blob: 7ad3f82c6f005d9bd5150c0f2f276e5a553ce522 [file] [log] [blame]
<project name="SimRel Tests" basedir="." default="runTests">
<property environment="env" />
<!-- This property file name is itself a property, so it can be overridden
on one machine versus another. We do it this way, instead of just specifying
-propertyFile on command line, so that the property values can be "nested"
in other property values and evaluated lazily. -->
<property name="aggrPropertyFile" value="" />
<property file="${aggrPropertyFile}" />
<!-- unless otherwise defined in aggrPropertyFile, assume build home is
basedir -->
<property name="env.BUILD_HOME" value="${basedir}" />
<!-- By default, we'll put test output files in "reportOutputDir" + reporeports + reports so the index.html
file goes in "reportOutputDir" + reporeports, and verifydiroutput goes in "reportOutputDir" + reporeports + reports + verifyoutdir -->
<property name="reportOutputDir" value="${TEST_RESULTS}" />
<property name="reportRepoDir" value="${stagingDirectory}" />
<property name="referenceRepo" value="${REPO_ROOT}/releases/indigo/201202240900" />
<property name="eclipseExecutable" value="${ECLIPSE_TEST_EXE}" />
<target name="runTests">
<echo message="Creating Reports" />
<echoproperties />
<mkdir dir="${reportOutputDir}/reporeports" />
<!-- NOTE: we strongly assume 'reportOutputDir' is dedicated completely
for our use. Do not set to user.home!! normally, on production machine
reportOutputDir = /shared/juno/simrel.
If not specfified, the application assumes
reportOutputDir = ${user.dir}/temp/simrel -->
<fileset dir="${reportOutputDir}/reporeports">
<mkdir dir="${reportOutputDir}/reporeports" />
<!-- no longer needed, handled by app
<copy tofile="${reportOutputDir}/reporeports/index.html" file="templateFiles/indexPending.html"
overwrite="true" />
<antcall target="runReports" />
<!-- no longer needed, handled by app
<copy tofile="${reportOutputDir}/reporeports/index.html" file="templateFiles/indexmainpresign.html"
overwrite="true" />
<antcall target="runSignatureVerification" />
<!-- <mkdir dir="${reportOutputDir}/output-eclipse"/> <testLayouttask tempWorkingDir="/tmp/tempWorkingLocation"
outputResultsDirectory="${reportOutputDir}/output-eclipse" failuresoccurred="failuresoccurred"/> -->
<!-- TODO: use tmp on staging directory to avoid filling up /tmp? -->
<delete dir="/tmp/tempWorkingLocation" />
<!-- currently, we never "fail" ... but, will in future -->
<fail if="failuresoccurred" />
<target name="runReports">
<property name="APP_NAME" value="org.eclipse.juno.tests.repoReport" />
<property name="VM_ARGS" value="-vmargs -Xmx256m -DreportOutputDir=${reportOutputDir} -DreportRepoDir=${reportRepoDir} -DreferenceRepo=${referenceRepo}" />
<!-- eclipseExecutable and JAVA_EXEC_DIR is set in, since specific to every machine -->
<exec executable="${eclipseExecutable}" dir="${basedir}" failonerror="true">
<arg line="-debug -nosplash --launcher.suppressErrors -application ${APP_NAME} -vm ${JAVA_EXEC_DIR} ${VM_ARGS}" />
<!-- TODO: move this to java app too. May still want to have seperate, since takes so much longer -->
<target name="runSignatureVerification">
<exec executable="${BUILD_TESTS_DIR}/">
<arg value="${testRepoDirectory}" />
<arg value="${reportOutputDir}/reporeports/reports" />
<!-- we'll check jars only, to save time ... assume pack.gz files would
be correct too <arg value=".*\(\.jar$\|\.jar\.pack\.gz$\)"/> -->
<!-- restricting to 'common' just for testing ... so finishes relatively
quickly <arg value=".*common.*\.jar$"/> -->
<arg value=".*\.jar$" />
<copy tofile="${reportOutputDir}/reporeports/index.html" file="${BUILD_TESTS_DIR}/templateFiles/indexmain.html" overwrite="true" />