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+<title>Server Tools API Changes</title>
+td { font-family: arial, helvetica, geneva; font-size: 9pt; vertical-align: top; }
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+<body alink="#ff0000" bgcolor="#ffffff" link="#0000ee" text="#000000" vlink="#551a8b">
+<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5" width="100%">
+  <tbody><tr>
+ 		<TD WIDTH=60%>
+			<P ALIGN=LEFT><B><FONT SIZE=6><FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Server Tools API Changes</FONT></FONT></B><BR>
+			<FONT SIZE=1><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><FONT COLOR="#8080ff">Information on Server Tools API Changes</FONT></FONT></FONT>
+			</P>
+		</TD>
+    <td rowspan="2" width="19%"><img src="http://www.eclipse.org/images/Idea.jpg" border="0" height="86" width="120"></td>
+  </tr>
+<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5" width="100%">
+  <tbody><tr> 
+    <td colspan="2" align="left" bgcolor="#0080c0" valign="top"><b><font color="#ffffff" face="Arial,Helvetica">M1 Changes</font></b></td>
+  </tr></tbody>
+This document contains information on the Server Tools API changes that have gone
+into M1.
+<table border=1 cellspacing="0">
+  <th>Change</th>
+  <th>Reason</th>
+  <th>Old Code</th>
+  <th>New Code</th>
+  <td>Package renames:<br/>
+  com.ibm.wtp.server.core -> org.eclipse.wst.server.core<br/>
+  com.ibm.wtp.server.ui -> org.eclipse.wst.server.ui<br/>
+  com.ibm.wtp.server.util -> org.eclipse.wst.server.util<br/>
+  com.ibm.wtp.server.java.core -> org.eclipse.jst.server.core<br/>
+  com.ibm.wtp.server.java.ui -> org.eclipse.jst.server.ui<br/>
+  com.ibm.wtp.server.tomcat.core -> org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core<br/>
+  com.ibm.wtp.server.tomcat.ui -> org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.ui<br/>
+  com.ibm.wtp.monitor.core -> org.eclipse.wst.monitor.core<br/>
+  com.ibm.wtp.monitor.ui -> org.eclipse.wst.monitor.ui<br/>
+  com.ibm.wtp.webbrowser -> org.eclipse.wst.webbrowser</td>
+  <td>Renaming for open source</td>
+  <td></td>
+  <td></td>
+  <td></td>
+  <td></td>
+  <td></td>
+  <td></td>
+<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5" width="100%">
+  <tbody><tr> 
+    <td colspan="2" align="left" bgcolor="#0080c0" valign="top"><b><font color="#ffffff" face="Arial,Helvetica">M2 Changes</font></b></td>
+  </tr></tbody>
+This document contains information on the Server Tools API changes that have gone into M2.
+<table border=1 cellspacing="0">
+  <th>Change</th>
+  <th>Reason</th>
+  <th>Old Code</th>
+  <th>New Code</th>
+  <td>All java.util.Lists returned from methods have been changed to arrays of the corresponding
+      content type.</td>
+  <td>Stronger typed return values are safer, and returning a copy of the list (instead of the list
+      itself) blocks against clients modifying internal data structures.</td>
+  <td class="code">List list = ServerCore.getRuntimeTypes();</td>
+  <td class="code">IRuntimeType[] rt = ServerCore.getRuntimeTypes();</td>
+  <td>IResourceManager has been removed. Most of it's methods have been moved to the ServerCore
+      class, with the remaining ones in ServerUtil.</td>
+  <td>There was no client benefit of the resource manager, and it was misnamed.</td>
+  <td class="code">ServerCore.getResourceManager().getServers();</td>
+  <td class="code">ServerCore.getServers();</td>
+  <td>All extension point interfaces have been changed to abstract classes, and the "I" removed
+    from the name.</td>
+  <td>Allows for future support and maintenance without breaking existing interfaces.</td>
+  <td class="code"></td>
+  <td class="code"></td>
+  <td>Several interfaces were moved from the .core.model package to .core.</td>
+  <td>The .core.model package was meant for SPIs, not API. All API classes & interfaces will
+      be moved or remain in .core so that API users do not need to use the .core.model package.</td>
+  <td class="code">import org.eclipse.wst.server.code.model.IModule;</td>
+  <td class="code">import org.eclipse.wst.server.code.IModule;</td>
+  <td>IServerResourceListener renamed to IServerLifecycleListener. Several methods moved out to
+      new IRuntimeListener and IServerConfigurationListener interfaces.</td>
+  <td>"Resource" had to be removed from the name, and the interface contained methods for
+      runtimes and server configurations as well. They are split up so that API users do not
+      need to listen for all types of changes from a single interface.</td>
+  <td class="code">ServerCore.getResourceManager().addServerResourceListener(myListener);</td>
+  <td class="code">ServerCore.addRuntimeLifecycleListener(myListener);</td>
+  <td>Publishing interfaces completely rewritten & .core.resources package removed.</td>
+  <td>The publishing interface was outdated and written before the Eclipse team support,
+      ANT, or other recent publishing methods had been developed. The new API allows for
+      better support and for each server type to use it's own publishing mechanism.</td>
+  <td class="code"></td>
+  <td class="code"></td>
+  <td>IRuntimeDelegate and IRuntimeWorkingCopyDelegate merged into a single RuntimeDelegate.
