blob: 38b0e35fb55a2f466f7d588ee8e4edae33b0b486 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Eike Stepper (Berlin, Germany) and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Eike Stepper - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.oomph.p2.internal.core;
import org.eclipse.oomph.p2.P2Exception;
import org.eclipse.oomph.p2.core.Agent;
import org.eclipse.oomph.p2.core.AgentManager;
import org.eclipse.oomph.p2.core.BundlePool;
import org.eclipse.oomph.p2.core.P2Util;
import org.eclipse.oomph.p2.core.Profile;
import org.eclipse.oomph.p2.core.ProfileCreator;
import org.eclipse.oomph.util.IOUtil;
import org.eclipse.oomph.util.MonitorUtil;
import org.eclipse.oomph.util.PropertiesUtil;
import org.eclipse.oomph.util.StringUtil;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.URIConverter;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.CommitOperationEvent;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.repository.Transport;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.touchpoint.eclipse.EclipseTouchpoint;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.touchpoint.eclipse.Util;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.update.Configuration;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.update.Site;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.core.eventbus.IProvisioningEventBus;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.core.eventbus.SynchronousProvisioningListener;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.IProvisioningAgent;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.IProvisioningAgentProvider;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.ProvisionException;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.spi.IAgentService;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine.IEngine;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine.IProfile;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine.IProfileRegistry;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.IArtifactKey;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.IInstallableUnit;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.planner.IPlanner;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.query.QueryUtil;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.artifact.IArtifactRepositoryManager;
import org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.metadata.IMetadataRepositoryManager;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.EventObject;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* @author Eike Stepper
public class AgentImpl extends AgentManagerElementImpl implements Agent
public static final String ENGINE_PATH = "org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine";
private static final Pattern ECLIPSE_INI_SECTION_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^(-vmargs)([\n\r]+.*)\\z|^(-[^\\n\\r]*[\\n\\r]*)((?:^[^-][^\\n\\r]*)*[\\n\\r]*)",
Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.DOTALL);
private final AgentManagerImpl agentManager;
private final File location;
private final PersistentMap<BundlePool> bundlePoolMap;
private final PersistentMap<Profile> profileMap;
private IProvisioningAgent provisioningAgent;
private IProfileRegistry profileRegistry;
private IMetadataRepositoryManager metadataRepositoryManager;
private IArtifactRepositoryManager artifactRepositoryManager;
private IEngine engine;
private IPlanner planner;
private Transport originalTransport;
private IMetadataRepositoryManager originalMetadataRepositoryManager;
private IArtifactRepositoryManager originalArtifactRepositoryManager;
public AgentImpl(AgentManagerImpl agentManager, File location)
this.agentManager = agentManager;
this.location = location;
bundlePoolMap = new PersistentMap<BundlePool>(new File(location, ""))
protected BundlePool createElement(String key, String extraInfo)
return new BundlePoolImpl(AgentImpl.this, new File(key));
protected BundlePool loadElement(String key, String extraInfo)
