blob: 995c4e0dc5290256b1bb18fd7d7beacabe159625 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012, 2016 Obeo and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# Obeo - initial API and implementation
# Philip Langer - log entries for model merge, bug 462884
# Stefan Dirix - bug 456699, 474723
# Michael Borkowski - bug 467191
## ! note ! double the apostrophes if you need one in the printed String
EMFSynchronizationModel.resolving = Creating EMF Synchronization Model
EMFSynchronizationModel.minimizing = Minimizing synchronization model
EMFSynchronizationModel.creatingScope = Creating comparison scope
ModelResolver.resolvingLocalModel = Resolving local models
ModelResolverRegistry.invalidResolver = Model resolver ''{0}'' could not be instantiated.
ModelResolverRegistry.invalidRanking = Ranking of resolver ''{0}'' was not a valid integer : ''{1}''.
ModelDependencyProviderRegistry.invalidModelDependency = Dependency provider ''{0}'' could not be instantiated.
ModelResolver.coherenceWarning = Some models were accessible from multiple compared files and have been removed from the scope. This could break their references to the compared models as a result of merge operations.
resource.not.serializable = Resource is not serializable.
save.model.tooltip = Save Comparison Model
next.diff.tooltip = Next Difference
previous.diff.tooltip = Previous Difference
expand.all.tooltip = Expand All
collapse.all.tooltip = Collapse All
accept.change.tooltip = Accept Change
accept.multiple.changes.tooltip = Accept non-conflicting changes from the current selection
accept.all.changes.tooltip = Accept All Non-Conflicting Changes. The left changes will be accepted and the right changes will be merged into the left-hand side
accept.contained.changes.tooltip = Accept Contained Non-Conflicting Changes
reject.change.tooltip = Reject Change
reject.multiple.changes.tooltip = Reject non-conflicting changes from the current selection
reject.all.changes.tooltip = Reject All Non-Conflicting Changes. The left changes will be rejected and the right changes will not be used
reject.contained.changes.tooltip = Reject Contained Non-Conflicting Changes = Copy Current Change From Right To Left = Apply on the left-hand side all non-conflicting changes from the current selection = Copy Current Change From Left To Right = Apply on the right-hand side all non-conflicting changes from the current selection = Apply all right changes on the left-hand side. The right-hand side will remain unchanged = Apply all left changes on the right-hand side. The left-hand side will remain unchanged = Apply Contained Non-conflicting Right Changes on the Left-hand Side = Apply Contained Non-conflicting Left Changes on the Right-hand Side = Show consequences of merging from left to right = Show consequences of merging from right to left
dropdown.accept.text = Show consequences of accepting change
dropdown.reject.text = Show consequences of rejecting change = Merge = Merge
CompareSelfWithAncestor = Cannot run a comparison between an object and one of its ancestors.
wait.viewer.desc = Please wait for the comparison computation to finish...
wait.viewer.title = Please wait...
no.differences.viewer.desc = No differences detected for this comparison.
no.differences.viewer.title = No differences detected.
no.visible.item.viewer.desc = No visible item with this set of filters/group.\nPlease enable/disable filters, or change group to see items.
no.visible.item.viewer.title = No visible item.
only.pseudo.conflicts.viewer.desc = There are only pseudo-conflicts for this comparison, making the models equivalent.\nTo view the pseudo-conflicts, change the filter settings.
only.pseudo.conflicts.viewer.title = Only pseudo-conflicts.
no.selected.item.viewer.desc = No selected item in the top panel.
no.selected.item.viewer.title = No selected item.
ModelResolutionPreferencesPage.disableResolvers = Disable model resolution
ModelResolutionPreferencesPage.disableThreading = Disable multi-threading during model resolution
ModelResolutionPreferencesPage.resolutionScope = Resolution scope:
ModelResolutionPreferencesPage.resolutionScope.description = The model resolvers will try and find cross referenced resources starting from the compared one in order to determine the logical model that needs to be compared along with it. This can be used to widen or reduce the scope in which EMF Compare will seek these linked resources.
ModelResolutionPreferencesPage.resolutionScope.workspace.label = Workspace
ModelResolutionPreferencesPage.resolutionScope.project.label = Project
ModelResolutionPreferencesPage.resolutionScope.container.label = Container
ModelResolutionPreferencesPage.resolutionScope.outgoing.label = Outgoing
ModelResolutionPreferencesPage.resolutionScope.workspace.description = Search for cross-references to (and from) the compared resource within all models from the workspace.
