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<title>Using external null annotations</title>
<h1> Using external null annotations </h1>
<a href="task-using_null_annotations.htm">Null annotations</a>,
or even better, <a href="task-using_null_type_annotations.htm">null type annotations</a>
can significantly reduce (ideally: eliminate) the danger of <code>NullPointerException</code>
thrown at program runtime.
Unfortunately, the API of many libraries does not yet consistently specify
where <code>null</code> is allowed and where it isn't.
This can be a major source of incompleteness in this endeavor.
In order to fill this gap, starting with Eclipse 4.5 (Mars),
JDT supports the concept of <em>external annotations</em>,
which means that null annotations can be specified in separate files &ndash; without modifying the original library.
If you attach such external null annotations to a given library,
JDT will then consider these annotations for its static null analysis.<br>
This help page describes
<li><a href="#structure">the structure of external annotations</a></li>
<li><a href="#configure">configuring a project to use external annotations</a></li>
<li><a href="#create">interactively creating external annotations</a></li>
<li><a href="#inspect">inspecting external annotations</a></li>
<li><a href="#annotation_kind">differences between declaration annotations and type annotations</a></li>
<h2 id="structure">Structure of external annotations</h2>
External annotations can be provided as a <em>directory tree</em>,
whose leaves are text files with extension <code>.eea</code> ("Eclipse External Annotations").
In this structure, each directory corresponds to a Java package,
and each <code>.eea</code> file corresponds to a Java type (class, interface etc.).
Optionally, the above structure can be packed in a single zip file with extension <code>.zip</code>
or <code>.jar</code>.
The exact format of <code>.eea</code> text files has been designed with slight bias towards processing by tools.
Still, these files are amenable to storing, comparing and merging using any version control system.
The format is based on <em>signatures</em> as defined in
<a target="_new" href=""><img src="../images/external-link-ltr-icon.png" alt="external link"> JVMS</a>.
the full definition is given in TODO: write a page for doc.isv: target audience: developers of converts to/from .eea.
<h2 id="configure">Configuring a project to use external annotations</h2>
<blockquote id="caveat-configure"><strong>Caveat:</strong>
When different projects referring to the same library have different configurations with respect
to external annotations, the UI support described below (command Annotate and Javadoc hovers)
can easily get confused: When looking at a given library class, JDT may not know which
project the user is currently working on, producing unexpected results.
While hopefully this will be improved in a future version, for the time being users are advised
to use the same external annotation location for all projects referring to the same library.
A shared ("common") base project will typically be a good choice for hosting external annotations.
<h3>Java Runtime Environments</h3>
External annotations can be directly attached to each JRE configured in the current workspace.
For this purpose, please use the <a href="./tasks-JREs.htm">Installed JREs</a>
preference page and click <b>Edit</b> for details of the selected JRE.
After selecting one or more Jar files contributed by the given JRE installation,
click <b>External Annotations</b> to open a new dialog,
where either a directory or a zip file can be selected as the external annotation location for the selected jar(s).
<p>Alternatively, you may select the properties of a specific JRE bound in the
<a href="../concepts/concept-build-classpath.htm">Java Build Path</a> of a specific project.
Please note, that attaching external annotations to individual jars of a JRE <em>always</em> affects the workspace preference,
even if accessed via the project's build path.
The only way to define a project-specific location for external annotation location for a JRE is via
the direct child <b>External annotations:</b> of the top-level node called <b>JRE System Library</b>,
<em>but note, that project specific locations are not recommended, see the <a href="#caveat-configure">"Caveat"</a> above.</em>
<h3>Other Classpath Containers</h3>
<p>Depending on the build technology in use, projects may have additional classpath containers like
<b>Plug-in Dependencies</b> or <b>Maven Dependencies</b>.
For these containers, the only option currently is
to specify the external annotation location via each projects build path.
In this case users are advised to manually ensure that the same location is used
for all projects of the workspace, <em>see the <a href="#caveat-configure">"Caveat"</a> above.</em>
<h3>Other Libraries</h3>
<p>For any other libraries (jars) explicitly referenced from the Java Build Path of a project,
external annotations can be attached separately in the <a href="../reference/ref-properties-build-path.htm#libraries">Libraries</a> page of the project's build path.
