blob: 46622dedc87ecd8d19b0b4363bd731e0ca5e5a14 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2002, 2015 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jdt.debug.tests.eval.generator;
import org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.IInternalDebugCoreConstants;
public class TestGenerator {
static protected int getPromotionType(int left, int right) {
return fTypeTable[left][right];
static protected int getUnaryPromotionType(int type) {
return fTypeTable[type][T_int];
static protected boolean needCast(int type1, int type2) {
if (type1 == type2) {
return false;
switch (type1) {
case T_short:
case T_byte:
return type1 < type2 || type2 == T_char;
case T_char:
return true;
case T_int:
return type2 >= T_long;
case T_long:
return type2 == T_float || type2 == T_double;
case T_float:
return type2 == T_double;
case T_double:
return false;
return true;
static final int T_undefined = 0;
static final int T_object = 1;
static final int T_char = 2;
static final int T_byte = 3;
static final int T_short = 4;
static final int T_boolean = 5;
static final int T_void = 6;
static final int T_long = 7;
static final int T_double = 8;
static final int T_float = 9;
static final int T_int = 10;
static final int T_String = 11;
static final int T_null = 12;
private static final int[][] fTypeTable= {
/* undefined */ {T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined},
/* object */ {T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_String, T_undefined},
/* char */ {T_undefined, T_undefined, T_int, T_int, T_int, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_long, T_double, T_float, T_int, T_String, T_undefined},
/* byte */ {T_undefined, T_undefined, T_int, T_int, T_int, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_long, T_double, T_float, T_int, T_String, T_undefined},
/* short */ {T_undefined, T_undefined, T_int, T_int, T_int, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_long, T_double, T_float, T_int, T_String, T_undefined},
/* boolean */ {T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_boolean, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_String, T_undefined},
/* void */ {T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined},
/* long */ {T_undefined, T_undefined, T_long, T_long, T_long, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_long, T_double, T_float, T_long, T_String, T_undefined},
/* double */ {T_undefined, T_undefined, T_double, T_double, T_double, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_double, T_double, T_double, T_double, T_String, T_undefined},
/* float */ {T_undefined, T_undefined, T_float, T_float, T_float, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_float, T_double, T_float, T_float, T_String, T_undefined},
/* int */ {T_undefined, T_undefined, T_int, T_int, T_int, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_long, T_double, T_float, T_int, T_String, T_undefined},
/* String */ {T_undefined, T_String, T_String, T_String, T_String, T_String, T_undefined, T_String, T_String, T_String, T_String, T_String, T_String},
/* null */ {T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_undefined, T_String, T_undefined},
static final String[] fTypeName = new String[] {"undefined", "java.lang.Object", "char", "byte", "short", "boolean", "void", "long", "double", "float", "int", "java.lang.String", "null"};
static final String[] typeUpperName = new String[] {"Undefined", "Object", "Char", "Byte", "Short", "Boolean", "Void", "Long", "Double", "Float", "Int", "String", "Null"};
static final int Op_plus = 0;
static final int Op_minus = 1;
static final int Op_multiply = 2;
static final int Op_divide = 3;
static final int Op_remainder = 4;
static final int Op_greater = 5;
static final int Op_greaterEqual = 6;
static final int Op_less = 7;
static final int Op_lessEqual = 8;
static final int Op_equalEqual = 9;
static final int Op_notEqual = 10;
static final int Op_leftShift = 11;
static final int Op_rightShift = 12;
static final int Op_unsignedRightShift = 13;
static final int Op_or = 14;
static final int Op_and = 15;
static final int Op_xor = 16;
static final int Op_twiddle = 17;
static final int Op_not = 18;
static final int Op_equal = 19;
static final int Op_plusAss = 20;
static final int Op_minusAss = 21;
static final int Op_multiplyAss = 22;
static final int Op_divideAss = 23;
static final int Op_remainderAss = 24;
static final int Op_leftShiftAss = 25;
static final int Op_rightShiftAss = 26;
static final int Op_unsignedRightShiftAss = 27;
static final int Op_orAss = 28;
static final int Op_andAss = 29;
static final int Op_xorAss = 30;
static final int Op_prefixPlusPlus = 31;
static final int Op_postfixPlusPlus = 32;
static final int Op_prefixMinusMinus = 33;
static final int Op_postfixMinusMinus = 34;
static final String[] opSymbol = new String[] {"+", "-", "*", "/", "%", ">", ">=", "<", "<=", "==", "!=", "<<", ">>", ">>>", "|", "&", "^", "~", "!", "=", "+=", "-=", "*=", "/=", "%=", "<<=", ">>=", ">>>=", "|=", "&=", "^=", "++", "++", "--", "--"};
static final String[] opName = new String[] {"plus", "minus", "multiply", "divide", "remainder", "greater", "greaterEqual", "less", "lessEqual", "equalEqual", "notEqual", "leftShift", "rightShift", "unsignedRightShift", "or", "and", "xor", "twiddle", "not", "equal", "plusAssignment", "minusAssignment", "multiplyAssignment", "divideAssignment", "remainderAssignment", "leftShiftAssignment", "rightShiftAssignment", "unsignedRightShiftAssignment", "orAssignment", "andAssignment", "xorAssignment", "prefixPlusPlus", "postfixPlusPlus", "prefixMinusMinus", "postfixMinusMinus"};
static final String[] opUpperName = new String[] {"Plus", "Minus", "Multiply", "Divide", "Remainder", "Greater", "GreaterEqual", "Less", "LessEqual", "EqualEqual", "NotEqual", "LeftShift", "RightShift", "UnsignedRightShift", "Or", "And", "Xor", "Twiddle", "Not", "Equal", "PlusAssignment", "MinusAssignment", "MultiplyAssignment", "DivideAssignment", "RemainderAssignment", "LeftShiftAssignment", "RightShiftAssignment", "UnsignedRightShiftAssignment", "OrAssignment", "AndAssignment", "XorAssignment", "PrefixPlusPlus", "PostfixPlusPlus", "PrefixMinusMinus", "PostfixMinusMinus"};
static final String[] immediate = new String[] {"x", "y"};
static final String[] fVariable = new String[] {"xVar", "yVar", "xArray", "yArray"};
static final String[] field = new String[] {"xField", "yField", "xStaticField", "yStaticField"};
static final String[] prefixList = new String[] {"foo.", "EvalTypeTests.", IInternalDebugCoreConstants.EMPTY_STRING};
* Set the working directory of the launch configuration to generate the files
* in the correct package location.
