blob: 81a62dfec1dd969bc8bd90e5472b998ab1334cd1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.internal.util;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.wsdl.extensions.ExtensionRegistry;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Adapter;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.impl.AdapterFactoryImpl;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.Binding;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.BindingFault;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.BindingInput;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.BindingOperation;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.BindingOutput;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.Definition;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.ExtensibilityElement;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.ExtensibleElement;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.Fault;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.Import;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.Input;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.Message;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.MessageReference;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.Namespace;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.Operation;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.Output;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.Part;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.Port;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.PortType;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.Service;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.Types;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.UnknownExtensibilityElement;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.WSDLElement;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.WSDLPackage;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.XSDSchemaExtensibilityElement;
import org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.util.WSDLSwitch;
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* The <b>Adapter Factory</b> for the model.
* It provides an adapter <code>createXXX</code> method for each class of the model.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @see org.eclipse.wsdl.WSDLPackage
* @generated
public class WSDLAdapterFactory extends AdapterFactoryImpl
* The cached model package.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
protected static WSDLPackage modelPackage;
* Creates an instance of the adapter factory.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public WSDLAdapterFactory()
if (modelPackage == null)
modelPackage = WSDLPackage.eINSTANCE;
* Returns whether this factory is applicable for the type of the object.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns <code>true</code> if the object is either the model's package or is an instance object of the model.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return whether this factory is applicable for the type of the object.
* @generated
public boolean isFactoryForType(Object object)
if (object == modelPackage)
return true;
if (object instanceof EObject)
return ((EObject)object).eClass().getEPackage() == modelPackage;
return false;
* The switch the delegates to the <code>createXXX</code> methods.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
protected WSDLSwitch modelSwitch =
new WSDLSwitch()
public Object caseWSDLElement(WSDLElement object)
return createWSDLElementAdapter();
public Object casePortType(PortType object)
return createPortTypeAdapter();
public Object caseOperation(Operation object)
return createOperationAdapter();
public Object caseMessage(Message object)
return createMessageAdapter();
public Object casePart(Part object)
return createPartAdapter();
public Object caseBinding(Binding object)
return createBindingAdapter();
public Object caseBindingOperation(BindingOperation object)
return createBindingOperationAdapter();
public Object caseService(Service object)
return createServiceAdapter();
public Object casePort(Port object)
return createPortAdapter();
public Object caseExtensibilityElement(ExtensibilityElement object)
return createExtensibilityElementAdapter();
public Object caseDefinition(Definition object)
return createDefinitionAdapter();
public Object caseImport(Import object)
return createImportAdapter();
public Object caseExtensibleElement(ExtensibleElement object)
return createExtensibleElementAdapter();
public Object caseInput(Input object)
return createInputAdapter();
public Object caseOutput(Output object)
return createOutputAdapter();
public Object caseFault(Fault object)
return createFaultAdapter();
public Object caseBindingInput(BindingInput object)
return createBindingInputAdapter();
public Object caseBindingOutput(BindingOutput object)
return createBindingOutputAdapter();
public Object caseBindingFault(BindingFault object)
return createBindingFaultAdapter();
public Object caseNamespace(Namespace object)
return createNamespaceAdapter();
public Object caseIPortType(javax.wsdl.PortType object)
return createIPortTypeAdapter();
public Object caseIOperation(javax.wsdl.Operation object)
return createIOperationAdapter();
public Object caseIInput(javax.wsdl.Input object)
return createIInputAdapter();
public Object caseIOutput(javax.wsdl.Output object)
return createIOutputAdapter();
public Object caseIFault(javax.wsdl.Fault object)
return createIFaultAdapter();
public Object caseIMessage(javax.wsdl.Message object)
return createIMessageAdapter();
public Object caseIPart(javax.wsdl.Part object)
return createIPartAdapter();
public Object caseIService(javax.wsdl.Service object)
return createIServiceAdapter();
public Object caseIPort(javax.wsdl.Port object)
return createIPortAdapter();
public Object caseIBinding(javax.wsdl.Binding object)
return createIBindingAdapter();
public Object caseIBindingOperation(javax.wsdl.BindingOperation object)
return createIBindingOperationAdapter();
