blob: a6dec3477eed87cf5b21e56a3ec3e1e5d0ff7cd2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.stem.gis.shp;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import org.eclipse.stem.gis.coord.CoordinateSystem;
import org.eclipse.stem.gis.shp.type.Box;
import org.eclipse.stem.gis.shp.type.Part;
import org.eclipse.stem.gis.shp.type.Range;
public class ShpInputStream extends SwappedDataInputStream
ShpHeader header;
CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem;
public ShpInputStream(InputStream input) throws IOException
public ShpInputStream(InputStream input, CoordinateSystem cs) throws IOException
this.coordinateSystem = cs;
private void readHeader() throws IOException
ShpHeader header = new ShpHeader();
header.fileCode = EndianUtils.swapInteger(readInt()); // 0
skipBytes(20); // 4-23 reserved
header.fileLength = EndianUtils.swapInteger(readInt()); // 24
header.version = readInt(); // 28
header.shapeType = readInt(); // 32
header.xyBounds = readBoundingBox(true); // 36-67
// header.xMin = readDouble(); // 36
// header.yMin = readDouble(); // 44
// header.xMax = readDouble(); // 52
// header.yMax = readDouble(); // 60
header.zRange = readRange(); // 68-83
header.mRange = readRange(); // 84-99
// header.zMin = readDouble(); // 68
// header.zMax = readDouble(); // 76
// header.mMin = readDouble(); // 84
// header.mMax = readDouble(); // 92
this.header = header;
public ShpRecord readNextRecord() throws IOException
ShpRecord shp = null;
try {
// Get the record header
int recordNumber = EndianUtils.swapInteger(readInt()); // 0
int contentLength = EndianUtils.swapInteger(readInt()); // 4
// Get the shape type
int shpType = readInt(); // 8
switch (shpType) {
case ShpConstants.SHP_NULL_SHAPE: shp = readNullShape(); break;
case ShpConstants.SHP_POINT: shp = readPoint(); break;
case ShpConstants.SHP_POINT_M: shp = readPointM(); break;
case ShpConstants.SHP_POINT_Z: shp = readPointZ(); break;
case ShpConstants.SHP_MULTI_POINT: shp = readMultiPoint(); break;
case ShpConstants.SHP_MULTI_POINT_M: shp = readMultiPointM(); break;
case ShpConstants.SHP_MULTI_POINT_Z: shp = readMultiPointZ(); break;
case ShpConstants.SHP_POLY_LINE: shp = readPolyLine(); break;
case ShpConstants.SHP_POLY_LINE_M: shp = readPolyLineM(); break;
case ShpConstants.SHP_POLY_LINE_Z: shp = readPolyLineZ(); break;
case ShpConstants.SHP_POLYGON: shp = readPolygon(); break;
case ShpConstants.SHP_POLYGON_M: shp = readPolygonM(); break;
case ShpConstants.SHP_POLYGON_Z: shp = readPolygonZ(); break;
case ShpConstants.SHP_MULTI_PATCH: shp = readMultiPatch(); break;
default: shp = readUnsupportedShape(contentLength-2); break;
} catch (EOFException eofe) {
shp = null;
return shp;
public ShpHeader getHeader()
return header;
protected ShpPolyLine readPolyLine(ShpPolyLine shape) throws IOException
// Read bounding box (32 bytes)
Box bbox = readBoundingBox(true);
// Read the part and point counts (8 bytes)
int numParts = readInt();
int numPoints = readInt();
// Read the part boundary indices (numParts * 4 bytes)
int[] partIndices = readPartBoundaries(numParts);
int[] partTypes = null;
if (shape instanceof ShpMultiPatch) {
// Read the part boundary types (numParts * 4 bytes)
partTypes = readPartTypes(numParts);
// Read the point values and partition into parts (numPoints * 16 bytes)
Part[] parts = readParts(numPoints, partIndices, partTypes);
if (shape instanceof ShpPolyLineZ) {
// Read the Z range (zMin, zMax) - 16 bytes
// Read the Z coordinates into the existing coordinates (16 bytes + numPoints * 8 bytes)
if (shape instanceof ShpPolyLineM) {
// Read the measure range (mMin, mMax) - 16 bytes
// Read the measures into the existing coordinates (numPoints * 8 bytes)
return shape;
protected ShpMultiPoint readMultiPoint(ShpMultiPoint shape) throws IOException
// Read bounding box (32 bytes)
// Read number points (4 bytes)
int numPoints = readInt();
// Read the point values (numPoints * 16 bytes)
Part[] parts = readParts(numPoints, new int[]{0}, null);
if (shape instanceof ShpMultiPointZ) {
// Read the Z range (zMin, zMax) - 16 bytes
// Read the Z coordinates into the existing coordinates (numPoints * 8 bytes)
if (shape instanceof ShpMultiPointM) {
// Read the measure range (mMin, mMax) - 16 bytes
// Read the measures into the existing coordinates (numPoints * 8 bytes)
return shape;
protected ShpPoint readPoint(ShpPoint shape) throws IOException
// Read X and Y coordinates (16 bytes)
shape.setPoints(readDouble(), readDouble());
if (shape instanceof ShpPointZ) {
// Read measure (8 bytes)
if (shape instanceof ShpPointM) {