static public void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
public static void genTestsNumericTypeAllOpsAllTypes(int type) throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = typeUpperName[type] + "OperatorsTests";
genTestsNumericTypeArithmeticOpNumericTypes(type, Op_plus, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(type, Op_plus, T_String, code);
genTestsNumericTypeArithmeticOpNumericTypes(type, Op_minus, code);
genTestsNumericTypeArithmeticOpNumericTypes(type, Op_multiply, code);
genTestsNumericTypeArithmeticOpNumericTypes(type, Op_divide, code);
genTestsNumericTypeArithmeticOpNumericTypes(type, Op_remainder, code);
genTestsNumericTypeComparisonOpNumericTypes(type, Op_greater, code);
genTestsNumericTypeComparisonOpNumericTypes(type, Op_greaterEqual, code);
genTestsNumericTypeComparisonOpNumericTypes(type, Op_less, code);
genTestsNumericTypeComparisonOpNumericTypes(type, Op_lessEqual, code);
genTestsNumericTypeComparisonOpNumericTypes(type, Op_equalEqual, code);
genTestsNumericTypeComparisonOpNumericTypes(type, Op_notEqual, code);
if (type != T_float && type != T_double) {
genTestsIntegerTypeShiftOpIntegerTypes(type, Op_leftShift, code);
genTestsIntegerTypeShiftOpIntegerTypes(type, Op_rightShift, code);
genTestsIntegerTypeShiftOpIntegerTypes(type, Op_unsignedRightShift, code);
genTestsIntegerTypeBooleanOpIntegerTypes(type, Op_or, code);
genTestsIntegerTypeBooleanOpIntegerTypes(type, Op_and, code);
genTestsIntegerTypeBooleanOpIntegerTypes(type, Op_xor, code);
genTestUnaryOpNumericType(type, Op_plus, code);
genTestUnaryOpNumericType(type, Op_minus, code);
if (type != T_float && type != T_double) {
genTestUnaryOpNumericType(type, Op_twiddle, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalSimpleTests", 15, 1, true, code);
public static void genTestsBooleanAllOpsBoolean() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "BooleanOperatorsTests";
genTestBooleanBinaryOpBoolean(Op_or, code);
genTestBooleanBinaryOpBoolean(Op_and, code);
genTestBooleanBinaryOpBoolean(Op_xor, code);
genTestUnaryOpBoolean(Op_not, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalSimpleTests", 15, 1, false, code);
public static void genTestsStringPlusOpAllTypes() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "StringPlusOpTests";
code.append("\t// " + fTypeName[T_String] + " " + opSymbol[Op_plus] + " {" + fTypeName[T_byte] + ", " + fTypeName[T_char] + ", " + fTypeName[T_short] + ", " + fTypeName[T_int] + ", " + fTypeName[T_long] + ", " + fTypeName[T_String] + ", " + fTypeName[T_null] + "}\n" +
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(T_String, Op_plus, T_byte, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(T_String, Op_plus, T_char, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(T_String, Op_plus, T_short, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(T_String, Op_plus, T_int, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(T_String, Op_plus, T_long, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(T_String, Op_plus, T_double, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(T_String, Op_plus, T_boolean, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(T_String, Op_plus, T_String, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(T_String, Op_plus, T_null, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalSimpleTests", 15, 1, true, false, code);
public static void genTestsLocalVarValue() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "LocalVarValueTests";
code.append("\t// \n" +
genTestLocalVarValue(T_byte, code);
genTestLocalVarValue(T_char, code);
genTestLocalVarValue(T_short, code);
genTestLocalVarValue(T_int, code);
genTestLocalVarValue(T_long, code);
genTestLocalVarValue(T_float, code);
genTestLocalVarValue(T_double, code);
genTestLocalVarValue(T_String, code);
genTestLocalVarValue(T_boolean, code);
// genTestLocalVarValue(T_null, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalSimpleTests", 37, 1, true, code);
public static void genTestsLocalVarAssignment() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "LocalVarAssignmentTests";
code.append("\t// \n" +
genTestLocalVarAssignment(T_byte, code);
genTestLocalVarAssignment(T_char, code);
genTestLocalVarAssignment(T_short, code);
genTestLocalVarAssignment(T_int, code);
genTestLocalVarAssignment(T_long, code);
genTestLocalVarAssignment(T_float, code);
genTestLocalVarAssignment(T_double, code);
genTestLocalVarAssignment(T_String, code);
genTestLocalVarAssignment(T_boolean, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalSimpleTests", 37, 1, true, code);
public static void genTestsNumericTypeAllAssignmentOpsAllTypes(int type) throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = typeUpperName[type] + "AssignmentOperatorsTests";
genTestsNumericTypeArithmeticAssignmentOpNumericTypes(type, Op_plusAss, code);
genTestsNumericTypeArithmeticAssignmentOpNumericTypes(type, Op_minusAss, code);
genTestsNumericTypeArithmeticAssignmentOpNumericTypes(type, Op_multiplyAss, code);
genTestsNumericTypeArithmeticAssignmentOpNumericTypes(type, Op_divideAss, code);
genTestsNumericTypeArithmeticAssignmentOpNumericTypes(type, Op_remainderAss, code);
if (type != T_float && type != T_double) {
genTestsIntegerTypeArithmeticAssignmentOpIntegerTypes(type, Op_leftShiftAss, code);
genTestsIntegerTypeArithmeticAssignmentOpIntegerTypes(type, Op_rightShiftAss, code);
genTestsIntegerTypeArithmeticAssignmentOpIntegerTypes(type, Op_unsignedRightShiftAss, code);
genTestsIntegerTypeArithmeticAssignmentOpIntegerTypes(type, Op_orAss, code);
genTestsIntegerTypeArithmeticAssignmentOpIntegerTypes(type, Op_andAss, code);
genTestsIntegerTypeArithmeticAssignmentOpIntegerTypes(type, Op_xorAss, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalSimpleTests", 37, 1, false, code);
public static void genTestsBooleanAllAssignmentOpsBoolean() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "BooleanAssignmentOperatorsTests";
code.append("\t// " + fTypeName[T_boolean] + " " + opSymbol[Op_orAss] + " " + fTypeName[T_boolean] + "\n" +
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(T_boolean, Op_orAss, T_boolean, code);
code.append("\t// " + fTypeName[T_boolean] + " " + opSymbol[Op_andAss] + " " + fTypeName[T_boolean] + "\n" +
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(T_boolean, Op_andAss, T_boolean, code);
code.append("\t// " + fTypeName[T_boolean] + " " + opSymbol[Op_xorAss] + " " + fTypeName[T_boolean] + "\n" +
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(T_boolean, Op_xorAss, T_boolean, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalSimpleTests", 37, 1, false, code);
public static void genTestsStringPlusAssignmentOpAllTypes() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "StringPlusAssignmentOpTests";