public Object caseIBindingInput(javax.wsdl.BindingInput object)
return createIBindingInputAdapter();
public Object caseIBindingOutput(javax.wsdl.BindingOutput object)
return createIBindingOutputAdapter();
public Object caseIBindingFault(javax.wsdl.BindingFault object)
return createIBindingFaultAdapter();
public Object caseIExtensibilityElement(javax.wsdl.extensions.ExtensibilityElement object)
return createIExtensibilityElementAdapter();
public Object caseIDefinition(javax.wsdl.Definition object)
return createIDefinitionAdapter();
public Object caseIImport(javax.wsdl.Import object)
return createIImportAdapter();
public Object caseIList(List object)
return createIListAdapter();
public Object caseIMap(Map object)
return createIMapAdapter();
public Object caseIURL(URL object)
return createIURLAdapter();
public Object caseIExtensionRegistry(ExtensionRegistry object)
return createIExtensionRegistryAdapter();
public Object caseTypes(Types object)
return createTypesAdapter();
public Object caseIIterator(Iterator object)
return createIIteratorAdapter();
public Object caseITypes(javax.wsdl.Types object)
return createITypesAdapter();
public Object caseUnknownExtensibilityElement(UnknownExtensibilityElement object)
return createUnknownExtensibilityElementAdapter();
public Object caseXSDSchemaExtensibilityElement(XSDSchemaExtensibilityElement object)
return createXSDSchemaExtensibilityElementAdapter();
public Object caseMessageReference(MessageReference object)
return createMessageReferenceAdapter();
public Object defaultCase(EObject object)
return createEObjectAdapter();
* Creates an adapter for the <code>target</code>.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param target the object to adapt.
* @return the adapter for the <code>target</code>.
* @generated
public Adapter createAdapter(Notifier target)
return (Adapter)modelSwitch.doSwitch((EObject)target);
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wsdl.WSDLElement <em>Element</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.WSDLElement
* @generated
public Adapter createWSDLElementAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wsdl.PortType <em>Port Type</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.PortType
* @generated
public Adapter createPortTypeAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wsdl.Operation <em>Operation</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.Operation
* @generated
public Adapter createOperationAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wsdl.Message <em>Message</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.Message
* @generated
public Adapter createMessageAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wsdl.Part <em>Part</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.Part
* @generated
public Adapter createPartAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wsdl.Binding <em>Binding</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.Binding
* @generated
public Adapter createBindingAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wsdl.BindingOperation <em>Binding Operation</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.BindingOperation
* @generated
public Adapter createBindingOperationAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wsdl.Service <em>Service</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.Service
* @generated
public Adapter createServiceAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wsdl.Port <em>Port</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.Port
* @generated
public Adapter createPortAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wsdl.ExtensibilityElement <em>Extensibility Element</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.ExtensibilityElement
* @generated
public Adapter createExtensibilityElementAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wsdl.Definition <em>Definition</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.Definition
* @generated
public Adapter createDefinitionAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wsdl.Import <em>Import</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.Import
* @generated
public Adapter createImportAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wsdl.ExtensibleElement <em>Extensible Element</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.ExtensibleElement
* @generated
public Adapter createExtensibleElementAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wsdl.Input <em>Input</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.Input
* @generated
public Adapter createInputAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wsdl.Output <em>Output</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.Output
* @generated
public Adapter createOutputAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wsdl.Fault <em>Fault</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.Fault
* @generated
public Adapter createFaultAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wsdl.BindingInput <em>Binding Input</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.BindingInput
* @generated
public Adapter createBindingInputAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wsdl.BindingOutput <em>Binding Output</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.BindingOutput
* @generated
public Adapter createBindingOutputAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wsdl.BindingFault <em>Binding Fault</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.BindingFault
* @generated
public Adapter createBindingFaultAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wsdl.Namespace <em>Namespace</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.Namespace
* @generated
public Adapter createNamespaceAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link javax.wsdl.PortType <em>IPort Type</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see javax.wsdl.PortType
* @generated
public Adapter createIPortTypeAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link javax.wsdl.Operation <em>IOperation</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see javax.wsdl.Operation
