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<org.eclipse.epf.uma:ContentDescription xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:org.eclipse.epf.uma="" xmi:id="_7ygXoMM3EdmSIPI87WLu3g" name="metrics,_0mYYkMlgEdmt3adZL5Dmdw" guid="_7ygXoMM3EdmSIPI87WLu3g" changeDate="2006-08-29T17:19:12.494-0700">
What is a Metric?
We distinguish between measure and metric.&amp;nbsp; To clarify, let’s start by defining what is meant by measure and by
&lt;strong&gt;Measure&lt;/strong&gt;:&amp;nbsp;a raw data item that is directly measured and that will be used to calculate a
&lt;strong&gt;Metric&lt;/strong&gt;:&amp;nbsp;an interpretation of a measure or a set of measures that you use to guide your
For example, recording how many test cases have passed and how many have failed are &lt;strong&gt;measures&lt;/strong&gt;.
Interpreting what level of quality this indicates and how it reflects the team's progress within the current iteration
is a &lt;strong&gt;metric&lt;/strong&gt;.
Why Measure?
Measurements will mainly help you to:
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&lt;strong&gt;Communicate effectively&lt;/strong&gt;. Measurement supports effective communication among team members and
project stakeholders.&amp;nbsp;
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&lt;strong&gt;Identify and correct problems early&lt;/strong&gt;. Measurement enables you to identify and manage potential
problems early in the development lifecycle.&amp;nbsp;
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&lt;strong&gt;Make informed trade-offs&lt;/strong&gt;. Measurement helps assess objectively the impact of decisions,
helping managers to make trade-off decisions to best meet project goals.&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;
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&lt;strong&gt;Tune estimations&lt;/strong&gt;. Recording schedule, progress, and expenditures for projects will help team
members to make more reliable estimations in the future.
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Potential Challenges
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There are several dangers when it comes to metrics:
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They can be too costly.&amp;nbsp;The benefit provided by the metric must exceed the cost of collecting
it.&amp;nbsp;Keep your measurements simple and easy to collect.
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They’re a poor substitute for communication.&amp;nbsp;The best way to determine the current status of a project
is to ask the people involved, not to look at a report summarizing key metrics.
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They can be misleading.&amp;nbsp; No metric or collection of metrics is perfect.&amp;nbsp;Furthermore, the
measurements upon which they are based can be manipulated by the people capturing them.&amp;nbsp;Don’t rely
simply upon metrics to manage a project.&lt;br /&gt;