Bug 582745 - [Robotics, ROS2] Code generation for ROS 2 fails, if unexpected connectors are present

- Make ActivityUtils more robust.
- Use designer variant of oep.uml.tools.utils (which has new functions to provide
  information about a connector). Use this plugin in MANIFEST, implication on other files
- Remove bad UML connector from dummy_joint_states component (part of dummy_robot example)

Signed-off-by: aradermache <ansgar.radermacher@cea.fr>

Change-Id: I789fad341bd969c848559984a8a8e5ff30c97907
Signed-off-by: aradermache <ansgar.radermacher@cea.fr>
8 files changed
tree: ad07a89a58c12b2d88345d891af98d5df5c63106
  1. plugins/
  2. releng/
  3. targetplatform/
  4. .gitignore
  5. pom.xml