blob: c2b5833a9224c55e434cde6eef901eec64c19264 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.stem.util.analysis;
* Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.OperationCanceledException;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.jface.operation.IRunnableContext;
import org.eclipse.jface.operation.IRunnableWithProgress;
import org.eclipse.stem.analysis.impl.ReferenceScenarioDataMapImpl;
import org.eclipse.stem.analysis.impl.ReferenceScenarioDataMapImpl.ReferenceScenarioDataInstance;
* this class computes the mean square difference between two scenarios as a function of time
* 1. It only looks at locations which are COMMON to both scenarios
* 2. The time series should be the same length. If they are not this will compare of a period equal to
* the SHORTEST of all the time series.
* 3. It only considers locations where infectious count is nonzero in one or the other - not interested in weighting regions with no disease.
public class LyapunovAnalysis {
* input
Map<String,List<PhaseSpaceCoordinate>> commonPhaseSpaceA = new HashMap<String,List<PhaseSpaceCoordinate>>();
Map<String,List<PhaseSpaceCoordinate>> commonPhaseSpaceB = new HashMap<String,List<PhaseSpaceCoordinate>>();
Map<String,List<Double>> totalPopulation = new HashMap<String,List<Double>>();
* number common locations with nonzero Inf count at time t
public double[] locationCount;
* Scenario A
public PhaseSpaceCoordinate[] trajectoryA;
* Scenario B
public PhaseSpaceCoordinate[] trajectoryB;
* time
public double[] time;
* Determines the MeanSquare difference between two scenario data sets over time each stored in a map
* @param scenarioMapA
* @param scenarioMapB
* @param runnableContext For progress indicator
public LyapunovAnalysis(ReferenceScenarioDataMapImpl scenarioMapA, ReferenceScenarioDataMapImpl scenarioMapB, IRunnableContext runnableContext) {
final ReferenceScenarioDataMapImpl mapA = scenarioMapA;
final ReferenceScenarioDataMapImpl mapB = scenarioMapB;
IRunnableWithProgress task = new IRunnableWithProgress() {
public void run(IProgressMonitor progress) {
progress.beginTask("Calculating common locations...", mapA.getNumLocations());
Iterator<String> iteratorA = mapA.getLocations().iterator();
int maxTime = -1;
while(iteratorA.hasNext()) {
if(progress.isCanceled()) throw new OperationCanceledException();
String id =;
if(mapB.containsLocation(id)) {
// get the lists of data only for those locations that are common to both maps
ReferenceScenarioDataInstance dataMapA = mapA.getLocation(id);
List<PhaseSpaceCoordinate> aData = getNormalizedTrajectory(dataMapA);
// get the total population from Map A (same as map B for now
totalPopulation.put(id, getTotalPopulation(dataMapA));
// Map B
ReferenceScenarioDataInstance dataMapB = mapB.getLocation(id);
List<PhaseSpaceCoordinate> bData = getNormalizedTrajectory(dataMapB);
// init the arrays
if (maxTime == -1) maxTime = aData.size();
if(aData.size() < maxTime) maxTime = aData.size();
if(bData.size() < maxTime) maxTime = bData.size();
}// if
}// while
if(time==null) {
time = new double[maxTime];
trajectoryA = new PhaseSpaceCoordinate[maxTime];
trajectoryB = new PhaseSpaceCoordinate[maxTime];
locationCount = new double[maxTime];
for(int i = 0; i < maxTime; i ++) {
time[i] = i;
trajectoryA[i] = new PhaseSpaceCoordinate(0.0,0.0);
trajectoryB[i] = new PhaseSpaceCoordinate(0.0,0.0);
locationCount[i] = 0.0;
} // run
try {, false, task);
} catch(InterruptedException ie) {
} catch(InvocationTargetException ive) {
}// constructor MeanSquareDifference
* From the dataMap extract a list of normalize infectious (fraction of total population)
* @param dataMap
* @return normalize list of infectious people
public List<PhaseSpaceCoordinate> getNormalizedTrajectory(ReferenceScenarioDataInstance dataMap) {
// may or may not exist
List<Double> exposedList = dataMap.getEtotals();
List<Double> recoveredList = dataMap.getRtotals();
// MUST exist
List<Double> infectiousList = dataMap.getItotals();
List<Double> susceptibleList = dataMap.getStotals();
List<PhaseSpaceCoordinate> normalizedTrajectory = new ArrayList<PhaseSpaceCoordinate>();
double[] totalPop = new double[infectiousList.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < infectiousList.size(); i ++) {
double inf = infectiousList.get(i).doubleValue();
double susc = susceptibleList.get(i).doubleValue();
double exposed = 0.0;
double recovered = 0.0;
if((exposedList!=null)&&(exposedList.size()>0)) {
exposed = exposedList.get(i).doubleValue();
