blob: 7784f0bb0418b8581d595592376e674ecaf3bce3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Preferences;
* Tests aspects of a {@link ApiProblem} and {@link ApiProblemFactory}
* @since 1.0.0
public class ApiProblemTests extends AbstractApiTest {
* Tests that two problems are equal (when they are known to be)
public void testProblemsEqual() {
IApiProblem problem = ApiProblemFactory.newApiProblem(new Path("x/y/z").toPortableString(), null, null, null, -1, -1, -1, IApiProblem.CATEGORY_COMPATIBILITY, IElementDescriptor.T_FIELD, IApiProblem.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, IApiProblem.NO_FLAGS);
assertNotNull("there should have been a new problem created", problem);
IApiProblem problem2 = ApiProblemFactory.newApiProblem(new Path("x/y/z").toPortableString(), null, null, null, -1, -1, -1, IApiProblem.CATEGORY_COMPATIBILITY, IElementDescriptor.T_FIELD, IApiProblem.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, IApiProblem.NO_FLAGS);
assertNotNull("there should have been a new problem created", problem2);
assertEquals("the two problems should be equal", problem, problem2);
* Tests that two problems are not equal (when they are known not to be)
public void testProblemsNotEqual() {
IApiProblem problem = ApiProblemFactory.newApiProblem(null, null, null, null, -1, -1, -1, IApiProblem.CATEGORY_COMPATIBILITY, IElementDescriptor.T_FIELD, IApiProblem.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, IApiProblem.NO_FLAGS);
assertNotNull("there should have been a new problem created", problem);
IApiProblem problem2 = ApiProblemFactory.newApiProblem(null, null, null, null, -1, -1, -1, IApiProblem.CATEGORY_COMPATIBILITY, IElementDescriptor.T_FIELD, IApiProblem.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, IDelta.ANNOTATION_DEFAULT_VALUE);
assertNotNull("there should have been a new problem created", problem2);
assertTrue("the two problems should not be equal", !problem.equals(problem2));
* Tests that a problem category is encoded and decoded properly from a problem id
public void testGetCategory() {
IApiProblem problem = ApiProblemFactory.newApiProblem(null, null, null, null, -1, -1, -1, IApiProblem.CATEGORY_COMPATIBILITY, IElementDescriptor.T_FIELD, IApiProblem.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, IApiProblem.NO_FLAGS);
assertNotNull("there should have been a new problem created", problem);
assertEquals("the category should be CATEGORY_BINARY", IApiProblem.CATEGORY_COMPATIBILITY, problem.getCategory());
* Tests that a problem id is encoded properly
public void testGetId() {
IApiProblem problem = ApiProblemFactory.newApiProblem(null, null, null, null, -1, -1, -1, IApiProblem.CATEGORY_COMPATIBILITY, IElementDescriptor.T_FIELD, IApiProblem.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, IApiProblem.NO_FLAGS);
assertNotNull("there should have been a new problem created", problem);
assertEquals("the problemids should match", problem.getId(), ApiProblemFactory.createProblemId(IApiProblem.CATEGORY_COMPATIBILITY, IElementDescriptor.T_FIELD, IApiProblem.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, IApiProblem.NO_FLAGS));
* Tests that a problem kind is encoded and decoded properly from a problem id
public void testGetKind() {
IApiProblem problem = ApiProblemFactory.newApiProblem(null, null, null, null, -1, -1, -1, IApiProblem.CATEGORY_COMPATIBILITY, IElementDescriptor.T_FIELD, IApiProblem.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, IApiProblem.NO_FLAGS);
assertNotNull("there should have been a new problem created", problem);
assertEquals("the kind should be ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT", problem.getKind(), IApiProblem.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT);
* Tests that problem flags are encoded and decoded properly
public void testGetFlags() {
IApiProblem problem = ApiProblemFactory.newApiProblem(null, null, null, null, -1, -1, -1, IApiProblem.CATEGORY_COMPATIBILITY, IElementDescriptor.T_FIELD, IApiProblem.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, IDelta.ANNOTATION_DEFAULT_VALUE);
assertNotNull("there should have been a new problem created", problem);
assertEquals("the kind should be ANNOTATION_DEFAULT_VALUE", problem.getFlags(), IDelta.ANNOTATION_DEFAULT_VALUE);
* Tests that a problem element kind is encoded and decoded properly
public void testGetElementKind() {
