blob: 6a00e12a0107b93fc1cce851435374e6ddc411ad [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.defaultadaptor;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.adaptor.*;
import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.adaptor.core.*;
import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.debug.Debug;
import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.Constants;
import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.log.FrameworkLog;
import org.eclipse.osgi.internal.resolver.StateManager;
import org.eclipse.osgi.service.resolver.*;
import org.osgi.framework.*;
* //TODO Add comment here
public class DefaultAdaptor extends AbstractFrameworkAdaptor {
public static final String DATA_DIR_NAME = "data"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String BUNDLE_STORE = "osgi.bundlestore"; //$NON-NLS-1$
protected AdaptorElementFactory elementFactory;
/** directory containing installed bundles */
protected File bundleStoreRootDir;
/** directory containing data directories for installed bundles */
protected File dataRootDir;
/** String containing bundle store root dir */
protected String bundleStore = null;
protected boolean reset = false;
/** The MetaData for the default adaptor */
protected MetaData fwMetadata;
/** Dictionary containing permission data */
protected DefaultPermissionStorage permissionStore;
/** next available bundle id */
protected long nextId = 1;
/** The State Manager */
protected StateManager stateManager;
/** The FrameworkLog for the adaptor */
protected FrameworkLog frameworkLog;
* Constructor for DefaultAdaptor. This constructor parses the arguments passed
* and remembers them for later when initialize is called.
* <p>No blank spaces should be used in the arguments to the DefaultAdaptor.
* The options that DefaultAdaptor recognizes and handles are:
* <ul>
* <li><b>bundledir=<i>directory name</i></b>If a directory name is specified, the adaptor should initialize
* to store bundles in that directory. This arg should be enclosed in "" if it contains the ":"
* character (example "bundledir=c:\mydir").
* <li><b>reset</b>Resets the bundle storage by deleting the bundledir
* </ul>
* Any other arguments are ignored.
* @param An array of strings containing arguments.
* This object cannot be used until initialize is called.
public DefaultAdaptor(String[] args) {
if (args != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
String arg = args[i];
if (arg.equalsIgnoreCase("reset")) {
reset = true;
} else if (arg.indexOf("=") != -1) {
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(args[i], "=");
if (tok.countTokens() == 2) {
String key = tok.nextToken();
if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("bundledir")) {
// save file name for initializeStorage to use
bundleStore = tok.nextToken();
public void initialize(EventPublisher eventPublisher) {
// need to create the FrameworkLog very early
frameworkLog = createFrameworkLog();
stateManager = createStateManager();
* Creates the StateManager for the adaptor
* @return the StateManager.
protected StateManager createStateManager() {
File stateLocation = new File(getBundleStoreRootDir(), ".state");
stateManager = new StateManager(stateLocation);
State systemState = stateManager.getSystemState();
if (systemState != null)
return stateManager;
systemState = stateManager.createSystemState();
Vector installedBundles = getInstalledBundles();
if (installedBundles == null)
return stateManager;
StateObjectFactory factory = stateManager.getFactory();
for (Iterator iter = installedBundles.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
BundleData toAdd = (BundleData);
try {
Dictionary manifest = toAdd.getManifest();
BundleDescription newDescription = factory.createBundleDescription(manifest, toAdd.getLocation(), toAdd.getBundleID());
} catch (BundleException be) {
// just ignore bundle datas with invalid manifests
// we need the state resolved
return stateManager;
protected FrameworkLog createFrameworkLog() {
return new DefaultLog();
* Init the directory to store the bundles in. Bundledir can be set in 3 different ways.
