blob: ae516800912517aad27e067847559c395cd84f21 [file] [log] [blame]
* *
* Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) *
* - Division of Information Technology (DIT) *
* - Division of Atmospheric Research (DAR) *
* *
* Shallow water weather model - Distributed Memory Version *
* *
* Finite difference model of shallow water equations based on :- *
* "The dynamics of finite difference models of the shallow water *
* equations" by R. Sadourney, JAS, 32, 1975. *
* Code from:- *
* "An introduction to three-dimensional climate modelling" *
* by Washington and Parkinson *
* *
* Programmers = David Abramson (DIT) *
* = Paul Whiting (DIT) *
* = Martin Dix (DAR) *
* Language = BSD c using Argonne NL macros *
* O/S = Unix System V *
* H/W = Encore Multimax 320 *
* *
#include <math.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "decs.h"
MPI_Datatype * setup_res();
extern void tstep(
int m_,
int n_,
float alpha_,
int jstart,
int jend,
float pold[n][m],
float uold[n][m],
float vold[n][m],
float p[n][m],
float u[n][m],
float v[n][m],
float pnew[n][m],
float unew[n][m],
float vnew[n][m],
float dpdt[n][m],
float dudt[n][m],
float dvdt[n][m],
int firststep,
float tdt);
int firststep, ncycle;
float tdt, time;
int i,j,ip,jp,jstart,jend;
int prv;
int nxt;
int msg_type;
int master_id, my_id;
int nprocs;
int nbytes;
float p[n][m]; /* Pressure (or free surface height) */
float u[n][m]; /* Zonal wind */
float v[n][m]; /* Meridional wind */
float psi[n][m]; /* Velocity streamfunction */
float pold[n][m];
float uold[n][m];
float vold[n][m];
float pnew[n][m];
float unew[n][m];
float vnew[n][m];
float dpdt[n][m];
float dudt[n][m]; /* Time tendency of u */
float dvdt[n][m];
float cu[n][m]; /* Mass weighted u */
float cv[n][m]; /* Mass weighted v */
float h[n][m];
float z[n][m]; /* Potential enstrophy */
float dummy1[m];
float dummy2[n];
float fsdx = 4./dx;
float fsdy = 4./dy;
int worker[4];
float p_start[m];
float u_start[m];
float v_start[m];
float psi_start[m];
float pold_start[m];
float uold_start[m];
float vold_start[m];
MPI_Datatype * res_type;
MPI_Status status;
initialise control variables
firststep = 1;
ncycle = 0;
tdt = dt;
time = 0.;
set up environment for worker
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_id);
MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
prv = worker[PREV];
nxt = worker[NEXT];
jstart = worker[JSTART];
jend = worker[JEND];
receive initialisation packets from master
for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
MPI_Recv(&p_start, m, MPI_FLOAT, 0, P_ROW,
MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
acopy_one_to_two(p_start, p, i);
MPI_Recv(&u_start, m, MPI_FLOAT, 0, U_ROW,
MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
acopy_one_to_two(u_start, u, i);
MPI_Recv(&v_start, m, MPI_FLOAT, 0, V_ROW,
MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
acopy_one_to_two(v_start, v, i);
MPI_Recv(&psi_start, m, MPI_FLOAT, 0, PSI_ROW,
MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
acopy_one_to_two(psi_start, psi, i);
MPI_Recv(&pold_start, m, MPI_FLOAT, 0, POLD_ROW,
MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
acopy_one_to_two(pold_start, pold, i);
MPI_Recv(&uold_start, m, MPI_FLOAT, 0, UOLD_ROW,
MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
acopy_one_to_two(uold_start, uold, i);
MPI_Recv(&vold_start, m, MPI_FLOAT, 0, VOLD_ROW,
MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
acopy_one_to_two(vold_start, vold, i);
while (ncycle < itmax) {
loop over latitudes calculating U, V, z and h
do the block of latitudes from jstart to jend inclusive
calc_load(prv, nxt, my_id, jstart, jend, p, u,v);
calcuvzh(jstart, jend, p, u, v, cu, cv, h, z, fsdx, fsdy);
calc_unload(prv, nxt, my_id, jstart, jend, cv, z);
Calculate time tendencies of p, u and v
time_load(prv, nxt, my_id, jstart, jend, cu, cv, h, z);