IApiProblem problem = ApiProblemFactory.newApiProblem(null, null, null, null, -1, -1, -1, IApiProblem.CATEGORY_COMPATIBILITY, IElementDescriptor.T_FIELD, IApiProblem.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, IDelta.ANNOTATION_DEFAULT_VALUE);
assertNotNull("there should have been a new problem created", problem);
assertEquals("the element kind should be T_FIELD", problem.getElementKind(), IElementDescriptor.T_FIELD);
* Tests getting the resource path attribute
public void testGetResourcePath() {
IApiProblem problem = ApiProblemFactory.newApiProblem(new Path("x/y/z").toPortableString(), null, null, null, -1, -1, -1, IApiProblem.CATEGORY_COMPATIBILITY, IElementDescriptor.T_FIELD, IApiProblem.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, IDelta.ANNOTATION_DEFAULT_VALUE);
assertNotNull("there should have been a new problem created", problem);
assertNotNull("there should be a path set on the problem", problem.getResourcePath());
* Tests getting a localized message for the problem
public void testGetMessage() {
IApiProblem problem = ApiProblemFactory.newApiProblem(new Path("x/y/z").toPortableString(), null, null, null, -1, -1, -1, IApiProblem.CATEGORY_COMPATIBILITY, IElementDescriptor.T_FIELD, IApiProblem.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, IDelta.ANNOTATION_DEFAULT_VALUE);
assertNotNull("there should have been a new problem created", problem);
assertNotNull("the message should be null", problem.getMessage());
assertTrue("the not found message should be displayed", problem.getMessage().startsWith("Message not found for id: "));
* Tests getting the charstart attribute
public void testGetCharStart() {
IApiProblem problem = ApiProblemFactory.newApiProblem(new Path("x/y/z").toPortableString(), null, null, null, -1, 57, -1, IApiProblem.CATEGORY_COMPATIBILITY, IElementDescriptor.T_FIELD, IApiProblem.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, IDelta.ANNOTATION_DEFAULT_VALUE);
assertNotNull("there should have been a new problem created", problem);
assertEquals("the charstart should be 57", problem.getCharStart(), 57);
* Tests getting the charend attribute
public void testGetCharEnd() {
IApiProblem problem = ApiProblemFactory.newApiProblem(new Path("x/y/z").toPortableString(), null, null, null, -1, -1, 57, IApiProblem.CATEGORY_COMPATIBILITY, IElementDescriptor.T_FIELD, IApiProblem.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, IDelta.ANNOTATION_DEFAULT_VALUE);
assertNotNull("there should have been a new problem created", problem);
assertEquals("the charend should be 57", problem.getCharEnd(), 57);
* Tests getting the line number attribute
public void testGetLineNumber() {
IApiProblem problem = ApiProblemFactory.newApiProblem(new Path("x/y/z").toPortableString(), null, null, null, 57, -1, -1, IApiProblem.CATEGORY_COMPATIBILITY, IElementDescriptor.T_FIELD, IApiProblem.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, IDelta.ANNOTATION_DEFAULT_VALUE);
assertNotNull("there should have been a new problem created", problem);
assertEquals("the line number should be 57", problem.getLineNumber(), 57);
* Tests that passing in null for problem arguments will return an empty array
public void testGetExtraArgumentNamesNull() {
IApiProblem problem = ApiProblemFactory.newApiProblem(new Path("x/y/z").toPortableString(), null, null, null, -1, -1, -1, IApiProblem.CATEGORY_COMPATIBILITY, IElementDescriptor.T_FIELD, IApiProblem.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, IDelta.ANNOTATION_DEFAULT_VALUE);
assertNotNull("there should have been a new problem created", problem);
assertNotNull("null passed in should return an emtpy array", problem.getExtraMarkerAttributeIds());
assertTrue("the argument ids array type should be string", problem.getExtraMarkerAttributeIds() instanceof String[]);
* Tests that passing in null for problem arguments will return an empty array
public void testGetExtraArgumentValuesNull() {
IApiProblem problem = ApiProblemFactory.newApiProblem(new Path("x/y/z").toPortableString(), null, null, null, -1, -1, -1, IApiProblem.CATEGORY_COMPATIBILITY, IElementDescriptor.T_FIELD, IApiProblem.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, IDelta.ANNOTATION_DEFAULT_VALUE);
assertNotNull("there should have been a new problem created", problem);
assertNotNull("null passed in should return an emtpy array", problem.getExtraMarkerAttributeValues());
