blob: e2cb14c0c1997fd3986f9661b577ace8e0e9e6b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// $codepro.audit.disable com.instantiations.assist.eclipse.analysis.audit.rule.effectivejava.alwaysOverridetoString.alwaysOverrideToString, com.instantiations.assist.eclipse.analysis.deserializeabilitySecurity, com.instantiations.assist.eclipse.analysis.enforceCloneableUsageSecurity, packageJavadoc
* Copyright (c) 2010, 2012 Ericsson AB and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are
* made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
* accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Description:
* This class holds R4E preferences constants
* Contributors:
* Sebastien Dubois - Created for Mylyn Review R4E project
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore;
* Constant definitions for plug-in preferences
* @author Sebastien Dubois
* @version $Revision: 1.0 $
public class PreferenceConstants { // $codepro.audit.disable convertClassToInterface
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constants
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The preferences description text
public static final String P_DESC = "R4E Global Preferences";
* The user ID preference name
public static final String P_USER_ID = "userIdPreference";
* The user Email preference name
public static final String P_USER_EMAIL = "userEmailPreference";
* The user ID main label text
public static final String P_USER_ID_LABEL = "User ID:";
* The user Email main label text
public static final String P_USER_EMAIL_LABEL = "User Email:";
* Field P_USER_GROUPS. (value is ""usersGroup"")
public static final String P_PARTICIPANTS_LISTS = "participantsLists";
* Field P_USER_GROUPS_USERS. (value is ""userGroupUsers"")
public static final String P_PARTICIPANTS = "participants";
* Flag that state whether deltas are created for commit review items
public static final String P_USE_DELTAS = "useDeltasPreferences";
* Flag that state whether postponed global anomalies should be imported
public static final String P_IMPORT_GLOBAL_ANOMALIES_POSTPONED = "importPostponedGlobalAnomaliesPreferences";
* Flag that state whether the sender shall be included in originating mail notifications
public static final String P_SEND_NOTIFICATION_TO_SENDER = "SendNotificationToSenderPreferences";
* Label for Use Deltas option
public static final String P_USE_DELTAS_LABEL = "Create Delta Elements to track changes for Version-Controlled"
+ " Review Items";
* Label for import postponed global anomalies option
public static final String P_IMPORT_POSTPONED_GLOBAL_ANOMALIES_LABEL = "Import Postponed Global Anomalies ";
* Label for the option indicating if the sender shall be included in notification e-mails
public static final String P_SEND_NOTIFICATION_TO_SENDER_LABEL = "Include sender in e-mail notifications";
* The group file path preference name
public static final String P_GROUP_FILE_PATH = "groupFilePathPreference";
* The group FilePathEditor main label text
public static final String P_GROUP_FILE_PATH_LABEL = "Review Group Files:";
* The review group file extension
public static final String P_GROUP_FILE_EXT = "*_group_root.xrer";
* The rule set file path preference name
public static final String P_RULE_SET_FILE_PATH = "ruleSetFilePathPreference";
* The rule set file path preference name
public static final String P_RULE_SET_FILE_PATH_LABEL = "Rule Set Files:";
* The rule set file extension
public static final String P_RULE_SET_FILE_EXT = "*_rule_set.xrer";
* The file extension (MAC only)
public static final String P_FILE_EXT_MAC = "*.xrer";
