blob: 7ee92cf343edd5095ff487934f7286dce054b93a [file] [log] [blame]
# * Copyright (c) 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
# * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# *
# *
# * Contributors:
# * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
# *******************************************************************************/
# New Disease Wizard
NPopulationModelWiz.wizard_title = New Population Model
NPopulationModelWiz.page_title = Create a new population model
NPopulationModelWiz.page_description = Define a new population model in a project
NPopulationInitializerWiz.wizard_title = New Population Initializer
NPopulationInitializerWiz.page_title = Create a new population initializer
NPopulationInitializerWiz.page_description = Define a new population initializer in a project
NPopulationWiz.DC_DESCRIPTION = Population Model "{0}"
NPopulationInitializerWiz.DC_DESCRIPTION = Population Initializer "{0}"
PMTP_Def = *PM/TP = Population Member/Time Period
deathRate = Background Mortality Rate (\u03bc)
deathRateTT = The rate at which population members die from causes other than the disease.
deathRateUNIT = PM/TP*
birthRate = Background Birth Rate
birthRateTT = The rate at which population members are born.
birthRateUNIT = PM/TP*
populationIdentifier = Population
populationIdentifierTT = The name of the population infected by this disease. (e.g., human)
populationIdentifierUNIT =
timePeriod = Time Period (TP)
timePeriodTT = The time period for the rates (e.g., 86400000ms = 1 day).
timePeriodUNIT = ms
name = Model name
nameTT = Specify a name for the population model
nameUNIT =
initialRescalingFactor = Initial rescaling factor
initialRescalingFactorTT = The inital rescaling factor of the population
initialRescalingFactorUNIT =
gain = Random noise gain
gainTT = Specify the random noise gain for the population model
gainUNIT =
modulationAmplitude = Fraction of base Birth/Death rates to modulate (0.0->1.0)
modulationAmplitudeTT = Specify the seasonal modulation amplitude
modulationAmplitudeUNIT =
phase = Phase
phaseTT = Specify the seasonal phase (0->2pi)
phaseUNIT =
period = Seasonal Period
periodTT = Specify the seasonal period
periodUNIT = [time]
useLatitude = use latitude
useLatitudeTT = use latitude function?
useLatitudeUNIT =
hasMaxAge = Use Maximum Age
hasMaxAgeTT = Use Maximum Age for Last Age Group?
hasMaxAgeUNIT =
NDizWizErr0=Missing Population Identifier
NDizWizErr4=Missing Background Mortality Rate.
NDizWizErr5=Background mortality rate is invalid.
NDizWizErr6=Missing Background Birth Rate.
NDizWizErr7=Background birth rate is invalid.
NDizWizErr8=Missing Time Period
NDizWizErr9=Time period is invalid
NDizWizErr10=Gain is invalid
NDizWizErr11=The group fractions add up to a value greater than 1.
NDizWizErr12=Missing group id
NDizWizErr13=Invalid fraction
NDizWizErr15=Missing population identifier
NDizWizErr16=Missing individuals count
NDizWizErr17=Invalid individual count. Must be greater than 0
NDizWizErr18=Modulation Amplitude is Invalid
NDizWizErr19=Phase is Invalid
NDizWizErr20=Scaling factor is invalid
NDizWizErr21=Time period is invalid
NDizWizErr22=Invalid To Age value
NDizWizErr23=Invalid Mortality Factor
NDizWizErr24=Invalid path
NDizWizErr25=Invalid row, must be >= 1 (first row is 1)
NDizWizErr26 =Path must be specified
NDizWizErr27 = Invalid rescaling factor
NDizWizErr28 = Upper Bound of Population is not valid
NDizWizErr29 = Lower Bound of Population is not valid
NDizWizErr30 = Invalid number. Must be greater than or equal to 0
NDizWizErr31 = Invalid buffer size
DMPC1=Population Model Property Control
DMPC2=Missing Population Property Editor for "
DMPC3=Population Initializer Property Control
DMPC4=Missing Population Initializer Property Editor for "
DDC.0=Population Model:
DDC.1=Underlying Mathematical Population Model
DDC.3=Problem creating Population Model instance
DDC.4=Problem creating Population Initializer instance
DDC.5=Population Initializer:
# Preferences
PopulationPPageTITLE=Population Modeling
ReferencePopulation=Reference population (individuals)
ReferenceDensity=Reference population density (individuals/sq km)
#Population groups
addGroupTT=Add a new population group
removeGroupTT=Remove population group
populationId = Identifier
populationIdFraction = Fraction
setFractions = Set Fractions to Equilibrium
setFractionsTT =
setDeathRates = Set Death Rates to Equilibrium
setDeathRatesTT =
#Age Groups
fromAge = From Age
toAge = To Age
deathFactor = Mortality Factor
NPopWizISOK=Location ISO Key
NPopWizPickLoc=Pick Location
NPopWizPickLocTitle=Pick Location
individuals = Individuals
individualsTT = Number of individuals
individualsUNIT= Count or Count / km^2
useDensity = Use density
useDensityTT = Use individuals per square kilometer
useDensityUNIT =
YES = Yes
NO = No
scalingFactor = Scaling Factor
scalingFactorTT = Specify the scaling factor
scalingFactorUNIT =
mortalityRate = Mortality Rate
mortalityRateUNIT = vector/tp
mortalityRateTT = Mortality Rate. 1 / (Mortality Rate) is the vector life expectancy.
host = Host
hostUNIT =
hostTT = The animal the vector draws blood from (usually human)
targetURI = Location
targetURITT = Pick a location for the initializer, leave blank to initialize everywhere
targetURIUNIT =
dataPath = Path
dataPathTT = Pick a path containing population data file(s)
dataPathUNIT =
row = Row
rowTT = Row number (first row is 1)
rowUNIT =
phaseShift = Phase shift
phaseShiftTT = Specify the phase shift (0->2pi)
phaseShiftUNIT =
periodSin = Period
periodSinTT = Specify the period
periodSinUNIT = TP
maxBound = Max pop
maxBoundTT = The upper bound of population counts
maxBoundUNIT = person
minBound = Min pop
minBoundTT = The lower bound of population counts
minBoundUNIT = person
bufferSize = Buffer Size
bufferSizeTT = Specify the buffer size (in rows).
bufferSizeUNIT = Rows
restart = Restart
restartTT = Restart from beginning at end of file
restartUNIT =