blob: 325a76b983b3ab3d6e5144ed60d685d146af33e1 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.rap.basic.table;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ColumnLabelProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerCell;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.RWT;
import org.eclipse.scout.commons.CollectionUtility;
import org.eclipse.scout.commons.HTMLUtility;
import org.eclipse.scout.commons.StringUtility;
import org.eclipse.scout.commons.holders.Holder;
import org.eclipse.scout.commons.logger.IScoutLogger;
import org.eclipse.scout.commons.logger.ScoutLogManager;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.basic.cell.ICell;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.basic.table.ITable;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.basic.table.ITableRow;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.basic.table.columns.IColumn;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.basic.table.columns.IProposalColumn;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.basic.table.columns.IStringColumn;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.AbstractIcons;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.rap.RwtIcons;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.rap.extension.UiDecorationExtensionPoint;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.rap.util.HtmlTextUtility;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableItem;
public class RwtScoutColumnModel extends ColumnLabelProvider {
public static final String EDITABLE_VARIANT_CELL_MARKER = "EDITABLE";
private static final IScoutLogger LOG = ScoutLogManager.getLogger(RwtScoutColumnModel.class);
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final ITable m_scoutTable;
private final RwtScoutTable m_uiTable;
private final TableColumnManager m_columnManager;
private final Image m_imgCheckboxFalse;
private final Image m_imgCheckboxTrue;
private final Color m_disabledForegroundColor;
private volatile Map<ITableRow, Map<IColumn<?>, P_CachedCell>> m_cachedCells;
public RwtScoutColumnModel(ITable scoutTable, RwtScoutTable uiTable, TableColumnManager columnManager) {
m_scoutTable = scoutTable;
m_uiTable = uiTable;
m_columnManager = columnManager;
m_imgCheckboxTrue = getUiTable().getUiEnvironment().getIcon(RwtIcons.CheckboxYes);
m_imgCheckboxFalse = getUiTable().getUiEnvironment().getIcon(RwtIcons.CheckboxNo);
m_disabledForegroundColor = getUiTable().getUiEnvironment().getColor(UiDecorationExtensionPoint.getLookAndFeel().getColorForegroundDisabled());
protected ITable getScoutTable() {
return m_scoutTable;
public RwtScoutTable getUiTable() {
return m_uiTable;
public void update(ViewerCell cell) {
ITableRow row = (ITableRow) cell.getElement();
int columnIndex = cell.getColumnIndex();
cell.setText(getColumnText(row, columnIndex));
cell.setImage(getColumnImage(row, columnIndex));
cell.setBackground(getBackground(row, columnIndex));
cell.setForeground(getForeground(row, columnIndex));
cell.setFont(getFont(row, columnIndex));
// Encode the information of which cell is editable into the custom variant of the 'TableItem' to display a visual marker for editable cells.
// This is a workaround because there is no actual RAP support to set an individual variant on table-cells (the CSS-element 'Table-Cell' applies to all cells of the table).
// The marker itself is added in the JavaScript patch 'EditableCellMarkerPatch.js' which patches 'GridRow.js'.
if (cell.getColumnIndex() == 1) {
cell.getItem().setData(RWT.CUSTOM_VARIANT, createTableRowVariant(row)); // A 'TableItem' represents not a single cell but the whole row instead. Therefore, the encoding is only done for the first cell being updated.