if((recoveredList!=null)&&(recoveredList.size()>0)) {
recovered = recoveredList.get(i).doubleValue();
totalPop[i] = inf+susc+exposed+recovered;
inf /= totalPop[i];
susc /= totalPop[i];
PhaseSpaceCoordinate point = new PhaseSpaceCoordinate(susc,inf);
return normalizedTrajectory;
* From the dataMap extract a list of the total population)
* @param dataMap
* @return total population
public List<Double> getTotalPopulation(org.eclipse.stem.analysis.impl.ReferenceScenarioDataMapImpl.ReferenceScenarioDataInstance dataMap) {
// may or may not exist
List<Double> exposedList = dataMap.getEtotals();
List<Double> recoveredList = dataMap.getRtotals();
// MUST exist
List<Double> infectiousList = dataMap.getItotals();
List<Double> susceptibleList = dataMap.getStotals();
List<Double> population = new ArrayList<Double>();
for (int i = 0; i < infectiousList.size(); i ++) {
double totalPop = 0.0;
double inf = infectiousList.get(i).doubleValue();
double susc = susceptibleList.get(i).doubleValue();
double exposed = 0.0;
double recovered = 0.0;
if((exposedList!=null)&&(exposedList.size()>0)) {
exposed = exposedList.get(i).doubleValue();
if((recoveredList!=null)&&(recoveredList.size()>0)) {
recovered = recoveredList.get(i).doubleValue();
totalPop = inf+susc+exposed+recovered;
population.add(new Double(totalPop));
return population;
* solves for the Root MeanSquareDifference vs time
* using infectious data only for now
* @param runnableContext Runnable context for progress indicator
* @return comparison time series as double[]
public List<PhaseSpaceCoordinate[]> getLyapunovTrajectory(IRunnableContext runnableContext) {
final List<PhaseSpaceCoordinate[]> retVal = new ArrayList<PhaseSpaceCoordinate[]>();
IRunnableWithProgress task = new IRunnableWithProgress() {
public void run(IProgressMonitor progress) {
progress.beginTask("Getting Lyapunov trajectory", time.length);
double[] maxPopulation = new double[time.length];
for(int icount =0; icount < time.length; icount ++) {
if(progress.isCanceled()) throw new OperationCanceledException();
maxPopulation[icount] = 0.0;
Iterator<String> iter = commonPhaseSpaceA.keySet().iterator();
// all locations
while(iter.hasNext()) {
String id =;
List<PhaseSpaceCoordinate> aData = commonPhaseSpaceA.get(id);
List<PhaseSpaceCoordinate> bData = commonPhaseSpaceB.get(id);
List<Double> population = totalPopulation.get(id);
// y axis is Infectious
double iA = aData.get(icount).getYValue();
double iB = bData.get(icount).getYValue();
// x axis is Susceptible
double sA = aData.get(icount).getXValue();
double sB = bData.get(icount).getXValue();
double pop = population.get(icount).doubleValue();
//double denom = (iA+iB)/2.0;
// square of the average fraction of infectious people
//denom *= denom;
if((iA>0.0)||(iB>0.0)) {
// we have a location with nonzero data
// weight by the total population
locationCount[icount] += 1.0;
maxPopulation[icount] += pop;
trajectoryA[icount].integratePath(sA*pop, iA*pop) ;
trajectoryB[icount].integratePath(sB*pop, iB*pop) ;
}// all locations
// normalize
if(locationCount[icount] >= 1.0) {
}// for all time
} // run
try {, true, task);
} catch(InterruptedException ie) {
return null;
} catch(InvocationTargetException ive) {
return null;
return retVal;
}// getLyapunovTrajectory()
* @param trajectoryList
* @return the cumulative distance between the trajectories
public static List<EList<Double>> getCumulativePhaseSpaceDeviation(List<PhaseSpaceCoordinate[]> trajectoryList) {
List<EList<Double>> deviationList = new ArrayList<EList<Double>>();
PhaseSpaceCoordinate[] referenceTrajectory = trajectoryList.get(0);
int refSize = referenceTrajectory.length;
int showSize = refSize;
if(trajectoryList.size()>=2) {
for (int i = 1; i < trajectoryList.size(); i ++ ) {
PhaseSpaceCoordinate[] comparisonTrajectory = trajectoryList.get(i);
int dataSize = comparisonTrajectory.length;
if(dataSize< refSize) showSize = dataSize;
EList<Double> deviation = new BasicEList<Double>(showSize);
//double minDeviation = 999999.0;
for (int j = 0; j < showSize; j ++) {
deviation.add(j, 0.0);
PhaseSpaceCoordinate ref = referenceTrajectory[j];
PhaseSpaceCoordinate comp = comparisonTrajectory[j];
deviation.set(j, deviation.get(j)+ref.getDistance(comp));
if (j >= 1) deviation.set(j, deviation.get(j-1) + deviation.get(j));
* take the log
for (int j = 0; j < deviation.size(); j ++) {
if(deviation.get(j) > 0.0) deviation.set(j, Math.log(deviation.get(j)));
return deviationList;
} // class MeanSquareDifference