return super.loadElement(key, extraInfo);
protected void initializeFirstTime()
IProfileRegistry profileRegistry = getProfileRegistry();
for (IProfile delegate : profileRegistry.getProfiles())
String cache = delegate.getProperty(Profile.PROP_CACHE);
if (cache != null)
addElement(cache, null);
profileMap = new PersistentMap<Profile>(new File(location, ""))
protected Profile createElement(String profileID, String extraInfo)
if (extraInfo == null)
return new ProfileImpl(AgentImpl.this, null, profileID, null, null, null);
List<String> tokens = StringUtil.explode(extraInfo, "|");
int size = tokens.size();
String type = size > 0 ? tokens.get(0) : "";
BundlePool bundlePool = size > 1 ? getBundlePool(tokens.get(1)) : null;
File installFolder = size > 2 ? AgentImpl.getFile(tokens.get(2)) : null;
File referencer = size > 3 ? AgentImpl.getFile(tokens.get(3)) : null;
return new ProfileImpl(AgentImpl.this, bundlePool, profileID, type, installFolder, referencer);
protected Profile loadElement(String key, String extraInfo)
return super.loadElement(key, extraInfo);
protected void initializeFirstTime()
fillProfileMap(this, new NullProgressMonitor());
public String getElementType()
return "agent";
public void dispose()
if (provisioningAgent != null)
if (originalTransport != null)
provisioningAgent.registerService(Transport.SERVICE_NAME, originalTransport);
if (originalMetadataRepositoryManager != null)
if (metadataRepositoryManager instanceof IAgentService)
provisioningAgent.registerService(IMetadataRepositoryManager.SERVICE_NAME, originalMetadataRepositoryManager);
if (originalArtifactRepositoryManager != null)
if (artifactRepositoryManager instanceof IAgentService)
provisioningAgent.registerService(IArtifactRepositoryManager.SERVICE_NAME, originalArtifactRepositoryManager);
public AgentManager getAgentManager()
return agentManager;
public File getLocation()
return location;
public boolean isValid()
return isValid(location);
public boolean isCurrent()
return agentManager.getCurrentAgent() == this;
public boolean isUsed()
for (BundlePool bundlePool : getBundlePools())
if (bundlePool.isUsed())
return true;
for (Profile profile : getProfiles())
if (profile.isUsed())
return true;
return false;
protected void doDelete()
public PersistentMap<BundlePool> getBundlePoolMap()
return bundlePoolMap;
public Set<File> getBundlePoolLocations()
return AgentManagerImpl.getLocations(bundlePoolMap.getElementKeys());
public Collection<BundlePool> getBundlePools()
return bundlePoolMap.getElements();
public BundlePool getBundlePool(String path)
return bundlePoolMap.getElement(path);
public BundlePool getBundlePool(File location)
return bundlePoolMap.getElement(location.getAbsolutePath());
public BundlePool addBundlePool(File location)
return bundlePoolMap.addElement(location.getAbsolutePath(), null);
public void deleteBundlePool(BundlePool bundlePool)
// TODO Delete artifacts from disk
public void refreshBundlePools(IProgressMonitor monitor)
monitor.subTask("Refreshing " + getLocation() + " bundle pools");
public synchronized IProfileRegistry getProfileRegistry()
return profileRegistry;
public PersistentMap<Profile> getProfileMap()
return profileMap;
public Set<String> getAllProfileIDs()
return profileMap.getElementKeys();
public Collection<Profile> getAllProfiles()
return profileMap.getElements();
public Set<String> getProfileIDs()
return getProfileIDs(null);
public Set<String> getProfileIDs(BundlePool bundlePool)
Set<String> ids = new HashSet<String>();
for (Profile profile : getAllProfiles())
if (profile.getBundlePool() == bundlePool)
return ids;
public Collection<Profile> getProfiles()
return getProfiles(null);
public Collection<Profile> getProfiles(BundlePool bundlePool)
Collection<Profile> profiles = getAllProfiles();
for (Iterator<Profile> it = profiles.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
Profile profile =;
if (profile.getBundlePool() != bundlePool)
return profiles;