timetend(jstart, jend, dpdt, dudt, dvdt, cu, cv, h, z);
time_unload(prv, nxt, my_id, jstart, jend, dvdt);
if ((my_id == 1) && (ncycle%mprint==0)) {
diag(ncycle, time, p, u, v, h, z);
time += dt;
tstep(m, n, alpha,
jstart, jend, pold, uold, vold, p, u, v, pnew,
unew, vnew, dpdt, dudt, dvdt, firststep, tdt);
if ( firststep ) {
/* Double tdt because all future steps are leapfrog */
firststep = 0;
tdt = tdt+tdt;
} /* End of time step loop */
send local data structures (results) back to master
res_type = setup_res();
send_updated_ds(res_type, jstart, jend, p, P_ROW, 0);
send_updated_ds(res_type, jstart, jend, u, U_ROW, 0);
send_updated_ds(res_type, jstart, jend, v, V_ROW, 0);
send_updated_ds(res_type, jstart, jend, h, H_ROW, 0);
send_updated_ds(res_type, jstart, jend, z, Z_ROW, 0);
MPI_Recv(&worker, 4, MPI_INT, 0, END_SIGNAL,
MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
if (debug & debug_call) {
printf("worker %d sent TIDY_UP to master\n", my_id);
printf("worker %d got END_SIGNAL from master\n", my_id);
send_updated_ds(res_type, jstart, jend, ds, indx, master_id)
MPI_Datatype * res_type;
int jstart;
int jend;
float ds[n][m];
int indx;
int master_id;
int j;
struct res res;
MPI_Request rq[2];
MPI_Status stat[2];
for (j = jstart; j <= jend; j++) {
acopy_two_to_one(ds, res.row, j);
res.indx = j;
MPI_Send(&res, 1, *res_type, master_id, indx,
this procedure does all the message passing before the call to _calcuvzh_
int prv;
int nxt;
int my_id;
int jstart;
int jend;
float p[n][m];
float u[n][m];
float v[n][m];
neighbour_send(prv, my_id, CALC1a, p, jstart);
neighbour_send(prv, my_id, CALC1b, u, jstart);
neighbour_send(prv, my_id, CALC1c, v, jstart);
neighbour_receive(nxt, my_id, CALC1a, p, (jend+1) % n);
neighbour_receive(nxt, my_id, CALC1b, u, (jend+1) % n);
neighbour_receive(nxt, my_id, CALC1c, v, (jend+1) % n);
this procedure does all the message passing after the call to _calcuvzh_
int prv;
int nxt;
int my_id;
int jstart;
int jend;
float cv[n][m];
float z[n][m];
neighbour_send(nxt, my_id, CALC2a, cv, (jend+1) % n);
neighbour_send(nxt, my_id, CALC2b, z, (jend+1) % n);
neighbour_receive(prv, my_id, CALC2a, cv, jstart);
neighbour_receive(prv, my_id, CALC2b, z, jstart);
this procedure does all the message passing before the call to _timetend_
int prv;
int nxt;
int my_id;
int jstart;
int jend;
float cu[n][m];
float cv[n][m];
float h[n][m];
float z[n][m];
neighbour_send(prv, my_id, TIME1a, cu, jstart);
neighbour_send(prv, my_id, TIME1b, cv, jstart);
neighbour_send(prv, my_id, TIME1c, h, jstart);
neighbour_send(prv, my_id, TIME1d, z, jstart);
neighbour_receive(nxt, my_id, TIME1a, cu, (jend+1) % n);
neighbour_receive(nxt, my_id, TIME1b, cv, (jend+1) % n);
neighbour_receive(nxt, my_id, TIME1c, h, (jend+1) % n);
neighbour_receive(nxt, my_id, TIME1d, z, (jend+1) % n);
this procedure does all the message passing after the call to _timetend_
int prv;
int nxt;
int tu_my_id;
int jstart;
int jend;
float dvdt[n][m];
neighbour_send(nxt, tu_my_id, TIME2, dvdt, (jend+1) % n);
neighbour_receive(prv, tu_my_id, TIME2, dvdt, jstart);
this is a general purpose function for sending packets b/w workers
int ns_neighbour;
int ns_my_id;
int ns_rec_id;
float ns_ds[n][m];
int ns_edge;
float ns_rec[m];
MPI_Request rq;
acopy_two_to_one(ns_ds, ns_rec, ns_edge);
MPI_Isend(&ns_rec, m, MPI_FLOAT, ns_neighbour, ns_rec_id,
if (debug & debug_worker)
printf("worker %d sent packet %d to worker %d\n", ns_my_id,
ns_rec_id, ns_neighbour);
this is a general purpose function for receiving packets b/w workers
int nr_neighbour;
int nr_my_id;
int nr_rec_id;
float nr_ds[n][m];
int nr_edge;
float nr_rec[m];
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Recv(&nr_rec, m, MPI_FLOAT, nr_neighbour, nr_rec_id,
MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
acopy_one_to_two(nr_rec, nr_ds, nr_edge);