public String getColumnText(ITableRow element, int columnIndex) {
ICell cell = getCell(element, columnIndex);
if (cell == null) {
return "";
String text = cell.getText();
if (text == null) {
text = "";
else if (HtmlTextUtility.isTextWithHtmlMarkup(text)) {
text = getUiTable().getUiEnvironment().adaptHtmlCell(getUiTable(), text);
text = getUiTable().getUiEnvironment().convertLinksInHtmlCell(getUiTable(), text);
else {
boolean multiline = isMultiline(text);
if (!multiline) {
text = replaceLineBreaksInMultilineText(text);
boolean isMultilineTable = getScoutTable().isMultilineText();
boolean markupEnabled = Boolean.TRUE.equals(getUiTable().getUiField().getData(RWT.MARKUP_ENABLED));
if (markupEnabled || multiline) {
boolean replaceBreakableChars = true;
IColumn<?> column = m_columnManager.getColumnByModelIndex(columnIndex - 1);
if (column instanceof IStringColumn && isMultilineTable) {
IStringColumn stringColumn = (IStringColumn) column;
replaceBreakableChars = !stringColumn.isTextWrap();
text = HtmlTextUtility.transformPlainTextToHtml(text, replaceBreakableChars);
return text;
private boolean isMultiline(String text) {
return isMultilineText(text) && getScoutTable().isMultilineText();
private boolean isMultilineText(String text) {
return text.indexOf("\n") >= 0;
private String replaceLineBreaksInMultilineText(String text) {
if (isMultilineText(text)) {
text = StringUtility.replaceNewLines(text, " ");
return text;
public Image getColumnImage(ITableRow element, int columnIndex) {
int[] columnOrder = getUiTable().getUiField().getColumnOrder();
if (columnOrder.length <= 1) {
return null;
IColumn col = m_columnManager.getColumnByModelIndex(columnIndex - 1);
ICell cell = getCell(element, columnIndex);
Image checkBoxImage = null;
if (columnOrder[1] == columnIndex && getUiTable().getScoutObject() != null && getUiTable().getScoutObject().isCheckable()) {
if (element.isChecked()) {
checkBoxImage = m_imgCheckboxTrue;
else {
checkBoxImage = m_imgCheckboxFalse;
else if (col != null && cell != null && col.getDataType() == Boolean.class && (!(col instanceof IProposalColumn) || ((IProposalColumn) col).getLookupCall() == null)) {
Boolean b = (Boolean) cell.getValue();
if (b != null && b.booleanValue()) {
checkBoxImage = m_imgCheckboxTrue;
else {
checkBoxImage = m_imgCheckboxFalse;
String iconId = null;
if (cell != null && cell.getErrorStatus() != null && cell.getErrorStatus().getSeverity() == IStatus.ERROR) {
iconId = AbstractIcons.StatusError;
else if (cell != null && cell.getIconId() != null) {
iconId = cell.getIconId();
else if (columnOrder[1] == columnIndex) {
iconId = element.getIconId();
Image decoImage = getUiTable().getUiEnvironment().getIcon(iconId);
if (checkBoxImage != null && decoImage != null) {
//TODO rap/rwt: new GC(Image) is not possible since in rwt an image does not implement Drawable.
return checkBoxImage;
if (checkBoxImage != null) {
return checkBoxImage;
if (decoImage != null) {
return decoImage;
return null;
public Color getBackground(ITableRow element, int columnIndex) {
if (columnIndex > 0) {
ICell cell = getCell(element, columnIndex);
if (cell != null) {
return getUiTable().getUiEnvironment().getColor(cell.getBackgroundColor());
return null;
public Color getForeground(ITableRow element, int columnIndex) {
if (columnIndex > 0) {
ICell cell = getCell(element, columnIndex);
if (cell != null) {
Color col = getUiTable().getUiEnvironment().getColor(cell.getForegroundColor());
if (col == null) {
if (!element.isEnabled() || !cell.isEnabled()) {
col = m_disabledForegroundColor;
return col;
return null;
public Font getFont(ITableRow element, int columnIndex) {
if (columnIndex > 0) {
ICell cell = getCell(element, columnIndex);
if (cell != null) {
return getUiTable().getUiEnvironment().getFont(cell.getFont(), getUiTable().getUiField().getFont());
return null;
public String getToolTipText(Object element) {
Display display = getUiTable().getUiEnvironment().getDisplay();
Point cursorOnTable =, getUiTable().getUiField(), display.getCursorLocation());
ViewerCell uiCell = getUiTable().getUiTableViewer().getCell(cursorOnTable);
String text = "";
if (uiCell != null) {
int columnIndex = uiCell.getColumnIndex();
ICell cell = getCell(element, columnIndex);
if (cell != null) {
text = cell.getTooltipText();
if (text == null) {
text = cell.getText();
if (HtmlTextUtility.isTextWithHtmlMarkup(text)) {
//Tooltips don't support html -> convert to plain text
text = HTMLUtility.getPlainText(text);
if (text == null || text.indexOf("\n") <= 0) {
text = "";
text = StringUtility.wrapWord(text, 80);
return text;
public void consumeColumnModelEvent(RwtScoutTableEvent uiTableEvent) {
protected ICell getCell(Object row, int colIndex) {
IColumn<?> column = m_columnManager.getColumnByModelIndex(colIndex - 1);
if (column != null) {
Map<ITableRow, Map<IColumn<?>, P_CachedCell>> currentCache = m_cachedCells;
if (currentCache == null || currentCache.get(row) == null) {
P_CachedCell cachedCell = m_cachedCells.get(row).get(column);
if (cachedCell != null) {
return cachedCell.m_cell;
return null;
* Creates a custom variant to be set as {@link TableItem}'s data to identify editable cells of that row. This
* identifier is used in <code>GridRow.js</code> to install a visual marker for editable cells.<br/>
* Format: the cells are delimited with a '_' and editable cells are marked with the literal 'EDITABLE'.
