blob: 0fddebb921262aea0c861755de53a27f1dcf3389 [file] [log] [blame]
CANNOT_INOCULATE=Cannot inoculate, the disease model must have a recovered state.
DISEASE_NOT_FOUND=Cannot find disease {0} to infect by {1}
DM_MISSING_POP_MOD_LABELS=Disease model {0} cannot locate any population model labels of type "{1}".
INF_NODE_NOT_FOUND=Cannot find node {0} to infect by {1}
INFECTOR_DISEASE_NOT_FOUND=The disease named "{0}" was not found for infector {1}
INITIALIZER_DISEASE_NOT_FOUND=The disease named "{0}" was not found for initializer {1}
INITIALIZER_INVALID_POPULATION_COUNT=Total population count lower than initializer values for initializer {2}. {1} < {0}.
INITIALIZER_NODE_NOT_FOUND=The node to infect specified by the URI "{0}" in initializer "{1}" was not found.
UNABLE_TO_INFECT_STATE=Unable to infect into state {0} for disease label {1}
WRONG_PERCENT=Inoculated Percentage must be <= 100%.