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<title>Workbench Extension Points</title>
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Pre-defined Marker Types</h1></center>
The Resources plug-in comes with the pre-defined marker types listed below.&nbsp;
Each has a corresponding constant declaration defining its id on the type
<a href="#marker">org.eclipse.core.resources.marker</a></li>
<a href="#problem">org.eclipse.core.resources.problemmarker</a></li>
<a href="#task">org.eclipse.core.resources.taskmarker</a></li>
<a href="#bookmark">org.eclipse.core.resources.bookmark</a></li>
<a href="#text">org.eclipse.core.resources.textmarker</a></li>
<a NAME="marker"></a>Marker</h3>
<b><i>See:</i></b> <tt>org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker.MARKER</tt>
<br>The pre-defined marker type <tt>org.eclipse.core.resources.marker</tt>
is the root of the marker type hierarchy.&nbsp; All markers should inherit
(directly or indirectly) from this type.
<p>The <i>marker</i> marker type has the following characteristics:
no super types</dd>
no attributes</dd>
<a NAME="problem"></a>Problem Marker</h2>
<b><i>See:</i></b> <tt>org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker.PROBLEM</tt>
<br>The pre-defined marker type <tt>org.eclipse.core.resources.problemmarker</tt>
is used to represent problems in resources.&nbsp; Typically this will be
a compilation error, bad movie frames, etc..
<p>The <i>problemmarker</i> marker type has the following characteristics:
<dl>A number from the set of error, warning and info severities defined
by the plaform</dl>
An arbitary string describing the nature of the marker (e.g., a name for
a bookmark or task).&nbsp; The content and form of this attribute is not
specified or interpreted by the platform.</dd>
<dl>The location is a human-readable string which can be used to distinguish
between markers on a resource.&nbsp; As such it should be concise and aimed
at users.&nbsp; The content and form of this attribute is not specified
or interpreted by the platform.</dl>
<a NAME="task"></a>Task Marker</h2>
<b><i>See:</i></b> <tt>org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker.TASK</tt>
<br>The pre-defined marker type <tt>org.eclipse.core.resources.taskmarker</tt>
is used to represent user <i>todo</i> items and the like.
<p>The <i>taskmarker</i> marker type has the following characteristics:
<dl>&nbsp;A number from the set of high, normal and low priorities defined
by the plaform.</dl>
An arbitary string describing the nature of the marker (e.g., a name for
a bookmark or task).&nbsp; The content and form of this attribute is not
specified or interpreted by the platform.</dd>
<dl>A boolean value indicating whether or not a the marker (e.g., a task)
is considered done.</dl>
<a NAME="bookmark"></a>Bookmark</h2>
<b><i>See:</i></b> <tt>org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker.BOOKMARK</tt>
<br>The pre-defined marker type <tt>org.eclipse.core.resources.bookmark</tt>
is used to remember interesting resources or places in resources.&nbsp;
This may be as the result of a user action or some sort of automated search.
<p>The <i>bookmark</i> marker type has the following characteristics:
An arbitary string describing the nature of the marker (e.g., a name for
a bookmark or task).&nbsp; The content and form of this attribute is not
specified or interpreted by the platform.</dd>
<dl>The location is a human-readable string which can be used to distinguish
between markers on a resource.&nbsp; As such it should be concise and aimed
at users.&nbsp; The content and form of this attribute is not specified
or interpreted by the platform.</dl>
<a NAME="text"></a>Text Marker</h2>
<b><i>See:</i></b> <tt>org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker.TEXT</tt>
<br>The pre-defined marker type <tt>org.eclipse.core.resources.textmarker</tt>
is used to indicate a particular location in a text file.&nbsp; Typically
this is used to refine another marker type and produce a type of marker
which is fully locatable.&nbsp; For example, a Java problem marker would
also be a text marker as it would need to locate the problem within Java
source files.
<p>The <i>textmarker</i> marker type has the following characteristics:
An integer value indicating where a text marker starts.&nbsp; This attribute
is zero-relative and inclusive.</dd>
<dl>An integer value indicating where a text marker ends.&nbsp; This attribute
is zero-relative and inclusive.</dl>
<dl>An integer value indicating the line number for a text marker.&nbsp;
This attribute is 1-relative.</dl>
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