blob: b08473091a8c08effba09dca2a49f997281a24ee [file] [log] [blame]
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During testing, you will encounter failures related to the execution of your tests&amp;nbsp;in different&amp;nbsp;forms, such
as, code defects, user errors, program malfunctions, and general problems.&amp;nbsp;This concept page describes some ways
to conduct failure analysis and then to report your findings.
Failure Analysis
After you have run your tests, it is good practice to identify inputs for review of the results of the testing
effort.&amp;nbsp;Some likely sources are defects that occured during the execution of test scripts, change request metrics,
and&amp;nbsp;test log details.
Running test scripts may results in errors of different kinds such as uncovered defects, unexpected behavior, or
general failure of the test script to run properly.&amp;nbsp;When you run test scripts, one of the most important things to
do is to identify causes and effects of failure.&amp;nbsp;It is important to differentiate failures in the system under
test as well as those related to the tests themselves.
Change request metrics are useful in analyzing and correcting failures in the testing.&amp;nbsp;Select metrics that will
facilitate creation of incident reports from a collection of change requests.&amp;nbsp;Change request metrics that you may
find useful in your failure analysis include: test coverage, priority, impact, defect trends and density.
Finally, one of the most critical sources of your failure analysis is the test log.&amp;nbsp;Start by gathering the test
logs output during the implementation and execution of the tests. Relevant logs might come from many sources - they
might be captured by the tools you use (both test execution and diagnostic tools), generated by custom-written routines
your team has developed, output from the target-of-test items themselves, and recorded manually by the tester. Gather
all of the available test log sources and examine their content. Check that all the scheduled testing executed to
completion, and that all the tests that should have been scheduled actually were.
Recording Your Findings
Once you have conducted your failure analysis, you may decide to formalize the results of this analysis by recording
your findings in a report.&amp;nbsp;There are several factors that go into deciding whether to record your failure analysis
in a report.&amp;nbsp;Some of the key factors include:&amp;nbsp;level of testing formality, complexity of the testing effort,
and the need to communicate the testing results to the entire development team.&amp;nbsp;In less formal environments, it
may be sufficient to record your failure analysis in the form of a change request.&amp;nbsp;In this case, it is convenient
to be able to cull relevant failure analysis information of change requests and put this into&amp;nbsp;a report format.