blob: 9884a785a3188dea35b959f44fdf26ceed1d546e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012, 2017 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.*;
import org.eclipse.osgi.internal.debug.Debug;
import org.eclipse.osgi.internal.serviceregistry.*;
import org.osgi.framework.*;
import org.osgi.framework.hooks.bundle.CollisionHook;
import org.osgi.framework.hooks.bundle.EventHook;
public class EquinoxEventPublisher {
static final String eventHookName = EventHook.class.getName();
static final String collisionHookName = CollisionHook.class.getName();
static final int BUNDLEEVENT = 1;
static final int BUNDLEEVENTSYNC = 2;
/* SERVICEEVENT(3) is now handled by ServiceRegistry */
static final int FRAMEWORKEVENT = 4;
private final EquinoxContainer container;
private Object monitor = new Object();
private EventManager eventManager;
* The following maps objects keep track of event listeners
* by BundleContext. Each element is a Map that is the set
* of event listeners for a particular BundleContext. The max number of
* elements each of the following maps will have is the number of bundles
* installed in the Framework.
// Map of BundleContexts for bundle's BundleListeners.
private final Map<BundleContextImpl, CopyOnWriteIdentityMap<BundleListener, BundleListener>> allBundleListeners = new HashMap<>();
// Map of BundleContexts for bundle's SynchronousBundleListeners.
private final Map<BundleContextImpl, CopyOnWriteIdentityMap<SynchronousBundleListener, SynchronousBundleListener>> allSyncBundleListeners = new HashMap<>();
// Map of BundleContexts for bundle's FrameworkListeners.
private final Map<BundleContextImpl, CopyOnWriteIdentityMap<FrameworkListener, FrameworkListener>> allFrameworkListeners = new HashMap<>();
public EquinoxEventPublisher(EquinoxContainer container) {
this.container = container;
void init() {
// create our event manager on init()
resetEventManager(new EventManager("Framework Event Dispatcher: " + toString())); //$NON-NLS-1$
void close() {
// ensure we have flushed any events in the queue
// close and clear out the event manager
// make sure we clear out all the remaining listeners
private void resetEventManager(EventManager newEventManager) {
EventManager currentEventManager;
synchronized (this.monitor) {
currentEventManager = eventManager;
eventManager = newEventManager;
if (currentEventManager != null) {
public <K, V, E> ListenerQueue<K, V, E> newListenerQueue() {
synchronized (this.monitor) {
return new ListenerQueue<>(eventManager);
private boolean isEventManagerSet() {
synchronized (this.monitor) {
return eventManager != null;
* Deliver a BundleEvent to SynchronousBundleListeners (synchronous) and
* BundleListeners (asynchronous).
* @param type
* BundleEvent type.
* @param bundle
* Affected bundle or null.
* @param origin
* The origin of the event
public void publishBundleEvent(int type, Bundle bundle, Bundle origin) {
if (origin != null) {
publishBundleEvent(new BundleEvent(type, bundle, origin));
} else {
publishBundleEvent(new BundleEvent(type, bundle));
private void publishBundleEvent(final BundleEvent event) {
if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
} else {
AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Void>() {
public Void run() {
return null;
void publishBundleEventPrivileged(BundleEvent event) {
if (!isEventManagerSet()) {
* We must collect the snapshots of the sync and async listeners
* BEFORE we dispatch the event.
