blob: 4d20ea4893b2c35538f18033ac9860cec4af03df [file] [log] [blame]
! Translation of tstep.c into Fortran 2003 (J. Overbey, 17 Sept 2011)
! *
! Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) *
! - Division of Information Technology (DIT) *
! - Division of Atmospheric Research (DAR) *
! *
! Shallow water weather model - Distributed Memory Version *
! *
! Finite difference model of shallow water equations based on :- *
! "The dynamics of finite difference models of the shallow water *
! equations" by R. Sadourney, JAS, 32, 1975. *
! Code from:- *
! "An introduction to three-dimensional climate modelling" *
! by Washington and Parkinson *
! *
! Programmers = David Abramson (DIT) *
! = Paul Whiting (DIT) *
! = Martin Dix (DAR) *
! Language = BSD c using Argonne NL macros *
! O/S = Unix System V *
! H/W = Encore Multimax 320 *
! *
subroutine tstep(m,n,alpha,jstart,jend,cpold,cuold,cvold,cp,cu,cv,cpnew,cunew,cvnew,cdpdt,cdudt,cdvdt,firststep,tdt) bind(c)
use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING
implicit none
integer(kind=C_INT), value :: m, n
real(kind=C_FLOAT), value :: alpha
integer(kind=C_INT), value :: jstart,jend
type(C_PTR), value :: cpold; real(kind=C_FLOAT), pointer :: pold(:,:)
type(C_PTR), value :: cuold; real(kind=C_FLOAT), pointer :: uold(:,:)
type(C_PTR), value :: cvold; real(kind=C_FLOAT), pointer :: vold(:,:)
type(C_PTR), value :: cp; real(kind=C_FLOAT), pointer :: p(:,:)
type(C_PTR), value :: cu; real(kind=C_FLOAT), pointer :: u(:,:)
type(C_PTR), value :: cv; real(kind=C_FLOAT), pointer :: v(:,:)
type(C_PTR), value :: cpnew; real(kind=C_FLOAT), pointer :: pnew(:,:)
type(C_PTR), value :: cunew; real(kind=C_FLOAT), pointer :: unew(:,:)
type(C_PTR), value :: cvnew; real(kind=C_FLOAT), pointer :: vnew(:,:)
type(C_PTR), value :: cdpdt; real(kind=C_FLOAT), pointer :: dpdt(:,:)
type(C_PTR), value :: cdudt; real(kind=C_FLOAT), pointer :: dudt(:,:)
type(C_PTR), value :: cdvdt; real(kind=C_FLOAT), pointer :: dvdt(:,:)
integer(kind=C_INT), value :: firststep
real(kind=C_FLOAT), value :: tdt
integer i,j
call c_f_pointer(cpold, pold, shape=[m, n])
call c_f_pointer(cuold, uold, shape=[m, n])
call c_f_pointer(cvold, vold, shape=[m, n])
call c_f_pointer(cp, p, shape=[m, n])
call c_f_pointer(cu, u, shape=[m, n])
call c_f_pointer(cv, v, shape=[m, n])
call c_f_pointer(cpnew, pnew, shape=[m, n])
call c_f_pointer(cunew, unew, shape=[m, n])
call c_f_pointer(cvnew, vnew, shape=[m, n])
call c_f_pointer(cdpdt, dpdt, shape=[m, n])
call c_f_pointer(cdudt, dudt, shape=[m, n])
call c_f_pointer(cdvdt, dvdt, shape=[m, n])
do j = jstart+1, jend+1
do i = 1, m
pnew(i,j) = pold(i,j) + tdt*dpdt(i,j)
unew(i,j) = uold(i,j) + tdt*dudt(i,j)
vnew(i,j) = vold(i,j) + tdt*dvdt(i,j)
end do
end do
! Don't apply time filter on first step
if ( firststep == 0 ) then
do j = jstart+1, jend+1
do i = 1, m
pold(i,j) = p(i,j)+alpha*(pnew(i,j)-2._c_float*p(i,j)+pold(i,j))
uold(i,j) = u(i,j)+alpha*(unew(i,j)-2._c_float*u(i,j)+uold(i,j))
vold(i,j) = v(i,j)+alpha*(vnew(i,j)-2._c_float*v(i,j)+vold(i,j))
end do
end do
end if
do j = jstart+1, jend+1
do i = 1, m
p(i,j) = pnew(i,j)
u(i,j) = unew(i,j)
v(i,j) = vnew(i,j)
end do
end do
end subroutine