public Profile getCurrentProfile()
IProfile delegate = getProfileRegistry().getProfile(IProfileRegistry.SELF);
if (delegate != null)
String profileID = delegate.getProfileId();
return getProfile(profileID);
return null;
public Profile getProfile(String id)
Profile profile = profileMap.getElement(id);
if (profile == null)
if (provisioningAgent == null)
// Trigger creation of the LazyProfileRegistry and, hence, refreshing of the profileMap
// Then try again
profile = profileMap.getElement(id);
if (!profile.isValid())
profile = null;
return profile;
public ProfileCreator addProfile(String id, String type)
return new ProfileCreatorImpl(this, id, type)
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected Profile doCreateProfile()
return AgentImpl.this.createProfile(this);
public Profile createProfile(ProfileCreator creator)
if (creator.getEnvironments() == null)
String profileID = creator.getProfileID();
IProfile delegate = getProfileRegistry().addProfile(profileID, creator);
String extraInfo = getProfileExtraInfo(delegate);
ProfileImpl profile = (ProfileImpl)profileMap.addElement(profileID, extraInfo);
return profile;
catch (ProvisionException ex)
throw new P2Exception(ex);
public void deleteProfile(Profile profile)
String profileID = profile.getProfileId();
public void refreshProfiles(IProgressMonitor monitor)
monitor.beginTask("", 10);
if (profileRegistry instanceof LazyProfileRegistry)
LazyProfileRegistry lazyProfileRegistry = (LazyProfileRegistry)profileRegistry;
lazyProfileRegistry.getProfileMap(MonitorUtil.create(monitor, 1));
fillProfileMap(profileMap, MonitorUtil.create(monitor, 9));
private void fillProfileMap(PersistentMap<Profile> profileMap, IProgressMonitor monitor)
IProfileRegistry profileRegistry = getProfileRegistry();
for (IProfile delegate : profileRegistry instanceof LazyProfileRegistry ? ((LazyProfileRegistry)profileRegistry).getProfiles(monitor)
: profileRegistry.getProfiles())
String key = delegate.getProfileId();
String extraInfo = AgentImpl.getProfileExtraInfo(delegate);
profileMap.addElement(key, extraInfo);
public void initializeProvisioningAgent(IProvisioningAgent provisioningAgent)
if (this.provisioningAgent == null)
profileRegistry = (IProfileRegistry)provisioningAgent.getService(IProfileRegistry.SERVICE_NAME);
metadataRepositoryManager = (IMetadataRepositoryManager)provisioningAgent.getService(IMetadataRepositoryManager.SERVICE_NAME);
artifactRepositoryManager = (IArtifactRepositoryManager)provisioningAgent.getService(IArtifactRepositoryManager.SERVICE_NAME);
Transport transport = (Transport)provisioningAgent.getService(Transport.SERVICE_NAME);
if (cacheTransport(transport))
originalTransport = transport;
CachingTransport cachingTransport = new CachingTransport(transport, provisioningAgent);
provisioningAgent.registerService(Transport.SERVICE_NAME, cachingTransport);
originalMetadataRepositoryManager = metadataRepositoryManager;
metadataRepositoryManager = new CachingRepositoryManager.Metadata(provisioningAgent, cachingTransport);
provisioningAgent.registerService(IMetadataRepositoryManager.SERVICE_NAME, metadataRepositoryManager);
originalArtifactRepositoryManager = artifactRepositoryManager;
artifactRepositoryManager = new CachingRepositoryManager.Artifact(provisioningAgent, cachingTransport);
provisioningAgent.registerService(IArtifactRepositoryManager.SERVICE_NAME, artifactRepositoryManager);
IProvisioningEventBus eventBus = (IProvisioningEventBus)provisioningAgent.getService(IProvisioningEventBus.SERVICE_NAME);
if (eventBus != null)
eventBus.addListener(new SynchronousProvisioningListener()
public void notify(EventObject event)
if (event instanceof CommitOperationEvent)
CommitOperationEvent commitOperationEvent = (CommitOperationEvent)event;
IProfile profile = commitOperationEvent.getProfile();
if (Profile.TYPE_INSTALLATION.equals(profile.getProperty(Profile.PROP_PROFILE_TYPE)))
// If this is a commit of an Oomph-created installation profile, then adjust the installation details.