* Priority is:
* 1 - OSGI Launcher command line -adaptor argument
* 2 - System property org.eclipse.osgi.framework.defaultadaptor.bundledir - could be specified with -D when launching
* 3 - - org.eclipse.osgi.framework.defaultadaptor.bundledir property
* Bundledir will be stored back to adaptor properties which
* the framework will copy into the System properties.
protected void initBundleStoreRootDir() {
/* if bundleStore was not set by the constructor from the -adaptor cmd line arg */
if (bundleStore == null) {
/* check the system properties */
bundleStore = System.getProperty(BUNDLE_STORE);
if (bundleStore == null) {
/* check the file, but default to "bundles" */
bundleStore = properties.getProperty(BUNDLE_STORE, "bundles");
bundleStoreRootDir = new File(bundleStore);
/* store bundleStore back into adaptor properties for others to see */
properties.put(BUNDLE_STORE, bundleStoreRootDir.getAbsolutePath());
protected void initDataRootDir() {
dataRootDir = getBundleStoreRootDir();
public File getBundleStoreRootDir() {
return bundleStoreRootDir;
public File getDataRootDir() {
if (dataRootDir == null)
return dataRootDir;
* Initialize the persistent storage.
* <p>This method initializes the bundle persistent storage
* area.
* If a dir was specified in the -adaptor command line option, then it
* is used. If not,
* if the property
* <i>org.eclipse.osgi.framework.defaultadaptor.bundledir</i> is specifed, its value
* will be used as the name of the bundle directory
* instead of <tt>./bundles</tt>.
* If reset was specified on the -adaptor command line option,
* then the storage will be cleared.
* @throws IOException If an error occurs initializing the storage.
public void initializeStorage() throws IOException {
boolean makedir = false;
File bundleStore = getBundleStoreRootDir();
if (bundleStore.exists()) {
if (reset) {
makedir = true;
if (!rm(bundleStore)) {
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_GENERAL) {
Debug.println("Could not remove directory: " + bundleStore.getPath());
} else {
if (!bundleStore.isDirectory()) {
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_GENERAL) {
Debug.println("Exists but not a directory: " + bundleStore.getPath());
throw new IOException(AdaptorMsg.formatter.getString("ADAPTOR_STORAGE_EXCEPTION"));
} else {
makedir = true;
if (makedir) {
if (!bundleStore.mkdirs()) {
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_GENERAL) {
Debug.println("Unable to create directory: " + bundleStore.getPath());
throw new IOException(AdaptorMsg.formatter.getString("ADAPTOR_STORAGE_EXCEPTION")); //$NON-NLS-1$
fwMetadata = new MetaData(getMetaDataFile(), "Framework metadata");
nextId = fwMetadata.getLong(METADATA_ADAPTOR_NEXTID, 1);
initialBundleStartLevel = fwMetadata.getInt(METADATA_ADAPTOR_IBSL, 1);
protected File getMetaDataFile() {
return new File(getBundleStoreRootDir(), ".framework");
* This method cleans up storage in the specified directory and
* any subdirectories.
* @param directory The directory to clean.
* @param depth The remaining depth. When depth is zero, this
* method will not recurse any deeper
* @see #compactStorage
private void compact(File directory) {
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_GENERAL) {
Debug.println("compact(" + directory.getPath() + ")");
String list[] = directory.list();
if (list != null) {
int len = list.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (DATA_DIR_NAME.equals(list[i])) {
continue; /* do not examine the bundles data dir. */
File target = new File(directory, list[i]);
/* if the file is a directory */
if (target.isDirectory()) { //TODO Simplify the nesting.
File delete = new File(target, ".delete");
/* and the directory is marked for delete */
if (delete.exists()) {
/* if rm fails to delete the directory *
* and .delete was removed
if (!rm(target) && !delete.exists()) {
try {
/* recreate .delete */
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(delete);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_GENERAL) {
Debug.println("Unable to write " + delete.getPath() + ": " + e.getMessage());
} else {
compact(target); /* descend into directory */
* Clean up the persistent storage.
* <p>Cleans up any deferred deletions in persistent storage.
public void compactStorage() {
* @see org.eclipse.osgi.framework.adaptor.FrameworkAdaptor#getInstalledBundles()
public Vector getInstalledBundles() {
String list[] = getBundleStoreRootDir().list();
if (list == null) {
return null;
int len = list.length;
Vector bundleDatas = new Vector(len << 1, 10); //TODO ArrayList? array?