assertTrue("the arguments array type should be object", problem.getExtraMarkerAttributeValues() instanceof Object[]);
* Tests that non-null argument names and null values will return an empty array
* from a call to getExtramarkerAttributeIds (we have to have matching arrays for valid returns)
public void tesGetExtraArgumentIdsNotNullValuesNull() {
IApiProblem problem = ApiProblemFactory.newApiProblem(new Path("x/y/z").toPortableString(), null, new String[] {"test1", "test2", "test3"}, null, -1, -1, -1, IApiProblem.CATEGORY_COMPATIBILITY, IElementDescriptor.T_FIELD, IApiProblem.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, IDelta.ANNOTATION_DEFAULT_VALUE);
assertNotNull("there should have been a new problem created", problem);
assertNotNull("argument ids should not be null", problem.getExtraMarkerAttributeIds());
assertTrue("the argument ids array type should be string", problem.getExtraMarkerAttributeIds() instanceof String[]);
assertTrue("argument size should be 0", problem.getExtraMarkerAttributeIds().length == 0);
* Tests that non-null argument values and null ids will return an empty array
* from a call to getExtraMarkerAttributeValues (we have to have matching arrays for valid returns)
public void tesGetExtraArgumentNamesNotNullIdsNull() {
IApiProblem problem = ApiProblemFactory.newApiProblem(new Path("x/y/z").toPortableString(), null, null, new String[] {"test1", "test2", "test3"}, -1, -1, -1, IApiProblem.CATEGORY_COMPATIBILITY, IElementDescriptor.T_FIELD, IApiProblem.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, IDelta.ANNOTATION_DEFAULT_VALUE);
assertNotNull("there should have been a new problem created", problem);
assertNotNull("arguments should not be null", problem.getExtraMarkerAttributeValues());
assertTrue("the arguments array type should be object", problem.getExtraMarkerAttributeValues() instanceof Object[]);
assertTrue("argument size should be 0", problem.getExtraMarkerAttributeValues().length == 0);
* Tests that non-null argument values and non-null ids will return an empty array
* from a call to getExtraMarkerAttributeValues when the arrays are not the same size (we have to have matching arrays for valid returns)
public void tesGetExtraArgumentsNotSameSize() {
IApiProblem problem = ApiProblemFactory.newApiProblem(new Path("x/y/z").toPortableString(), null, new String[] {"id1", "id2"}, new String[] {"test1", "test2", "test3"}, -1, -1, -1, IApiProblem.CATEGORY_COMPATIBILITY, IElementDescriptor.T_FIELD, IApiProblem.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, IDelta.ANNOTATION_DEFAULT_VALUE);
assertNotNull("there should have been a new problem created", problem);
assertNotNull("argument ids should not be null", problem.getExtraMarkerAttributeValues());
assertNotNull("argument values should not be null", problem.getExtraMarkerAttributeValues());
assertTrue("the argument ids array type should be string", problem.getExtraMarkerAttributeIds() instanceof String[]);
assertTrue("the arguments array type should be object", problem.getExtraMarkerAttributeValues() instanceof Object[]);
assertTrue("argument size should be 0", problem.getExtraMarkerAttributeIds().length == 0);
assertTrue("argument size should be 0", problem.getExtraMarkerAttributeValues().length == 0);
* Tests that non-null argument values and non-null ids will return an the passed in arrays
* from a call to getExtraMarkerAttributeValues when the arrays are the same size (we have to have matching arrays for valid returns)
public void tesGetExtraArgumentsSameSize() {
IApiProblem problem = ApiProblemFactory.newApiProblem(new Path("x/y/z").toPortableString(), null, new String[] {"id1", "id2", "id3"}, new String[] {"value1", "value2", "value3"}, -1, -1, -1, IApiProblem.CATEGORY_COMPATIBILITY, IElementDescriptor.T_FIELD, IApiProblem.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, IDelta.ANNOTATION_DEFAULT_VALUE);
assertNotNull("there should have been a new problem created", problem);
assertNotNull("argument ids should not be null", problem.getExtraMarkerAttributeValues());
assertNotNull("argument values should not be null", problem.getExtraMarkerAttributeValues());
assertTrue("the argument ids array type should be string", problem.getExtraMarkerAttributeIds() instanceof String[]);