code.append("\t// " + fTypeName[T_String] + " " + opSymbol[Op_plusAss] + " {" + fTypeName[T_byte] + ", " + fTypeName[T_char] + ", " + fTypeName[T_short] + ", " + fTypeName[T_int] + ", " + fTypeName[T_long] + ", " + fTypeName[T_String] + ", " + fTypeName[T_null] + "}\n" +
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(T_String, Op_plusAss, T_byte, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(T_String, Op_plusAss, T_char, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(T_String, Op_plusAss, T_short, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(T_String, Op_plusAss, T_int, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(T_String, Op_plusAss, T_long, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(T_String, Op_plusAss, T_float, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(T_String, Op_plusAss, T_double, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(T_String, Op_plusAss, T_String, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(T_String, Op_plusAss, T_null, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalSimpleTests", 37, 1, true, false, code);
public static void genTestsNumericTypeCast() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "NumericTypesCastTests";
genTestsNumericTypeCast(T_byte, code);
genTestsNumericTypeCast(T_char, code);
genTestsNumericTypeCast(T_short, code);
genTestsNumericTypeCast(T_int, code);
genTestsNumericTypeCast(T_long, code);
genTestsNumericTypeCast(T_float, code);
genTestsNumericTypeCast(T_double, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalSimpleTests", 15, 1, false, code);
public static void genTestsAllIntegerTypesAllXfixOps() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "XfixOperatorsTests";
genTestsNumericTypeAllXfixOps(T_byte, code);
genTestsNumericTypeAllXfixOps(T_char, code);
genTestsNumericTypeAllXfixOps(T_short, code);
genTestsNumericTypeAllXfixOps(T_int, code);
genTestsNumericTypeAllXfixOps(T_long, code);
genTestsNumericTypeAllXfixOps(T_float, code);
genTestsNumericTypeAllXfixOps(T_double, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalSimpleTests", 37, 1, false, code);
public static void genTestsQualifiedFieldValue() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "QualifiedFieldValueTests";
genTestFieldValue(T_byte, 0, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_char, 0, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_short, 0, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_int, 0, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_long, 0, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_float, 0, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_double, 0, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_String, 0, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_boolean, 0, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalTypeTests", 73, 1, true, code);
public static void genTestsQualifiedStaticFieldValue() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "QualifiedStaticFieldValueTests";
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_byte, 0, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_char, 0, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_short, 0, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_int, 0, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_long, 0, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_float, 0, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_double, 0, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_String, 0, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_boolean, 0, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalTypeTests", 73, 1, true, code);
code = new StringBuffer();
className = "QualifiedStaticFieldValueTests2";
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_byte, 1, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_char, 1, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_short, 1, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_int, 1, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_long, 1, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_float, 1, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_double, 1, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_String, 1, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_boolean, 1, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalTypeTests", 73, 1, true, code);
public static void genTestsFieldValue() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "FieldValueTests";
genTestFieldValue(T_byte, 2, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_char, 2, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_short, 2, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_int, 2, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_long, 2, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_float, 2, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_double, 2, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_String, 2, code);
genTestFieldValue(T_boolean, 2, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalTypeTests", 63, 2, true, code);
public static void genTestsStaticFieldValue() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "StaticFieldValueTests";
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_byte, 2, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_char, 2, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_short, 2, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_int, 2, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_long, 2, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_float, 2, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_double, 2, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_String, 2, code);
genTestStaticFieldValue(T_boolean, 2, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalTypeTests", 63, 2, true, code);
className = "StaticFieldValueTests2";
createJavaFile(className, "EvalTypeTests", 67, 2, true, code);
public static void genTestsArrayValue() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "ArrayValueTests";
genTestArrayLength(T_byte, code);
genTestArrayLength(T_char, code);
genTestArrayLength(T_short, code);
genTestArrayLength(T_int, code);
genTestArrayLength(T_long, code);
genTestArrayLength(T_float, code);
genTestArrayLength(T_double, code);
genTestArrayLength(T_String, code);
genTestArrayLength(T_boolean, code);
genTestArrayValue(T_byte, code);
genTestArrayValue(T_char, code);
genTestArrayValue(T_short, code);
genTestArrayValue(T_int, code);
genTestArrayValue(T_long, code);
genTestArrayValue(T_float, code);
genTestArrayValue(T_double, code);
genTestArrayValue(T_String, code);
genTestArrayValue(T_boolean, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalArrayTests", 37, 1, true, code);
public static void genTestsArrayAssignment() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "ArrayAssignmentTests";
genTestArrayAssignment(T_byte, code);
genTestArrayAssignment(T_char, code);
genTestArrayAssignment(T_short, code);
