blob: c597a1f119635d36d12f19b5f97f1042514391ef [file] [log] [blame]
import 'EssentialOCLCS.ecore'
import '/resource/org.eclipse.ocl.xtext.base/model/BaseCS.ecore'
import '/resource/org.eclipse.ocl.pivot/model/Pivot.ecore'
import '/resource/org.eclipse.ocl.pivot/model/PivotCS2ASLookup.ocl'
import '/resource/org.eclipse.ocl.xtext.base/model/BaseCS2AS.ocl' -- To import other OCL definitions
import 'EssentialOCLCS2ASDisambiguation.ocl'
import 'EssentialOCLCS2ASHelpers.ocl'
package basecs
context ElementCS
def : elementParent : ElementCS =
if oclContainer().oclIsKindOf(ElementCS)
then oclContainer().oclAsType(ElementCS)
else null
def : parent : basecs::ElementCS = elementParent
package essentialoclcs
context BooleanLiteralExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::BooleanLiteralExp =
ocl::BooleanLiteralExp {
booleanSymbol = symbol.toBoolean(),
-- type = Boolean
type = ast().lookupClass('Boolean')
context CollectionLiteralExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::CollectionLiteralExp =
ocl::CollectionLiteralExp {
-- kind = ocl::CollectionKind.allLiterals->any(,
ownedParts = ownedParts.ast(),
type = ownedType.ast()
context CollectionLiteralPartCS
def : ast() : ocl::CollectionLiteralPart =
if isCollectionItem()
then ocl::CollectionItem {
ownedItem = ownedExpression.ast(),
type = ownedExpression.ast().type
else if isCollectionRange()
then ocl::CollectionRange {
ownedFirst = ownedExpression.ast(),
ownedLast = ownedLastExpression.ast()
-- type = commonType(ownedExpression.ast().type, ownedLastExpression.ast().type)
context CollectionTypeCS
def : ast() : ocl::CollectionType =
-- env().lookupCollectionType(name, ownedType)
-- FIXME this should probably be a lookup
ocl::CollectionType {
name = name,
elementType = ownedType.ast(),
lower = if ownedMultiplicity = null
then 0
else ownedMultiplicity.getLower()
-- NOT SUPPORTED else ocl::Integer{ownedMultiplicity.getLower().toString()}
upper = if ownedMultiplicity = null
then *
-- NOT SUPPORTED else ocl::UnlimitedNatural{ownedMultiplicity.getUpper().toString()}
else ownedMultiplicity.getUpper()
-- FIXME probably move this to BaseCS.ocl
--context basecs::ConstraintCS
--def : ast() : ocl::Constraint =
-- if messageSpecification = null
-- then basecs::ConstraintCS.ast()
-- else ocl::Constraint {
-- specification = ocl::ExpressionInOCL {
-- variable = ocl::VariableDeclaration {
-- name = 'self'
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- endif
-- TODO special context initializer
context ContextCS
def : ast() : ocl::ExpressionInOCL =
ocl::ExpressionInOCL {
ownedBody = ownedExpression.ast()
context ExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::OCLExpression =
null -- to be overriden
--def : precedence : Precedence = LEAF_PRECEDENCE
def : isLocalLeftAncestorOf(csExp : ExpCS) : Boolean = false
def : isLocalRightAncestorOf(csExp : ExpCS) : Boolean = false
def : localLeft : ExpCS = self
def : localLeftmostDescendant : ExpCS = self
def : localParent : ExpCS = null
def : localRight : ExpCS = self
def : localRightmostDescendant : ExpCS = self
def : parent : basecs::ElementCS = if localParent <> null then localParent else elementParent endif
-- TODO there is a tricky part with respect to the case of having a messageExpression
context ExpSpecificationCS
def : ast() : ocl::ExpressionInOCL =
if ownedExpression = null
then ocl::ExpressionInOCL {
_body = exprString
else ocl::ExpressionInOCL {
ownedBody = ownedExpression.ast()
context IfExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::IfExp =
ocl::IfExp {
ownedCondition = ownedCondition.ast(),
ownedThen = ownedThenExpression.ast(),
ownedElse = ownedElseExpression.ast()
-- type = commonType(ownedThenExpression.ast().type, ownedElseExpression.ast().ast)
-- isImplicit = isImplicit
inv ElseIfHasBeenFlattened: ownedIfThenExpressions->isEmpty()
context InfixExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::OCLExpression =
context InvalidLiteralExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::InvalidLiteralExp =
ocl::InvalidLiteralExp {
type = OclInvalid
context LetExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::LetExp =
ocl::LetExp {
-- FIXME TODO ownedVariable = ownedVariables->at(1).ast(),
ownedIn = ownedInExpression.ast(),
-- isImplicit = isImplicit
type = ownedInExpression.ast().oclAsType(ocl::OCLExpression).type
inv LetHasBeenFlattened: ownedVariables->size() = 1
-- FIXME this makes the scheduler fail
-- FIXME isn't this unnecessarily redundant ?
