blob: de9437ca6351dac5d0ff3f26bbdd05cd30fecca5 [file] [log] [blame]
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<org.eclipse.epf.uma:ContentDescription xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:org.eclipse.epf.uma="" xmi:id="_EijzoO8MEdmKSqa_gSYthg" name="delivery_process,_EhgqwO8MEdmKSqa_gSYthg" guid="_EijzoO8MEdmKSqa_gSYthg" changeDate="2005-10-27T14:10:27.282-0700">
A Delivery Process is a special &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot;
guid=&quot;_yQ5m2NnmEdmO6L4XMImrsA&quot;&gt;process&lt;/a&gt; describing a complete and integrated approach for performing a specific
project type. &lt;!--StartFragment--&gt;It provides a complete lifecycle model that has been detailed by sequencing Method
Content in breakdown structures. It describes a complete project lifecycle end-to-end and is used as a reference for
running projects with similar characteristics.
A&amp;nbsp;process engineer can define alternative Delivery Processes for software development projects that differ in the
scale of the engagement and staffing necessary, the type of the software application to be developed, the development
methods and technologies to be used, etc. Although, the Delivery Process aims to cover a whole project it keeps certain
decision that are too project specific open.&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;For example, the breakdown structure defines which Breakdown
Elements have multiple occurrences or are repeatable via its specific attributes, but does not say how many occurrences
and how many repeats/iterations it will have.&amp;nbsp; These decisions have to be done by a project manager when planning
a concrete project, project phase, or project iterations.&lt;!--EndFragment--&gt;
&lt;a id=&quot;Software Engineering Process&quot; name=&quot;Software Engineering Process&quot;&gt;Example&lt;/a&gt;
In software engineering, the goal is to build a software product or to enhance an existing one. The Delivery Process
for software could be an iterative process, where the product is built incrementally over time, or it could be a
traditional waterfall Delivery Process in which all requirements are specified up front, followed by design,
implementation, and test phases.