ModelResolutionPreferencesPage.resolutionScope.project.description = Search for cross-references to (and from) the compared resource within all models from its containing project.
ModelResolutionPreferencesPage.resolutionScope.container.description = Search for cross-references to (and from) the compared resource within all models from the same container.
ModelResolutionPreferencesPage.resolutionScope.outgoing.description = Only search for cross-references from the compared resource to its children (and recursively).
ModelResolutionPreferencesPage.resolutionScope.invalid = Invalid resolution scope value.
MergePreferencesPage.preMergeOnConflict = Pre-merge models when a real conflict is detected
_UI_NoProblems_message = There are no problems with the computation of the comparison.
_UI_DefaultProblem_message = The comparison completed with problems. The computed comparison and the merge you will do on it may be inaccurate. Click on each problem for further information. We suggest you to fix the problems before doing any merge or to switch to text comparison (use 'Text Compare' below).
_UI_Error_message = The comparison completed with errors. The computed comparison and the merge you will do on it may be inaccurate. Click on each error for further information. We suggest you to fix the errors before doing any merge or to switch to text comparison (use 'Text Compare' below).
_UI_Warning_message = The comparison completed with warnings. The computed comparison and the merge you will do on it may be inaccurate. Click on each warning for further information. We suggest you consider the warnings before doing any merge or to switch to text comparison (use 'Text Compare' below).
_UI_Cancel_message = Operation has been canceled. The computed comparison and the merge you will do on it may be inaccurate. We suggest you to be very careful or to switch to text comparison (use 'Text Compare' below).
EMFCompareStructureMergeViewer.title = Model differences
EMFCompareStructureMergeViewer.titleDesc = {0} of {1} differences are not merged \u2014 {2} differences filtered from view
EMFCompareStructureMergeViewer.tabItem.0.title = Differences
EMFCompareStructureMergeViewer.computingModelDifferences = Computing Model Differences
EMFCompareStructureMergeViewer.operationCanceled = Comparison computation has been canceled
ComparisonScopeBuilder.left = left
ComparisonScopeBuilder.right = right
ComparisonScopeBuilder.ancestor = ancestor
ComparisonScopeBuilder.resourceSetDiagnostic = Problems occurred while loading resources from the {0} side
ComparisonScopeBuilder.comparisonScopeDiagnostic = Problems occurred while creating the comparison scope
DiffStateAdapter_WrongAdapterInstalled=Unknown adapter for DiffStateAdapter installed on comparison
SynchronizationModel.diagnosticMesg = Problems occurred while computing the synchronization model
SynchronizationModel.root = Synchronization (EMF Compare)
SynchronizationModel.left = Left side
SynchronizationModel.origin = Origin
SynchronizationModel.right = Right side
TextFallbackCompareViewer.title = Text Compare
EMFResourceMappingMerger.mergeFailedGeneric = Changes could not be merged automatically.
EMFResourceMappingMerger.mergeFailedInvalidMapping = Changes contain invalid resource mapping.
EMFResourceMappingMerger.mergeFailedConflicts = Conflicts found within this model.
EMFResourceMappingMerger.mergeIncomplete = Merge operation ended successfully, but the files could not be marked as merged automatically.
EMFResourceMappingMerger.startingModelMerge = Starting model merge operation with {0} model resource(s).
EMFResourceMappingMerger.successfulModelMerge = Model merge operation ended successfully with {0} model resource(s).
EMFCompareStructureMergeViewerContentProvider.deferredWorkbenchAdapter.label = the current comparison
EMFComparisonSourceActionHandler_InputTitle_Base=Compare {0} with {1}
EMFComparisonSourceActionHandler_InputTitle_Origin=(Origin: {0})
EMFComparisonSourceActionHandler_NoResourcesFound_Message=There are no EMF resources in your selection. Comparison is canceled.
EMFComparisonSourceActionHandler_NoResourcesFound_Title=No resources found
LogicalModelViewHandlerRegistry.invalidHandler = Handler named ''{0}'' for Logical Model View could not be instantiated.
LogicalModelView.linkWithEditorAndSelection = Synchronize with Editor and Selection
LogicalModelView.computingLogicalModel = Computing logical model
LogicalModelView.listPresentation.title = List
LogicalModelView.treePresentation.title = Tree
LogicalModelView.errorDialog.title = EMF Compare - Logical Model View
LogicalModelView.errorDialog.message = Error while computing logical models. See error log for more details.