// Read measure (8 bytes)
return shape;
protected ShpPolygon readPolygon() throws IOException
return (ShpPolygon)readPolyLine(new ShpPolygon());
protected ShpPolygonM readPolygonM() throws IOException
return (ShpPolygonM)readPolyLine(new ShpPolygonM());
protected ShpPolygonZ readPolygonZ() throws IOException
return (ShpPolygonZ)readPolyLine(new ShpPolygonZ());
protected ShpMultiPatch readMultiPatch() throws IOException
return (ShpMultiPatch)readPolyLine(new ShpMultiPatch());
protected ShpPolyLine readPolyLine() throws IOException
return readPolyLine(new ShpPolyLine());
protected ShpPolyLineM readPolyLineM() throws IOException
return (ShpPolyLineM)readPolyLine(new ShpPolyLineM());
protected ShpPolyLineZ readPolyLineZ() throws IOException
return (ShpPolyLineZ)readPolyLine(new ShpPolyLineZ());
protected ShpMultiPoint readMultiPoint() throws IOException
return readMultiPoint(new ShpMultiPoint());
protected ShpMultiPointM readMultiPointM() throws IOException
return (ShpMultiPointM)readMultiPoint(new ShpMultiPointM());
protected ShpMultiPointZ readMultiPointZ() throws IOException
return (ShpMultiPointZ)readMultiPoint(new ShpMultiPointZ());
protected ShpPoint readPoint() throws IOException
return readPoint(new ShpPoint());
protected ShpPointM readPointM() throws IOException
return (ShpPointM)readPoint(new ShpPointM());
protected ShpPointZ readPointZ() throws IOException
return (ShpPointZ)readPoint(new ShpPointZ());
protected ShpUnsupportedShape readUnsupportedShape(int words) throws IOException
return new ShpUnsupportedShape();
protected ShpNullShape readNullShape()
return new ShpNullShape();
protected int[] readIntArray(int size) throws IOException
int[] idxs = new int[size];
for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
idxs[i] = readInt();
return idxs;
protected double[][] readAndWeavePoints(int rows, int pointCount) throws IOException
double[][] points = new double[rows][];
int columns = pointCount;
for (int idx=0; idx<points.length; idx++) {
points[idx] = new double[columns];
for (int column = 0; column < columns; column++) {
for (int row = 0; row < rows; row+=rows) {
Point2D pt = readPointAndProject();
points[row][column] = pt.getX();
points[row+1][column] = pt.getY();
//points[row][column] = readDouble();
return points;
protected double[] readPoints(int pointCount) throws IOException
double[] points = new double[pointCount];
for (int row = 0; row < pointCount; row++) {
points[row] = readDouble();
return points;
protected Point2D transform(double x, double y)
if (coordinateSystem != null) {
return coordinateSystem.inverseProject(x, y);
} else {
return new Point2D.Double(x,y);
protected Point2D readPointAndProject() throws IOException
double lon = readDouble();
double lat = readDouble();
return transform(lon,lat);
protected int[] readPartBoundaries(int partCount) throws IOException
return readIntArray(partCount);
protected int[] readPartTypes(int partCount) throws IOException
return readIntArray(partCount);
protected Part[] readParts(int pointCount, int[] partBoundaries, int[] partTypes) throws IOException
Part[] parts = new Part[partBoundaries.length];
int partType = ShpConstants.SHP_PART_RING;
for (int idx=0; idx<partBoundaries.length; idx++) {
if (partTypes != null) {
partType = partTypes[idx];
parts[idx] = new Part(partType,
readAndWeavePoints(2, getPointCountForPart(idx, pointCount, partBoundaries)));
return parts;
protected Range readRange() throws IOException
double min = readDouble();
double max = readDouble();
return new Range(min,max);
protected Box readBoundingBox(boolean transform) throws IOException
// Bounding Box (4 * 8 bytes)
double xMin = readDouble();
double yMin = readDouble();
double xMax = readDouble();
double yMax = readDouble();
if (transform && coordinateSystem != null) {
Point2D xyMin = transform(xMin,yMin);
Point2D xyMax = transform(xMax,yMax);
xMin = xyMin.getX();
yMin = xyMin.getY();
xMax = xyMax.getX();
yMax = xyMax.getY();
return new Box(xMin,yMin,xMax,yMax);
protected void readMeasures(Part[] parts) throws IOException
for (int idx=0; idx<parts.length; idx++) {
double[] pts = readPoints(parts[idx].getPointCount());
protected void readZCoordinates(Part[] parts) throws IOException
for (int idx=0; idx<parts.length; idx++) {
double[] pts = readPoints(parts[idx].getPointCount());
protected int getPointCountForPart(int currentIdx, int pointCount, int[] partBoundaries)
if (currentIdx+1 < partBoundaries.length) {
return partBoundaries[currentIdx+1]-partBoundaries[currentIdx];
} else {
return pointCount-partBoundaries[currentIdx];