assertTrue("the arguments array type should be object", problem.getExtraMarkerAttributeValues() instanceof Object[]);
assertTrue("argument size should be 3", problem.getExtraMarkerAttributeIds().length == 3);
assertTrue("argument size should be 3", problem.getExtraMarkerAttributeValues().length == 3);
* Tests that passing in null for message arguments will return an empty array
public void testGetMessageArgumentsNull() {
IApiProblem problem = ApiProblemFactory.newApiProblem(new Path("x/y/z").toPortableString(), null, null, null, -1, -1, -1, IApiProblem.CATEGORY_COMPATIBILITY, IElementDescriptor.T_FIELD, IApiProblem.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, IDelta.ANNOTATION_DEFAULT_VALUE);
assertNotNull("there should have been a new problem created", problem);
assertNotNull("null passed in should return an emtpy array", problem.getMessageArguments());
assertTrue("the arguments array type should be string", problem.getMessageArguments() instanceof String[]);
* Tests that non-null message arguments passed a retrievable
public void testGetMessageArgumentsNotNull() {
IApiProblem problem = ApiProblemFactory.newApiProblem(new Path("x/y/z").toPortableString(), new String[] {"test1", "test2", "test3"}, null, null, -1, -1, -1, IApiProblem.CATEGORY_COMPATIBILITY, IElementDescriptor.T_FIELD, IApiProblem.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, IDelta.ANNOTATION_DEFAULT_VALUE);
assertNotNull("there should have been a new problem created", problem);
assertNotNull("arguments should not be null", problem.getMessageArguments());
assertTrue("the arguments array type should be string", problem.getMessageArguments() instanceof String[]);
assertTrue("argument size should be 3", problem.getMessageArguments().length == 3);
* Tests that toString does not return null
public void testToString() {
IApiProblem problem = ApiProblemFactory.newApiProblem(new Path("x/y/z").toPortableString(), new String[] {"test1, test2, test3"}, null, null, -1, -1, -1, IApiProblem.CATEGORY_COMPATIBILITY, IElementDescriptor.T_FIELD, IApiProblem.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, IDelta.ANNOTATION_DEFAULT_VALUE);
assertNotNull("there should have been a new problem created", problem);
assertNotNull("there should be a string", problem.toString());
* Tests getting the severity attribute
public void testGetSeverity() {
if(ApiPlugin.isRunningInFramework()) {
Preferences store = ApiPlugin.getDefault().getPluginPreferences();
store.setValue(IApiProblemTypes.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, ApiPlugin.VALUE_IGNORE);
IApiProblem problem = ApiProblemFactory.newApiProblem(new Path("x/y/z").toPortableString(), new String[] {"test1, test2, test3"}, null, null, -1, -1, -1, IApiProblem.CATEGORY_USAGE, IElementDescriptor.T_REFERENCE_TYPE, IApiProblem.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, IApiProblem.NO_FLAGS);
assertNotNull("there should have been a new problem created", problem);
assertEquals("the severity should be IGNORE", IMarker.SEVERITY_INFO, problem.getSeverity());
store.setValue(IApiProblemTypes.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, store.getDefaultString(IApiProblemTypes.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT));
else {
IApiProblem problem = ApiProblemFactory.newApiProblem(new Path("x/y/z").toPortableString(), new String[] {"test1, test2, test3"}, null, null, -1, -1, -1, IApiProblem.CATEGORY_USAGE, IElementDescriptor.T_REFERENCE_TYPE, IApiProblem.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, IApiProblem.NO_FLAGS);
assertNotNull("there should have been a new problem created", problem);
assertEquals("the severity should be WARNING (no framework running)", IMarker.SEVERITY_WARNING, problem.getSeverity());
* Regression test for the hash code of an {@link IApiProblem}.
public void testGetHashCode() {
IApiProblem problem = ApiProblemFactory.newApiProblem(new Path("x/y/z").toPortableString(), new String[] {"test1, test2, test3"}, null, null, 2, 2, 2, IApiProblem.CATEGORY_COMPATIBILITY, IElementDescriptor.T_FIELD, IApiProblem.ILLEGAL_IMPLEMENT, IDelta.ANNOTATION_DEFAULT_VALUE);
assertNotNull("there should have been a new problem created", problem);
assertEquals("the hashcode should be equal to the sum of: id, resourcepath.hashCode",
problem.hashCode(), (problem.getId()
+ problem.getResourcePath().hashCode()
+ problem.getCharStart()
+ problem.getCharEnd()));