blob: e96bc0fe64a620321a6a4b2e931282a9da27b42b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012, 2015 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved.
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms
# of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is
# available at
# Contributors:
# Wind River Systems - initial API and implementation
FSFolderSelectionDialog_MoveDialogMessage=Choose destination for the files to be moved:
FSFolderSelectionDialog_MoveDialogTitle=Move Files and Folders
FSFolderSelectionDialog_RefreshAll_menu=Refresh All
FSFolderSelectionDialog_validate_message=Query folder attributes...
FSFolderSelectionDialog_notWritable_error=The selected folder is not writable.
FSFolderSelectionDialog_notWritable_warning=The selected folder is not writable.
FSOpenFileDialog_message=Please select an image file for the process.
FSOpenFileDialog_title=Select Process Image
FSDelete_ConfirmDelete=Confirm Delete
FSDelete_ConfirmMessage=Are you sure you want to remove the read-only file ''{0}''?
FSDelete_ButtonYes2All=Yes to &All
DateValidator_DateInvalidNumber=The date is not a valid number.
DateValidator_DateOutofRange=The date is a number between 1 and 31.
DateValidator_InfoFormat=The format of the date is MM/DD/YYYY
DateValidator_InfoPrompt=Please enter a date.
DateValidator_InvalidDate=The date entered is not a valid date\!
DateValidator_MonthInvalidNumber=The month is not a valid number.
DateValidator_MonthOutofRange=The month is a number between 1 and 12.
DateValidator_YearInvalidNumber=The year is not a valid number.
DateValidator_YearOutofRange=The year is a number which is bigger than zero.
DeleteFilesHandler_ConfirmDialogTitle=Confirm Delete
DeleteFilesHandler_DeleteMultipleFilesConfirmation=Are you sure you want to delete these {0} files/folders?
DeleteFilesHandler_DeleteOneFileConfirmation=Are you sure you want to delete ''{0}''?
DownloadFilesHandler_folderDlg_message=Select the destination folder:
DownloadFilesHandler_folderDlg_text=Download Files
FSRenamingAssistant_NameAlreadyExists=A file/folder with the name you specified already exists\! Specify a different name.
FSRenamingAssistant_SpecifyNonEmptyName=Specify a non-empty name.
FSRenamingAssistant_UnixIllegalCharacters=File or folder name cannot contain any of the following characters:\n/
FSRenamingAssistant_WinIllegalCharacters=File or folder name cannot contain any of the following characters:\n\\/:*?<>|
LocalTypedElement_SavingFile=Saving file: {0}
MergeEditorInput_LocalFile=Local: {0}
MergeEditorInput_RemoteFile=Remote: {0}
MergeEditorInput_CompareLeftAndRight=Compare {0} and {1}
MergeEditorInput_CompareWithLocalCache=Compare {0} with Local Cache
MergeInput_CopyNotSupported=Copy is not support by this type of compare input
RemoteTypedElement_GettingRemoteContent=Getting content from the remote file:
RemoteTypedElement_DowloadingFile=Downloading file {0}...
FSDropTargetListener_ConfirmMoveTitle=Confirm Move
FSDropTargetListener_MovingWarningMultiple=This operation will delete the files after moving. You can copy them without deletion by CTRL + dragging. \n\nAre you sure you want to move these {0} files/folders?
FSDropTargetListener_MovingWarningSingle=This operation will delete the file after moving. You can copy it without deletion by CTRL + dragging. \n\nAre you sure you want to move ''{0}''?
FSExplorerEditorPage_PageTitle=File System Explorer
FSGeneralSearchable_FileType=Select type of file
FSGeneralSearchable_GeneralOptionText=General options
FSGeneralSearchable_SearchHiddenFiles=Search hidden files/folders
FSGeneralSearchable_SearchSystemFiles=Search system files/folders
FSModifiedSearchable_DontRemember=Don't remember
FSModifiedSearchable_LastWeek=Within the last week
FSModifiedSearchable_PastMonth=Past month
FSModifiedSearchable_PastYear=Within the past year
FSModifiedSearchable_SpecifyDates=Specify dates, from
FSModifiedSearchable_WhenModified=When was it modified?
FSUpload_OverwriteConfirmation=A file with a same name already exists. Are you sure to overwrite {0}?
FSUpload_OverwriteTitle=Confirm Overwrite
FSUpload_YesToAll=Yes to All
FSOperation_ConfirmDialogYesToAll=Yes to &All
FSOperation_ConfirmFileReplace=Confirm File Replace
FSOperation_ConfirmFileReplaceMessage=Folder ''{0}'' already contains a file named ''{1}''.\n\nIf the files in the existing folder have the same name as files in the folder you are moving or copying, they will be replaced. Do you still want to move or copy the file?
FSOperation_ConfirmFolderReplaceMessage=Folder ''{0}'' already contains a folder named ''{1}''.\n\nIf the files in the existing folder have the same name as files in the folder you are moving or copying, they will be replaced. Do you still want to move or copy the folder?
FSOperation_ConfirmFolderReplaceTitle=Confirm Folder Replace
OpenFileHandler_OpeningBinaryNotSupported=Opening a binary file is not supported yet.