this.provisioningAgent = provisioningAgent;
Profile currentProfile = getCurrentProfile();
if (currentProfile instanceof ProfileImpl)
File cachedInstallFolder = currentProfile.getInstallFolder();
if (cachedInstallFolder != null)
String actualInstallFolderLocation = currentProfile.getProperty(IProfile.PROP_INSTALL_FOLDER);
if (actualInstallFolderLocation != null)
File actualInstallFolder = new File(actualInstallFolderLocation);
if (!actualInstallFolder.equals(cachedInstallFolder))
BundlePool bundlePool = currentProfile.getBundlePool();
if (bundlePool instanceof BundlePoolImpl)
File bundlePoolLocation = bundlePool.getLocation();
if (bundlePoolLocation.equals(cachedInstallFolder))
bundlePoolMap.remap(cachedInstallFolder.toString(), actualInstallFolderLocation);
String profileID = currentProfile.getProfileId();, profileID);
public synchronized IProvisioningAgent getProvisioningAgent()
if (provisioningAgent == null)
File location = getLocation();
return provisioningAgent;
public synchronized IMetadataRepositoryManager getMetadataRepositoryManager()
return metadataRepositoryManager;
public synchronized IArtifactRepositoryManager getArtifactRepositoryManager()
return artifactRepositoryManager;
public synchronized IEngine getEngine()
if (engine == null)
engine = (IEngine)getProvisioningAgent().getService(IEngine.SERVICE_NAME);
if (engine == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Engine could not be loaded");
return engine;
public synchronized IPlanner getPlanner()
if (planner == null)
planner = (IPlanner)getProvisioningAgent().getService(IPlanner.SERVICE_NAME);
if (planner == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Planner could not be loaded");
return planner;
public void flushRepositoryCaches()
IMetadataRepositoryManager metadataRepositoryManager = getMetadataRepositoryManager();
if (metadataRepositoryManager instanceof CachingRepositoryManager.Metadata)
CachingRepositoryManager.Metadata manager = (CachingRepositoryManager.Metadata)metadataRepositoryManager;
IArtifactRepositoryManager artifactRepositoryManager = getArtifactRepositoryManager();
if (artifactRepositoryManager instanceof CachingRepositoryManager.Artifact)
CachingRepositoryManager.Artifact manager = (CachingRepositoryManager.Artifact)artifactRepositoryManager;
public String toString()
return getLocation().getAbsolutePath();
private void adjustInstallation(IProfile profile)
// This property should always be in a well-formed profile.
String bundlePoolLocation = profile.getProperty(IProfile.PROP_CACHE);
if (bundlePoolLocation != null)
// There should always be a bundle pool for this location.
BundlePool bundlePool = getBundlePool(new File(bundlePoolLocation));
if (bundlePool != null)
// And there should always be an install folder in a well-formed profile.
// On the Mac, this should point at the Contents/Eclipse subfolder.
String installFolderLocation = profile.getProperty(IProfile.PROP_INSTALL_FOLDER);
if (installFolderLocation != null)
// The configuration folder should be nested in this install folder.
File installFolder = new File(installFolderLocation);
File configurationFolder = new File(installFolder, "configuration");
// If this is an installation based on a shared pool...
if ("true".equals(profile.getProperty(Profile.PROP_PROFILE_SHARED_POOL)))
adjustConfigIni(profile, bundlePool, configurationFolder);
catch (Exception ex)
// Ignore.
adjustLauncherIni(profile, installFolder, true);
catch (Exception ex)
// Ignore.
catch (Exception ex)
// Ignore.
adjustPlatformXML(bundlePoolLocation, configurationFolder);
catch (Exception ex)
// Ignore.
adjustLauncherIni(profile, installFolder, false);
catch (Exception ex)
// Ignore.
private void adjustConfigIni(IProfile profile, BundlePool bundlePool, File configurationFolder)
// It should have a config.ini file to set various system properties.
// If it doesn't exist, it's not a well-formed installation so an exception will be thrown loading it and we'll exit this method as a result.
File configIniFile = new File(configurationFolder, "config.ini");
Map<String, String> configProperties = PropertiesUtil.loadProperties(configIniFile);
// The OSGi slash path might be specified using platform:/base/<bundle-id>
// but that doesn't work for a shared installation because the referenced bundle doesn't physically exist in the installation.
boolean changed = false;
String splashPath = configProperties.get("osgi.splashPath");
if (splashPath != null)
// If there is a splash path with a URI of this form...
org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI uri = org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI.createURI(splashPath);
if ("platform".equals(uri.scheme()) && uri.segmentCount() >= 2 && "base".equals(uri.segment(0)))
// Determine which IU resolves for bundle-id...
LOOP: for (IInstallableUnit installableUnit : P2Util.asIterable(profile.query(QueryUtil.createIUQuery(uri.lastSegment()), null)))
// Look at all that IU's artifacts.
for (IArtifactKey artifactKey : installableUnit.getArtifacts())
// If the file slash.bmp exists in that artifact jar or folder...