/* create bundle objects for all installed bundles. */
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
try {
DefaultBundleData data;
long id = -1;
try {
id = Long.parseLong(list[i]);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
data = (DefaultBundleData) getElementFactory().createBundleData(this, id);
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_GENERAL) {
Debug.println("BundleData created: " + data);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_GENERAL) {
Debug.println("Unable to open Bundle[" + list[i] + "]: " + e.getMessage());
return (bundleDatas);
* Prepare to install a bundle from a URLConnection.
* <p>To complete the install,
* begin and then commit
* must be called on the returned <code>BundleOperation</code> object.
* If either of these methods throw a BundleException
* or some other error occurs,
* then undo must be called on the <code>BundleOperation</code> object
* to undo the change to persistent storage.
* @param location Bundle location.
* @param source URLConnection from which the bundle may be read.
* Any InputStreams returned from the source
* (URLConnections.getInputStream) must be closed by the
* <code>BundleOperation</code> object.
* @return BundleOperation object to be used to complete the install.
public BundleOperation installBundle(final String location, final URLConnection source) {
return (new BundleOperation() {
private DefaultBundleData data;
* Begin the operation on the bundle (install, update, uninstall).
* @return BundleData object for the target bundle.
* @throws BundleException If a failure occured modifiying peristent storage.
public org.eclipse.osgi.framework.adaptor.BundleData begin() throws BundleException {
long id;
try {
* Open InputStream first to trigger prereq installs, if any,
* before allocating bundle id.
InputStream in = source.getInputStream();
URL sourceURL = source.getURL();
String protocol = sourceURL == null ? null : sourceURL.getProtocol();
try {
try {
id = getNextBundleId();;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new BundleException(AdaptorMsg.formatter.getString("ADAPTOR_STORAGE_EXCEPTION"), e); //$NON-NLS-1$
data = (DefaultBundleData) getElementFactory().createBundleData(DefaultAdaptor.this, id);
if (in instanceof ReferenceInputStream) {
URL reference = ((ReferenceInputStream) in).getReference();
if (!"file".equals(reference.getProtocol())) {
throw new BundleException(AdaptorMsg.formatter.getString("ADAPTOR_URL_CREATE_EXCEPTION", reference)); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
File genDir = data.createGenerationDir();
if (!genDir.exists()) {
throw new IOException(AdaptorMsg.formatter.getString("ADAPTOR_DIRECTORY_CREATE_EXCEPTION", genDir.getPath())); //$NON-NLS-1$
String fileName = mapLocationToName(location);
File outFile = new File(genDir, fileName);
if ("file".equals(protocol)) {
File inFile = new File(source.getURL().getPath());
if (inFile.isDirectory()) {
copyDir(inFile, outFile);
} else {
readFile(in, outFile);
} else {
readFile(in, outFile);
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new BundleException(AdaptorMsg.formatter.getString("BUNDLE_READ_EXCEPTION"), ioe);
return (data);
public void undo() {
if (data != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_GENERAL) {
Debug.println("Unable to close " + data + ": " + e.getMessage());
if (data != null) {
File bundleDir = data.getBundleStoreDir();
if (!rm(bundleDir)) {
/* mark this bundle to be deleted to ensure it is fully cleaned up
* on next restart.
File delete = new File(bundleDir, ".delete");
if (!delete.exists()) {
try {
/* create .delete */
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(delete);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_GENERAL) {
Debug.println("Unable to write " + delete.getPath() + ": " + e.getMessage());
public void commit(boolean postpone) throws BundleException {
try {;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new BundleException(AdaptorMsg.formatter.getString("ADAPTOR_STORAGE_EXCEPTION"), e);
BundleDescription bundleDescription = stateManager.getFactory().createBundleDescription(data.getManifest(), data.getLocation(), data.getBundleID());
* Prepare to update a bundle from a URLConnection.
* <p>To complete the update,
* modify and then commit
* will be called on the returned BundleStorage object.
* If either of these methods throw a BundleException
* or some other error occurs,
* then undo will be called on the BundleStorage object
* to undo the change to persistent storage.
* @param bundle Bundle to update.
* @param source URLConnection from which the bundle may be read.
* @return BundleOperation object to be used to complete the update.
public BundleOperation updateBundle(final org.eclipse.osgi.framework.adaptor.BundleData bundledata, final URLConnection source) {
return (new BundleOperation() {
private DefaultBundleData data;
private DefaultBundleData newData;
* Perform the change to persistent storage.
