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Author: Gábor Szalai
Version: 155 17-CNL 113 449, Rev. B
Date: 2016-11-17
= DUA Protocol Modules for TTCN-3 Toolset with TITAN, Function Specification
:author: Gábor Szalai
:revnumber: 155 17-CNL 113 449, Rev. B
:revdate: 2016-11-17
Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Ericsson Telecom AB. +
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 that accompanies this distribution, and is available at +
== How to Read This Document
This is the Function Specification for the set of DUA protocol modules. DUA protocol modules are developed for the TTCN-3 Toolset with TITAN.
== Scope
The purpose of this document is to specify the content of the DUA protocol modules.
= General
Protocol modules implement the message structures of the related protocol in a formalized way, using the standard specification language TTCN-3. This allows defining of test data (templates) in the TTCN-3 language <<_3, [3]>> and correctly encoding/decoding messages when executing test suites using the Titan TTCN-3 test environment.
Protocol modules are using Titans RAW encoding attributes <<_4, [4]>> and hence are usable with the Titan test toolset only.
= Functional Specification
== Protocol Version Implemented
This set of protocol modules implements protocol messages and constants of a draft DUA protocol (see <<_1, [1]>>). DUA is an extension to IUA; thus, part of the messages is defined in the draft IUA protocol <<_2, [2]>>.
== Modifications/deviations Related to the Protocol Specification
=== Implemented Messages
The following messages are defined in <<_1, [1]>>:
* Establish Request
* Establish Confirm
* Establish Indication
* Release Request
* Release Confirm
* Release Indication
* Data Request
* Data Indication
* DLC Status Request
* DLC Status Confirm
* DLC Status Indication
The following messages are defined in <<_2, [2]>>:
* ASP Up
* ASP Up Ack
* ASP Down
* ASP Down Ack
* ASP Active
* ASP Active Ack
* ASP Inactive
* ASP Inactive Ack
* Heartbeat
* Heartbeat Ack
* Error
* Notify
=== Protocol Modifications/Deviations
There is a conflict between the drafts <<_2, [2]>> and <<_1, [1]>>. For message class 0 (Management Messages) and message type 5 they define two different messages: DLC Status Request in <<_2, [2]>> and TEI Query Request in <<_1, [1]>>. To resolve this contradiction, message types for MGMT messages defined in chapter 2.4 of <<_2, [2]>> have been arbitrarily incremented by one. The new values are: `_6_` for DLC Status Request, `_7_` for DLC Status Confirm and `_8_` for DLC Status Indication.
== Encoding/Decoding and Other Related Functions
This product also contains encoding/decoding functions that assure correct encoding of messages when sent from Titan and correct decoding of messages when received by Titan. Implemented encoding/decoding functions:
|Type of formal parameters
|Type of return value
== Limitations
Debug log generation is not supported when this revision of this product is used with TITAN version R7A (1.7pl0), because the encoder/decoder functions, automatically generated by TITAN version R7A (1.7pl0) does not contain logging functions. Newer versions of TITAN supports the debug logging within the automatically generated encoder/decoder functions that can be activated by allowing the DEBUG_ENCDEC (see clause of <<_4, [4]>> in TITAN runtime configuration files.
= Terminology
TITAN TTCN-3 Test Executor (see <<_4, [4]>>).
= Abbreviations
ASP:: Application Server Process
DASS:: Digital Access Signaling System
DLC:: Data Link Connection
DPNSS:: Digital Private Network Signaling System
DUA:: DPNSS/DASS 2 User Application Layer Protocol
ISDN:: Integrated Services Digital Network
IUA:: ISDN User Application Layer Protocol
PDU:: Protocol Data Unit
TEI:: Terminal Endpoint Identifier
TTCN-3:: Testing and Test Control Notation version 3
= References
[1][draft-ietf-sigtran-dua-08.txt] +
DPNSS/DASS 2 extensions to the IUA protocol
[2][draft-ietf-sigtran-rfc3057bis-02.txt] +
ISDN Q.921-User Adaptation Layer
[3] ETSI ES 201 873-1 v.2.2.1 (02/2003) +$
The Testing and Test Control Notation version 3. Part 1: Core Language
[4] 1/1553-CRL 113 200 Uen +
User Documentation for the TITAN TTCN-3 Test Executor