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<title>Workbench Extension Points</title>
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IBM Eclipse Resources Plug-in</h1></center>
This document lists all of the extension points that the resources plug-in
makes available to tool developers. These allow developers to extend various
aspects of the resource model.
<p>All XML subelements defined in the individual extension point documents
may appear more than once inside an extension element. For example, a <tt>org.eclipse.ui.propertyPage</tt>
extension may contain several instances of <tt>page</tt> elements. Although
making one extension per subelement is not technically incorrect, we recommend
grouping for consistent style. It can also improve workbench startup time
because there will be fewer extensions to process.
<hr WIDTH="100%">
General Extension Points</h1>
The following extension points can be used to extend the fundamental capabilities
of the resources plug-in:
<a href="org_eclipse_core_resources_builders.html"></a></li>
<a href="org_eclipse_core_resources_markers.html">org.eclipse.core.resources.markers</a></li>
<a href="org_eclipse_core_resources_natures.html">org.eclipse.core.resources.natures</a></li>
<a href="org_eclipse_core_resources_fileModificationValidator.html">org.eclipse.core.resources.fileModificationValidator</a></li>
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