blob: c5175edbd570e308bc59cf77227128ec59f1f2d7 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:ContentDescription xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:org.eclipse.epf.uma="" xmi:id="-dsgUC_uXte9wj6nt8DLHtw" name="release,_L5BIkC7uEdqHMdmRzC0-2g" guid="-dsgUC_uXte9wj6nt8DLHtw" changeDate="2005-09-26T17:32:36.683-0700">
A release can be internal or external. An internal release is used only by the development organization, as part of a
milestone, or for a demonstration to users or customers. An external release (or delivery) is delivered to users. A
release is not necessarily a complete product, but can just be one step along the way, with its usefulness measured
only from an engineering perspective. Releases act as a forcing function that drives the development team to get
closure at regular intervals, avoiding the &quot;90% done, 90% remaining&quot; syndrome.
&lt;a class=&quot;elementLinkWithType&quot; href=&quot;./../../../base_concepts/guidances/concepts/iteration,3.379871268737602E-305.html&quot;
guid=&quot;3.379871268737602E-305&quot;&gt;Concept: Iteration&lt;/a&gt;s and releases allow a better usage over time of the various
specialties in the team: designers, testers, writers, and so forth. Regular releases let you break down the integration
and test issues and spread them across the development cycle. These issues have often been the downfall of large
projects because all problems were discovered at once during the single massive integration step, which occurred very
late in the cycle, and where a single problem halts the whole team.
With each Release,&amp;nbsp;many &lt;a class=&quot;elementLinkWithType&quot;
guid=&quot;4.804531471620803E-306&quot;&gt;Concept: Work Product&lt;/a&gt;s&amp;nbsp;are updated. It is said that this is a bit like &quot;growing&quot;
software. Instead of developing Work Products one after another, in a pipeline fashion, they are evolving across the
cycle, although at different rates.