/* Collect snapshot of SynchronousBundleListeners */
/* Build the listener snapshot */
Map<BundleContextImpl, Set<Map.Entry<SynchronousBundleListener, SynchronousBundleListener>>> listenersSync;
BundleContextImpl systemContext = null;
Set<Map.Entry<SynchronousBundleListener, SynchronousBundleListener>> systemBundleListenersSync = null;
synchronized (allSyncBundleListeners) {
listenersSync = new HashMap<>(allSyncBundleListeners.size());
for (Map.Entry<BundleContextImpl, CopyOnWriteIdentityMap<SynchronousBundleListener, SynchronousBundleListener>> entry : allSyncBundleListeners.entrySet()) {
CopyOnWriteIdentityMap<SynchronousBundleListener, SynchronousBundleListener> listeners = entry.getValue();
if (!listeners.isEmpty()) {
Set<Map.Entry<SynchronousBundleListener, SynchronousBundleListener>> listenerEntries = listeners.entrySet();
if (entry.getKey().getBundleImpl().getBundleId() == 0) {
systemContext = entry.getKey();
// record the snapshot; no need to create another copy
// because the hooks are not exposed to this set
systemBundleListenersSync = listenerEntries;
listenersSync.put(entry.getKey(), listeners.entrySet());
/* Collect snapshot of BundleListeners; only if the event is NOT STARTING or STOPPING or LAZY_ACTIVATION */
Map<BundleContextImpl, Set<Map.Entry<BundleListener, BundleListener>>> listenersAsync = null;
Set<Map.Entry<BundleListener, BundleListener>> systemBundleListenersAsync = null;
if ((event.getType() & (BundleEvent.STARTING | BundleEvent.STOPPING | BundleEvent.LAZY_ACTIVATION)) == 0) {
synchronized (allBundleListeners) {
listenersAsync = new HashMap<>(allBundleListeners.size());
for (Map.Entry<BundleContextImpl, CopyOnWriteIdentityMap<BundleListener, BundleListener>> entry : allBundleListeners.entrySet()) {
CopyOnWriteIdentityMap<BundleListener, BundleListener> listeners = entry.getValue();
if (!listeners.isEmpty()) {
Set<Map.Entry<BundleListener, BundleListener>> listenerEntries = listeners.entrySet();
if (entry.getKey().getBundleImpl().getBundleId() == 0) {
systemContext = entry.getKey();
// record the snapshot; no need to create another copy
// because the hooks are not exposed to this set
systemBundleListenersAsync = listenerEntries;
listenersAsync.put(entry.getKey(), listenerEntries);
/* shrink the snapshot.
* keySet returns a Collection which cannot be added to and
* removals from that collection will result in removals of the
* entry from the snapshot.
Collection<BundleContext> shrinkable;
if (listenersAsync == null) {
shrinkable = asBundleContexts(listenersSync.keySet());
} else {
shrinkable = new ShrinkableCollection<>(asBundleContexts(listenersSync.keySet()), asBundleContexts(listenersAsync.keySet()));
notifyEventHooksPrivileged(event, shrinkable);
// always add back the system bundle listeners if they were removed
if (systemBundleListenersSync != null && !listenersSync.containsKey(systemContext)) {
listenersSync.put(systemContext, systemBundleListenersSync);
if (systemBundleListenersAsync != null && !listenersAsync.containsKey(systemContext)) {
listenersAsync.put(systemContext, systemBundleListenersAsync);
/* Dispatch the event to the snapshot for sync listeners */
if (!listenersSync.isEmpty()) {
ListenerQueue<SynchronousBundleListener, SynchronousBundleListener, BundleEvent> queue = newListenerQueue();
for (Map.Entry<BundleContextImpl, Set<Map.Entry<SynchronousBundleListener, SynchronousBundleListener>>> entry : listenersSync.entrySet()) {
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
EventDispatcher<SynchronousBundleListener, SynchronousBundleListener, BundleEvent> dispatcher = (EventDispatcher) entry.getKey();
Set<Map.Entry<SynchronousBundleListener, SynchronousBundleListener>> listeners = entry.getValue();
queue.queueListeners(listeners, dispatcher);
queue.dispatchEventSynchronous(BUNDLEEVENTSYNC, event);
/* Dispatch the event to the snapshot for async listeners */
if ((listenersAsync != null) && !listenersAsync.isEmpty()) {
ListenerQueue<BundleListener, BundleListener, BundleEvent> queue = newListenerQueue();
for (Map.Entry<BundleContextImpl, Set<Map.Entry<BundleListener, BundleListener>>> entry : listenersAsync.entrySet()) {
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
EventDispatcher<BundleListener, BundleListener, BundleEvent> dispatcher = (EventDispatcher) entry.getKey();
Set<Map.Entry<BundleListener, BundleListener>> listeners = entry.getValue();
queue.queueListeners(listeners, dispatcher);
queue.dispatchEventAsynchronous(BUNDLEEVENT, event);
private void notifyEventHooksPrivileged(final BundleEvent event, final Collection<BundleContext> result) {
if (container.getConfiguration().getDebug().DEBUG_HOOKS) {
Debug.println("notifyBundleEventHooks(" + event.getType() + ":" + event.getBundle() + ", " + result + " )"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry = container.getServiceRegistry();
if (serviceRegistry != null) {
serviceRegistry.notifyHooksPrivileged(new HookContext() {
public void call(Object hook, ServiceRegistration<?> hookRegistration) throws Exception {
if (hook instanceof EventHook) {
((EventHook) hook).event(event, result);
public String getHookClassName() {
return eventHookName;
public String getHookMethodName() {
return "event"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public boolean skipRegistration(ServiceRegistration<?> hookRegistration) {
return false;
* Deliver a FrameworkEvent.