<h2 id="create">Creating external annotations</h2>
External annotations require a library with <a href="../reference/ref-properties-source-attachment.htm">source attachment</a>.
Additionally, annotation based null analysis must be enabled for the current project,
an external annotation location must be defined for the library and that location must be a directory (not a zip file) within the workspace.
After navigating to the desired class, you may select the type (method parameter or method return type)
that should be affected by an annotation,
and invoke the new command <b>Annotate</b> (available via context menu and by default bound to <b>Ctrl-1</b>).
Similar to quick assists in a Java source code editor,
this command will offer proposals applicable at the current location.
For external annotations, the three options are:
<li>Annotate as '@NonNull SomeType'</li>
<li>Annotate as '@Nullable SomeType'</li>
<li>Remove nullness annotation from type 'SomeType'</li>
For obvious reasons, exactly 2 of these three proposals are offered at any suitable location.
Behind the scenes this command will create and/or update an <code>.eea</code> file corresponding to the current class.
The new annotation will then be respected by the compiler:
Errors and warnings in an open editor will be updated immediately;
The <b>Problems</b> view will be updated when affected classes are re-compiled.
<blockquote><b>Be careful:</b>
When attaching external annotations to a library, keep in mind that you are defining a new contract,
that will then be used to check your program against.
The compiler will, however, not check the library, whether it actually conforms to this contract.
By carelessly marking, e.g., a return type as <code>@NonNull</code> you let the compiler
advise you to remove null checks against return values from the given method.
If the library <em>does</em> return null in any situation, this null will hit you unguarded.
Before adding an annotation, make sure it is backed by facts, like, e.g.:
<li>explicit mention in Javadoc, e.g., when a <code>@return</code> specification says: "... or null when ...".</li>
<li>an explicit null check of a method parameter, which does not throw an exception (implying that null is accepted &rarr; <code>@Nullable</code> parameter)</li>
<li>uncheck dereference of a method parameter (implying that null is not accepted &rarr; <code>@NonNull</code> parameter)
<li>an explicit <code>null</code> return (implying a <code>@Nullable</code> return type)</li>
<li>explicitly created return values at each return statement (implying a <code>@NonNull</code> return type).</li>
<h2 id="inspect">Inspecting external annotations</h2>
<p>The immediate effect of external annotations can be observed via changes in compiler errors / warnings.
For full transparency, annotated library signatures can be inspected using the <em>Javadoc hover</em>
or <a href="../reference/views/ref-view-javadoc.htm">Javadoc view</a>.<br>
<em>Due to an implementation limitation, this feature currently only works for
<a href="./task-using_null_type_annotations.htm">type annotations</a> (Java 8).</em>
<h2 id="annotation_kind">Declaration annotations vs type annotations</h2>
<p>Generally, support for external annotations has been developed with regard to fully supporting
all locations of <a href="task-using_null_type_annotations.htm">null type annotations</a> (Java 8).
This means, you may refer to any detail of a type in a method signature and annotate, e.g., a type parameter, a type bound or an array dimension.
When using declaration annotations, the relevant subset of location shares the same mechanisms for external annotations.
In one situation the design for type annotations shines through even when using declaration annotations:
annotating an array type is based on the new syntax of type annotations (see also <a href="task-using_null_type_annotations.htm#compatibility_syntax">Compatibility > Syntax</a>).
For illustration consider the following method in type <code>Collection</code>:
<pre> Object [] toArray();
Even when a project uses Java 7 or below, the return type of this method is annotated by
placing the cursor before the array brackets.
Invoking <b>Annotate</b> will create an external annotation that is internally interpreted
as an annotation on the method (but still the meaning is: describing the return of this method).
Other than this one exception, external annotations closely mimic how annotations directly within a source file would be handled,
with a reduced set of locations for declaration annotations, and the full set of locations for type annotations.