* @param row
* the current row.
* @return the variant for that row.
protected String createTableRowVariant(ITableRow row) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
Map<IColumn<?>, P_CachedCell> cachedRow = m_cachedCells.get(row);
int[] visibleColumnIndexes = getScoutTable().getColumnSet().getVisibleColumnIndexes();
boolean isEditable = false;
for (int i = 0; i < visibleColumnIndexes.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
IColumn<?> col = getScoutTable().getColumnSet().getColumn(visibleColumnIndexes[i]);
if (col != null && cachedRow != null) {
P_CachedCell cachedCell = cachedRow.get(col);
if (cachedCell != null && cachedCell.m_isEditable) {
isEditable = true;
if (isEditable) {
builder.insert(0, EDITABLE_VARIANT_PREFIX);
return builder.toString();
return null;
* Determines whether the visual marker for a cell is to be displayed.
* @return <code>true</code> if the cell is editable and not of the type {@link Boolean}.
protected boolean isEditableIconNeededInScoutThread(final ITableRow row, final IColumn<?> column) {
if (column == null || row == null) {
return false;
if (column.getDataType().isAssignableFrom(Boolean.class)) {
return false;
ITable scoutTable = getScoutTable();
if (scoutTable == null) {
return false;
return scoutTable.isCellEditable(row, column);
private void rebuildCache() {
if (getScoutTable() == null) {
m_cachedCells = CollectionUtility.emptyHashMap();
final Holder<Map<ITableRow, Map<IColumn<?>, P_CachedCell>>> cacheResultHolder = new Holder<Map<ITableRow, Map<IColumn<?>, P_CachedCell>>>();
Runnable r = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
List<ITableRow> rows = getScoutTable().getRows();
Map<ITableRow, Map<IColumn<?>, P_CachedCell>> tmp = new HashMap<ITableRow, Map<IColumn<?>, P_CachedCell>>(rows.size());
for (ITableRow scoutRow : rows) {
List<IColumn<?>> visibleColumns = getScoutTable().getColumnSet().getVisibleColumns();
Map<IColumn<?>, P_CachedCell> cells = new HashMap<IColumn<?>, P_CachedCell>(visibleColumns.size());
for (IColumn<?> col : visibleColumns) {
ICell cell = getScoutTable().getCell(scoutRow, col);
boolean isCellEditable = isEditableIconNeededInScoutThread(scoutRow, col);
cells.put(col, new P_CachedCell(cell, isCellEditable));
tmp.put(scoutRow, cells);
try {
getUiTable().getUiEnvironment().invokeScoutLater(r, -1).join();
m_cachedCells = cacheResultHolder.getValue();
catch (InterruptedException e) {
LOG.warn("Interrupted while waiting for the model.", e);
private static final class P_CachedCell {
private final ICell m_cell;
private final boolean m_isEditable;
private P_CachedCell(ICell cell, boolean isEditable) {
m_cell = cell;
m_isEditable = isEditable;