blob: 69fbdb37302929a5034e6696b5fb3d5f861b4aa0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 Formal Mind GmbH and University of Dusseldorf.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Michael Jastram - initial API and implementation
* François Rey - default value editable and posing as definition attribute
package org.eclipse.rmf.reqif10.pror.provider;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.command.Command;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.command.CompoundCommand;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.AdapterFactory;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notification;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.command.CommandParameter;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.command.SetCommand;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain.EditingDomain;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider.IEditingDomainItemProvider;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider.IItemLabelProvider;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider.IItemPropertyDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider.IItemPropertySource;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider.IStructuredItemContentProvider;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider.ITreeItemContentProvider;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider.ItemPropertyDescriptorDecorator;
import org.eclipse.rmf.reqif10.AttributeDefinition;
import org.eclipse.rmf.reqif10.AttributeDefinitionSimple;
import org.eclipse.rmf.reqif10.AttributeValueSimple;
import org.eclipse.rmf.reqif10.common.util.ReqIF10Util;
* This is the item provider adapter for a {@link org.eclipse.rmf.reqif10.AttributeDefinitionSimple} object.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* Stateful Item Provider:
* In order to simplify the UI for editing a {@link AttributeDefinitionSimple},
* the {@link AttributeValueSimple} containing the default value is kept hidden
* and the default value is shown as a direct property of
* {@link AttributeDefinitionSimple}. This is initially set up in
* {@link #addCustomDefaultValuePropertyDescriptor(Object)} where the
* {@link AttributeValueSimple} object containing the default value
* is cached.
* The other part of implementing this UI simplification is done in the
* {@link #createSetCommand} function which also handles the need to update
* the relation between the value object and the definition object.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public class AttributeDefinitionSimpleItemProvider
extends AttributeDefinitionItemProvider
IItemPropertySource {
protected AttributeValueSimple defaultAttributeValueSimple = null;
* This constructs an instance from a factory and a notifier.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public AttributeDefinitionSimpleItemProvider(AdapterFactory adapterFactory) {
* This returns the property descriptors for the adapted class.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public List<IItemPropertyDescriptor> getPropertyDescriptorsGen(Object object) {
if (itemPropertyDescriptors == null) {
return itemPropertyDescriptors;
* This returns the property descriptors for the adapted class.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* Adds the a property descriptor for the Default Value feature.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated NOT
public List<IItemPropertyDescriptor> getPropertyDescriptors(Object object) {
itemPropertyDescriptors = getPropertyDescriptorsGen(object);
return itemPropertyDescriptors;
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
protected boolean shouldComposeCreationImage() {
return true;
* This returns the label text for the adapted class.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated NOT
public String getText(Object object) {
return super.getText(object);
* This handles model notifications by calling {@link #updateChildren} to update any cached
* children and by creating a viewer notification, which it passes to {@link #fireNotifyChanged}.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public void notifyChanged(Notification notification) {
* This adds {@link org.eclipse.emf.edit.command.CommandParameter}s describing the children
* that can be created under this object.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
protected void collectNewChildDescriptors(Collection<Object> newChildDescriptors, Object object) {
super.collectNewChildDescriptors(newChildDescriptors, object);
* Adds a property descriptor for the Default Value feature.
* The default value feature is defined in derived classes, so such
* logic would normally belong there. However this method uses reflection
* to avoid copying the same custom code in derived classes.
protected void addCustomDefaultValuePropertyDescriptor(Object object) {
// Retrieve current defaultAttributeValueSimple, creating it if null
AttributeDefinitionSimple attributeDefinitionSimple =
EStructuralFeature defaultValueFeature =
defaultAttributeValueSimple =
(AttributeValueSimple) attributeDefinitionSimple.eGet(defaultValueFeature);
if (defaultAttributeValueSimple==null) {
defaultAttributeValueSimple = (AttributeValueSimple)
// Retrieve the property descriptor for the default value
AttributeValueSimpleItemProvider attributeValueSimpleItemProvider = (AttributeValueSimpleItemProvider)
adapterFactory.adapt(defaultAttributeValueSimple, AttributeValueSimpleItemProvider.class);
EStructuralFeature theValueFeature =
IItemPropertyDescriptor theValueDescriptor =
// Decorate the existing descriptor to make it look like a definition attribute
final String attributeDefinitionClassName =
IItemPropertyDescriptor theValueDescriptorDecorator = new ItemPropertyDescriptorDecorator(
defaultAttributeValueSimple, theValueDescriptor) {
public String getDescription(Object thisObject) {
return getString("_UI_PropertyDescriptor_description",
"_UI_" + attributeDefinitionClassName + "_defaultValue_feature",
"_UI_" + attributeDefinitionClassName + "_type");
public String getDisplayName(Object thisObject) {
return getString("_UI_" + attributeDefinitionClassName + "_defaultValue_feature");
// Add descriptor
* Creates a {@link org.eclipse.emf.edit.command.SetCommand} that properly
* handles the default value that is shown as a direct property of
* {@link AttributeDefinitionSimple}. In particular, if the default value
* is being set, the {@link AttributeValueSimple} object must be the target
* object of the command instead of the {@link AttributeDefinitionSimple},
* and the linking between both may need to be set or unset in the same
* compound command.
protected Command createSetCommand(EditingDomain domain, EObject owner,
EStructuralFeature feature, Object value, int index) {
CompoundCommand compoundCommand = new CompoundCommand();
if (AttributeValueSimple.class.isAssignableFrom(feature.getContainerClass())) {
AttributeDefinition attributeDefinition = (AttributeDefinition)owner;
// We're setting the default value
EStructuralFeature defaultValueFeature =
if (value==null || value.toString().length()==0)
value = SetCommand.UNSET_VALUE;
// Create the command for setting the value on the value object
super.createSetCommand(domain, defaultAttributeValueSimple,
feature, value, CommandParameter.NO_INDEX));
// Check linking between default value and definition object
// Earlier version of ProR did not set the link back to the definition
// Set it now because the user no longer has a way to do it in the GUI
EStructuralFeature definitionFeature =
if (!attributeDefinition.equals(defaultAttributeValueSimple.eGet(definitionFeature))) {
Command setDefinitionCommand = super.createSetCommand(domain,
defaultAttributeValueSimple, definitionFeature,
attributeDefinition, CommandParameter.NO_INDEX);
// Check linking between definition object and default value
if (EcoreUtil.isAncestor(owner, defaultAttributeValueSimple)) {
// The value object is already a child of the attribute definition
if (SetCommand.UNSET_VALUE.equals(value)) {
// Detach value object using another SetCommand
Command setChildCommand = super.createSetCommand(domain, owner,
defaultValueFeature, SetCommand.UNSET_VALUE,
} else {
// The value object is not a child of the attribute definition
if (!SetCommand.UNSET_VALUE.equals(value)) {
// Attach value object using another SetCommand
Command setChildCommand = super.createSetCommand(domain, owner,
defaultValueFeature, defaultAttributeValueSimple,
} else // We're setting another feature
compoundCommand.append(super.createSetCommand(domain, owner, feature, value, index));
Command result = compoundCommand.unwrap();
return result;