzedTName();
if (refType != null) {
placeBewInBigMap(bew, refType);
// compute oppositeName if not pointing to a type param
EClassifier refedClassifier = refType.getEClassifier();
if ("val".equals(reference.getReferenceKind().getText())) {
if ((refedClassifier != null) && (refedClassifier instanceof EClass)) {
String oppositeName = null;
if (reference.getOppositeName() != null) {
oppositeName = getIDText(reference.getOppositeName());
EClass refTypeClass = (EClass) refedClassifier;
EReference opposite = (EReference) refTypeClass.getEStructuralFeature(oppositeName);
ecoreDecl2cstUse.put(opposite, reference.getOppositeName());
} else {
logError(new EmfaticSemanticError.NameResolutionFailure(qualifiedID));
private void doOperation(final Operation operation, final EOperation eOp, final EPackage ePackage) {
// resolve the bounds for each type param
if (operation.getTypeParamsInfo() != null) {
List<ETypeParameter> visibleTPs = visibleTypeParams(eOp);
addBoundsToTypeParams(operation.getTypeParamsInfo(), visibleTPs, ePackage);
ResultType t = operation.getResType();
if (t instanceof VoidContainer) {
// the return type of eOp is void
} else {
TypeWithMulti twm = (TypeWithMulti) t;
BoundExceptWildcard bew = twm.getName();
List<ETypeParameter> visibleTPs = visibleTypeParams(eOp);
EGenericType refType = resolve(ePackage, bew, visibleTPs);
if (refType != null) {
placeBewInBigMap(bew, refType);
if (operation.getParams() != null)
(new EmfaticASTNodeVisitor() {
public boolean beginVisit(Param param) {
BoundExceptWildcard bew = param.getTypeWithMulti().getName();
List<ETypeParameter> visibleTPs = visibleTypeParams(eOp);
EGenericType paramRefType = resolve(ePackage, bew, visibleTPs);
if (paramRefType != null) {
placeBewInBigMap(bew, paramRefType);
String paramName = getIDText(param.getName());
EParameter eParam = getParam(eOp, paramName);
if (eParam != null)
return false;
if (operation.getExceptions() != null)
(new EmfaticASTNodeVisitor() {
public boolean beginVisit(BoundExceptWildcard bew) {
List<ETypeParameter> visibleTPs = visibleTypeParams(eOp);
EGenericType exceptionType = resolve(ePackage, bew, visibleTPs);
if (exceptionType != null) {
placeBewInBigMap(bew, exceptionType);
return false;
* (a) the type params declared for the operation plus (b) only those from
* the type params section of the class whose name is not among those in (a)
public static List<ETypeParameter> visibleTypeParams(EOperation eOp) {
List<ETypeParameter> visibleTPs = new LinkedList<ETypeParameter>();
for (ETypeParameter classTP : eOp.getEContainingClass().getETypeParameters()) {
boolean hiddenByOpLevelDecl = false;
for (ETypeParameter visibleTP : visibleTPs) {
if (visibleTP.getName().equals(classTP.getName())) {
hiddenByOpLevelDecl = true;
if (!hiddenByOpLevelDecl) {
return visibleTPs;
private EClassifier resolve(EPackage context, QualifiedID qualifiedID) {
EClassifier eClassifier = resolveHelper(context, qualifiedID);
if (eClassifier == null)
logError(new EmfaticSemanticError.NameResolutionFailure(qualifiedID));
return eClassifier;
private EClassifier resolveHelper(EPackage context, QualifiedID qualifiedID) {
String rawQIDText = TokenText.Get(qualifiedID);
if (rawQIDText.indexOf('.') == -1 && rawQIDText.indexOf('~') == -1) {
* before looking among built-in types, we look for a classifier in
* the same package
EClassifier atSamePackage = context.getEClassifier(rawQIDText);
if (atSamePackage != null) {
return atSamePackage;
EClassifier basicType = EmfaticBasicTypes.LookupBasicType(rawQIDText);
if (basicType != null)
return basicType;
String qidText = getIDText(qualifiedID);
String idParts[] = qidText.split("\\.");
for (EPackage currentContext = context; currentContext != null; currentContext = currentContext
.getESuperPackage()) {
EClassifier eClassifier = resolveHelper(currentContext, idParts);
if (eClassifier != null)
return eClassifier;
for (Iterator<EPackage> i = _importedPackages.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
EPackage importedPackage =;
String importedPackageName = importedPackage.getName();
if (importedPackageName.length() < qidText.length()) {
String qidTextStart = qidText.substring(0, importedPackageName.length());
if (qidTextStart.equals(importedPackageName) && qidText.charAt(importedPackageName.length()) == '.') {
String qidTextEnd = qidText.substring(importedPackageName.length() + 1);
String qidTextEndParts[] = qidTextEnd.split("\\.");
EClassifier eClassifier = resolveHelper(importedPackage, qidTextEndParts);
if (eClassifier != null)
return eClassifier;
return null;
private EClassifier resolveHelper(EPackage context, String idParts[]) {
if (idParts.length == 1)
return context.getEClassifier(idParts[0]);
EPackage subPackage = getSubPackage(context, idParts[0]);
if (subPackage != null) {
String subParts[] = removeFirst(idParts);
return resolveHelper(subPackage, subParts);
} else {
return null;
* The production rule for BoundExceptWildcard (in Gymnast syntax) is:
* sequence boundExceptWildcard : rawTNameOrTVarOrParamzedTName=qualifiedID
* (LT oneOrMoreTypeArgs GT)? ;
* The qualified name may stand for a type variable, a reference to a
* non-generic type, a raw reference to a generic type, or a parameterized
* type. Scopes are to be searched in that order.