--context LetVariableCS
--def : ast() : ocl::Variable =
-- ocl::Variable {
-- name = name,
-- ownedInit = ownedInitExpression.ast(),
-- type = ownedType.ast()
-- }
-- TODO context NavigatingArgCS
context NameExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::OCLExpression =
if isAssociationClassExp() then
ocl::AssociationClassCallExp {
name =, -- FIXME do a named-based lookup
-- type = specialized(referredAssociation.type),
ownedSource = source.ast(),
referredAssociationClass = referredAssociation, -- FIXME do a named-based looku
isPre = isPre
else if isIterateExp() then
ocl::IterateExp {
name =, -- FIXME do a named-based lookup
-- type = specialized(iteration.type),
ownedSource = source.ast(),
ownedIterators = iterators.ast(),
ownedResult = accumulators->at(1).ast(),
ownedBody = arguments->at(1).ast(),
referredIteration = referredIteration -- FIXME do a named-based lookup
else if isIteratorExp() then
ocl::IteratorExp {
name =,
-- type = specialized(iteration.type),
ownedSource = source.ast(),
ownedIterators = iterators.ast(),
ownedBody = arguments->at(1).ast(),
referredIteration = referredIteration -- FIXME do a named-based lookup
else if isOperationCallExp() then
ocl::OperationCallExp {
name =, -- FIXME do a named-based lookup
-- type = specialized(referredOperation.type),
ownedSource = source.ast(),
ownedArguments = arguments.ast(),
--referredOperation = lookupOperation(), FIXME
isPre = isPre
else if isPropertyCallExp() then
ocl::PropertyCallExp {
name =,
-- type = specialized(property.type),
ownedSource = source.ast(),
referredProperty = referredProperty,
isPre = isPre
else if isShadowExp() then
ocl::ShadowExp {
value = value,
ownedParts = parts.ast()
-- type = env().lookupType(nameExp.pathName)
-- type = nameExp.ast().oclAsType(ocl::Type)
else if isVariableExp() then
ocl::VariableExp {
name =, -- FIXME do a named-based lookup
type = referredVariable.type, -- FIXME do a named-based lookup
referredVariable = referredVariable -- FIXME do a named-based lookup
else invalid
endif endif endif endif endif endif endif
context NullLiteralExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::NullLiteralExp =
ocl::NullLiteralExp {
type = OclVoid
context NumberLiteralExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::NumericLiteralExp =
-- if symbol.floor() = symbol then
ocl::IntegerLiteralExp {
-- integerSymbol = symbol--, FIXME
-- type = Integer FIXME
-- else
-- ocl::RealLiteralExp {
-- realSymbol = symbol,
-- type = Real
-- }
-- endif
context SelfExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::VariableExp =
ocl::VariableExp {
referredVariable = ast().lookupVariable(name),
type = ast().referredVariable.type
-- ShadowExps come from NameExpCS
context ShadowPartCS
def : ast() : ocl::ShadowPart =
ocl::ShadowPart {
ownedInit = ownedInitExpression.ast(),
referredProperty = referredProperty -- REF Xtext cross-reference
context StringLiteralExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::StringLiteralExp =
ocl::StringLiteralExp {
stringSymbol = segments->iterate(x : String, result : String = '' |
-- type = String FIXME
context TupleLiteralExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::TupleLiteralExp =
ocl::TupleLiteralExp {
ownedParts = ownedParts.ast()
-- type = env().lookupTuple(ownedParts)
context TupleLiteralPartCS
def : ast() : ocl::TupleLiteralPart =
ocl::TupleLiteralPart {
name = name,
ownedInit = ownedInitExpression.ast(),
type = ownedType.ast()
context TypeLiteralExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::TypeExp =
ocl::TypeExp {
referredType = ownedType.ast(),
type = ast().referredType
-- TODO context UnaryOperatorCS
context UnlimitedNaturalLiteralExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::UnlimitedNaturalLiteralExp =
name = '*',
unlimitedNaturalSymbol = *
context VariableCS
def : ast() : ocl::Variable =
ocl::Variable {
name = name,
ownedInit = ownedInitExpression.ast(),
type = ownedType.ast()