* @return Bundle object for the target bundle.
public org.eclipse.osgi.framework.adaptor.BundleData begin() throws BundleException { = (DefaultBundleData) bundledata;
try {
InputStream in = source.getInputStream();
URL sourceURL = source.getURL();
String protocol = sourceURL == null ? null : sourceURL.getProtocol();
try {
if (in instanceof ReferenceInputStream) {
ReferenceInputStream refIn = (ReferenceInputStream) in;
URL reference = (refIn).getReference();
if (!"file".equals(reference.getProtocol())) {
throw new BundleException(AdaptorMsg.formatter.getString("ADAPTOR_URL_CREATE_EXCEPTION", reference)); //$NON-NLS-1$
// check to make sure we are not just trying to update to the same
// directory reference. This would be a no-op.
//TODO Unless the jars and manifest have been updated on disk
String path = reference.getPath();
if (path.equals(data.getFileName())) {
throw new BundleException(AdaptorMsg.formatter.getString("ADAPTOR_SAME_REF_UPDATE", reference)); //$NON-NLS-1$
try {
newData = data.nextGeneration(reference.getPath());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new BundleException(AdaptorMsg.formatter.getString("ADAPTOR_STORAGE_EXCEPTION"), e); //$NON-NLS-1$
File bundleGenerationDir = newData.createGenerationDir();
if (!bundleGenerationDir.exists()) {
throw new BundleException(AdaptorMsg.formatter.getString("ADAPTOR_DIRECTORY_CREATE_EXCEPTION", bundleGenerationDir.getPath())); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
try {
newData = data.nextGeneration(null);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new BundleException(AdaptorMsg.formatter.getString("ADAPTOR_STORAGE_EXCEPTION"), e); //$NON-NLS-1$
File bundleGenerationDir = newData.createGenerationDir();
if (!bundleGenerationDir.exists()) {
throw new BundleException(AdaptorMsg.formatter.getString("ADAPTOR_DIRECTORY_CREATE_EXCEPTION", bundleGenerationDir.getPath())); //$NON-NLS-1$
File outFile = newData.getBaseFile();
if ("file".equals(protocol)) {
File inFile = new File(source.getURL().getPath());
if (inFile.isDirectory()) {
copyDir(inFile, outFile);
} else {
readFile(in, outFile);
} else {
readFile(in, outFile);
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException ee) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new BundleException(AdaptorMsg.formatter.getString("BUNDLE_READ_EXCEPTION"), e); //$NON-NLS-1$
return (newData);
* Commit the change to persistent storage.
* @param postpone If true, the bundle's persistent
* storage cannot be immediately reclaimed.
* @throws BundleException If a failure occured modifiying peristent storage.
public void commit(boolean postpone) throws BundleException {
try {;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new BundleException(AdaptorMsg.formatter.getString("ADAPTOR_STORAGE_EXCEPTION"), e); //$NON-NLS-1$
long bundleId = newData.getBundleID();
State systemState = stateManager.getSystemState();
BundleDescription newDescription = stateManager.getFactory().createBundleDescription(newData.getManifest(), newData.getLocation(), bundleId);
File originalGenerationDir = data.createGenerationDir();
if (postpone || !rm(originalGenerationDir)) {
/* mark this bundle to be deleted to ensure it is fully cleaned up
* on next restart.
File delete = new File(originalGenerationDir, ".delete");
if (!delete.exists()) {
try {
/* create .delete */
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(delete);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_GENERAL) {
Debug.println("Unable to write " + delete.getPath() + ": " + e.getMessage());
eventPublisher.publishFrameworkEvent(FrameworkEvent.ERROR, data.getBundle(), e);
* Undo the change to persistent storage.
* @throws BundleException If a failure occured modifiying peristent storage.
public void undo() throws BundleException {
/*if (bundleFile != null)
} */
if (newData != null) {
File nextGenerationDir = newData.createGenerationDir();
if (!rm(nextGenerationDir)) /* delete downloaded bundle */{
/* mark this bundle to be deleted to ensure it is fully cleaned up
* on next restart.