genTestArrayAssignment(T_int, code);
genTestArrayAssignment(T_long, code);
genTestArrayAssignment(T_float, code);
genTestArrayAssignment(T_double, code);
genTestArrayAssignment(T_String, code);
genTestArrayAssignment(T_boolean, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalArrayTests", 37, 1, true, code);
public static void genTestsArrayAllocation() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "ArrayAllocationTests";
genTestArrayAllocation(T_byte, code);
genTestArrayAllocation(T_char, code);
genTestArrayAllocation(T_short, code);
genTestArrayAllocation(T_int, code);
genTestArrayAllocation(T_long, code);
genTestArrayAllocation(T_float, code);
genTestArrayAllocation(T_double, code);
genTestArrayAllocation(T_String, code);
genTestArrayAllocation(T_boolean, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalArrayTests", 37, 1, false, code);
public static void genTestsArrayInitialization() throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
String className = "ArrayInitializationTests";
genTestArrayInitialization(T_byte, code);
genTestArrayInitialization(T_char, code);
genTestArrayInitialization(T_short, code);
genTestArrayInitialization(T_int, code);
genTestArrayInitialization(T_long, code);
genTestArrayInitialization(T_float, code);
genTestArrayInitialization(T_double, code);
genTestArrayInitialization(T_String, code);
genTestArrayInitialization(T_boolean, code);
createJavaFile(className, "EvalArrayTests", 37, 1, true, code);
public static void genTestsNumericTypeArithmeticOpNumericTypes(int type, int op, StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t// " + fTypeName[type] + " " + opSymbol[op] + " {" + fTypeName[T_byte] + ", " + fTypeName[T_char] + ", " + fTypeName[T_short] + ", " + fTypeName[T_int] + ", " + fTypeName[T_long] + ", " + fTypeName[T_float] + ", " + fTypeName[T_double] + "}\n" +
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(type, op, T_byte, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(type, op, T_char, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(type, op, T_short, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(type, op, T_int, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(type, op, T_long, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(type, op, T_float, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(type, op, T_double, code);
public static void genTestsNumericTypeComparisonOpNumericTypes(int type, int op, StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t// " + fTypeName[type] + " " + opSymbol[op] + " {" + fTypeName[T_byte] + ", " + fTypeName[T_char] + ", " + fTypeName[T_short] + ", " + fTypeName[T_int] + ", " + fTypeName[T_long] + ", " + fTypeName[T_float] + ", " + fTypeName[T_double] + "}\n" +
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBooleanResult(type, op, T_byte, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBooleanResult(type, op, T_char, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBooleanResult(type, op, T_short, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBooleanResult(type, op, T_int, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBooleanResult(type, op, T_long, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBooleanResult(type, op, T_float, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBooleanResult(type, op, T_double, code);
public static void genTestsIntegerTypeShiftOpIntegerTypes(int type, int op, StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t// " + fTypeName[type] + " " + opSymbol[op] + " {" + fTypeName[T_byte] + ", " + fTypeName[T_char] + ", " + fTypeName[T_short] + ", " + fTypeName[T_int] + ", " + fTypeName[T_long] + "}\n" +
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeUnaryPromotion(type, op, T_byte, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeUnaryPromotion(type, op, T_char, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeUnaryPromotion(type, op, T_short, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeUnaryPromotion(type, op, T_int, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeUnaryPromotion(type, op, T_long, code);
public static void genTestsIntegerTypeBooleanOpIntegerTypes(int type, int op, StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t// " + fTypeName[type] + " " + opSymbol[op] + " {" + fTypeName[T_byte] + ", " + fTypeName[T_char] + ", " + fTypeName[T_short] + ", " + fTypeName[T_int] + ", " + fTypeName[T_long] + "}\n" +
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(type, op, T_byte, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(type, op, T_char, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(type, op, T_short, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(type, op, T_int, code);
genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(type, op, T_long, code);
public static void genTestsNumericTypeArithmeticAssignmentOpNumericTypes(int type, int op, StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t// " + fTypeName[type] + " " + opSymbol[op] + " {" + fTypeName[T_byte] + ", " + fTypeName[T_char] + ", " + fTypeName[T_short] + ", " + fTypeName[T_int] + ", " + fTypeName[T_long] + ", " + fTypeName[T_float] + ", " + fTypeName[T_double] + "}\n" +
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(type, op, T_byte, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(type, op, T_char, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(type, op, T_short, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(type, op, T_int, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(type, op, T_long, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(type, op, T_float, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(type, op, T_double, code);
public static void genTestsIntegerTypeArithmeticAssignmentOpIntegerTypes(int type, int op, StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t// " + fTypeName[type] + " " + opSymbol[op] + " {" + fTypeName[T_byte] + ", " + fTypeName[T_char] + ", " + fTypeName[T_short] + ", " + fTypeName[T_int] + ", " + fTypeName[T_long] + ", " + fTypeName[T_float] + ", " + fTypeName[T_double] + "}\n" +
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(type, op, T_byte, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(type, op, T_char, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(type, op, T_short, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(type, op, T_int, code);
genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(type, op, T_long, code);
public static void genTestsNumericTypeCast(int type, StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t// (" + fTypeName[type] + ") {" + fTypeName[T_byte] + ", " + fTypeName[T_char] + ", " + fTypeName[T_short] + ", " + fTypeName[T_int] + ", " + fTypeName[T_long] + ", " + fTypeName[T_float] + ", " + fTypeName[T_double] + "}\n" +
genTestNumericTypeCast(type, T_byte, code);