File artifactFile = bundlePool.getFileArtifactRepository().getArtifactFile(artifactKey);
if (artifactFile.isDirectory() ? new File(artifactFile, "splash.bmp").exists()
: URIConverter.INSTANCE.exists(URI.createURI("archive:" + URI.createFileURI(artifactFile.getAbsolutePath() + "!/splash.bmp")), null))
// Replace the value with the absolute URI of the artifact in the shared bundle pool.
// The launcher and p2 have a bad habit of using URL.getPath which does not decode encoded character, e.g., %20 is not decode to the space
// character.
// So better we not produce an encoded URI.
configProperties.put("osgi.splashPath", createFileURI(artifactFile));
changed = true;
break LOOP;
// The OSGi framework property might be a relative path, e.g., file:../<path-to-shared-pool>.
String osgiFramework = configProperties.get("osgi.framework");
if (osgiFramework != null)
// If file: is not followed by a '/', the URI won't be considered hierarchical even though it has file scheme.
URI uri = URI.createURI(osgiFramework);
if (uri.hasOpaquePart() && "file".equals(uri.scheme()))
// Resolve the relative path in the URI against the configuration folder's URI.
// If that file exists, as expected will be the case.
URI configurationFolderURI = URI.createFileURI(configurationFolder.toString());
URI absoluteOSGiFrameworkLocation = URI.createURI(uri.opaquePart()).resolve(configurationFolderURI);
if (new File(absoluteOSGiFrameworkLocation.toFileString()).exists())
// Replace the value with the absolute URI of the OSGi framework bundle.
// The launcher and p2 have a bad habit of using URL.getPath which does not decode encoded character, e.g., %20 is not decode to the space character.
// So better we not produce an encoded URI.
configProperties.put("osgi.framework", createFileURI(absoluteOSGiFrameworkLocation.toFileString()));
changed = true;
// If there were changes made, save the configuration.
if (changed)
PropertiesUtil.saveProperties(configIniFile, configProperties, false, true, "This configuration file was written by: " + AgentImpl.class.getName());
private void adjustLauncherIni(IProfile profile, File installFolder, boolean sharedPool)
// We need to modify the eclipse.ini.
// For generality we'll check the launcher name property to compute the name of the launcher ini.
String launcherName = profile.getProperty(EclipseTouchpoint.PROFILE_PROP_LAUNCHER_NAME);
File iniFile = new File(installFolder, launcherName == null ? "eclipse.ini" : launcherName + ".ini");
String contents = new String(IOUtil.readFile(iniFile));
// We will process all the sections, keeping them in a map from which we'll compute the modified contents.
Map<String, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
for (Matcher matcher = ECLIPSE_INI_SECTION_PATTERN.matcher(contents); matcher.find();)
// Depending on which part of the pattern matched, we'll need to select the argument and extension from the constituent parts.
String argument =;
String extension;
if (argument == null)
// If there is no third group, then the first part of the pattern matched, i.e., the -vmargs and the associated args.
argument =;
extension =;
// Otherwise the fourth group is the value part of the argument; it could be an empty string.
extension =;
// This will remove duplicates as well.
if (!argument.startsWith("--launcher.XXMaxPermSize") && !argument.startsWith("-startup") || !map.containsKey(argument))
map.put(argument, extension);
// If there are relative paths, that needs to be made absolute, this is used as the base URI against which to resolve them.
// We will build the new contents from the entries in the map.
// And will preserve the existing line feed convention if we need to add new lines.
URI baseURI = URI.createFileURI(installFolder.toString()).appendSegment("");
StringBuilder newContents = new StringBuilder();
String nl = null;
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet())
// The keys will generally include the line feed character, so we trim that off when inspecting the key.
String key = entry.getKey();
String trimmedKey = key.trim();
String value = entry.getValue();
if (sharedPool)
if ("-startup".equals(trimmedKey))
// Create the URI for the value, and resolve it against the base URI (in case it's relative) and also check that this library file actually exists.
URI absoluteLauncherLibraryLocation = URI.createFileURI(value.trim()).resolve(baseURI);
File absoluteLauncherLibraryFile = new File(absoluteLauncherLibraryLocation.toFileString());
if (absoluteLauncherLibraryFile.isFile())
// We'll copy this to the installation folder.