* @param type
* FrameworkEvent type.
* @param bundle
* Affected bundle or null for system bundle.
* @param throwable
* Related exception or null.
public void publishFrameworkEvent(int type, Bundle bundle, Throwable throwable) {
publishFrameworkEvent(type, bundle, throwable, (FrameworkListener[]) null);
public void publishFrameworkEvent(int type, Bundle bundle, Throwable throwable, final FrameworkListener... listeners) {
if (bundle == null)
bundle = container.getStorage().getModuleContainer().getModule(0).getBundle();
final FrameworkEvent event = new FrameworkEvent(type, bundle, throwable);
if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
publishFrameworkEventPrivileged(event, listeners);
} else {
AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Void>() {
public Void run() {
publishFrameworkEventPrivileged(event, listeners);
return null;
public void publishFrameworkEventPrivileged(FrameworkEvent event, FrameworkListener... callerListeners) {
if (!isEventManagerSet()) {
// Build the listener snapshot
Map<BundleContextImpl, Set<Map.Entry<FrameworkListener, FrameworkListener>>> listenerSnapshot;
synchronized (allFrameworkListeners) {
listenerSnapshot = new HashMap<>(allFrameworkListeners.size());
for (Map.Entry<BundleContextImpl, CopyOnWriteIdentityMap<FrameworkListener, FrameworkListener>> entry : allFrameworkListeners.entrySet()) {
CopyOnWriteIdentityMap<FrameworkListener, FrameworkListener> listeners = entry.getValue();
if (!listeners.isEmpty()) {
listenerSnapshot.put(entry.getKey(), listeners.entrySet());
// If framework event hook were defined they would be called here
// deliver the event to the snapshot
ListenerQueue<FrameworkListener, FrameworkListener, FrameworkEvent> queue = newListenerQueue();
// add the listeners specified by the caller first
if (callerListeners != null && callerListeners.length > 0) {
Map<FrameworkListener, FrameworkListener> listeners = new HashMap<>();
for (FrameworkListener listener : callerListeners) {
if (listener != null)
listeners.put(listener, listener);
// We use the system bundle context as the dispatcher
if (listeners.size() > 0) {
BundleContextImpl systemContext = (BundleContextImpl) container.getStorage().getModuleContainer().getModule(0).getBundle().getBundleContext();
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
EventDispatcher<FrameworkListener, FrameworkListener, FrameworkEvent> dispatcher = (EventDispatcher) systemContext;
queue.queueListeners(listeners.entrySet(), dispatcher);
for (Map.Entry<BundleContextImpl, Set<Map.Entry<FrameworkListener, FrameworkListener>>> entry : listenerSnapshot.entrySet()) {
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
EventDispatcher<FrameworkListener, FrameworkListener, FrameworkEvent> dispatcher = (EventDispatcher) entry.getKey();
Set<Map.Entry<FrameworkListener, FrameworkListener>> listeners = entry.getValue();
queue.queueListeners(listeners, dispatcher);
queue.dispatchEventAsynchronous(FRAMEWORKEVENT, event);
// close down the publisher if we got the stopped event
if ((event.getType() & FRAMEWORK_STOPPED_MASK) != 0) {
* Coerce the generic type of a collection from Collection<BundleContextImpl>
* to Collection<BundleContext>
* @param c Collection to be coerced.