genTestNumericTypeCast(type, T_char, code);
genTestNumericTypeCast(type, T_short, code);
genTestNumericTypeCast(type, T_int, code);
genTestNumericTypeCast(type, T_long, code);
genTestNumericTypeCast(type, T_float, code);
genTestNumericTypeCast(type, T_double, code);
public static void genTestsNumericTypeAllXfixOps(int type, StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t// {" + opSymbol[Op_prefixPlusPlus] + ", " + opSymbol[Op_prefixMinusMinus] + "} " + fTypeName[type] + "\n" +
"\t// " + fTypeName[type] + " {" + opSymbol[Op_postfixPlusPlus] + ", " + opSymbol[Op_postfixMinusMinus] + "}\n" +
genTestNumericTypePrefixOp(type, Op_prefixPlusPlus, code);
genTestNumericTypePrefixOp(type, Op_prefixMinusMinus, code);
genTestNumericTypePostfixOp(type, Op_postfixPlusPlus, code);
genTestNumericTypePostfixOp(type, Op_postfixMinusMinus, code);
public static void genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBinaryPromotion(int type1, int op, int type2, StringBuffer code) {
int promotedType = getPromotionType(type1, type2);
String t1UName = typeUpperName[type1];
String t2UName = typeUpperName[type2];
String oUName = opUpperName[op];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + t1UName + oUName + t2UName + "() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeBinaryOp(type1, op, type2, promotedType, 0, 1, true, code);
genCodeBinaryOp(type1, op, type2, promotedType, 1, 0, false, code);
public static void genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeBooleanResult(int type1, int op, int type2, StringBuffer code) {
int promotedType = T_boolean;
String t1UName = typeUpperName[type1];
String t2UName = typeUpperName[type2];
String oUName = opUpperName[op];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + t1UName + oUName + t2UName + "() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeBinaryOp(type1, op, type2, promotedType, 0, 1, true, code);
genCodeBinaryOp(type1, op, type2, promotedType, 1, 0, false, code);
genCodeBinaryOp(type1, op, type2, promotedType, 0, 0, false, code);
public static void genTestTypeBinaryOpTypeUnaryPromotion(int type1, int op, int type2, StringBuffer code) {
int promotedType = getUnaryPromotionType(type1);
String t1UName = typeUpperName[type1];
String t2UName = typeUpperName[type2];
String oUName = opUpperName[op];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + t1UName + oUName + t2UName + "() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeBinaryOp(type1, op, type2, promotedType, 0, 1, true, code);
genCodeBinaryOp(type1, op, type2, promotedType, 1, 0, false, code);
public static void genTestBooleanBinaryOpBoolean(int op, StringBuffer code) {
int type = T_boolean;
String uName = typeUpperName[type];
String oUName = opUpperName[op];
code.append("\t// " + fTypeName[type] + " " + opSymbol[op] + " " + fTypeName[type] + "\n" +
code.append("\tpublic void test" + uName + oUName + uName + "() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeBinaryOp(type, op, type, type, 0, 0, true, code);
genCodeBinaryOp(type, op, type, type, 0, 1, false, code);
genCodeBinaryOp(type, op, type, type, 1, 0, false, code);
genCodeBinaryOp(type, op, type, type, 1, 1, false, code);
public static void genTestUnaryOpNumericType(int type, int op, StringBuffer code) {
int promotedType = getUnaryPromotionType(type);
String tName = fTypeName[type];
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String oSymbol = opSymbol[op];
String oUName = opUpperName[op];
code.append("\t// " + oSymbol + " " + tName + "\n" +
code.append("\tpublic void test" + oUName + tUName + "() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeUnaryOp(type, op, promotedType, 0, true, code);
genCodeUnaryOp(type, op, promotedType, 1, false, code);
public static void genTestUnaryOpBoolean(int op, StringBuffer code) {
int type = T_boolean;
String uName = typeUpperName[type];
String oUName = opUpperName[op];
code.append("\t// " + opSymbol[op] + " " + fTypeName[type] + "\n" +
code.append("\tpublic void test" + oUName + uName + "() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeUnaryOp(type, op, type, 0, true, code);
genCodeUnaryOp(type, op, type, 1, false, code);
public static void genTestLocalVarValue(int type, StringBuffer code ) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + tUName + "() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeLocalVarValue(type, 0, true, code);
genCodeLocalVarValue(type, 1, false, code);
public static void genTestLocalVarAssignment(int type, StringBuffer code) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + tUName + "() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeLocalVarAssignment(type, 0, 0, true, code);
genCodeLocalVarAssignment(type, 0, 1, false, code);
genCodeLocalVarAssignment(type, 1, 0, false, code);
genCodeLocalVarAssignment(type, 1, 1, false, code);
public static void genTestTypeAssignmentOpType(int type1, int op, int type2, StringBuffer code) {
String t1UName = typeUpperName[type1];
String t2UName = typeUpperName[type2];
String oUName = opUpperName[op];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + t1UName + oUName + t2UName + "() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeSetTmp("tmp" + fVariable[0], type1, Op_equal, fVariable[0] + t1UName + "Value", true, code);
genCodeSetTmp("tmp" + fVariable[0], type1, op, immediate[0] + t2UName + "Value", false, code);
genCodeAssignmentOp(type1, op, type2, 0, 0, true, code);
genCodeSetTmp("tmp" + fVariable[0], type1, op, immediate[1] + t2UName + "Value", false, code);
genCodeAssignmentOp(type1, op, type2, 0, 1, false, code);
genCodeSetTmp("tmp" + fVariable[1], type1, Op_equal, fVariable[1] + t1UName + "Value", true, code);
genCodeSetTmp("tmp" + fVariable[1], type1, op, immediate[0] + t2UName + "Value", false, code);
genCodeAssignmentOp(type1, op, type2, 1, 0, false, code);
genCodeSetTmp("tmp" + fVariable[1], type1, op, immediate[1] + t2UName + "Value", false, code);
genCodeAssignmentOp(type1, op, type2, 1, 1, false, code);
public static void genTestNumericTypeCast(int type1, int type2, StringBuffer code) {
String t1UName = typeUpperName[type1];
String t2UName = typeUpperName[type2];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + t1UName + "Cast" + t2UName + "() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeCast(type1, type2, 0, true, code);
genCodeCast(type1, type2, 1, false, code);
public static void genTestNumericTypePrefixOp(int type, int op, StringBuffer code) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String oUName = opUpperName[op];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + oUName + tUName + "() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodePrefixOp(type, op, 0, true, code);
genCodePrefixOp(type, op, 1, false, code);
