blob: 932f7b7c4ddf42b9f2b55481f06e6e334b7c97d8 [file] [log] [blame]
DUPLICATE_POP_INIT=Duplicate population initializer for population {0} found in {1} and {2}.
EDGE_POP_MODEL_MISSING=Found a migration edge but was not able to find the population model label for node {0} population identifier {1}
ERR_LOADING_DATA=Cannot load data files from {1} in population initializer {0}
EXT_DS_INIT_REGION_NOT_FOUND=Cannot locate region {1} in graph from population initializer {0}
NO_DATA_FOUND=No data found in {1} in population initializer {0}
POP_MODEL_MISSING_POP_LABELS=Population model {0} cannot locate any static population labels of type "{1}".
ROW_NOT_FOUND=Cannot locate row {2} in {1} in {0}
StandardPopulationInitializerImpl_CANNOT_INIT_POPULATION=Cannot initialize population {0}, no node found for label {1}
StandardPopulationInitializerImpl_ERR_POP_INIT_NODE_NOT_FOUND=Cannot locate node {1} to initialize by initializer {0}
StandardPopulationInitializerImpl_UNABLE_TO_FIND_AREA=Error, unable to find area information for node {1} required by population initializer {0}