blob: d301e3b9c3c9cea971f869ccc97aafd49a1d709d [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:ArtifactDescription xmi:version="2.0"
xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:org.eclipse.epf.uma=""
xmlns:rmc="" rmc:version="7.5.0" xmlns:epf=""
epf:version="1.5.0" xmi:id="_NqePEKeqEdmKDbQuyzCoqQ"
name="test_log,_0ZlSsMlgEdmt3adZL5Dmdw" guid="_NqePEKeqEdmKDbQuyzCoqQ" changeDate="2008-08-14T11:16:29.008-0400"
<mainDescription>This artifact&amp;nbsp;provides a detailed, typically time-based record that serves both as verification that a set of tests&#xD;
were executed, and provides information relating to the success of those tests.&amp;nbsp; The focus is typically on the&#xD;
provision of an accurate audit trail, enabling post-execution diagnosis of failures to be undertaken.&amp;nbsp; This raw data&#xD;
will subsequently be analyzed to help determine the results of some aspect of the test effort.</mainDescription>
To provide verification that a set of tests was executed&#xD;
To provide information relating to the success of those tests&#xD;
Without this or similar documentation, there is no record of which tests were executed successfully, what variances&#xD;
were discovered, and what action was taken. If this information is not available:&#xD;
There will be no way to know which tests passed and which failed&#xD;
There will be no way to assess the status of testing and the quality of the product at that level of testing&#xD;
It will be difficult to know how many tests remain outstanding&#xD;
Contractual and legal issues may arise&#xD;
&lt;font size=&quot;2&quot;>There is no reason not to log the results of testing, since, without them, testing has little value. The&#xD;
only situation where this may not be formally done is when ad hoc testing is conducted. In this case also, any problems&#xD;
that are found will be recorded along with resolution.&lt;/font>&#xD;
Since this is a collection of raw data for subsequent analysis, it can be represented in a number of ways.&amp;nbsp; Some&#xD;
suggestions are:&#xD;
For manual tests, log the actual results on a copy of the manual Test Script&#xD;
For automated tests, direct the output to log files that you can trace back to the automated Test Script&#xD;
Track raw results data in a test management tool&#xD;