blob: e63ea870d45eadc281d7926147b4b1bcac666df1 [file] [log] [blame]
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<org.eclipse.epf.uma:ContentDescription xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:org.eclipse.epf.uma="" xmi:id="_uqL2gMM3EdmSIPI87WLu3g" name="test_ideas,_0jnYcMlgEdmt3adZL5Dmdw" guid="_uqL2gMM3EdmSIPI87WLu3g" changeDate="2006-07-20T15:10:39.401-0700">
&lt;strong&gt;Test Ideas List&lt;/strong&gt; - A list of brief statements identifying tests that are potentially useful to conduct.
&lt;strong&gt;Test Ideas Catalog&lt;/strong&gt; - A catalog of common faults and mistakes done when developing software.
Test Ideas will describe any of the elements of an executable test.&amp;nbsp;
Test ideas ensure the important ideas are not forgotten and are detailed later in test cases.&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;
Test Ideas are to be captured at a less-specific level in an intermediate form.
Test ideas are more reviewable and understandable then complete tests.&amp;nbsp; Making the reasoning behind the test
idea clearer.&amp;nbsp;
Test ideas support more powerful test, by not constraining the tester.&amp;nbsp; Making it easier to create tests that
validate more then just the defined requirements.
Test Ideas are often based on explicit and implicit fault modules, to include but not limited to Booleans,
boundaries and method calls.&amp;nbsp; Test Ideas Lists will contain test ideas from many faults models derived for one
or many work products.
Creating test ideas before testing for review and inspection of design work products assists in discovering design or
analysis errors.