blob: 808877b2cc9b96763e49c8cdc29d433400b79af3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
# Required. Local path to an Eclipse install. The path is the Eclipse
# root folder that contains the "plugins" and "features" subfolders.
#eclipse.home = /path/to/eclipse
# Local path to an Eclipse delta pack install. Not required, but
# recommended to enable packaging for platforms other than the installed one.
# Default is eclipse.home. If the delta pack is installed in eclipse.home,
# eclipse.deltapack.home does not need to be set.
#eclipse.deltapack.home = /path/to/eclipse/deltapack
# Property file that describes the local checkout paths of STEM projects.
# - For use with "hierarchical" checkouts, e.g. using "svn co" in CI systems (default)
#mapDirectoryFile = ${basedir}/maps/
# - For use with "flat" checkouts, e.g. an Eclipse workspace
#mapDirectoryFile = ${basedir}/maps/
# Compile the Eclipse features that make up STEM. Default is true.
#buildFeature = true
# Assemble and package the STEM product. Default is true.
#buildProduct = true
# Run the JUnit test suite. Default is false.
#runTests = false
# Skip compiling the STEM denominator data. Default is false.
#skipData = true
# Major Version of the Build
#majorVersion = 1.3.0
# Build type. Options are 'nightly', 'integration', 'stable', and 'release'.
#buildTypeFull = nightly
# Build qualifier for stable and release builds. Example is
# "RC1" for Release Candidate 1, etc.
#buildQualifier = RC1
# Copy the resulting build artifacts upon a successful build. Default is false.
#publishBuild = false
# Clean the publish directory before copying the new binaries.
# This removes old builds for the current build type. Default is false.
#cleanupFirst = false
# Location to copy the build artifacts if publishBuild is true. Default is
# the build home.
#publishDir = /path/to/copy/build/output
# Advanced Properties. Do not change #
# unless you know what you're doing. #
# Build date. Default is the current date.
#buildDate = 20120101
# Overrides the default platforms that STEM is built for. See
# Eclipse documentation for details on using this
#configs = *, *, *
# P2 repositories where dependencies will be stored.
#repoBaseLocation = /path/to/base/repository
#transformedRepoLocation = /path/to/transformed/repository