File delete = new File(nextGenerationDir, ".delete");
if (!delete.exists()) {
try {
/* create .delete */
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(delete);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_GENERAL) {
Debug.println("Unable to write " + delete.getPath() + ": " + e.getMessage());
* Prepare to uninstall a bundle.
* <p>To complete the uninstall,
* modify and then commit
* will be called on the returned BundleStorage object.
* If either of these methods throw a BundleException
* or some other error occurs,
* then undo will be called on the BundleStorage object
* to undo the change to persistent storage.
* @param bundle BundleData to uninstall.
* @return BundleOperation object to be used to complete the uninstall.
public BundleOperation uninstallBundle(final org.eclipse.osgi.framework.adaptor.BundleData bundledata) {
return (new BundleOperation() {
private DefaultBundleData data;
* Perform the change to persistent storage.
* @return Bundle object for the target bundle.
* @throws BundleException If a failure occured modifiying peristent storage.
public org.eclipse.osgi.framework.adaptor.BundleData begin() throws BundleException { = (DefaultBundleData) bundledata;
return (bundledata);
* Commit the change to persistent storage.
* @param postpone If true, the bundle's persistent
* storage cannot be immediately reclaimed.
* @throws BundleException If a failure occured modifiying peristent storage.
public void commit(boolean postpone) throws BundleException {
File bundleDir = data.getBundleStoreDir();
if (postpone || !rm(bundleDir)) {
/* mark this bundle to be deleted to ensure it is fully cleaned up
* on next restart.
File delete = new File(bundleDir, ".delete");
if (!delete.exists()) {
try {
/* create .delete */
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(delete);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_GENERAL) {
Debug.println("Unable to write " + delete.getPath() + ": " + e.getMessage());
* Undo the change to persistent storage.
* @throws BundleException If a failure occured modifiying peristent storage.
public void undo() throws BundleException {
* Returns the PermissionStorage object which will be used to
* to manage the permission data.
* <p>The PermissionStorage object will store permission data
* in the "permdata" subdirectory of the bundle storage directory
* assigned by <tt>initializeStorage</tt>.
* @return The PermissionStorage object for the DefaultAdaptor.
public org.eclipse.osgi.framework.adaptor.PermissionStorage getPermissionStorage() throws IOException {
if (permissionStore == null) {
synchronized (this) {
if (permissionStore == null) {
permissionStore = new DefaultPermissionStorage(this);
return permissionStore;
public void frameworkStart(BundleContext context) throws BundleException {
if (frameworkLog == null) {
frameworkLog = createFrameworkLog();
State state = stateManager.getSystemState();
BundleDescription systemBundle = state.getBundle(0);
if (systemBundle == null || !systemBundle.isResolved())
// this would be a bug in the framework
throw new IllegalStateException();
public void frameworkStop(BundleContext context) throws BundleException {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new BundleException(null, e);
frameworkLog = null;
* Register a service object.
protected ServiceRegistration register(String name, Object service, Bundle bundle) {
Hashtable properties = new Hashtable(7);
Dictionary headers = bundle.getHeaders();
properties.put(Constants.SERVICE_VENDOR, headers.get(Constants.BUNDLE_VENDOR));
properties.put(Constants.SERVICE_RANKING, new Integer(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
properties.put(Constants.SERVICE_PID, bundle.getBundleId() + "." + service.getClass().getName());
return context.registerService(name, service, properties);
* This function performs the equivalent of "rm -r" on a file or directory.
* @param file file or directory to delete
* @return false is the specified files still exists, true otherwise.
protected boolean rm(File file) {
if (file.exists()) {
if (file.isDirectory()) {
String list[] = file.list();
int len = list.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// we are doing a lot of garbage collecting here
rm(new File(file, list[i]));
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_GENERAL) {
if (file.isDirectory()) {
Debug.println("rmdir " + file.getPath());
} else {
Debug.println("rm " + file.getPath());
boolean success = file.delete();
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_GENERAL) {
if (!success) {
Debug.println(" rm failed!!");
return (success);
} else {
return (true);
public void setInitialBundleStartLevel(int value) {
fwMetadata.setInt(METADATA_ADAPTOR_IBSL, value);
try {;
} catch (IOException e) {
eventPublisher.publishFrameworkEvent(FrameworkEvent.ERROR, context.getBundle(), e);
* Map a location string into a bundle name.
