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<title>Incompatibilities between Eclipse 4.5 and 4.6</title>
<h1>Incompatibilities between Eclipse 4.5 and 4.6</h1>
Eclipse changed in incompatible ways between 4.5 and 4.6 in ways that affect
plug-ins. The following entries describe the areas that changed and provide
instructions for migrating 4.5 plug-ins to 4.6. Note that you only need to look
here if you are experiencing problems running your 4.5 plug-in on 4.6.
See also the list of <a href="../removals.html">deprecated API removals</a> for this release.
<li><a href="#STP-locales">StructuredTextProcessor works in all locales</a></li>
<li><a href="#filesystem.java7">Plug-in fragment <code>org.eclipse.core.filesystem.java7</code>
was merged into <code>org.eclipse.core.filesystem</code></a></li>
<li><a href="#bidi-1.0.0">org.eclipse.equinox.bidi major version increased to 1.0.0</a></li>
<li><a href="#intro.root">Differences in generated HTML for Welcome/Intro <em>start</em> and <em>home</em> pages</a></li>
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<h2>1. <a name="StructuredTextProcessor-locales">StructuredTextProcessor works in all locales</a></h2>
<p><strong>What is affected:</strong> Clients that call
<code>org.eclipse.equinox.bidi.StructuredTextProcessor#*process*(..) methods</code>.
The process/deprocess methods used to work only in certain locales, and were effectively disabled
if <code>StructuredTextEnvironment#isProcessingNeeded()</code> returned false.
This was overly restrictive and prevented bidi-aware code from working in other environments.
<p><strong>Action required:</strong>
Clients that need to disable bidi processing should do so on a higher level.
In Eclipse/JFace, bidi support is typically controlled by the application via
<code>org.eclipse.jface.util.BidiUtils#setBidiSupport(boolean)</code> or by passing
<code>-bidi "on=y"</code> on the command line.
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<h2>2. <a name="bidi-1.0.0">org.eclipse.equinox.bidi major version increased to 1.0.0</a></h2>
<p><strong>What is affected:</strong> Clients that refer to
<code>org.eclipse.equinox.bidi</code> bundle with an upper bound &lt; 1.0.0.
The <code>org.eclipse.equinox.bidi</code> bundle got promoted to version 1.0.0. The only functional
change with respect to 0.11.0 is the change to <code><a href="#StructuredTextProcessor-locales">StructuredTextProcessor</a></code>.
<p><strong>Action required:</strong>
Clients need to increase the upper bound in their dependency declarations, e.g.:
<pre>Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.equinox.bidi;bundle-version="[0.10.0,2.0.0)"</pre>
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<h2>3. <a name="filesystem.java7">Plug-in fragment <code>org.eclipse.core.filesystem.java7</code>
was merged into <code>org.eclipse.core.filesystem</code></a></h2>
<p><strong>What is affected:</strong> Features including the
<code>org.eclipse.core.filesystem.java7</code> fragment.
Since <code>org.eclipse.core.filesystem</code> now requires Java 7 or higher, it can now use classes
from the <code>java.nio.file</code> package directly without the need for a separate plug-in
<p><strong>Action required:</strong> Remove all references to
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<h2>4. <a name="intro.root">Differences in Generated HTML for Welcome/Intro <em>Start</em> and <em>Home</em> Pages</a></h2>
<p><strong>What is affected:</strong> The HTML generated for the Welcome/Intro's
<code>start</code> and <code>home</code> pages may be different.
Welcome/Intro includes support to generate a <code>page-links</code>
section containing links to the available Welcome pages. This
section includes additional information on the <code>root</code>
and <code>standby</code> pages. In 4.6, we also include this additional
information on the pages configured as the <code>INTRO_START_PAGE</code> and
<code>INTRO_HOME_PAGE</code> values too.
<p><strong>Action required:</strong> Any products that specify alternative start or
home pages may need to revise their CSS.