+      IServerDelegate and IServerWorkingCopyDelegate reworked into 
+      ServerDelegate and ServerBehaviourDelegate.</td>
+  <td>Making clients provide two separate classes for the delegates was excessive,
+      unnecessary, and ended up with too many SPI classes. Only a single delegate class is
+      now required for these extension points.</td>
+  <td class="code"></td>
+  <td class="code"></td>
+  <td>IRuntime.getDelegate(), IRuntime.getWorkingCopyDelegate() changed into IRuntime extending
+      IAdaptable. Similar for IServer and other delegates</td>
+  <td>IAdaptable is a common Eclipse mechanism, and allows for other extension as well. Clients
+      should still remember that calling this method may involve plugin loading, so it should
+      not be used in popup menus, etc.</td>
+  <td class="code">ITomcatRuntime tr = (ITomcatRuntime) runtime.getDelegate();</td>
+  <td class="code">ITomcatRuntime tr = (ITomcatRuntime) runtime.getAdapter(ITomcatRuntime.class);</td>
+  <td>IModuleType and IModuleKind interfaces merged.</td>
+  <td>IModuleKind was created late in the previous release cycle and couldn't be merged at the
+      time it was created.</td>
+  <td class="code"></td>
+  <td class="code"></td>
+  <td>IServerTask changed and IModuleTask removed.</td>
+  <td>The existing interfaces had an ITask directly returned as a delegate, and only allowed a
+      single task per extension point. The new IServerTask allows the delegate to return multiple
+      tasks from a single extension point, and it is not itself a task.</td>
+  <td class="code"></td>
+  <td class="code"></td>
+  <td>IServerConfiguration, IServerConfiguration, etc. removed</td>
+  <td>The server config was a relic and did not need to be a first class resource. ServerDelegates
+      are now directly responsible for maintaining the configuration.</td>
+  <td class="code"></td>
+  <td class="code">see Tomcat implementation</td>
+  <td>Various minor cleanup - methods renamed, parameters changed, etc.</td>
+  <td>Cleanup and future maintenance.</td>
+  <td class="code"></td>
+  <td class="code"></td>
+  <td>IModuleObjectAdapter -> IModuleArtifactAdapter, IModuleObject -> IModuleArtifact</td>
+  <td>Object was too generic and didn't have any real meaning. Artifact represents what the
+      IModuleObject really represents - resources within a module</td>
+  <td class="code"></td>
+  <td class="code"></td>
+  <td>getServerType(String id) -> findServerType(String id)</td>
+  <td>Lookup methods on ServerCore and ServerUtil renamed to be more accurate to what
+      they do.</td>
+  <td class="code">IServerType st = getServerType("com.x")</td>
+  <td class="code">IServerType st = findServerType("com.x")</td>
+  <td>Lots of methods & interfaces moved to internal packages</td>
+  <td>Need to trim down the exposed API to only what is required for ongoing maintenance. If
+      there is anything in an internal package that you were previously using, or plan to use
+      in the future, please contact me and we'll work out an API solution</td>
+  <td class="code"></td>
+  <td class="code"></td>
+  <td>Publishing changes - several interfaces and the org.eclipse.wst.server.core.resource
+      package removed</td>
+  <td>The old publishing mechanism did not allow flexibility in publishing options (e.g.
+      ANT, Eclipse team support, or some other mechanism) and used an outdated publishing
+      manager framework.</td>
+  <td class="code"></td>
+  <td class="code">ServerDelegate.publishStart(); // Called to tell the server that publishing is starting.
+      Can be used to connect to a remote server, etc.<br/>
+      ServerDelegate.publishStart(); // Called once to allow the server to publish any "global"
+      resources or a server config<br/>
+      ServerDelegate.publishStart(); // Called for each module to give the server a chance
+      to publish using any method it wants<br/>
+      ServerDelegate.publishFinish(); // Called to disconnect from the server or cleanup</td>
+  <td>IMonitorableServer merged with IServer</td>
+  <td>No need for </td>
+  <td class="code">IServerDelegate delegate = server.getDelegate()<br/>
+      if (delegate instanceof IMonitorableServer) {<br/>
+         IMonitorableServer ms = (IMonitorableServer) delegate;<br/>
+         List ports = ms.getServerPorts();<br/>
+      }</td>
+  <td class="code">IServerPort[] ports = server.getServerPorts();</td>
+  <td>Working copy changes</td>
+  <td>Previously, references were kept to every working copy, and clients had to save() or
+      release() them in finally blocks or else the reference would be dangling (and possibly
+      blocking other changes) forever. This code was unsafe and caused problems if a client
+      tried to use a working copy after it had been saved or released.
+      Now, clients can create a working copy at any time, and references are not kept. On
+      save, a client can specify whether the working copy changes should be forced, or not
+      (in which case the save will fail if someone else has made changes to the object in
+      the meantime). If the changes do not need to be saved, clients can just drop the
+      reference to the working copy at any time. As before, working copies should not be
+      used for long periods of time since it increases the chances that another client has
+      made changes</td>
+  <td class="code">IServerWorkingCopy wc = IServer.getWorkingCopy();<br/>
+      // do something with wc<br/>
+      wc.save(); or wc.release();</td>
+  <td class="code">IServerWorkingCopy wc = IServer.createWorkingCopy();<br/>
+      // do something with wc<br/>
+      wc.save(); or lose reference</td>
+  <td>Change IServer.isRestartNeeded() to match other methods</td>
+  <td></td>
+  <td class="code">IServer.isRestartNeeded();</td>
+  <td class="code">IServer.getServerRestartState();</td>
+  <td></td>
+  <td></td>
+  <td class="code"></td>
+  <td class="code"></td>
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diff --git a/development/miscdocuments/Server Tools Package Renames.properties b/development/miscdocuments/Server Tools Package Renames.properties
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