OpenWithMenu_ChooseEditorForOpening=Choose the editor for opening {0}
OpenWithMenu_DefaultEditor=&Default Editor
OpenWithMenu_NoEditorFound=No editor found to edit the file resource.
OpenWithMenu_OpenWith=Open With
FSRename_RenameFileFolderTitle=Error Renaming File or Folder
FSSizeSearchable_DontRemember=Don't remember
FSSizeSearchable_Large=Large (more than 1 MB)
FSSizeSearchable_Medium=Medium (less than 1 MB)
FSSizeSearchable_Small=Small (less than 100 KB)
FSSizeSearchable_SpecifySize=Specify size, from
FSSizeSearchable_ToText=KB(s) to
FSSizeSearchable_WhatSize=What size is it?
FSTreeNodeSearchable_FilesAndFolders=both files and folders
FSTreeNodeSearchable_FilesOnly=files only
FSTreeNodeSearchable_FindFilesAndFolders=Find Files
FSTreeNodeSearchable_FindMessage=Find files and folders under {0}.\nWarning: subsidiary files and folders will be loaded and searched.
FSTreeNodeSearchable_FoldersOnly=folders only
FSTreeNodeSearchable_SearchingTargets=Find in
FSTreeNodeSearchable_SelectedFileSystem=the selected file system
RenameFilesHandler_TitleRenameFile=Rename File
RenameFilesHandler_TitleRenameFolder=Rename Folder
RenameFilesHandler_PromptNewName=New name:
RenameFilesHandler_RenamePromptMessage=Please enter a new name
PreferencePage_AutoSavingText=Automatically upload files to targets upon saving
PreferencePage_CopyOwnershipText=Copy source UID and GID when copying files
PreferencePage_CopyPermissionText=Copy source permissions when copying files
PreferencePage_PersistExpanded=Remember expanded directories
PreferencePage_RenamingOptionText=Use In-place Editor when renaming a file/folder
AdvancedAttributesDialog_FileBanner=Choose the options you want for this file.
AdvancedAttributesDialog_FolderBanner=Choose the settings you want for this folder.\n\nWhen you apply these changes you will be asked if you want the\n changes to affect all subfolders and files as well.
AdvancedAttributesDialog_CompressEncrypt=Compress or Encrypt attributes
AdvancedAttributesDialog_ArchiveIndex=Archive and Index attributes
AdvancedAttributesDialog_IndexFile=For fast searching, allow Indexing Service to index this file
AdvancedAttributesDialog_IndexFolder=For fast searching, allow Indexing Service to index this folder
AdvancedAttributesDialog_FileArchive=File is ready for archiving
AdvancedAttributesDialog_FolderArchive=Folder is ready for archiving
AdvancedAttributesDialog_Encrypt=Encrypt contents to secure data
AdvancedAttributesDialog_Compress=Compress contents to save disk space
AdvancedAttributesDialog_ShellTitle=Advanced Attributes
GeneralInformationPage_Advanced=\ A&dvanced...
GeneralInformationPage_FileSizeInfo={0} KB ({1} bytes)
BasicFolderSection_BasicInfoText=Basic Information
FolderValidator_SpecifyFolder=Please specify the folder where the file or folder is going to be created.
FolderValidator_DirNotExist=The directory {0} does not exist in the current target.
FolderValidator_NotWritable=The directory {0} is not writable. Please choose a different one.
NameValidator_InfoPrompt=Please enter a name to search.
NameValidator_SpecifyFolder=Please specify the folder where the file or folder is going to be created.
NewFileWizard_NewFileWizardTitle=New File Wizard
NewFileWizardPage_NewFileWizardPageDescription=Create a new file in the directory.
NewFileWizardPage_NewFileWizardPageNameLabel=File name:
NewFileWizardPage_NewFileWizardPageTitle=New File
NewFolderWizard_NewFolderWizardTitle=New Folder Wizard
NewFolderWizardPage_NewFolderWizardPageDescription=Create a new folder in the directory.
NewFolderWizardPage_NewFolderWizardPageNameLabel=Folder name:
NewFolderWizardPage_NewFolderWizardPageTitle=New Folder
NewNodeWizardPage_PromptFolderLabel=Enter or select the parent folder:
SaveAllListener_message_uploadFile=Uploading file {0}
SaveAllListener_message_uploadFiles=Uploading {0} files
SizeValidator_ErrorIncorrectFormat=The format of the size entered is not correct.
SizeValidator_ErrorSizeOutofRange=The size entered is not in the expected range.
SizeValidator_InfoPrompt=Please enter a size number.
TargetSelectionPage_Description=Please select the target where the new file or folder is created.
TargetSelectionPage_Title=Select the target.
ToggleRevealOnConnectContributionItem_text=Show on Reconnect
TreeViewerSearchDialog_BtnCaseText=Case sensitive
TreeViewerSearchDialog_BtnPreciseText=Precise matching
ContentProvider_notConnected=Please connect to see the file system on the target.
UiExecutor_errorRunningOperation=Operation completed with errors
FsClipboardTransfer_errorMessage=Received wrong transfer data