* Field P_SHOW_DISABLED. (value is ""showDisabled"")
public static final String P_SHOW_DISABLED = "showDisabled";
* Field P_REVIEWS_COMPLETED_FILTER. (value is ""reviewsCompletedFilter"")
public static final String P_REVIEWS_COMPLETED_FILTER = "reviewsCompletedFilter";
* Field P_REVIEWS_ONLY_FILTER. (value is ""reviewsOnlyFilter"")
public static final String P_REVIEWS_ONLY_FILTER = "reviewsOnlyFilter";
* Field P_REVIEWS_MY_FILTER. (value is ""reviewsMyFilter"")
public static final String P_REVIEWS_MY_FILTER = "reviewsMyFilter";
* Field P_PARTICIPANT_FILTER. (value is ""participantFilter"")
public static final String P_PARTICIPANT_FILTER = "participantFilter";
* Field P_ASSIGN_MY_FILTER. (value is ""assignMyFilter"")
public static final String P_ASSIGN_MY_FILTER = "assignMyFilter";
* Field P_ASSIGN_FILTER. (value is ""assignFilter"")
public static final String P_ASSIGN_FILTER = "assignFilter";
* Field P_UNASSIGN_FILTER. (value is ""unassignFilter"")
public static final String P_UNASSIGN_FILTER = "unassignFilter";
* Field P_ANOMALIES_ALL_FILTER. (value is ""anomaliesFilter"")
public static final String P_ANOMALIES_ALL_FILTER = "anomaliesFilter";
* Field P_ANOMALIES_MY_FILTER. (value is ""anomaliesMyFilter"")
public static final String P_ANOMALIES_MY_FILTER = "anomaliesMyFilter";
* Field P_REVIEWED_ITEMS_FILTER. (value is ""reviewItemsFilter"")
public static final String P_REVIEWED_ITEMS_FILTER = "reviewItemsFilter";
* Field P_HIDE_RULE_SETS_FILTER. (value is ""hideRuleSetsFilter"")
public static final String P_HIDE_RULE_SETS_FILTER = "hideRuleSetsFilter";
* Field P_HIDE_DELTAS_FILTER. (value is ""hideDeltasFilter"")
public static final String P_HIDE_DELTAS_FILTER = "hideDeltasFilter";
//Inline markers preferences
* Field OPEN_ANOMALY_ANNOTATION_TEXT. (value is ""anomalyOpen_text"")
public static final String OPEN_ANOMALY_ANNOTATION_TEXT = "anomalyOpen_text";
* Field OPEN_ANOMALY_ANNOTATION_STYLE. (value is ""anomalyOpen_style"")
public static final String OPEN_ANOMALY_ANNOTATION_STYLE = "anomalyOpen_style";
* Field CLOSED_ANOMALY_ANNOTATION_TEXT. (value is ""anomalyClosed_text"")
public static final String CLOSED_ANOMALY_ANNOTATION_TEXT = "anomalyClosed_text";
* Field CLOSED_ANOMALY_ANNOTATION_STYLE. (value is ""anomalyClosed_style"")
public static final String CLOSED_ANOMALY_ANNOTATION_STYLE = "anomalyClosed_style";
* Field DISABLED_ANOMALY_ANNOTATION_TEXT. (value is ""anomalyDisabled_text"")
public static final String DISABLED_ANOMALY_ANNOTATION_TEXT = "anomalyDisabled_text";
* Field DISABLED_ANOMALY_ANNOTATION_STYLE. (value is ""anomalyDisabled_style"")
public static final String DISABLED_ANOMALY_ANNOTATION_STYLE = "anomalyDisabled_style";
* Method setUserEmailDefaultPreferences.
public static void setUserEmailDefaultPreferences() {
if (R4EUIModelController.isUserQueryAvailable()) {
try {
//If no email preferences are set, try to retrieve it from the external DB
final IPreferenceStore store = R4EUIPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore();
final String userId = store.getDefaultString(PreferenceConstants.P_USER_ID);
final IQueryUser query = new QueryUserFactory().getInstance();
final java.util.List<IUserInfo> userInfos = query.searchByUserId(userId);
if (userInfos.size() > 0) {
store.setDefault(PreferenceConstants.P_USER_EMAIL, userInfos.get(0).getEmail());
} catch (NamingException e) {
R4EUIPlugin.Ftracer.traceError("Exception: " + e.toString() + " (" + e.getMessage() + ")");
} catch (IOException e) {
R4EUIPlugin.Ftracer.traceWarning("Exception: " + e.toString() + " (" + e.getMessage() + ")");