public static void genTestNumericTypePostfixOp(int type, int op, StringBuffer code) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String oUName = opUpperName[op];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + oUName + tUName + "() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodePostfixOp(type, op, 0, true, code);
genCodePostfixOp(type, op, 1, false, code);
public static void genTestFieldValue(int type, int prefix, StringBuffer code ) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + tUName + "FieldValue() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeFieldValue(type, 0, prefix, true, code);
genCodeFieldValue(type, 1, prefix, false, code);
public static void genTestStaticFieldValue(int type, int prefix, StringBuffer code ) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + tUName + "StaticFieldValue() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeFieldValue(type, 2, prefix, true, code);
genCodeFieldValue(type, 3, prefix, false, code);
public static void genTestArrayValue(int type, StringBuffer code ) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + tUName + "ArrayValue() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeArrayValue(type, 2, 0, true, code);
genCodeArrayValue(type, 2, 1, false, code);
genCodeArrayValue(type, 2, 2, false, code);
genCodeArrayValue(type, 3, 0, false, code);
genCodeArrayValue(type, 3, 1, false, code);
genCodeArrayValue(type, 3, 2, false, code);
public static void genTestArrayLength(int type, StringBuffer code ) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + tUName + "ArrayLength() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeArrayLength(type, 2, true, code);
genCodeArrayLength(type, 3, false, code);
public static void genTestArrayAssignment(int type, StringBuffer code ) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + tUName + "ArrayAssignment() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeArrayAssignment(type, 2, 0, 0, true, code);
genCodeArrayAssignment(type, 2, 1, 1, false, code);
genCodeArrayAssignment(type, 2, 2, 0, false, code);
genCodeArrayAssignment(type, 3, 0, 1, false, code);
genCodeArrayAssignment(type, 3, 1, 0, false, code);
genCodeArrayAssignment(type, 3, 2, 1, false, code);
public static void genTestArrayAllocation(int type, StringBuffer code) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + tUName + "ArrayAllocation() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeArrayAllocation(type, 2, 0, true, code);
genCodeArrayAllocation(type, 3, 1, false, code);
public static void genTestArrayInitialization(int type, StringBuffer code) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
code.append("\tpublic void test" + tUName + "ArrayAllocation() throws Throwable {\n");
genCodeArrayInitialization(type, 2, true, code);
genCodeArrayInitialization(type, 3, false, code);
public static void genCodeBinaryOp(int type1, int op, int type2, int resultType, int var1, int var2, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String t1Name = fTypeName[type1];
String t1UName = typeUpperName[type1];
String t2Name = fTypeName[type2];
String t2UName = typeUpperName[type2];
String resName = fTypeName[resultType];
String resUName = typeUpperName[resultType];
String oName = opName[op];
String oSymbol = opSymbol[op];
String v1Name = immediate[var1];
String v2Name = immediate[var2];
genCodeEval(v1Name + t1UName + " + " + oName + "Op + " + v2Name + t2UName, first, code);
genCodeReturnTypeCheck(t1Name + " " + oName + " " + t2Name, resName, first, code);
switch (resultType) {
case T_String:
genCodeReturnValueCheckStringType(t1Name + " " + oName + " " + t2Name, v1Name + t1UName + "Value " + oSymbol + " " + v2Name + t2UName + "Value", first, code);
case T_float:
case T_double:
genCodeReturnValueCheckFloatDoubleType(t1Name + " " + oName + " " + t2Name, resName, resUName, v1Name + t1UName + "Value " + oSymbol + " " + v2Name + t2UName + "Value", first, code);
genCodeReturnValueCheckPrimitiveType(t1Name + " " + oName + " " + t2Name, resName, resUName, v1Name + t1UName + "Value " + oSymbol + " " + v2Name + t2UName + "Value", first, code);
public static void genCodeUnaryOp(int type, int op, int resultType, int var, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tName = fTypeName[type];
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String resName = fTypeName[resultType];
String resUName = typeUpperName[resultType];
String oName = opName[op];
String oSymbol = opSymbol[op];
String vName = immediate[var];
genCodeEval(oName + "Op + " + vName + tUName, first, code);
genCodeReturnTypeCheck(oName + " " + tName, resName, first, code);
if (type == T_float || type == T_double) {
genCodeReturnValueCheckFloatDoubleType(oName + " " + tName, resName, resUName, oSymbol + " " + vName + tUName + "Value", first, code);
} else {
genCodeReturnValueCheckPrimitiveType(oName + " " + tName, resName, resUName, oSymbol + " " + vName + tUName + "Value", first, code);
public static void genCodeLocalVarValue(int type, int var, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String vName = fVariable[var];
genCodeLocalVarValue(type,var, vName + tUName + "Value", first, code);
public static void genCodeLocalVarValue(int type, int var, String referenceExpression, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tName = fTypeName[type];
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String vName = fVariable[var];
genCodeEval(vName + tUName, first, code);
genCodeReturnTypeCheck(tName + " local variable value", tName, first,code);
switch (type) {
case T_String:
genCodeReturnValueCheckStringType(tName + " local variable value", referenceExpression, first, code);
case T_float:
case T_double:
genCodeReturnValueCheckFloatDoubleType(tName + " local variable value", tName, tUName, referenceExpression, first, code);
genCodeReturnValueCheckPrimitiveType(tName + " local variable value", tName, tUName, referenceExpression, first, code);
public static void genCodeLocalVarAssignment(int type, int var, int imm, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tName = fTypeName[type];
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String vName = fVariable[var];
String iName = immediate[imm];
String oName = opName[Op_equal];
genCodeEval(vName + tUName + " + " + oName + "Op +" + iName + tUName, first, code);
genCodeReturnTypeCheck(tName + " local variable assignment", tName, first,code);
switch (type) {
case T_String:
genCodeReturnValueCheckStringType(tName + " local variable assignment", iName + tUName + "Value", first, code);
case T_float:
case T_double:
genCodeReturnValueCheckFloatDoubleType(tName + " local variable assignment", tName, tUName, iName + tUName + "Value", first, code);
genCodeReturnValueCheckPrimitiveType(tName + " local variable assignment", tName, tUName, iName + tUName + "Value", first, code);
genCodeLocalVarValue(type, var, iName + tUName + "Value", false, code);
public static void genCodeAssignmentOp(int type1, int op, int type2, int var, int imm, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String t1Name = fTypeName[type1];