* @return c coerced to Collection<BundleContext>
public static Collection<BundleContext> asBundleContexts(Collection<? extends BundleContext> c) {
return (Collection<BundleContext>) c;
void addBundleListener(BundleListener listener, BundleContextImpl context) {
if (listener instanceof SynchronousBundleListener) {
container.checkAdminPermission(context.getBundle(), AdminPermission.LISTENER);
synchronized (allSyncBundleListeners) {
CopyOnWriteIdentityMap<SynchronousBundleListener, SynchronousBundleListener> listeners = allSyncBundleListeners.get(context);
if (listeners == null) {
listeners = new CopyOnWriteIdentityMap<>();
allSyncBundleListeners.put(context, listeners);
listeners.put((SynchronousBundleListener) listener, (SynchronousBundleListener) listener);
} else {
synchronized (allBundleListeners) {
CopyOnWriteIdentityMap<BundleListener, BundleListener> listeners = allBundleListeners.get(context);
if (listeners == null) {
listeners = new CopyOnWriteIdentityMap<>();
allBundleListeners.put(context, listeners);
listeners.put(listener, listener);
void removeBundleListener(BundleListener listener, BundleContextImpl context) {
if (listener instanceof SynchronousBundleListener) {
container.checkAdminPermission(context.getBundle(), AdminPermission.LISTENER);
synchronized (allSyncBundleListeners) {
CopyOnWriteIdentityMap<SynchronousBundleListener, SynchronousBundleListener> listeners = allSyncBundleListeners.get(context);
if (listeners != null)
} else {
synchronized (allBundleListeners) {
CopyOnWriteIdentityMap<BundleListener, BundleListener> listeners = allBundleListeners.get(context);
if (listeners != null)
void addFrameworkListener(FrameworkListener listener, BundleContextImpl context) {
synchronized (allFrameworkListeners) {
CopyOnWriteIdentityMap<FrameworkListener, FrameworkListener> listeners = allFrameworkListeners.get(context);
if (listeners == null) {
listeners = new CopyOnWriteIdentityMap<>();
allFrameworkListeners.put(context, listeners);
listeners.put(listener, listener);
void removeFrameworkListener(FrameworkListener listener, BundleContextImpl context) {
synchronized (allFrameworkListeners) {
CopyOnWriteIdentityMap<FrameworkListener, FrameworkListener> listeners = allFrameworkListeners.get(context);
if (listeners != null)
void removeAllListeners(BundleContextImpl context) {
// leave any left over listeners until the framework STOPPED event
if (context.getBundleImpl().getBundleId() != 0) {
synchronized (allBundleListeners) {
synchronized (allSyncBundleListeners) {
synchronized (allFrameworkListeners) {
void flushFrameworkEvents() {
EventDispatcher<Object, Object, CountDownLatch> dispatcher = new EventDispatcher<Object, Object, CountDownLatch>() {
public void dispatchEvent(Object eventListener, Object listenerObject, int eventAction, CountDownLatch flushedSignal) {
// Signal that we have flushed all events
ListenerQueue<Object, Object, CountDownLatch> queue = newListenerQueue();
queue.queueListeners(Collections.<Object, Object> singletonMap(dispatcher, dispatcher).entrySet(), dispatcher);
// fire event with the flushedSignal latch
CountDownLatch flushedSignal = new CountDownLatch(1);
queue.dispatchEventAsynchronous(0, flushedSignal);
try {
// Wait for the flush signal; timeout after 30 seconds
flushedSignal.await(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// ignore but reset the interrupted flag