* This methods treats the location string as a URL.
* @param location bundle location string.
* @return bundle name.
public String mapLocationToName(String location) {
int end = location.indexOf('?', 0); /* "?" query */
if (end == -1) {
end = location.indexOf('#', 0); /* "#" fragment */
if (end == -1) {
end = location.length();
int begin = location.replace('\\', '/').lastIndexOf('/', end);
int colon = location.lastIndexOf(':', end);
if (colon > begin) {
begin = colon;
return (location.substring(begin + 1, end));
* Return the next valid, unused bundle id.
* @return Next valid, unused bundle id.
* @throws IOException If there are no more unused bundle ids.
protected synchronized long getNextBundleId() throws IOException {
while (nextId < Long.MAX_VALUE) {
long id = nextId;
fwMetadata.setLong(METADATA_ADAPTOR_NEXTID, nextId);
File bundleDir = new File(getBundleStoreRootDir(), String.valueOf(id));
if (bundleDir.exists()) {
return (id);
throw new IOException(AdaptorMsg.formatter.getString("ADAPTOR_STORAGE_EXCEPTION")); //$NON-NLS-1$
public AdaptorElementFactory getElementFactory() {
if (elementFactory == null)
elementFactory = new DefaultElementFactory();
return elementFactory;
public FrameworkLog getFrameworkLog() {
return frameworkLog;
public State getState() {
return stateManager.getSystemState();
public PlatformAdmin getPlatformAdmin() {
return stateManager;
public static final String METADATA_BUNDLE_GEN = "METADATA_BUNDLE_GEN";
public static final String METADATA_BUNDLE_LOC = "METADATA_BUNDLE_LOC";
public static final String METADATA_BUNDLE_REF = "METADATA_BUNDLE_REF";
public static final String METADATA_BUNDLE_NCP = "METADATA_BUNDLE_NCP";
protected void loadMetaDataFor(DefaultBundleData data) throws IOException {
MetaData bundleMetaData = (new MetaData(new File(data.getBundleStoreDir(), ".bundle"), "Bundle metadata"));
data.setLocation(bundleMetaData.get(METADATA_BUNDLE_LOC, null));
data.setFileName(bundleMetaData.get(METADATA_BUNDLE_NAME, null));
data.setGeneration(bundleMetaData.getInt(METADATA_BUNDLE_GEN, -1));
data.setNativePaths(bundleMetaData.get(METADATA_BUNDLE_NCP, null));
data.setStartLevel(bundleMetaData.getInt(METADATA_BUNDLE_ABSL, 1));
data.setStatus(bundleMetaData.getInt(METADATA_BUNDLE_STATUS, 0));
data.setReference(bundleMetaData.getBoolean(METADATA_BUNDLE_REF, false));
if (data.getGeneration() == -1 || data.getFileName() == null || data.getLocation() == null) {
throw new IOException(AdaptorMsg.formatter.getString("ADAPTOR_STORAGE_EXCEPTION"));
public void saveMetaDataFor(DefaultBundleData data) throws IOException {
MetaData bundleMetadata = (new MetaData(new File(data.createBundleStoreDir(), ".bundle"), "Bundle metadata"));
bundleMetadata.set(METADATA_BUNDLE_LOC, data.getLocation());
bundleMetadata.set(METADATA_BUNDLE_NAME, data.getFileName());
bundleMetadata.setInt(METADATA_BUNDLE_GEN, data.getGeneration());
String nativePaths = data.getNativePathsString();
if (nativePaths != null) {
bundleMetadata.set(METADATA_BUNDLE_NCP, nativePaths);
bundleMetadata.setInt(METADATA_BUNDLE_ABSL, data.getStartLevel());
bundleMetadata.setInt(METADATA_BUNDLE_STATUS, data.getStatus());
bundleMetadata.setBoolean(METADATA_BUNDLE_REF, data.isReference());;