// We do this because the Equinox launcher org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.getInstallLocation()
// computes the installation location from the location of this bundle.
// If we leave it as a relative path that references something outside the installation,
// the installation can't roam.
// Note that on the Mac we're replacing it with a relative path that starts with ..
// so we'd better be sure we don't try to copy the file to itself.
File localLauncherLibraryFile = new File(new File(installFolder, "plugins"), absoluteLauncherLibraryLocation.lastSegment());
if (!localLauncherLibraryFile.equals(absoluteLauncherLibraryFile))
IOUtil.copyFile(absoluteLauncherLibraryFile, localLauncherLibraryFile);
// Remember the line feed convention used for this section.
nl = key.substring(trimmedKey.length());
// The value is therefore the relative path to this copied target within the installation.
value = (Platform.OS_MACOSX.equals(Util.getOSFromProfile(profile)) ? "../Eclipse/plugins/" : "plugins/")
+ absoluteLauncherLibraryLocation.lastSegment() + nl;
else if ("--launcher.library".equals(trimmedKey))
// If the launcher library, where the companion shared library is located, is a relative path.
if (value.startsWith("../"))
// Resolve it against against the base to determine the absolute location, checking that actually exists.
URI absoluteBundleLocation = URI.createURI(value.trim()).resolve(baseURI);
if (new File(absoluteBundleLocation.toFileString()).exists())
// Replace the value with this absolute path, preserving the existing line feed convention.
nl = key.substring(trimmedKey.length());
value = absoluteBundleLocation.toFileString() + nl;
else if ("-configuration".equals(trimmedKey))
// On the Mac, a -configuration ../Eclipse/configuration is produced, but this breaks the ability to run a read-only installation.
// Moreover, it isn't needed so best to omit it.
else if ("-install".equals(trimmedKey))
// Omit the install argument.
// This is generally an absolute path that effectively points at the folder in which the launcher ini is located.
// This breaks the ability for this installation to roam.
// Instead of this argument, we've copied the startup bundle into the installation, eliminating the need for this value.
if (!contents.contentEquals(newContents))
IOUtil.writeFile(iniFile, newContents.toString().getBytes());
private void adjustBundlesInfo(File configurationFolder)
// For an installation with a shared bundle pool, this will be a relative path that navigates outside of the installation.
// In that case, we want to make those references be absolute.
File bundlesInfoFile = new File(configurationFolder, "org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator/");
// Read all the lines as UTF-8 as documented in a comment in that file.
List<String> lines = IOUtil.readLines(bundlesInfoFile, "UTF-8");
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
boolean changed = false;
URI configurationFolderURI = URI.createFileURI(configurationFolder.toString());
for (String line : lines)
// Ignore the comment lines.
if (!line.startsWith("#"))
// Lines of of this form:
// <bundle-id>,<version>,<location-URI>,<start-level>,<true|false>
// As such, we can split the lines on ',' and generally expect 5 elements in the list.
List<String> elements = StringUtil.explode(line, ",");
if (elements.size() > 2)
// If the third element that needs to be modified it it's a relative path.
String bundleReference = elements.get(2);
if (bundleReference.startsWith("../"))
// Resolve it against the location of the configuration folder, and if that bundle exists, as expected...
URI absoluteBundleLocation = URI.createURI(bundleReference).resolve(configurationFolderURI);
if (new File(absoluteBundleLocation.toFileString()).exists())
// Replace the element, with that absolute URI,
// add that replacement to the result,
// and continue with the next line.
elements.set(2, createFileURI(absoluteBundleLocation.toFileString()));
result.add(StringUtil.implode(elements, ',', (char)0));
changed = true;
// Otherwise add the line as-is to the result.
// If there are any changes...
if (changed)
// Write the modified result back out to the file.
IOUtil.writeLines(bundlesInfoFile, "UTF-8", result);
private void adjustPlatformXML(String bundlePoolLocation, File configurationFolder) throws ProvisionException
// The platform.xml, initially will have the wrong site policy.