* @generated
public Adapter createIOperationAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link javax.wsdl.Input <em>IInput</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see javax.wsdl.Input
* @generated
public Adapter createIInputAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link javax.wsdl.Output <em>IOutput</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see javax.wsdl.Output
* @generated
public Adapter createIOutputAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link javax.wsdl.Fault <em>IFault</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see javax.wsdl.Fault
* @generated
public Adapter createIFaultAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link javax.wsdl.Message <em>IMessage</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see javax.wsdl.Message
* @generated
public Adapter createIMessageAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link javax.wsdl.Part <em>IPart</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see javax.wsdl.Part
* @generated
public Adapter createIPartAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link javax.wsdl.Service <em>IService</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see javax.wsdl.Service
* @generated
public Adapter createIServiceAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link javax.wsdl.Port <em>IPort</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see javax.wsdl.Port
* @generated
public Adapter createIPortAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link javax.wsdl.Binding <em>IBinding</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see javax.wsdl.Binding
* @generated
public Adapter createIBindingAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link javax.wsdl.BindingOperation <em>IBinding Operation</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see javax.wsdl.BindingOperation
* @generated
public Adapter createIBindingOperationAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link javax.wsdl.BindingInput <em>IBinding Input</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see javax.wsdl.BindingInput
* @generated
public Adapter createIBindingInputAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link javax.wsdl.BindingOutput <em>IBinding Output</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see javax.wsdl.BindingOutput
* @generated
public Adapter createIBindingOutputAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link javax.wsdl.BindingFault <em>IBinding Fault</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see javax.wsdl.BindingFault
* @generated
public Adapter createIBindingFaultAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link javax.wsdl.extensions.ExtensibilityElement <em>IExtensibility Element</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see javax.wsdl.extensions.ExtensibilityElement
* @generated
public Adapter createIExtensibilityElementAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link javax.wsdl.Definition <em>IDefinition</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see javax.wsdl.Definition
* @generated
public Adapter createIDefinitionAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link javax.wsdl.Import <em>IImport</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see javax.wsdl.Import
* @generated
public Adapter createIImportAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link java.util.List <em>IList</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see java.util.List
* @generated
public Adapter createIListAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link java.util.Map <em>IMap</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see java.util.Map
* @generated
public Adapter createIMapAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link <em>IURL</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see
* @generated
public Adapter createIURLAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link javax.wsdl.extensions.ExtensionRegistry <em>IExtension Registry</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see javax.wsdl.extensions.ExtensionRegistry
* @generated
public Adapter createIExtensionRegistryAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wsdl.Types <em>Types</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.Types
* @generated
public Adapter createTypesAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link java.util.Iterator <em>IIterator</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see java.util.Iterator
* @generated
public Adapter createIIteratorAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link javax.wsdl.Types <em>ITypes</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see javax.wsdl.Types
* @generated
public Adapter createITypesAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wsdl.UnknownExtensibilityElement <em>Unknown Extensibility Element</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.UnknownExtensibilityElement
* @generated
public Adapter createUnknownExtensibilityElementAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wsdl.XSDSchemaExtensibilityElement <em>XSD Schema Extensibility Element</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.XSDSchemaExtensibilityElement
* @generated
public Adapter createXSDSchemaExtensibilityElementAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link org.eclipse.wsdl.MessageReference <em>Message Reference</em>}'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
* it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @see org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.MessageReference
* @generated
public Adapter createMessageReferenceAdapter()
return null;
* Creates a new adapter for the default case.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This default implementation returns null.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the new adapter.
* @generated
public Adapter createEObjectAdapter()
return null;
} //WSDLAdapterFactory