String t1UName = typeUpperName[type1];
String t2Name = fTypeName[type2];
String t2UName = typeUpperName[type2];
String oName = opName[op];
String vName = fVariable[var];
String iName = immediate[imm];
genCodeEval(vName + t1UName + " + " + oName + "Op + " + iName + t2UName, first, code);
genCodeReturnTypeCheck(t1Name + " " + oName + " " + t2Name, t1Name, first, code);
switch (type1) {
case T_String:
genCodeReturnValueCheckStringType(t1Name + " " + oName + " " + t2Name, "tmp" + vName, first, code);
case T_float:
case T_double:
genCodeReturnValueCheckFloatDoubleType(t1Name + " " + oName + " " + t2Name, t1Name, t1UName, "tmp" + vName, first, code);
genCodeReturnValueCheckPrimitiveType(t1Name + " " + oName + " " + t2Name, t1Name, t1UName, "tmp" + vName, first, code);
genCodeLocalVarValue(type1, var, "tmp" + vName, false, code);
public static void genCodeCast(int type1, int type2, int imm, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String t1Name = fTypeName[type1];
String t1UName = typeUpperName[type1];
String t2Name = fTypeName[type2];
String t2UName = typeUpperName[type2];
String iName = immediate[imm];
genCodeEval("\"(" + t1Name + ")\" + " + iName + t2UName, first, code);
genCodeReturnTypeCheck("(" + t1Name + ") " + t2Name, t1Name, first, code);
if (type1 == T_float || type1 == T_double) {
genCodeReturnValueCheckFloatDoubleType("(" + t1Name + ") " + t2Name, t1Name, t1UName, (needCast(type1, type2) ? "( " + t1Name + ") " : IInternalDebugCoreConstants.EMPTY_STRING) + iName + t2UName + "Value", first, code);
} else {
genCodeReturnValueCheckPrimitiveType("(" + t1Name + ") " + t2Name, t1Name, t1UName, (needCast(type1, type2) ? "( " + t1Name + ") " : IInternalDebugCoreConstants.EMPTY_STRING) + iName + t2UName + "Value", first, code);
public static void genCodePrefixOp(int type, int op, int var, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tName = fTypeName[type];
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String vName = fVariable[var];
String oName = opName[op];
String oSymbol = opSymbol[op];
genCodeSetTmp("tmp" + vName, type, Op_equal, vName + tUName + "Value", true, code);
genCodeEval(oName + "Op + " + vName + tUName, first, code);
genCodeReturnTypeCheck(oName + " " + tName, tName, first, code);
if (type == T_float || type == T_double) {
genCodeReturnValueCheckFloatDoubleType(oName + " " + tName, tName, tUName, oSymbol + "tmp" + vName, first,code);
} else {
genCodeReturnValueCheckPrimitiveType(oName + " " + tName, tName, tUName, oSymbol + "tmp" + vName, first,code);
genCodeLocalVarValue(type, var, "tmp" + vName, false, code);
public static void genCodePostfixOp(int type, int op, int var, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tName = fTypeName[type];
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String vName = fVariable[var];
String oName = opName[op];
String oSymbol = opSymbol[op];
genCodeSetTmp("tmp" + vName, type, Op_equal, vName + tUName + "Value", true, code);
genCodeEval(vName + tUName + " + " + oName + "Op", first, code);
genCodeReturnTypeCheck(tName + " " + oName, tName, first, code);
if (type == T_float || type == T_double) {
genCodeReturnValueCheckFloatDoubleType(tName + " " + oName, tName, tUName, "tmp" + vName + oSymbol, first,code);
} else {
genCodeReturnValueCheckPrimitiveType(tName + " " + oName, tName, tUName, "tmp" + vName + oSymbol, first,code);
genCodeLocalVarValue(type, var, "tmp" + vName, false, code);
public static void genCodeFieldValue(int type, int var, int prefix, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String fName = field[var];
genCodeFieldValue(type, var, prefix, fName + tUName + "Value", first, code);
public static void genCodeFieldValue(int type, int var, int prefix, String referenceExpression, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tName = fTypeName[type];
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String fName = field[var];
String prefixVal = prefixList[prefix];
genCodeEval("\"" + prefixVal + "\" + " + fName + tUName, first, code);
genCodeReturnTypeCheck(tName + " field value", tName, first,code);
switch (type) {
case T_String:
genCodeReturnValueCheckStringType(tName + " field value", referenceExpression, first, code);
case T_float:
case T_double:
genCodeReturnValueCheckFloatDoubleType(tName + " field value", tName, tUName, referenceExpression, first, code);
genCodeReturnValueCheckPrimitiveType(tName + " field value", tName, tUName, referenceExpression, first, code);
public static void genCodeArrayLength(int type, int var, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String vName = fVariable[var];
genCodeArrayLength(type, var, vName + tUName + "Value.length", first, code);
public static void genCodeArrayLength(int type, int var, String referenceExpression, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tName = fTypeName[type];
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String vName = fVariable[var];
genCodeEval(vName + tUName + " + \".length\"", first, code);
genCodeReturnTypeCheck(tName + " array length", fTypeName[T_int], first,code);
genCodeReturnValueCheckPrimitiveType(tName + " array length", fTypeName[T_int], typeUpperName[T_int], referenceExpression, first, code);
public static void genCodeArrayValue(int type, int var, int index, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String vName = fVariable[var];
genCodeArrayValue(type, var, index, vName + tUName + "Value[" + index + "]", first, code);
public static void genCodeArrayValue(int type, int var, int index, String referenceExpression, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tName = fTypeName[type];
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String vName = fVariable[var];
genCodeEval(vName + tUName + " + \"[" + index + "]\"", first, code);
genCodeReturnTypeCheck(tName + " array value", tName, first,code);
switch (type) {
case T_String:
genCodeReturnValueCheckStringType(tName + " array value", referenceExpression, first, code);
case T_float:
case T_double:
genCodeReturnValueCheckFloatDoubleType(tName + " array value", tName, tUName, referenceExpression, first, code);
genCodeReturnValueCheckPrimitiveType(tName + " array value", tName, tUName, referenceExpression, first, code);
public static void genCodeArrayAssignment(int type, int var, int index, int imm, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tName = fTypeName[type];
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String vName = fVariable[var];
String iName = immediate[imm];
String oName = opName[Op_equal];
genCodeEval(vName + tUName + " + \"[" + index + "]\" + " + oName + "Op +" + iName + tUName, first, code);
genCodeReturnTypeCheck(tName + " array assignment", tName, first,code);
switch (type) {
case T_String:
genCodeReturnValueCheckStringType(tName + " array assignment", iName + tUName + "Value", first, code);
case T_float:
case T_double:
genCodeReturnValueCheckFloatDoubleType(tName + " array assignment", tName, tUName, iName + tUName + "Value", first, code);
genCodeReturnValueCheckPrimitiveType(tName + " array assignment", tName, tUName, iName + tUName + "Value", first, code);
genCodeArrayValue(type, var, index, iName + tUName + "Value", false, code);
public static void genCodeArrayAllocation(int type, int var, int dim, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tName = fTypeName[type];
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String charUName = typeUpperName[T_char];
String vName = fVariable[var];
String iName = immediate[dim];
String oName = opName[Op_equal];
genCodeEval(vName + tUName + " + " + oName + "Op + \"new " + tName + "[\" + " + iName + charUName + " + \"]\"", first, code);
genCodeReturnTypeCheck(tName + " array assignment", tName + "[]", first, code);
if (first) {
genCodeSetTmp("intValue", T_int, Op_equal, "0", true, code);
genCodeArrayLength(type, var, iName + charUName + "Value", false, code);
public static void genCodeArrayInitialization(int type, int var, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
String tName = fTypeName[type];
String tUName = typeUpperName[type];
String vName = fVariable[var];
String oName = opName[Op_equal];
String i1Name = immediate[(var + 1) % 2];
String value = IInternalDebugCoreConstants.EMPTY_STRING;
boolean f = true;
for (int i = 0; i < var; i ++) {
if (f) {
f = false;
} else {
value += " + \", \" + ";
value += immediate[i % 2] + tUName;
genCodeEval(vName + tUName + " + " + oName + "Op + \"new " + tName + "[]{\" + " + value + " + \"}\"", first, code);
genCodeReturnTypeCheck(tName + " array assignment", tName + "[]", first, code);
if (first) {
genCodeSetTmp("intValue", T_int, Op_equal, "0", true, code);
if (type != T_int) {
genCodeSetTmp(((type == T_String)? "string" : tName) + "Value", type, Op_equal, i1Name + tUName + "Value", true, code);
genCodeArrayLength(type, var, IInternalDebugCoreConstants.EMPTY_STRING + var, false, code);
for (int i = 0; i < var; i++) {
genCodeArrayValue(type, var, i, immediate[i % 2] + tUName + "Value", false, code);
public static void genCodeEval(String expression, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t\t" + ((first)? "IValue " : IInternalDebugCoreConstants.EMPTY_STRING) + "value = eval(" + expression + ");\n");
public static void genCodeReturnTypeCheck(String test, String typeName, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t\t" + ((first)? "String " : IInternalDebugCoreConstants.EMPTY_STRING) + "typeName = value.getReferenceTypeName();\n" +
"\t\tassertEquals(\"" + test + " : wrong type : \", \"" + typeName + "\", typeName);\n");
public static void genCodeReturnValueCheckPrimitiveType(String test, String resType, String uResType, String referenceExpression, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t\t" + ((first)? resType + " " : IInternalDebugCoreConstants.EMPTY_STRING) + resType + "Value = ((IJavaPrimitiveValue)value).get" + uResType + "Value();\n" +
"\t\tassertEquals(\"" + test + " : wrong result : \", " + referenceExpression + ", " + resType+ "Value);\n");
public static void genCodeReturnValueCheckFloatDoubleType(String test, String resType, String uResType, String referenceExpression, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t\t" + ((first)? resType + " " : IInternalDebugCoreConstants.EMPTY_STRING) + resType + "Value = ((IJavaPrimitiveValue)value).get" + uResType + "Value();\n" +
"\t\tassertEquals(\"" + test + " : wrong result : \", " + referenceExpression + ", " + resType+ "Value, 0);\n");
public static void genCodeReturnValueCheckStringType(String test, String referenceExpression, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t\t" + ((first)? "String " : IInternalDebugCoreConstants.EMPTY_STRING) + "stringValue = ((JDIObjectValue)value).getValueString();\n" +
"\t\tassertEquals(\"" + test + " : wrong result : \", " + referenceExpression + ", " + "stringValue);\n");
/* public static void genCodeReturnValueCheckObjectType(String test, String referenceExpression, boolean first, StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t\t" + ((first)? "Object " : IInternalDebugUIConstants.EMPTY_STRING) + "objectValue = ((JDIObjectValue)value).getValueString();\n" +
"\t\tassertEquals(\"" + test + " : wrong result : \" + " + "objectValue, " + "objectValue, " + referenceExpression + ");\n");
public static void genCodeSetTmp(String varName, int type, int op, String value, boolean init , StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t\t" + ((init)? fTypeName[type] + " " : IInternalDebugCoreConstants.EMPTY_STRING) + varName + " " + opSymbol[op] + " " + value + ";\n");
public static void tryBlockBegin(StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t\ttry {\n\t\tinit();\n");
public static void tryBlockEnd(StringBuffer code) {
code.append("\t\t} finally {\n\t\tend();\n\t\t}\n");
public static void createJavaFile(String className, String testClass, int breakPointLine, int frameNumber, boolean importJDIObjectValue, StringBuffer tests) throws Exception {
createJavaFile(className, testClass, breakPointLine, frameNumber, importJDIObjectValue, true, tests);
public static void createJavaFile(String className, String testClass, int breakPointLine, int frameNumber, boolean importJDIObjectValue, boolean importIJavaPrimitiveValue, StringBuffer tests) throws Exception {
StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
code.append(" * Copyright (c) 2002, 2003 IBM Corporation and others.\n");
code.append(" * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials \n");
code.append(" * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0\n");
code.append(" * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at\n");
code.append(" *\n");
code.append(" * \n");
code.append(" * Contributors:\n");
code.append(" * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation\n");
code.append(" *******************************************************************************/\n");
code.append("package org.eclipse.jdt.debug.tests.eval;\n\n" +
"import org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IValue;\n");
if (importIJavaPrimitiveValue) {
code.append("import org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaPrimitiveValue;\n");
if (importJDIObjectValue) {
code.append("import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.model.JDIObjectValue;\n");
code.append("\n" +
"public class " + className + " extends Tests {\n" +
"\n" +
"\tpublic " + className + "(String arg) {\n" +
"\t\tsuper(arg);\n" +
"\t}\n" +
"\n" +
"\tprotected void init() throws Exception {\n" +
"\t\tinitializeFrame(\"" + testClass + "\"," + breakPointLine + "," + frameNumber + ");\n" +
"\t}\n" +
"\n" +
"\tprotected void end() throws Exception {\n" +
"\t\tdestroyFrame();\n" +
try (Writer file = new FileWriter(new File(className + ".java").getAbsoluteFile())) {