private EGenericType resolve(EPackage context, BoundExceptWildcard bew, List<ETypeParameter> typeParamsInScope) {
QualifiedID qualifiedID = bew.getRawTNameOrTVarOrParamzedTName();
String rawQIDText = TokenText.Get(qualifiedID);
if (bew.getOneOrMoreTypeArgs() == null) {
* no type args: either a ref to a type var, ref to non-generic
* type, or raw reference to generic type
ETypeParameter refedTP = lookup(rawQIDText, typeParamsInScope);
if (refedTP != null) {
EGenericType egt = GenericsUtil.getRefToTypeParam(refedTP);
return egt;
// fall back to
EClassifier eClassifier = resolveHelper(context, qualifiedID);
if (eClassifier == null) {
logError(new EmfaticSemanticError.NameResolutionFailure(qualifiedID));
return null;
return GenericsUtil.getEGenericType(eClassifier);
} else {
// there are type args, it has to be a parameterized type
EClassifier eClassifier = resolveHelper(context, qualifiedID);
if (eClassifier == null) {
logError(new EmfaticSemanticError.NameResolutionFailure(qualifiedID));
return null;
} else {
EGenericType res = GenericsUtil.getEGenericType(eClassifier);
// make AST nodes for type args, wildcards are allowed
OneOrMoreTypeArgs oomtas = bew.getOneOrMoreTypeArgs();
for (ASTNode taN : oomtas.getChildren()) {
if (taN instanceof TypeArg) {
EGenericType newTypeArg = null;
if (taN instanceof BoundExceptWildcard) {
// recursive call
newTypeArg = resolve(context, (BoundExceptWildcard) taN, typeParamsInScope);
} else {
// not recursive call
newTypeArg = resolve(context, (Wildcard) taN, typeParamsInScope);
if (newTypeArg != null) {
return res;
private EGenericType resolve(EPackage context, Wildcard w, List<ETypeParameter> typeParamsInScope) {
EGenericType res = null;
if (w.getBoundExceptWildcard() == null) {
// unbounded wildcard
res = GenericsUtil.getUnboundedWildcard();
return res;
} else {
BoundExceptWildcard bew = w.getBoundExceptWildcard();
EGenericType b = resolve(context, bew, typeParamsInScope);
// in case b == null, error reporting already performed by resolve
if (b != null) {
String kw = w.getExtendsOrSuper().getText().toLowerCase().trim();
if (kw.equals("extends")) {
res = GenericsUtil.getUpperBoundedWildcard(b);
} else {
res = GenericsUtil.getLowerBoundedWildcard(b);
return res;
private String[] removeFirst(String idParts[]) {
String subParts[] = new String[idParts.length - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < subParts.length; i++)
subParts[i] = idParts[i + 1];
return subParts;
private ArrayList<EPackage> _importedPackages;
public static ETypeParameter lookup(String tvName, List<ETypeParameter> etps) {
for (ETypeParameter tp : etps) {
if (tp.getName().equals(tvName)) {
return tp;
return null;
// private static boolean isClassifier(EGenericType egt) {
// if (egt == null) {
// return false;
// }
// boolean res = (egt.getEClassifier() != null) && (egt.getETypeArguments().size() == 0)
// && (egt.getETypeParameter() == null);
// return res;
// }
private void placeBewInBigMap(final BoundExceptWildcard bew, final EGenericType gt) {
EObject ecoreDecl = getEcoreDeclForTypeRef(gt);
ecoreDecl2cstUse.put(ecoreDecl, bew.getRawTNameOrTVarOrParamzedTName());
* doing the above is not enough as we want hyperlinks also to detect
* the nodes for (parts of) type arguments
if (bew.getOneOrMoreTypeArgs() == null) {
int etaIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < bew.getOneOrMoreTypeArgs().getChildren().length; i++) {
ASTNode taN = bew.getOneOrMoreTypeArgs().getChildren()[i];
if (taN instanceof TypeArg) {
EGenericType taE = gt.getETypeArguments().get(etaIndex);
if (taN instanceof Wildcard) {
Wildcard taWN = (Wildcard) taN;
BoundExceptWildcard bew2 = taWN.getBoundExceptWildcard();
if (bew2 != null) {
EGenericType taB = null;
if (taWN.getExtendsOrSuper().getText().trim().toLowerCase().equals("extends")) {
taB = taE.getEUpperBound();
} else {
taB = taE.getELowerBound();
placeBewInBigMap(bew2, taB);
} else {
BoundExceptWildcard taBewN = (BoundExceptWildcard) taN;
placeBewInBigMap(taBewN, taE);
public static EObject getEcoreDeclForTypeRef(EGenericType gt) {
EObject ecoreDecl = null;
if (GenericsUtil.isRefToClassifier(gt)) {
ecoreDecl = gt.getEClassifier();
} else {
ecoreDecl = gt.getETypeParameter();
return ecoreDecl;
// private ASTNode getCstDeclForTypeRef(EGenericType gt) {
// ASTNode cstDecl = null;
// if (GenericsUtil.isRefToClassifier(gt)) {
// EClassifier c = gt.getEClassifier();
// cstDecl = cstDecl2EcoreAST.getInv(c);
// } else {
// ETypeParameter tp = gt.getETypeParameter();
// cstDecl = cstDecl2EcoreAST.getInv(tp);
// }
// return cstDecl;
// }