// Also, regular p2 updates will mangle the site URL to be an poorly-formed relative file URI,
// which again breaks the ability for the installation to roam.
File platformXML = new File(configurationFolder, "org.eclipse.update/platform.xml");
if (platformXML.isFile())
URI configurationFolderURI = URI.createFileURI(configurationFolder.toString());
Configuration configuration = Configuration.load(platformXML, null);
boolean changed = true;
for (Site site : configuration.getSites())
// If the site URI is of the form file:../<path> then we need to make it absolute.
URI siteURI = URI.createURI(site.getUrl());
if (siteURI.hasOpaquePart() && "file".equals(siteURI.scheme()))
// Resolve it against the location of the configuration folder, checking if the folder really exists.
URI absoluteSiteURI = URI.createURI(siteURI.opaquePart()).resolve(configurationFolderURI);
if (new File(absoluteSiteURI.toFileString()).exists())
// If so, we use this absolute URI instead and change the configuration to specify it.
siteURI = absoluteSiteURI;
changed = true;
// If the policy isn't managed all the bundles in the pool will be visible, which is very bad.
if (!Site.POLICY_MANAGED_ONLY.equals(site.getPolicy()))
// If this site refers to the shared bundle pool, change the policy to be managed.
File siteLocation = new File(siteURI.toFileString());
if (siteLocation.equals(new File(bundlePoolLocation)))
changed = true;
// If something has changed, save the configuration.
if (changed)
{, null);
public static boolean isValid(File location)
return new File(location, ENGINE_PATH).isDirectory();
public static String getProfileType(IProfile delegate)
String type = delegate.getProperty(Profile.PROP_PROFILE_TYPE);
if (type == null)
// This check is done for legacy reasons. The current targlet.ui plugin contributes a profileType extension.
if (delegate.getProperty("") != null)
return "Targlet";
if (delegate.getProperty(Profile.PROP_INSTALL_FOLDER) != null)
return "Installation";
return type;
public static String getProfileExtraInfo(IProfile delegate)
List<String> tokens = new ArrayList<String>();
return StringUtil.implode(tokens, '|');
public static IProvisioningAgent getOrCreateProvisioningAgent(File location)
BundleContext context = P2CorePlugin.INSTANCE.getBundleContext();
ServiceReference<IProvisioningAgent> agentRef = null;
IProvisioningAgent provisioningAgent = null;
Collection<ServiceReference<IProvisioningAgent>> agentRefs = null;
agentRefs = context.getServiceReferences(IProvisioningAgent.class, "(locationURI=" + location.toURI() + ")");
catch (InvalidSyntaxException ex)
// Can't happen because we write the filter ourselves
if (agentRefs != null && !agentRefs.isEmpty())
agentRef = agentRefs.iterator().next();
provisioningAgent = context.getService(agentRef);
catch (Exception ex)
provisioningAgent = null;
if (agentRef != null)
if (provisioningAgent == null)
ServiceReference<IProvisioningAgentProvider> providerRef = null;
providerRef = context.getServiceReference(IProvisioningAgentProvider.class);
if (providerRef != null)
IProvisioningAgentProvider provider = context.getService(providerRef);
provisioningAgent = provider.createAgent(location.toURI());
catch (ProvisionException ex)
throw new P2Exception(ex);
if (providerRef != null)
if (provisioningAgent == null)
throw new P2Exception("Provisioning agent could not be loaded from " + location);
return provisioningAgent;
private static boolean cacheTransport(Transport transport)
if (PropertiesUtil.isProperty("oomph.p2.disable.offline"))
return false;
// If a location is listed twice or the location to be installed in is also listed in the we may already have a CachingTransport.
if (transport instanceof CachingTransport)
return false;
// We can only cache if we can delegate to an existing transport.
return transport != null;
private static File getFile(String path)
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(path))
return null;
return new File(path);
private static String createFileURI(String path)
return createFileURI(new File(path));
static String createFileURI(File file)
String path = file.getPath();
if (File.separatorChar != '/')
path = path.replace(File.separatorChar, '/');
if (file.isAbsolute() && !path.startsWith(File.separator))
return "file:/" + path;
return "file:" + path;